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Everything posted by Dmitri_Dragoon

  1. Sorry about my lack of posting, new job is getting in the way a little bit. [SIZE=1][COLOR=green]Frank Jargon stepped into the dark alleyway from the opposite side of where Brody did. The two walked towards each other, though they didn't quite know it. Frank did, because he wanted to surprise Brody. Closer and closer the two drew, Frank could see her, her head was down and she was deep in thought. Frank reached into his coat and grabbed a hold of what he was about to give her. She looked up as he drew it out and pointed it towards her. "What is this?" she asked. "Payment," Frank said as Brody took the envelope from his hand. Brody looked inside and saw several bills. "I figured you might need some cash to help out." "Thanks Frank," Brody said. "Not a problem, you hungry? I might be able to hook you up with some decent food?" Frank asked. "Yeah, that sandwhich from the other place just didn't do it for me." "You got it," Frank said.[/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  2. Alright, Saddam was captured. Hooray. I've read this entire thread and have agreements and disagreements. Firstly, I agree that he should not be tried in America. He didn't break any American laws. Except have his army shoot at us after we invaded. If that is too confusing just think about it for a moment. When he is tried it should be in Iraq for the crimes he commited in Iraq. Afterwords, he should then be taken to Geneva to face the other International crimes he commited. Then commence with the sentencing. Surrendering the way he did, was cowardly, but in the long run, wouldn't you rather live? Perhaps this way he can find a way to escape. Not impossible, just improbable. There is more that I can add to this, but my mind is far to destroyed from work to be able to put my thoughts together. So feel free to criticize what I have typed.
  3. [COLOR=blue]Randell found it. He had finally found the location of the necklace. He knew it was here, he could feel it. He magicked himself into the house, and began his search. Though, the first thing he saw was an old man. "Who are you?" the old man asked. "Where is the necklace?" Randell asked with a stone voice. The old man looked at Randell, and his eyes widened when it dawned on him as to who Randell was. "You.. You've come from the past! NO!" The last part was so loud that it was sure to draw attention. Randell swung his staff towards the old man, and when it contacted the man's skin it gave a bright flash. When the flash subsided, the old man lay in a heap on the floor. Just then, two people ran in. "Grandfather Sezuko!" the girl screamed. Randell looked at the girl, and saw the necklace around her neck. "You! Queen Lita! No.. who are you?" Randell started toward the girl, when the man with her stepped forward. "Don't even think about it!" Randell took a step back, and with a final look at the girl, he vanished. To go back to his time. [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=blue]Randell couldn't find the necklace anywhere in the Shrine. Because of this he was quite peturbed. He dispelled his invisibility right in front of a monk, who gave a scream of fright. "Where is the necklace?" Randell asked coldly. "I.. I don't know what you are talking about!" the monk replied. Randell gave a low growl and pointed his finger at the monk. From his finger a single bolt of lightning shout out and hit the monk in the forehead. Killing him instantly. It had already dawned on him that the necklace was not in this place. Now he had to vent his rage. Saying the proper words Randell raised his hands to the ceiling, then brought them down hard. A second later a huge fire ball fell through the ceiling in front of him. The monks quickly became aware of the fire, and rushed to put it out. As each monk appeared, Randell would kill them in one way or another. As he made his way around the Shrine he brought forth more fireballs to destroy the complex. Within twenty minutes the whole shrine was engulfed in flames. All the exits were blocked, preventing any surviving monks from fleeing. Standing outside, Randell listened with pleasure to the dieing(sp) screams of the monks inside. Then in the distance he heard sirens, giving his signal to leave, and continue his search for the necklace. [/COLOR]
  5. My first kiss was with my first, and current girlfriend. It happened about... 2 months ago maybe? We had been dating for about two months. It was dark and on a bus back from a competition we attended, and I just leaned forward and gave her a simple kiss. Which is all our kisses since have been. No tongue. And FirePhoenix, you don't have it that bad yet. I was single all my life up until 4 months ago. And I'm 17.
  6. 1) I find OtakuBoards rules easy to understand and follow. [b]A[/b] 2) I feel that the staff at OtakuBoards understand their job and are capable of performing it appropriately. [b]A[/b] 3) OtakuBoards is easy to navigate. [b]A[/b] 4) OtakuBoards has a friendly atmosphere. [b]A[/b] SECTION B Please try to keep your answers relatively short in this section. 5) How often do you visit OtakuBoards? [b]Whenever I have time, which is usually dayly.[/b] 6) Do you feel that the rules are too strict/not strict enough/fine as they are? [b]I think that they are fine.[/b] 7) Should we continue to uncensor the creative writing areas on OtakuBoards? [b]Yes, it makes things go by smoother I think.[/b] 8) Would you rather a decentralized forum system on OB (more forums, less activity per forum) or a centralized forum system (less forums, more activity per forum)? [b]Uh.. yes.[/b] 9) Would you like to see a closer integration of myOtaku and OtakuBoards? [b]No Stance[/b] 10) Are you signed up to myOtaku.com? [b]Yes, but I seldom use it.[/b] 11) If you are not signed up to myOtaku.com, do you plan to sign up in the near future? [b]N/A[/b] 12) Do you read Announcements at OtakuBoards? [b]Yes, whenever there is a new one.[/b] 13) Which single Category (Category, as opposed to individual Forum) do you spend most of your time visiting? [b]Otaku Arena[/b] 14) Do you think that OtakuBoards should offer an in-built chat system as part of our service? If we included a chat, would you use it? [b]Yeah, that way people could converse about threads, ask questions and get quicker answers. I would use it.[/b] 15) If we offered an "OtakuBoards Wireless" service that would be accessible via Internet-capable cellphones, would you use it? [b]Probably not[/b] 16) When we offer a next generation version of OtakuBoards, should we continue to provide semi-regular community events in our Event Arena or a similar forum? [b]Yes[/b] 17) If you could add one new Category (Category, not Forum) to OtakuBoards, what would it be? [b]I'm fine with what is available[/b] 18) If you could remove one Category from OtakuBoards, what would it be? [b]N/A[/b] 19) If you could add anything to OtakuBoards (in terms of a new forum, a technical tool/feature, etc), what would it be? Spell Checker 20) On a scale of 1-10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest), how would you rate your experience at OtakuBoards since you registered? 10, it's been great being here.
  7. With permission from Annie __________________________ Name: Frank Jargon Age: 33 Gender: Male Group: The Relief Appearance: Usually wears a nice get-up. He doesn't like to look sloppy, so he makes sure he dresses nice. He doesn't go for the whole suit thing. Though he does make sure he wears a button up shirt and a tie. With that usually a nice pair of slacks and a rust colored jacket. He is about five feet, ten inches tall. His hair is black, and his eyes are green. Weapon(s): Sawed off Shotgun, 2 Glock 9mm pistols. Bio: Frank has always been against the Numbers. Especially ever since he was denied opening his business by them. He was even threatened not to try again or he would.... "pay". And he knew what that meant. So, he continued to work in his father's diner. He wanted to start a pawn shop. But no. While working in the Diner, he saw Brody (Brody or Brodey? It doesn't show in the edit thingy.. I'll keep it at Brody for now. Sorry) a lot. Didn't really become good friends, but they still knew each other well enough. Frank didn't know that Brody worked for the Numbers, or had even been a big boss in it. Until Brody came asking for help. He was told everything, and Frank, with his hatred towards the numbers, agreed to help Brody out. His motto: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
  8. [color=crimson]Leon stood before the gathered evil gods. Observing them made it obvious that he had their attention. Even if some of it was in contempt. "My fellow Deities. Soon we will enter a fight that will decide the fate of us all. In order to survive this, and overcome the Gods of Good, we must put aside our differences and fight together," Leon started. "I know, that it will be hard. Especially with us at each other's throats for so many years, but you must understand, this fight will decide which force will lead the future. We cannot have petty quarls (sp) among ourselves. "Being who I am, I have seen many wars, and I can say that a group that trusts each other, will always win over a group that does not. Right now, the way things are, the Gods of Good will win the fight ahead. Unless we stand together, and not seprately. As the Kentuckian motto is in America: [i]United We Stand, Divided We Fall[/i]." Leon finished his speech, and looked about at the gods. Some seem to be inspired, others still unsure. To him that speech sounded crappy, but he hoped that they would come together to fight their opposition.[/color]
  9. Name: Dr. Adolph Denagen Alias: Doc Race: German Species: Cybernetically Enhanced Human Age: 40 Gender: Male Allaince: Lowendove Brotherhood Appearance: [img]http://www.freewebs.com/dmitri_dragoon/evil.JPG[/img] Weapon: His enhanced strength, and his pet. (Included in the Picture) Personality: Doc is mostly sad, after the accident, which is explained in his Bio, he keeps to himself. As was said, he is sad most of the time, and filled with anger. Bio: Adolph Denagen, born of Thomas and Olga Denagen. As a child he heard stories of his parents vampire slaying. From them he also heard about his ancestors vampire slaying days. He knew what this meant to, he would be a slayer when he became old enough. When he graduated from school, he went on to college recieved his Doctorate in Cyber Technology. He was brilliant in this field and surpassed many other scientists that were much older than he. His first experiment, was the creation of another species. It was a small, rodent like creature with very sharp teeth, capable of tearing through most any material, especially bone. The creatures are grey colored, with small, yet piercing eyes. They also have very large ears, and a long tail, with a point on it. Much like the stereotypical devil. He named this creation, [i]Teufel Kind[/i], or Devil Child. He created twenty of the creatures, with the intention of breeding them, and distributing them among the Lowendove Brotherhood. But then the accident happened. A small team from the OVD infiltraited his laboratory, and destroyed it, with him and his creations in it. Somehow, he was able to survive, as was one of the Teufel Kind. Eventhough he survived, his body was destroyed. He had no use of his legs, and part of his face was so scarred he was barely able to talk, and his eyes were almost completely blinded. That's when he decided to create his suit. For three years he worked on it, and finally it was completed. With the help of his colleages, he was put into the suit, but that wasn't all. The next step, was to fuse the suit, and his biological body together. Turning him into a cyborg. After five days of work, he was walking, talking, and seeing perfectly again. But his appearence was something that struck fear into many, including friends. Doc's new body, gave him extraordinary strength, matching, and even possibly surpassing the strength of a vampire. His hands, are now made of a silver and titanium alloy, renduring them indestructable. His face, is now mostly metallic as well. His eyes are no longer human, they enable him to see in five modes. Normal human vision, Vampiric vision, Infrared, Heat, and Nightvision. Before the transformation into his new self, Doc stood at a simple 5'8". Now he stand over a foot taller, at 6'11". He is one formidable person. The last remaining Teufel Kind, is his pet, partner, and weapon. He has named it Demon, and it accompanies him where ever he goes, usually wrapped around his neck or arms. Together the two are an almost unstoppable force.
  10. [color=crimson]"That may be your wisest decision," Leon said. With that, he 'poofed' himself away, back to the lounge where the gods were starting to gather. Most of the Elemental Gods had gathered, as had the gods of Life and Peace. He couldn't understand how those two were evil, if they wanted to preserve life and peace. It was just unheard of to him. Now he had to wait on the remainder of the gods, he actually started wondering what Reaper was doing now, probably getting very upset at him first off. Second she was probably on her way here the long route. He greeted all that were here, and then sat down on a chair, to wait. [/color]
  11. That's not just a little depressing, that's a lot depressing. But it is still very nicely written. Good job. I'll read more if you write more.
  12. [COLOR=darkblue]Randell drew near a monk's shrine, there seemed to be something going on there. He saw two people going away from it. He hoped he wasn't to late to get the piece. He entered the shrine undectected, for he was still under his invisibility shrowd. Now he had to find the old man with the necklace, and hope he did indeed still have it. If not, he would have to search elsewhere. If that were the case, then a whole shrine of monks would be eradicated. He would have no problem with that. He wondered the halls looking. This place was far larger than he expected. It would take a while to discover where he needed to go. [/COLOR]
  13. OOC: Uh.. Myth, I already gave the God of Peace a name, it's Nathaniel. I had also given the Water goddess a name, but changed it to Cyr. I'm not going to change the God of Peace's name. Please read other people's posts, even if they don't apply directly to you. I learned that lesson. [COLOR=crimson]Leon studied the Goddess of Death. He had to figure out if she was up to anything. He suspected not, but he wanted to be careful. He could see something in her eyes that could almost be described as lust, or something else. He was confused by all this. Though he had laid around with other women before, he had never with another god. "So, what now?" He asked stupidly. [/COLOR] OOC once again: Forgive me for the briefness
  14. My father, before he died, was a truck driver. He hauled around hazardous chemicals in a Semi-Truck for about... 23 years I think. Then he retired that and did absolutley nothing except eat himself to death. My mother, is a Customer Service Manager at Wally World (Wal*Mart). She does okay there. I have no intentions of following in their footsteps. They are to small compared to my big feet. Besides, I want to be a Prosecutor. I want to send people to jail. Muahahaha!
  15. I'm assuming this takes place in Japan? If not correct me. [COLOR=darkblue] Atop a building, there was a spark. Then, there was another spark. Then another, and another, then the number of sparks grew, increasing in size as well. When finally, they grew to a large rumbling orb, and exploded. A man with gold skin, and white hair, wearing black robes stood there. He opened his eyes, and looked about. He took a deep breath, and almost gagged. The air was disgusting, it smelled like a barn of pigs, dead pigs at that. He walked forward to the edge of the building roof, and looked down, it appeared to be a very long fall to the bottom. No matter for him. He stepped off the edge of the building and let himself fall. Knowing he had to keep a low profile in the year 2090, he cast a spell quickly, which enabled him to be invisible for a period of time. Then he cast another spell, which slowed his fall. He touched down on a sidewalk softly, not receiving a scratch. He looked about. He had to find an old man, before his identity was discovered. Especially someone Randell, Adept Sorcerer considered an enemy. [/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=crimson]Leon found his chance and 'poofed' out of the room. Appearing right behind Reaper. "Were you serious or were you just being your normal sarcastic self?" He asked bluntly. "Well I haven't started yelling yet have I?" she asked, pointing out the fact that they were indeed in the bathroom. "My this is an interesting position..." Leon said with a growing smile. He still didn't know what to make of this, he didn't know what would happen if he were to do something. He would have to be careful and keep his guard up.[/COLOR]
  17. Isn't Egypt in Africa? Hmm? I thought so. So there :-p [COLOR=crimson]Leon decided he wouldn't be able to handle being around the two women for to long.. they would start bitching about something he did. [i]Typical woman...[/i] "I'm going for a stroll around the castle," he stated, and without a word from the two girls he left the room and started wandering. The first corridor he found himself in, was long and dark. As he journeyed down he noticed several statues, some depicting peaceful scenes, others not so peaceful. He preferred the latter. He finally found himself at the end of the corridor, frowning he turned back. Already bored with this. To bad the one of the time gods wasn't here yet.. he'd ask them to make things speed up a little. He went back to the room with the... ladies. "Back so soon?" Reaper asked disappointed. "Yes, the corridor wasn't that long," Leon replied, getting very annoyed at the two. [/COLOR]
  18. [color=crimson]Leon sighed. "You make everything more difficult than what it actually is. I think you have some English in you." Des gave him an irritated look. "All you have to do is concentrate on where you want to go, and make yourself go there." "You make everything sound so easy," Desiree said back. "Well I'm German, it IS easy." He went up to the untouched Scotch and downed it. "Eck.. I think I'll stick with my beer. And to answer your earlier questions, I sent that... "chit" to tell you because I had other matters to attend to. Such as telling the other gods and goddesses about this. They will be here, yes here in your grand castle for a meeting." "What if I don't agree?" Desiree asked sternly. "Once again you have no choice in the matter, get over it," Desiree still didn't look happy. "Listen Frau, there are Russians, Americans, Swiss, a German, and two Africans. You just so happen to be the only person in the British Isles. So you got the bill." "You're the only one from Germany," Desiree pointed out. "Yes, that's true.. but the Swiss speak German. End of discussion." Leon said with finality. Desiree couldn't believe it. She spoke English just like the Americans. [i]Americans speak American, you people speak English, haven't you heard the difference in the way you people talk?[/i] Leon pointed out in her mind. Which she disliked greatly.[/color]
  19. [COLOR=red]Arik landed softly in the Russian port. Felt good to be back in Mother Russia... even if it wasn't his home.. or the original Russia. It still felt good to be there. After exiting his ship and walking a short ways, a very stretched hover limo pulled up. "Welcome back to Russia my friend." A large man with a even larger mustache said with a thick Russian accent. "Hello Sergei," Arik said with a smile. "Well don't just stand there in the cold, get in! Get in!" Sergei said happily. Arik was just as happy to comply as he got into the warmed limo. "How are things in Russia comrade?" Arik asked. "Oh you know, Communism is finally working, so everything is just like old Mother Russia, except no crazy dictators. Things are peaceful." Sergei said. "Alright, let me rephrase that, how are things with YOUR Mother Russia?" "Well, we eliminated another family the other day, they stole something of ours, we don't approve of thieves much," Sergei said. "Hey.. I'm an honest Pirate, I've never stolen from you," Arik said defensively. "I know! That's why your still alive!!" Sergei let out a very boisterous laugh at that. They pulled up to a large building, "Come, we go eat now, Caviar awaits us, along with the best vodka on the planet." Everyone in the car piled out and went into the building to feast upon the food Sergei managed to have, even with the Communist government. [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=crimson]Arik finished off his beer and slammed the mug down on the counter. "Well, I have to go meet up with the few remaining Evil Gods to see what there stance is. I know that you and Cyr, Goddess of Water are supporting... oh.. heh, Desiree seems to have joined us now. Hehe, wonderful," Leon said with a laugh. Before Reaper could say anything Leon had vanished, conviently leaving a small trail of smoke. "Way to keep a low profile," She mumbled. __ Through the course of the night Leon visited each of the remaining gods. Luckily the Elemental Gods, except for Cyr, grouped together, even with the tensions between them, so he easily found them in Russia of all places. "Well my comrades, what is your decision." Sharlay, Goddess of Fire spoke for them all, "We have decided to fight, of course Leon." Leon looked to each of them, Alon, Goddess of Earth nodded comfirmation. As did Azala, God of Wind, and Tsuni, God of Thunder. After a few shots of vodka, Leon was out of Russia, and in the African Savannah, searching for Nike, God of Speed. After finally getting the God's attention, he recieved comfirmation. Then he was off to Brazil, and got comfirmation from Sheeba, Goddess of Animals. Then to Washington state, where he recieved comfirmation from the God of Future, Dolth, and of Past, Nezar. The Gods of Peace and Life were both in the same place. Geneva, Switzerland. He knew that they would be the hardest to get answers from, harder than Desiree. "Well my friends, are you in?" God of Peace, Nathaniel, looked at him with a simple look, "We have no choice in the matter, but it should be known that I do not approve of this action. But you will have my support." "And mine," Goddess of Life, Ororro, said. Leon smiled, and disappeared from their sight. He was back in Germany, his home. "We are all agreed then, we shall fight. Hopefully none will back out at the last minute. No matter, if they do they will cease to exist." [/COLOR] ~Edit~ My bad, must have missed that part. And I'm pretty sure it's always been of Thunder, I got the list from the Recruitment page, it said thunder there... I don't know...
  21. Rendall.. yes... evil.. Name: Rendall Age: 42 Gender: Male Appearance: [img]http://rotd.rpgclassics.com/gallery/myart/wizard1.jpg[/img] Personality: Rendall is the purest of evil. He has no remorse for any of the killing he has done. His quest for power left him without a conscience. Race: Human Sorceror Bio: When Rendall was young, he was always in his brother's shadow. His brother was bigger, stronger, more charismatic, and all around more popular. When ever Rendall was out by himself the others would always make sure his life was hell. Then one day, as he looked through his families library he found his future. Magic books. The first one he found was far to advanced for most wizards, and his attempt at reading the spells nearly killed him. That's when he decided he would become a strong enough Sorceror to read the spells that nearly killed him. When he was able to again, he consulted the court Sorceror, and expressed his interest in magic. That is when it began. His greed for magical knowledge, the knowledge that would lead him down a dark, evil road. Everyday for several years he would sit in the library and read the books his master gave him. At the age of 15 he had surpassed most Journeymen (low level wizards). When he reached the age of 20, he was just as powerful, if not more than his master. Who was now getting very old and frail. Now Rendall was arrogant, and to sure of his powers, for good reason of course. He decided to get rid of the person holding him back. One night, while a banquet was being held, Rendall killed his master in his study. In doing so, Rendall became the Master of Magic in the Kingdom. Then, soon after, Artemis, Rendall's brother, became king, and married Lita, who became queen. This did not sit well with Rendall. He brooded many months over this, and finally decided to set out to do what he had been dreaming of. He opened the spell book that started his obsession with magic. In the book that he now fully understood, he learned many spells that would kill somebody quickly, and/or slowly. It was time he decided. As his brother and wife slept, Rendall snuck into their room, and stood at the foot of the bed. He raised his former master's staff, and pointed it at his brother. He put his hand into a pouch and brought out dead butterfly wings, crunched them between his fingers and said the magic words. From the crystal on top of the staff, a thin green line shot forward to the King's head. Without making a noise, or leaving a mark, or a stench, it killed Artemis, brother of Rendall, husband of Lita, and King. Rendall left the bedroom as quietly as the spell had been performed, his black robes billowing out around him. On his face, was a sinister smile, that if it were to be seen by a person, it would haunt their sleep for eternity. Afterwords, Queen Lita took control. Rendall did his best to take the control of the Kingdom from her, and to take her as his wife. He underestimated her power, and one day when he was trying to take control, she unleashed powerful spells upon him. Although caught by surprise, he was able to counter all of the spells easily. They were powerful, but not quite powerful enough. He was an Adept in his art, and few could challenge him now. When the Queen escaped, and disappeared. Rendall finally found his opening to take control. He seized the kingdom, and dared anyone to challenge his will. ~Edit~ I turned the brief Bio into a regular Bio. Hope you don't mind. I feel the need to expand on him.
  22. [b]Mankind has reached its Seventh Millenia of recorded history. Twelve worlds in a multi-star system are home to the Twelve Colonies of Man. According to the ancient writings, the Twelve Colonies were settled by those who journeyed from a mother world, Kobol. Of particular note: a thirteenth tribe of humans moved across the stars to settle another world: Earth. By the present Colonial day in the series, Earth was considered a myth and little was known about the Colonials' true origins, save for the writings in the Book of Kobol (the Colonials' "bible"). It is unknown how the Colonials came to know about Earth, since they did not appear to maintain communications with their distant brethren. For the past one thousand years (yahrens), Man has fought the robotic Cylon Alliance. (According to Commander Adama, it began when the Colonies intervened in Cylon aggressions against the Hassarians in a neighboring star system.) The Colonies are united by a President (Adar) and governed by The Council of the Twelve, a ruling body comprised of one representative from each Colonial world. The state of war is ever-present. The Colonies have deployed space-borne military defenses against the Cylons (and unseen hostiles, such as pirates). The strongest of these defenses are the Colonial battlestars. At the start of the series, the Commander Cain, the battlestar Pegasus and the Fifth Fleet are presumed destroyed two yahrens earlier at the Battle of Molocay. Council member Baltar has struck a peace agreement with the Cylons. He has convinced President Adar and the rest of the Council of the Twelve to accept the Cylons' word. Only Adama of the battlestar Galactica shows concern and muted resistance. The Colonial fleet is gathered as a peace envoy under a joint Cylon/Colonial truce. Under the guise of peace, the Colonial military is ambushed and destroyed (with the Galactica able to survive by retreating) while the unprotected civilian populations are assaulted. With no hope of survival against overwhelming Cylon forces--and no true defensive capability remaining--a handful of surviving Colonials flee the Twelve Colonies in civilian starcraft. Under the command of Adama on the Galactica, they head into deep space, searching for the Thirteenth Tribe of Man who are "on a shining planet known as Earth." The Cylons move into the Colonial worlds. While rounding up prisoners, they discover that surviving Colonials have fled to the stars. The Cylons' Imperious Leader orders Baltar to finish his mission of destroying the Colonials. He provides him with the necessary Cylon forces to do the job. It is up to the intrepid crew of the Galactica to lead the Colonial survivors to safety while encountering new friends and foes, tackling internal strife and starvation, and outmaneuvering Baltar and pursuing Cylon forces. The Colonial's Ships: The Battlestar: [img]http://www.tecr.com/galactica/capships/galacticanimation.gif[/img] The pride of the Colonials. This is Galactica, the last remaining ship in the Colonial fleet. If it is destroyed, then humanity is lost. It holds 75 Viper fighters. The Starhound Class Viper: [img]http://www.tecr.com/galactica/fighters/Viper1Animation.gif[/img] Laser-Torpedo guns, and two missles on the bottom. It is the fastest fighter in the Galaxy. Though not exactly the best. It still whoops some ass. _________________________ The Cylons: [img]http://www.battlestargalactica.com/gallery/bg-os/cylon-standing2.jpg[/img] (^^Best picture I could find.) The Cylons were created by the humans. Unfortunately we could not control them. Thus, they decided it was high time they destroyed us. They can have that form. Or they can look just like a human. Their Ships: Cylon Base Star: [img]http://www.tecr.com/galactica/capships/baseshipanimation.gif[/img] Bigger, and far more better than the Colonial Battlestar, it holds three times the fighters. Cylon Raider: [img]http://www.tecr.com/galactica/fighters/RaiderAnimation.gif[/img] The Cylon Empire's main fighter. It is very lethal. So watch yourself. [/b] I think that covers the important parts. Here's the deal. There are only going to be two characters from the shows brought to the RPG: Commander Adama, and Lt. Starbuck. Though if you want to make another character from the show, then by all means do so. It will also be noted that this is sort of a mix of the Original Battlestar, and the new one being released by Sci-Fi, except.. Starbuck will be male still.. since I will be controlling him. And Commander Adama will be a NPC, unless someone can PM me a damn good character of Adama. ________ Sign-Ups Name: Side: (Colonial or Cylon. ABSOLUTELY NO NEUTRAL.) Rank: (You will be assigned one based on your sign up by me.) Cylon Type: (If you chose Cylon side.) Are you the obvious robotic kind, or are you the human looking kind? Description: If you choose to use a character from the shows, feel free to use a picture, whether it be from the original, or new. Personality: What is your character like? Is he a womanizer. Is she a slut? You make it. ___ Reminder, I will be taking the role of Lt. Starbuck. I will post my character at a later date. Now, I need sleep.
  23. [COLOR=crimson]"Yes, fight for yourself. After all, it was not either one of the God's of War idea to have us fight." Leon said. Desiree and Reaper both spun around and glared at the lounging Leon. He was sitting back in a chair with his feet propped up on a table drinking beer. "First off, how in the hell did you get in here?" Desiree asked. "Obviously it's because I'm a god, I can just poof my place here and there," Leon said with a slight slur. "Well then poof your way out of here!" Reaper said. "Nah, that's alright, besides, I'm here to quietly make sure that you get her to participate in this. If she doesn't, we'll be at a serious disadvantage," Leon said. Reaper gave him a very nasty look. "You can't kill me, if you do you'll lose a big asset to the fight." Leon just got comfortable in the chair and waited and listened.[/COLOR] Sorry if he seems sort of rude... but I'm trying to image him like Aries. Who was always rude, inconsiderate, not well liked by anybody.. the all around bad guy.
  24. Dmitri_Dragoon


    [COLOR=red][SIZE=1][i]Good call Captain, give the order AFTER everyone has started gathering items.[/i] Clark thought to himself. No point in saying anything now. They got all the equipment they could into the tower, when the captain asked what all had been gotten. Clark found it necessary to give the answer, considering he was the lowest ranked officer here. [i]Wierd, they sent five officers on the same plane.[/i] "We got everything concievable sir. Ammunition, a few extra weapons, food. We are all set to wage a small war." Clark hoped it didn't take that long to get out of here. He wondered if the radio's worked. They may be able to call in help. It was doubtful, but they could still try. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. Dmitri_Dragoon


    [COLOR=red][SIZE=1]"Ah fuck it. Move aside." Clark said, then pushed the Brit out of the way. He whipped his K-Bar out and cut through the belts like they were warm butter. "Take what you can carry, we'll bring in some stuff too," he knew he could, and would get his ass busted for this. He didn't care at the moment. There was a good chance that they would all die here. But there was enough ammo and MRE's here to feed everyone twice a day for over a month. If all else failed they could make MRE bombs as weapons. As Clark grabbed things, he could feel the Captains eyes boaring holes into the back of his head. [i]Let the fuck say something, I'll beat his ass.[/i] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
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