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Everything posted by Dmitri_Dragoon

  1. [COLOR=green]Garfield, or Beast Boy, as most people knew him, was already at Titan Tower. But now, he was raiding the fridge. "Darn Cyborg.. he got to the fridge before me. All that's left is blue mold with a mind of it's own..." He thought for a second and turned into a dog, and started to chow away at the mold. As a dog, it didn't taste as bad as it might have. He knew about the situation, but he had to wait for the others to get there. So, he decided that he couldn't do this on a empty stomach. After taking in all he could of the mold he turned back to normal. Then started to the computer room. Where he decided to be a little lazy until everyone showed up.[/COLOR]
  2. Jeeze... that's a lot of information to read.. Also, if this post is a little confusing, tell me. It's been a rough past two days. _______________________ [COLOR=red]Arik's first thought after the female left was: [i]What a bitch.[/i] But, she was well gone now, and seemed to have had someone go after her. That would be interesting. But, Arik didn't care. He had his booze and peace, so he wasn't going to worry about anything. He knew his ship hadn't been bothered yet, his onboard security system hadn't alerted him yet. Even if it did, by the time he got there the ship could be dust.. or it could have destroyed the would be investigators. Once again he felt someone look at him. He looked around and saw a woman looking away just as he saw her. He stared at her until she looked at him again, then, with a raise of his glass he gave her a courteous nod and smile. Then went back to drinking. He decided that he would wait a little while longer, then leave. He hadn't had his fill of drinks. When he did, it would be a long, staggering walk back to his ship. Though.. perhaps he would just get a hotel room. Even though he doesn't trust them, for it would be easy for the Navy to ambush him while he is asleep. So it would have to be a pirate friendly hotel.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=red]Arik was on his third beer, and it had little effect on him so far. "Good beer... seems a little weak though. Oh well, it'll do." He looked around. He saw a cute waitress shaking a finger at somebody.. seemed a little playful. "Wonder how much she'll cost.." he said mumbling to himself. He turned back to his drink, but not before he saw the man the waitress was playing with shot him a look. Arik didn't seem to notice, but he would have to keep his guard up. He adjusted himself slightly, opening his jacket and giving access to his blaster. Hopefully it won't be needed. He may be a pirate, but he hated shooting more than what he wanted or needed too. He also saw another woman drinking. She didn't have the look of whore.. so he decided not to bother with her. Too many possibilies in that one. He finished his third beer, and ordered his next one. If he wasn't going to get laid.. then he would make sure he drank enough. [/COLOR]
  4. Best thing to do here, is to go with whatever you want. Everyone above has made good points, but you just have to go with what your insight tells you. I went with mine and registered Independent. It's the strongest of the minor parties, and actually has seats in Congress. Just have to wait for a president. Almost had one with Ross Peroe (sp). But yeah, go with what you think is best for you.
  5. [COLOR=red]The onboard monitor on Hobbes beeped to life. Indicating to Arik that they were coming out of warp, which also meant Planet New York was soon to be seen. Sure enough, as Arik looked about, he could already see the hustle and bustle of ships entering and leaving the planet. He saw several ships that looked juicey enough to go after, but he knew he couldn't. He had cargo, and he had to get it unloaded and circulated among the populace, he also had dirty money he needed to launder. He made his way into the mainstream and got through the atmosphere just fine. Now came the question as to where he would land. He had to make it a remote location, and couldn't let it be at a port, pirate ships were more well known than a smugglers. He decided on the outskirts of Planet New York's main city. Which, if memory served him correctly was called New York City.. much like the first one. (That's probably a big duh). He slowly decended upon the ground, finding a good spot, it looked like what used to be a farm. It would be the best place to go, especially if it was abandoned. As he got closer he could tell that there was no habitance, lucky him. What wasn't lucky is that the barn doors appeared to be closed. He had hoped to hide his ship in there, he would have to do some manuevering to get it in there, but he would before he left. He edged closer to the barn and put out his landing gear. Right before he shot off his landing boosters to make it a soft landing, and it was so. He turned off his engines and opened the cockpit. Great thing about his ship.. multiple ways to get out. He jumped to the ground and ran to the barn doors, opening them up, and to his surprise he saw absolutely nothing in there. He expected some sort of trash.. or something left behind. He propped the doors open to where they wouldn't be able to shut on him, and he went back to his ship. Back to life his engines went and he rose it gently into the air. After barely clearing the ground he backed it gently into the barn, and slowly lowered it back down. It wasn't as hard as he thought it would be. After he had it safely secured, he strapped what cargo he could carry onto him, and started to hoof it to the City. On the way, he was picked up by somebody going into the city as well. It was an older vehicle, it didn't even hover, but it did run on nuclear engines. After being dropped off, and getting a cab, he was on his way to a place where all pirates, smugglers, whatevers, went to show off their goods. [i]The Lonely Drifter[/i]. It may have it's bad customers, but it is still the best, and safest place to go in the whole planet. Most of the patrons were even honest people. But that was no matter. Arik entered and looked around. It was a busy day. Nothing wrong with that, good business for the owner, and quite possibly for him too. An hour or so later he had sold all his goods, and was promising to bring his other goods later. But now, he wanted booze. He sat at the bar and got himself a beer. It was a simple drink, but it was his favorite, and this places beer was wonderful. [/COLOR]
  6. Gets quite confusing seeing Conrad mentioned.. being how it's my last name and all. Oh well, it's all cool. __________________ [COLOR=red]Arik sat in his cockpit in silence, except for the radio crackling messages back and forth. Apparently pirates were attacking a very good smuggler. That was the first problem, pirates was plural -- a multitude of space pirates working together almost never worked, and smugglers, most of them being very good at their jobs, were harder than hell to get anything from. That's why Arik stuck to the small Navy ships, merchants, and freelancers. If he was lucky and stumbled upon a stupid pirate he could get soem good stuff, but that always ended messy, and he hated messes. He shook his head and put some juice in his engines, then started off. He wasn't that far from Jersey, and they usually had some good stuff coming in.. he might try to get something there, before he headed off to New York, where he would have to be more careful, considering there was always a large cluster of Navy vessels there. Arik boosted his engines more, increasing his speed, soon he would look like nothing more than a streak of light, though he wasn't going that fast just yet. It was hell on his engines, but he knew they could take it. Soon he noted that the space traffic was picking up, which meant he was nearing Jersey. He slowed his speed to go with the norm, and looked for the right ship. He'd rather not go after a ship landing, but rather a ship leaving. If a ship didn't land on schedule questions would be asked and investigations would be made. So one taking off was always the best. He watched the traffic as it went, then he saw his target. A classy, yet modest merchant ship. Looked to be a Washington Class. Which meant if it was going home, it wouldn't be getting there for a couple of Solar Days. He followed the ship out a ways until the two were safely away from the planet. Finally he knew it was time to take his shot. He gunned his engines and sped forward, gripping his firing mechanism firmly, yet softly. His thumb smoothed over the fire button as a ritual, then he pressed down on it. His two light blasters sholt identical bolts out, he watched as they sped forward, and saw that his targeting system was still perfect. The bolts slammed into the merchants engines, killing them instantly. The ship was a dead duck. He quickened his pace to the ship, knowing that speed was of the essence now. He had to jam, or completely disable their communications before anything got out. Once he got in range... he pushed the right button and his moniter confirmed that the merchants were mute. As he got closer he was met by something he didn't expect. Lasers. The merchants were defending themselves. "Clever bastards..." Arik swore to himself. He initiated his evasive manuevers and dodged most of the bolts. Fortunately for him, his deflector shields took anything he couldn't dodge. "That was a little too close for comfort you assholes," he said. He scanned the ship, and noted where the guns on the ship were, it would be tricky, but he would have to take them out. Or manage to get in to close for them to do any good. Forward more he went, and dodged more shots. He aimed carefully, and fired, taking out one set of guns. Then again.. it took two shots this time to take it out. Giving the merchants some minor hull damage. He pulled up to the ship, and bumped into the side of it. Now that the guns on that side were disabled he could dock. He pulled his ship up just right, and sent out the connector. When he heard the hiss of air locks he unstrapped himself and made his way to it. Once in the connector, he pulled out his blaster and made his way in. Where he was met by an old man, and what appeared to be family. "No funny stuff and you won't get hurt. I hate to kill." Arik said as politely as he could with a blaster in his hand. "Take what you want and get off you scum." The old man said. "Now now, pirates have feelings too," Arik said, then, ignoring anything else, and keeping his gun trained on the people, he got what good he could carry. Mostly money, luckily there was plenty of that around for him to pick up. He also took what was big and expensive looking. He was even nice enough to leave them a lot. He had to, he didn't have big cargo spaces. He quickly loaded and got his ass out of dodge. It was to easy for him to be comfortable. Once he got a good distance away, he set the coordinates, and punched the warp speed. Off he went to Planet New York, to sell his goods, get drunk, and maybe pick up a hooker. [/COLOR]
  7. [b]Code Name:[/b] Beast Boy [b]Real Name:[/b] Garfield Logan [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Powers/Skills:[/b] He has the ability to change into any animal. Extinct or otherwise. There seems to be no limit to his abilities. [b]Power/Skill Origin:[/b] [b]Alliance:[/b] Titan [b]Description:[/b] He is a short, green and fuzzy person. He wears a purple and black costume, that seems to change along with him. He is truly a work of art. [b]Biography:[/b] Beast Boy has the unusual ability to morph into any animal that he chooses, even extinct varieties such as the Tyrannosaurus Rex. The lighthearted jokester of the group, Beast Boy's positive outlook on life combined with his silly style of humor make him a pleasure for any of the Teen Titans to hang around. While he sometimes gets on his teammates' nerves with his annoying wisecracks and erratic behavior (like always borrowing Cyborg's stuff and then losing it), he is very valuable both in battle and as a companion and friend.
  8. Ooo.. this looks interesting. [b]Name:[/b] Arik Nemesco [b]Call sign:[/b] Bunker [b]Faction:[/b] Pirate [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Appearance:[/b] Although it has been proven that not all pirates had the eyepatch over an eye in the seafaring days. Bunker decided that he wanted to go with the stereotype. So he went out and bought an eyepatch. Once in a while he change which eye it covers. Though his eyes are fine. Other than that he wears the usual space armor. He has a black and grey flightsuit, and a red flight helmet he wears during space battles only. Though he tries to avoid those as much as possible. He wears the same thing off ship as well as on ship. He also has black hair, and green eyes. He could be quite muscular, but his days of piloting have kept him from keeping up a rock hard body. Though he tries. [b]Bio:[/b] Bunker was born on Planet New York. The planet, just like the city on Earth, is full of crime. That's where he got the inspiration to become a pirate. He trained under the best, and the worst, depending on how you looked at it. He got his current ship from his father, whom died in a small shootout with the Navy. Although the Navy was responsible for his fathers death, he doesn't hold personal grudges against the force. After all, what can one man do against an entire army? [b]Ship name:[/b] Hobbes [b]Ship type:[/b] Heavy Fighter [b]Weaponry:[/b] Ion Cannon (If I'm correct on my thinking this only disables electronics) Limit 2 shots. Then it has to be reloaded after landing. Light blasters x2. Heavy blaster x4 (after six shots there must be a brief pause to prevent overheating.) [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://www.starshipmodeler.com/starwars/md_A-wing_02.jpg[/img] I know it's a star wars rip off, but I love that kind of ship... [b]Special Qualites:[/b] It has warp engines for faster travel. That's about it. It has strong deflector shields, but they don't last forever you know?
  9. I don't really believe in those types of superstitions. Though, I do believe in the whole ghost thingies. Considering my great grandmother haunted me for a while... I never met her and yet, she didn't seem to like me in spirit form. Eck.. that was a fun night.
  10. [COLOR=darkred]As he walked, his kakhi trench coat billowed slightly out behind him. Alex didn't have his fedora on, but he did have it in a pocket of his coat, luckily it would easily come back to shape. He had his hat off now so he could feel the sun on his neck and face. Alex loved the park, especially this time of the year. Made everything so much more... peaceful. He was glad to be able to see his friends now, it seemed like it had been forever since their last get together. He hoped a lot more fun could be had than before.. it was rather dull the last time. Of course he didn't care much for dances either. As he walked along, he saw many of his friends had already shown up. He walked up to them with a smile. "Hey guys!" He said still wearing the smile. "Alex! Where's the hat?" Merisa asked. "Don't worry, it's with me," he replied. "Oh.. I won't worry," Merisa said with a laugh. Alex gave her a sarcastic angry stare, but couldn't hold it for long. Once again he was smiling again, but it casually died away as everyone started small talk.[/COLOR]
  11. Dragomir was watching everyone as well. He couldn't believe they way they were all running around, worried about themselves. Didn't they realize that the whole world was in trouble? Guess not, but, Dragomir was a Ranger after all, and their first duty is to protect nature at all costs. And everthing is part of nature to some degree, even the demons.. but the demons were of a different nature, and a threat to the mortal nature. Thus they must be destroyed, or sent home. He tried to sleep, but all the noise the others were making, no matter how minute(sp), kept him awake and constantly alert. He would have to try his meditation if it didn't end soon.
  12. Dragomir looked at the people Dango had found. "Wow, they were the ones making all the noise.." He said frowning slightly. He looked at them all with a little smile, as one of them appeared a little insulted. "Well anyways, my name is Dragomir... I go by that mostly. Though, I've been called worse. And your names are?" The others slowly, and somewhat reluctantly said their names. (Wanted to cut the pleasentries.) "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you all. Are most of you off to Tayli?" There was a mutual nodding and agreements, and Dragomir's spirits were lifted some, [i]I guess I won't have to do this on my own anyways..[/i] He thought to himself.
  13. I write best, when I'm using my mind for a lot of thinking. Usually when I'm stressed. I can just come up with an idea and write about it for a long time. I also right best when I'm feeling very weird. Not a bad weird... just weird. Eclectic can attest to that, she's read some of my work when I'm in a weird mood.
  14. I was thrown a copy of the c.d. while in band one day. I was told to listen to it. So I did. I didn't even know what I was listening to. I later asked my band director about it and he told me what it was. I felt dumb then. But, it's a good sounding band. Though it's not something I could listen to a lot.
  15. Dragomir watched the white owl make its way down. Then looked at it for a little bit as it landed. He was going to disregard the owl, but something caught his eye. He looked closer, and in the firelight, saw that the owl had blue eyes. [i]That's peculiar..[/i] he thought to himself. He looked more closely at the owl, his Ranger instincts told him that it wasn't an owl. "What are you?" he asked it quietly. He didn't know if he had spoken loud enough for the owl to hear him, but it did seem to look a little startled. "Well, as long as you don't cause any trouble you can stay. Dragomir settle back against his rock, in the distance he thought he heard a pop. It reminded him of something that happened occasionally when he was learning to become a ranger. But he couldn't place his finger on it. He kept thinking of wizards. But he just didn't think that was right. [i]Oh well.[/i]
  16. [B]List of those in it:[/B] Dmitri_Dragoon - [b]Dragomir[/b] SilpheedPilot - [b]Van[/b] Chichiri's Girl - [b]Mania[/b] Tsukasa_hack - [b]Ichiro[/b] Vicky - [b]Dango[/b] Inuyasha Fandom - [b]Tao Seto[/b] Eclectic - [b]Mave[/b] Radaghast - [b]Philip Hammon[/b] Not on that list, not in the RPG, sorry. ______________________________ Dragomir walked along the rocky trail, following his instincts, and following the directions the farmer gave him several miles back. He felt foolish asking a farmer for directions, but for the first time in his life he had gotten lost. He didn't quite understand. Dragomir was going to the town of Tayli. That's where all the action was. While in a town called Laskport, he had heard about a crazed wizard opening a gate to Hell, releasing a large amount of demons. He felt compelled by his goddess to go and try to stop it. Now he was beginning to think he was a fool to do this alone. He had many friends that would have helped him. But in his selfishness, he ignored them all together, and went on his own. It started getting darker as he wound around the mountain trail. He was beginning to think he was lost again. He hoped not, he wasn't sure if there would be anymore farmers in the mountains. It was rather doubtful. Dragomir traveled on until the sun went completely down. Then he decided it would be best if waited until dawn to go on. He found what wood he could and built a small fire near the trail. Far enough away not to be run over, but close enough to be noticed. He laid back against a rock, and stared up at the sky, wondering why his goddess chose him to do this.
  17. Lore is still going on? Where? o_O _________________ Name: David "Skeet" Haggar Age: 33 Description: David is 5'11" tall. He has light brown hair and blue eyes. His jaws are very square and firm, and he is well built. Just like a grunt should look like. Bio: David was forced into the Military by his father. He was told it would build character. David hated it at first. But as time went on he began to see the joys in it. He gets to see weird people exotic places, and blow the hell out of all of it. If anything David is a little crazy. Fifteen years in the Federal Division can do that to a person. Military Rank: ? Position: Infantry Suit Description: Will put when rank is given.
  18. First Name: Raymond Age: Seventeen Hair Color: Naturally Brownish Red. Dyed full red Eye Color: Greenish-Hazel Height: 6'0" Wardrobe: I wear what feels good. Mostly good baggy jeans, and baggy shirts, and I always dress out of season. Personality: Serious most of the time. Though I love to goof off. I'm called by most a Cuddly Satan. Hair Style: Flat, unstyled. Luckily it doesn't stick up anywhere. Favorite Music Type: Rock, Some metal, Classical, and Punk. Favorite musical Band/Artist: Evanescence, Linkin Park, Korn, R.E.M. Staind, Motor Head Hobbies: Paintball, Dungeons and Dragons, Good RPG's. Video games, reading, writing (or attempting too), and other stuff that amuses me.
  19. I will start the RPG when Tsukasa_hack finishes his character. Inuyashagurl_15, if you haven't improved your character by that time, you can consider yourself out. But if she improves it after we start, and tells me about it, I will allow her in. And if Tsukasa_hack hasn't finished his character by tomorrow evening.. same thing happens to him as Inuyashagurl_15. Sorry. Everyone else, your posts are great, thanks for doing a good job. PM me if you have a question about anything. And I will PM all of you when the RPG starts. Just so you know. :) ~~~~EDIT~~~~ The RPG will now be starting. It will be in the usual place under the same name. You shall all receive a PM.
  20. Intrigueing.. I'm going to sign up for Megatron if it's alright. I'm going to use the Old School Megatron, from the original series if that is alright. If not, tell me and I will edit as needed. He just looks cooler in the old series. ____________ Name: Megatron Age: 220 Million (Just a Guess, Currently looking for age, though no one seems to know..) Gender: Male Race: Decepticon Alliance: Decepticon Weapons: Large Cannon that is on his right shoulder Transformation: Earth Handgun [img]http://tfarchive.com/genone/profiles/Megsgun.jpg[/img] History: Megatron has a long, glorious past. He has been around since the beginnings of the Cybertronian Civil Wars. He has also claimed to have created the Constructicons, though that has yet to be proven. Megatron was, however, responsible for the birth of the Stunticons. Many times he has had a power struggle with Starscream, and many times he has almost destroyed Starscream, but kept him because he needed soldiers. After battling on Earth with the Autobots for many years, he retreated back to Cybertron where he conquered much of it. Only to be pushed back by Optimis Prime and his Autrobots. Appearance: [img]http://tfarchive.com/genone/profiles/megatron.jpg[/img] Personality: Megtron is a Military genious. He is also very evil and tyrranical. He is a proud Decepticon, and shows it greatly. He is greatly feared by his followers, and it is earned. He is a fear bringing machine. He is ruthless, merciless, and just plain mean. In simple words, and to cut the bull crap. He is EVIL!
  21. I have a few sayings. I can't remember them all though, I only remember them when I need to say them. Here's a small list of them: "Haka, Haka, Haka," - I use that one when I feel funny for the day. "Peace, Love, Save the Pandas" - I have a thing for panda bears. "Aroo?" I use that when I am totally confuzzled. "Confuzzled" - Confused. "My name is Francis" - My name is really Raymond. But I use that one to confuse the Freshmen at school. I love to see the looks on their faces when I introduce myself as that. My girlfriend finds it funny too. I just kind of pulled that one out of my rear. Finally, "How many cans can a can can can, if a can can can can cans." - That's used to blow people's minds. I have more, I know I do, I just can't remember them. ~Dmitri~
  22. [b]Name:[/b] Alex Conrad [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Weapon:[/b] Katana, Rapier, Dirk. [b]Element:[/b] Earth [b]Appearance:[/b] Alex is a tall six foot five inches, and weighs 230 pounds. He has short brownish-red hair, and the startings of a mustache. Though he tries to keep it shaved most of the time. He wears black slacks and a white button up shirt. Over that usually a kahki trench coat, along with a brown fedora (small obsession with the mafia.) [b]Background:[/b] Alex lives with his parents. It's a pretty good life and he enjoys it greatly. After doing a report on the mafia in sixth grade he became slightly obsessed with it, and keeps his wardrobe in check with that time era. Though he wishes he had a few guns, his parents would only allow him swords, and the such. Supposedly less dangerous. He agrees with them slightly, the swords won't go off when he cleans them.
  23. I'm related to Kimberly Conrad.. Hugh Hefner's wife.. or ex.. or whatever she is. I'm also related to Robert Conrad, the original James West, from Wild Wild West. Also a austronaut, I forgot his name. Also a German emperor from back in the crusades.
  24. Yeah, that'll work Vicky, thanks a bunch. Inuyashagurl_15, I know you have your picture linked.. but just so I know you can, could you put in your description of the picture. I'd like to see more of your writing abilities. That also goes for Chichiri's Girl and Vicky... I would ask the same for SilpheedPilot, but since I can see the picture without uneccessary mouse clicking, I'm not going to request it. Thanks all.
  25. Alright, so far so good, those of you who need to work on your posts know who you are. Vicky, I know how you love wolves and werewolves. But, I want you to do something. I need a base race. Most lycanthropes start out as a human, elf, etc. Do that as your race, andas a special thing he turns into a werewolf. I remember the last time Dango made an appearence. I don't want a repeat of that. Also, I'm making a request that you keep the werewolf form to a minimum. Most creatures, races, and the what-not, don't care for werecreatures. So keep it to minimum please. [COLOR=darkred]Read the Following![/COLOR] I WILL be adding some things to the first post on here. So you will know better on where, and how this will start off! [COLOR=darkred]Thank You[/COLOR] Here's my character: [b]Name:[/b] Dragomir L'Etestra [b]Race:[/b] Wood Elf [b]Class:[/b] Ranger [b]Weapons:[/b] Rapier; Longsword; Dagger. [b]Description:[/b] His hair is coppery red, and quite muscular foran elf. Like most elves he isn't the tallest, but he still has some heighth on him, standing at 5'10". He wears usually dark greens and browns. [b]Biography:[/b] Dragomir, like many Wood Elves, dreamt of becoming a ranger. He heard glorious stories of adventure and treasure. When he finally became one himself, he found out that all the hype was just that. There wasn't anything glorious about it. Everyday it seemed he saw the same forest, protected the same nature. Helped the occasional child back home. He never saw any real adventure. Then he heard about the troubles happening. **Dmitri**
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