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Everything posted by Dmitri_Dragoon

  1. [COLOR=crimson]"Now now, it's not a War.. if it were, I wouldn't be talking to you, after all, I am the God of War," Leon said with a small chuckle. "Get on with it!" The Irish woman snarled. "Fine fine. First off, I can't kill you, well, I could but it would be stupid, so by all means be rude to me, I'd expect it. Anyways, the Gods of Goody-ness are quickly gathering. When they all gather they will be rather strong. That's the advantage they have over us. They trust one another. We, Evil Gods, do not trust one another. "But that is no matter. You see, we will learn to trust one another with time, even though it will be a... untrusting trust.. oxymoron there I know but that is the way it will be. We will trust each other until we are either dead, or have accomplished what we set out to do." Leon explained. He really loved the sound of his own voice. "So? I still don't want to do it," Desiree said stubbornly. "You do not have a choice Frau. You will either do it or die, and not by my hands either, you'll just die. You must go to the island when it is time," Leon said, then looked over at her. "You know for an Irish woman you are pretty good looking," he said with a smile. "Pig." Leon laughed at the minor insult. "That's what Aphrodite said to Aries!" Leon was now in good humor. He could already smell the blood in the air.. he couldn't wait to kill some Good Gods, and his nemesis, Rad. [/COLOR]
  2. Dmitri_Dragoon


    [COLOR=red][SIZE=1]The only thing Sergeant Clark Sanchez was thinking was: [i]Damn Brits![/i]. He didn't know what was happening, he just knew that he was running after two of them watching them shoot some sort of fucked up looking people. Even though he was a NCO (None Certified Officer), he couldn't shoot at the weird things without orders from the CO (Commanding Officer). He really wanted to, but the only way he could legally do it is if it were in self defense. One of the monster things started to get close, the British asses must have missed it. So in a little bit of fear he leveled his M16 at the thing and shot a three round burst into it. They were in Britain with hostiles all over the place, he doubted anybody would care much anyways.. The Brits got to the plane first, Clark just wondered if that was legal.. oh well, it didn't matter now did it? "What in the hell do you guys need from in there?" Clark yelled out to them. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. Myth.. I hope you don't mind if I'm the voice.. [COLOR=crimson][i]Shadow,[/i] The voice boomed again. [i]Did you find it necessary to kill my employee?[/i] Leon sighed, he was a god just like shadow. He looked inside of her car at her. Then proceeded to tap her on the shoulder. "Wake up," he said with a thick German accent. "I won't go talking in your head again." Shadow didn't stir. "Damnit.. Guess I'll just have to wait for you to wake then. He walked around to the passenger side door and entered. He sat in the car next to her and waited. He conjured up a beer to help pass the time. He drank it in waiting for her. [i]Won't be long I'd say..[/i] [/COLOR]
  4. OOC: Don't think it matters much if we are all going to the same place.. _____ David, or Musblood, weird name, walked to the weapons behind Grave. Obviously they were about to get their first mission and Dave was actually starting to look forward to it. He had perfected his vampire skills, and now needed something good to test them out. They entered the Weapons Room, Daveid was immediately awed by it. It seemed like every weapon imagianible was in there, to him anyways. He had never seen so many weapons in his life. [i]This was going to be interesting,[/i] he thought, as he looked at a high powered crossbow.
  5. Name: Clark Sanchez Nationality: American Rank: Sergeant Age: 27 Height/Weight: 6'2"/235 Prime Weapon: M16 Melee Weapon: K-Bar (knife) Discription: Short black hair, and brown eyes. Very masculine of course, he's in the military. He has a scar on his hand where it got burnt, nothing major, just a burn scar. Personality: He's good natured. Fairly out going. He can make friends real easy, and can fit easily into any social group. He was described by one person as a "Social Cameleon."
  6. Hmm.. My favorite war movie is a toss up. There are many that I really enjoy. Such as: Gettysburg. It is a very long movie, but it is very good with Civil War action. It also shows really well the difficult decisions made by leadership. Also Patton. It is a good biography of World War II's most brilliant general. It shows the true nature of the American way. :-p I have more, but I won't go into detail. My favorite action movie.. would have to be any Arnold Schwarzenegger film.. the action genre. Sure some of them are old and somewhat corny. But I really enjoy those movies. ~Dmitri: The crazy Russian-American~
  7. OOC: Not a problem, though you'll have trouble finding the item.. it's been sold. [color=red]Arik liked this man.. he showed off his wealth quite well. He'd have to keep an eye on him, see if he could pick up any cash from him. Arik took the drink that Ry paid for and downed it rather quickly. Now he decided it was time to leave. He's spent to much time in one place for his own good. "Well Ry, it's been a pleasure to meet you, I believe I will take my leave now," Arik said as he stood. "Oh.. where will you be going?" Ry inquired. "Heh, I never tell someone that," Arik replied with a crooked grin. Arik left the place and went to his rent a car. Occasionally looking over his shoulder to make sure he wasn't being followed. He doubted it here, but he just had the feeling that something was brewing nearby. Probably just his imagination. He got back to the Air Dock and turned in his car. Thirty minutes later he was back in space. His computer asked for a destination. "Hmm.. let's go see our old friend Boris Norishinikov. Planet Russia is our next destination." Oddly enough, Planet Russia was much like Earth Russia. Cold in certain areas. So he would have to make sure he had the proper clothing for it. Also, if there was anything conspiring against him, the Russian Mafia would help him out. Luckily for him Norishinikov was a head hancho in the Mafia. It would take three days for Arik to get to Planet Russia at warp speed. It was pretty far away.[/color]
  8. Name: Leon Schroeder God of: War Side: Evil Gender: Male Call sign: Raiden (Pronounced: Ride-en) Nationality: German Personality: (Keep it kind of twisted) Description: The classic German. Blonde hair blue eyes. He keeps his hair shoulder length, and in a pony tail most of the time. He is well built. Standing at 6'9" tall, and very muscular, not many people mess with him. Brief Biography: Raiden is much like the Greek God of War Aries. He is cruel and vain. He lashes out hastily and doesn't think through on his attacks. That is what makes him so lethal: His carelessness. He is also blood thirsty. He will not stop killing and fighting unless his thirst is quenched. God Rank: Life and Death God Abilities: His abilities shadow his counterparts. He too is able to summon warriors to his side, but in his case they are undead warriors that can be easily disposed of if hit right. With his warriors he can cast spells upon them, which are: Bloodlust: Send them into a fighting frenzy, and makes them damn hard to kill. Rage: Much like bloodlust, but instead of sending them into a blood thirsty fighting frenzy, they just become very angered, this can be triggered by the sight of their master being harmed. Next is his sword. It is a very large Great Sword, which can cause some serious damage. He can cast a spell on it which will engulf it in flames. Making it all nice and fiery. Raiden is also very good with his sword. He can whoop some serious ass with it.
  9. Dmitri_Dragoon


    [b]Name:[/b] Ivan Sergeyevich [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Military Background:[/b] Ivan joined the Russian Military when he was 18. He spent twelve years in it when he requested a transfer to the KGB. It wasn't an easy transfer but it was made so because of his military expertise. His twelve years in the military taught him how to use most small weapons, mostly pistols, as well as the usual rifles. Such as the AK's. He also learned to use the American M16. He has a little training in explosives, he knows how to set and C4, and then to run like hell. After 2 years in the KGB they have taught him how to do the usual spy stuff. Basically, he is the Russian version of the American's Tactical Espionage Squad. He is also fluent in four languages, not included Russian. He is capable of speaking English, Japanese, German, and French. [b]Description:[/b] Ivan has short black hair. So that way if he ever gets in a hand to hand fight, the enemy can't pull his hair. With being in the military he is well built. He is very muscular and doesn't take shit from anyone. [i]--Height:[/i] 6'2" [i]--Weight:[/i] 230 lbs. [b]Weapons:[/b] So far the only thing he has is a 9mm. [b]Biography:[/b] Born in 1984 he got to enjoy the fall of the Soviet Union, the chaos afterwards as his nation's economy went down the shitter. During the 90's he got to watch as the Americans bomb Iraq. Then as he got older and closer to enlistment age, he watched as the American's fought their war against Terrorism, and lose popularity all over the world. Then after he joined the military he continually wondered when he was going to get paid. If he would have to go to war. Stuff like that. Then he joined the KGB, and soon after, the war started. [b]Country:[/b] Russia [b]Status:[/b] KGB
  10. Heh.... [color=red]Arik wasn't having a second thought about Trini at the moment. He was to busy enjoying his martini. He finally had sold all of his hot merchandise and was now enjoying the profits at a bar, the only place he could relax. He downed the martini in his hand and quietly savored the olive in his mouth. It wasn't a natural Earth Greek Olive, but it was from Planet Greece, so it would have to do, even if it didn't taste the same. He looked about the bar, it was a really nice bar, even had a gambling section to it. Arik wasn't much of a gambler, mostly a drinker. He stood up in the whore free enviroment and walked to the gambling tables. He placed a few coins on a game of chance to see how he would do. The wheel spun quickly, and the pointer landed on his number, earning him several more coins. "Hm... that's cool." He said, finishing with this game. He picked up his won coins and looked around and saw a poker table. Poker, that was his kind of game. He walked to the table and sat down, "Room for one more?" [/color] ~good place for a SilpheedPilot to re-enter.. if he wanted to...
  11. [b]Name:[/b] Kenoki "Ken" Shenziko [b]Weapon:[/b] Katana: This sword is a heirloom that has been passed down from generation to generation. It doesn't have big history, just that it was used in several wars. Wakizashi: This sword he bought in a market. It is an almost identical match to his Katana, except that it is slightly shorter. [b]Gender/Age:[/b] Male/28 [b]Bio:[/b] Ken is a samurai, that follows the code of the ninja, and the code of the samurai at the same time. Although they quite often contradict one another, Ken finds ways to make it work to his advantage. As the Lords of the country heard about the strangeness of Ken, they quickly went to employ him after the failure of Kazuya. Ken sees this quest as a mission of honor. He feels that if he defeats Kazuya that he will have restored Kazuya's honor. Though he doesn't know Kazuya is still alive. [b]Description:[/b] Wears a white under garment, black full length kimono, hakama pants and a black haori, and tabi boots. (Look it up if you don't know what it is) He is about 5'11" tall. Short black hair and black eyes. ~If you don't agree with this tell me, and it shall be changed.~
  12. [Color=Red]Hobbes opened up the warp hole once again, and shot out of it. Slowing down to a steady pace outside Planet Texas. Inside the cockpit of Hobbes, Arik looked around seeing very few ships entering or leaving the planet. "Excellant, just the way I want it.. quiet." Arik said. He drew closer to the planet, and decided that he would be unorthidox and go to a landing bay. He went through all the necessary checkpoints and finally landed on a pad, not to far from New Dallas. Luckily there was a Hover Car rental place at the landing dock, so he wouldn't have to do any hitch hiking. He went through the steps and finally got himself a hover car, which he took back to his ship and loaded up with the remainder of his goods. Although Planet Texas was a slow paced planet, there were still some rich merchants and smugglers around that would buy his goods. After loading the car he sped off to New Dallas, where he hoped to find someone to buy the remainder of his hot merchandise. [/Color]
  13. [COLOR=darkblue]Garl sat on the barstool with the usual ale filled mug in his hand. As always, he was getting drunk, and he liked it. Luckily for him he's a dwarf, and has a stronger liver than humans and elves. They just couldn't handle the booze a dwarf could. The only thing he didn't have was an elves pocket book. They had plenty of money with them; but for a dwarf mercenary money could get a little tight at times. That's when Garl stopped drinking and started killing. Garl got another mug of ale and looked around the fire lit room. It was dark outside, so the fire cast shadows in the corners and on the ceiling where the smoke from the pipe smokers congregated. He always liked it when a barroom had this look to it. It always seemed more like home. Garl finished his ale, "Tender, give me another ale!" "Don't you think ye've had enough?" "I'll tell ye when I've had enough!" Garl responded in a gruff and angry voice. The tender only shook his head and retrieved another ale for the dwarf.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=darkblue]Name: Garl Ironfist Age: 250 Species: Dwarf Calling: Warrior/Mercenary Physical characteristics: Height: 4'8" Weight: 235 lbs. Eye color: Green. Hair color: Brown and red. Skin color: A leathery color. Well tanned in most cases. Build: Being a dwarf. He is very stocky. Short, but very solid. Appearance: [url=http://jeffreykbedrick.com/thumbnails/dwarf.jpg]Garl's picture here.[/url] Biography: Garl was born in the mountains like any good dwarf was. After all, dwarves are miners, so they must stay close to their livelihood. But not Garl. He stayed in the mountains long enough to learn the basics. Fighting, drinking, and metal working. When Garl was a young dwarf of 100 years of age he left his home in the mountains and decided to find something else in life. At first his travelling didn't bring anything up, nobody wanted a dwarf around. It wasn't until a bar room brawl that he got noticed. Emerging from a pile of ten bodies, covered in blood, some of it his own, he was quickly hired by a paranoid merchant. Even though he was a tough dwarf and good at fighting, not even he can withstand a surprise attack that left him unconscious and his employee dead. Once again, Garl was on his own to fend for himself. Luckily for him he was recently paid, so he wasn't broke. Though he soon was, because he drank all his money away, and once again got into a drunken brawl. Which he was victorious once again. Needless to say, Garl is a drunk most of the time. Though he does know when to quit. Random fact: Garl is a typical dwarf. He's always complaining about something the 'Surface' people have done. And as mentioned before, he loves to drink.[/COLOR]
  15. David wasn't sleeping all that heavily. He heard the door open and Ghost come in. He quickly shot up in bed was very alert. Watching her. The others turned their attention to Ghost as well. Once again David started to wonder why they were here. Now he had the feeling that they were soon to find out. Which would probably make everyone much happier. He hated being left in the dark about things. So he hoped his feelings were correct.
  16. [COLOR=red]Arik was again hitch hiking. He was going back to his beloved ship. The one thing in the galaxy that was simple to understand, and give him a companion. He now remembered why good pirates always stayed alone. But he had to admit, that Trini was alright. Arik shook his head, he no longer wanted to have these thoughts. An old man pulled up beside him and offered him a ride, which he graciously took. As they went they had the idle small talk, but nothing important. Finally, he got dropped off not to far from the barn where his ship was staying. After another five minutes of walking he made it to it. He changed into his flight suit and hopped into the cockpit. He flipped the necessary switches and the engines burst to life. He let the engines warm up for a few minutes, then rose, he didn't care about anything at the moment, and destroyed the barn on the way out. After clearing the barn, he increased speed to get off the planet. Soon, he was high above the planet, wondering where his next course would be to. That's when the alarm went off. "Oh shit.." Arik started to push buttons, and soon discovered that the Navy was prowling, and searching several ships. Unlucky for Arik they were on their way to him. "Time to boogy." Arik increased the speed at which he was going, and finally decided upon a place to go to. Planet Texas sounded good. It was a well populated place, but the Navy didn't have much there. At least he hoped it was still the same way it was several years ago. As he sped along, his warp computers put in the coordinates, and activated the engines. Soon a warp hole opened and his ship slipped into it, closing the door behind him rather quickly. [/COLOR]
  17. You asked for it, so you got it. My honest opinion. Some are good, some I don't care much for. Although my sense of art is lacking, I can still tell when something is nice and eye catching.
  18. Sorry, didn't see that it was opened up until today... ___________________ "That it is," David said. Though, he was already questioning why he was here. All because of his little problem. They were turning them into some sort of secret agent or something of that sort. He wasn't sure he was fond of the idea. But he didn't say no when they told him. So it was as much his fault as anyone elses. "Oh well," he said to himself. He looked around at the others, who were slowly starting to get to know each other. He assumed he should join in, but he was really tired, and just fell back on his bed and fell asleep. He was actually surprised by how quickly he did.
  19. [color=red]Arik didn't have to be told twice, and he pretty much could tell what she had in mind. He could see the sexual lust in her eyes. He followed her out of the joint and once again found them in a cab. Where Trini was already on top of him kissing him passionately. He decided then that he wouldn't resist. Before he knew it, they were back at the hotel he had a room at. Trini practically dragged him out of the cab and into the hotel where they got onto the elevator and repeated the cab scene. Suddenly the world came back to Arik, and he found himself in his room with a very aroused Trini. "No," he said to her. "What?" She asked, confused. "No, I can't do this!" He said as he started backing away. "Why not?" Trini asked, getting frustrated. "Because... because I'm married." He lied, and to him it seemed a terrible lie. "No you're not," Trini said, calling his bluff. "Alright, fine I'm not, but, I can't do this. The person I love died years ago, and I vowed never to be with another. I'm sorry," Arik said, and without another word, he walked out of the room. [/color]
  20. [COLOR=red]"Dancing....." Arik said, a bit dumbfoundedly. "Yes, dancing, you know, where you let your body move to a rythm.. especially musical rythm.." Trini said rather sarcastically. "I'm not much of a dancer.. I'm a pirate... I spend most of my life on a ship stealing things.." Which was pretty true. Arik never danced a beat in his life, and probably never would. "I could always teach you to dance... or we could do something else." Trini said a little slowly, in case Arik's brain stopped working. "No.. no.. dancing is fine.. we'll do the dancing." Arik said, wondering what the hell he just got himself into. The two got into a cab, and Trini gave the location. [i]The Blue Room[/i]. Once they arrived, Arik could already feel the pulse coming from the place. "Oh god this is going to be loud..." Into the club they went. Where Arik was faced with lots of lights, loud music, and grotesque dancing. "Son of a bitch!" he said rather loudly, but no one heard him. Trini gave him a questioning look, but he just shook his head. Already, Trini started to dance. Arik thought it looked more like a seisure. He wondered if anyone in one of these places ever had a seisure.. but no one knew about it. That would be disturbing. Trini moved with grace, or what Arik classified as grace. It seemed like good fluid movement. She grabbed his hands and tried to get him to follow, but he instantly started to feel clumsy and started bumping into people and stepping on Trini's feet. After two songs of this type of failure he gave an annoyed sigh and left the floor to get away from it. If there was one thing that was bad, it was a slightly pissed Arik. [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=red]Arik had an hour. He had to get new clothes for this, his smelled to much like booze. After he hung up the phone he looked around frantically. Unfortunately once again, there wasn't a clothing store around. "Damnit to hell I have the worst luck finding things!" he swore rather loudly. He ran to the street and hailed a taxi. It was a rather large black man driving. "Where to bub?" He asked in a friendly tone. "The nearest clothing store of good quality, and if you get me there quick enough, you get a large tip." Arik said quickly as he jumped in. "You got it!" Before Arik had the door closed the car sped off at a high speed, flining him back. [i]Well, it'll be quick..[/i] In five minutes he was six blocks away from the Flaming Dragon. "That was quick.." he said, as he paid his fare, adding in a good supply of extra credits. "And if you wait a few minutes for me you can take me to the Flaming Dragon Hotel, with the same agreement." "You bet." The driver said happily. Arik ran into the clothing store. It was called the Gathering. Interesting name. In ten minutes he bought what he needed, which included a nice jacket, clean shirt, pants, socks and shoes. Back out he ran to the patient cabby. Where once again he was quickly transported. Once again he paid the cabby the same way. Good thing he has a good supply of money. He made it to the front desk with plenty of time to spare. "Can I help you?" The snotty looking clerk asked. "Yeah a room please," Arik responded without a thought. "Name?" "Devon Arikson" "How long are you staying?" "Barely the night. How much?" "250 credits." "Daaamn.. alright." Arik said shocked. He quickly paid up and ran to his newly acquired room. Where he was able to shower, shave, and dress in a manly time of 20 minutes. And just to not be noticed, he took off his eyepatch. It might draw attention if he was a nicely dressed man with an eyepatch.. Finally he ran down to the lobby with about 10 minutes to spare. He sat down in a nice fluffy chair and found a magazine to keep him busy. There wasn't much, so he pick a copy of TIME, which oddly enough had his picture on it. "Damn.. they put my face on it and I don't see a dime of it... what a scam." [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=red]Arik finished his... hell, who knew how many beers he'd had. It was a lot, and that's all that was to be known. Finally, he told the bartender to stop bringing them, if he wanted to function tonight for whatever happened between him and Trini, he'd better not drink anymore.. He didn't want to fall asleep.. or worse.. barf all over her. That's always embarrassing. So Arik threw down the credits he owed and started to stumble out of the bar. [i]Oh yeah.. this will be good.[/i] Once outside of [i]LD[/i] he looked around for a pay phone. Unfortunately for him.. there wasn't one to be found. "Damn, this means I'll have to hoof it till I find one." Arik started walking, although it had a bit of a stagger to it. He shook his head and was able to keep himself in a straight line. But somehow he managed to get into a alley. "This is good..." he mumbled to himself. "Hey buddy.. why don't you give a man a dime?" Arik heard a voice behind him say, then he felt something press into his back. "Is that a blaster in my back or are you just happy to see me?" He asked jokingly. "I don't think this is a time for jokes man, now pay up!" "It's always time for jokes, you just have to know when to crack them! Like your jaw!" Arik replied. Before the would be mugger gave his confused response, Arik spun around with his fist leading. It impacted with the man's face, sending him to the ground. As the man lay groaning he gave a few kicks to the stomach for good measure. "Never fuck with a pirate." Arik left the alley and walked some more, finally coming across a phone. He pulled out Trini's number and dialed it. After a few rings it was answered. He heard her on the other end give a hello. "Hello, sorry if I'm a bit late, I ran into some easily fixed problems." [/COLOR]
  23. [color=red]"Well you know, not very often I meet a lady as flattering as you. Most of them are calling me the scum of the universe," Arik said simply. Then he brought his drink up for another drag. His mind began to wonder. He didn't like it when it did, he started getting suspicious of things. "So, is there any certain reason you wanted to talk to me?" He asked, trying not to sound to rude. "Can I not enjoy the company of a man once in a while?" She asked, reminding him of his earlier responce. "Heh, you win this round," he said with a wink of his eye. "Damn right I do," Trini said grinning. Arik gave a laugh, he liked this girl. She wasn't like most smugglers he knew.. though.. most of them were men.[/color]
  24. I think the Diet soda causing cancer is really just a myth. I've heard it too, but if it were true the FDA would have said something about it. I think the only thing Diet Soda causes is memory loss, from the Aspertame. Or something along that line.
  25. [b]Name:[/b] David Moroe [b]Nick/Code name:[/b] Musblood [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Description:[/b] Short black hair, and green eyes. He isn't the tallest but he still has a formidable look to him. He works out a lot and it shows, he is quite masculine. He usually wears blue jeans, and black boots. As well as a black t-shirt that is usually covered by a black leather jacket. His left ear is pierced as well. To all he appears normal, that is until he turns into his other form. [b]Creature:[/b] Vampire. When in this form his hair grows longer, down to his shoulders, and his k-9's extend enough for their purposes. [b]Trigger factor:[/b] Sight of large amounts of blood.
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