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Everything posted by Dmitri_Dragoon

  1. I play MTG. Currently I'm using a deck I call: Bash the Hell out of Everyone. It's a powerful deck, but it still has it's weaknesses. It can be used for normal play and Mana Drop. It's quite effective both ways. It has two Rox in it that I'm proud of the most. It's a black and green deck. It's quite good. Out of 12 games I've played with it, I only lost 2.
  2. Demons are a not so common thing. Though they do exist, and occasionally they do make it onto the Mortal Plane. But that is only if a wizard brings them here. A human wizard by the name of Monte Mordekainen has opened a gate to Hell, and has decided not to close it. Thus, demons are spilling through at an alarming rate. If the gate is not closed, then all Hell will break loose, literally. Monte's Tower is located in a town called Tayli. It's located in a valley, among a large mountain range. It isn't a large town, but it's big enough to have the important shops. The characters you create WILL meet up outside of that town, on mountain pass. ______ This will be a medieval RPG. So think in that mode when filling out the sign-ups. First, some starting rules that are quite simple. 1. Good grammar and punctuation. 2. I will allow a limited amount of demon players. They can, and most likely will be killed though. 3. No Angels. The forces of Heaven always find it convienant not to assist mortals in what they do. 4. If someone wishes to be Monte Mordekainen, PM me telling me so. I will tell you what to do from there. _______ Sign-ups: [B]Name:[/B] [B]Race:[/B] Note numbers 2 and 3 above. [B]Class:[/B] It's a medieval RPG, you know what to do from there. [B]Weapons:[/B] Realistic weapons. [B]Description:[/B] [B]Biography:[/B] Only if desired Questions should be directed to me by P.M. or I.M. on said accounts in my signature.
  3. Name: Alex Ramius Age: 38 Description: Black hair. Along with a black mustache. Stands about 5'11". He looks like a body builder, but is much more stronger than one of those. He wears whatever the occasion calls for. Bio: Alex's grandparents were Russian immagrants. His parents taught him to speek Russian, and of course English. He served in the military for many years. Then he retired and draws a pension. He was later recruited into Fox Hound. Though he may be old, he is still quite capable of kicking some butt. Previous placements: Gulf War, Bosnia, Libya, Korea. Philosophy: You only live once.
  4. This was tried before.. but it never got past the sign-ups. ____________ [b]Name:[/b] Dragomir [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Class:[/b] Barbarian [b]Appearence:[/b] Being a Barbarian, Dragomir is well built. He is tall and muscular. He has a crude tattoo of a spider on his back. The tattoo will not be often seen, unless something happens to the Gothic Plate he wears, which is unlikely. He also wears a Horned Helm. He has a scar running from his eyebrow, down his cheek, he's lucky to still have an eye there. [i]Armor:[/i] [img]http://cube.diabloworld.com/images/gothicplate.gif[/img] [img]http://cube.diabloworld.com/images/05greathelm.gif[/img] [b]Bio:[/b] Dragomir was born in Harrogath. He has seen many things, he was on the main wall of the city when Baal came. He fought bravely against Baal's minions, and almost lost his life, and his eye. He saw the mighty hero that defeated Baal, and was awestruck by him. After things calmed down, he left Harrogath, and adventured on his own, wanting to be like the hero that saved the world. His quests were small, and usually just ended with him killing a few bandits. But it was enough, he learned several skills, and became very good with his weapons. [b]Weapons:[/b] He carries a War Axe, which can freeze his enemy. Two Great Swords, one produces a small fireball, the other poison. He most often uses the Great Swords. [i]Weapons:[/i] [img]http://cube.diabloworld.com/images/waraxe.gif[/img] Fire Sword:[img]http://cube.diabloworld.com/images/06greatsword.gif[/img] Poison Sword: [img]http://cube.diabloworld.com/images/grandfather.gif[/img] [b]Skills or magic:[/b] Double Swing, Iron Skin, Sword Mastery, Axe Mastery, Whirlwind.
  5. Haskenport is a small town at the edge of a shallow sea. It was founded about thirty years ago, when Reynard Hasken, a paladin of St. Cuthbert, decided to retire to the area. He built a manor and a small private dock, and his followers created the community nearby. Some ten years ago, Reynard Hasken died of natural causes. He willed his manor house to the church of St. Cuthbert, but the priestess and her underlings cannot pay the high cost of its upkeep, and they have been unable to sell it thus far. Though they have removed some of the items of value from the house for safekeeping, they have made no attempt at the upkeep that the manor requires. Thus, it has slowly fallen into disrepair. A few weeks ago, a roving band of hobgoblins arrived at the manor house and took up residence there. Since then, they have been using it as a base of operations, though no one is quite sure what those operations are. Whatever their plans, however, their presence can't be a good thing. So the mayor of Haskenport and Ana, priestess of St. Cuthbert, have decided to seek help in ousting the evil humanoids. More information will be given when it starts. It will be explained in further detail by a NPC. __________ What is needed of you. [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] No, "???" or "Unknown" [b]Race:[/b] No angels, demons, half of any of those, lycanthropes, vampires, or any of that such. [b]Class:[/b] You know, Ranger, Warrior, Paladine, that kind of stuff. [b]Weapons:[/b] You can include armor. But make sure it's realistic weapons, no one hit kills, or extending blades or stuff like that. Also include any spells. [b]Description:[/b] Be detailed please [b]Bio:[/b] It's an optional thing. But it would be nice if you exersized the imagination. A few ground rules. [b]1.[/b] Keep your posts a decent length, I'm not a stickler about it, but I would greatly appreciate it. [b]2.[/b] Make sure you read [u][b]ALL[/b][/u] posts, they will be important reference points. I WILL review your characters, and if they do not meet my standards you will not be allowed in. But I'm pretty laxed about it though. Here is my character for reference. [b]Name:[/b] Alazor Silvernest [b]Age:[/b] 236 [b]Race:[/b] Grey Elf [b]Class:[/b] Ranger [b]Weapons:[/b] Longsword, short sword. Hand crossbow. Studded leather armor. [b]Description:[/b] Standing at six feet five inches, Alazor could be considered an imposing elf. If it wasn't for the fact that he looks very thin, and frail. Despite that look, he is quite strong. His piercing amber eyes are capable of intimidating the biggest of creatures. His silver hair is like moonlight reflecting off of water. [b]Bio:[/b] Alazor was born to a noble family. He hated it very much. While his family planned for parties, he would be out in nature enjoying it to his fullest. His parents tried to make him learn magic. He caught onto a few spells, but prefered still, the outdoors. So they submitted to his desires and put him under the wing of a well known Ranger, by the name of Wilhelm Kitani. After training with Wilhelm for many years, Alazor became an adult. At that time, he took a test to see if he was ready to become a Ranger. The scenario he went through is so secret, that it cannot be mentioned. He spent the next many years, as a Ranger, doing small things. He had his plot of forest that he guarded valiantly. But it became clear to him that he didn't want to stay in one spot for to long. So he became a wanderer. He traveled the countryside, protecting people in the wilds. Eventually he found his way into Haskenport. Where he learned of the infestation of his racial enemy. He now stays, ready to fight the goblins, and whatever evil is with them.
  6. I've taken German, that's all I really care to take. They offered Spanish and French here as well, but I care for neither of those languages, and considering I'm mostly of German descent I took German. It was a most interesting class, the teacher studied in Germany, speaks quite fluently, and even teaches us the culture. She even looks like the stereotypical German, blonde hair, blue eyes. They at one time offered Latin, but got rid of it for some reason. I would have loved to have been able to take it, but alas, I was not. But oh well, things like that happens when the school decides to cut classes.
  7. So many books read, so hard a decision to make as to which one is my favorite. Overall though, my favorite book, would be Tom Clancy's [i]Without Remorse[/i] and [i]Rainbow Six[/i]. Those two books feature my favorite character of all Tom Clancy novels, John Clark. The two books are very technical and in-depth. But still very interesting. They even start out a little slow, but if you read Tom Clancy, you know that it is normal. I have many more favorite books, but those two stand out the most.
  8. Well I drive, and have plenty of things going on after school and on weekends. My mom would prefer that I get home at 11 on school nights, and midnight any other time. But I can just make an excuse of having to take someone home, which is usually true, or there was a accident.. but that one doesn't work as well. I'm well trusted, so the curfew isn't forced heavily upon me. Oh.. and for general info, I'm 17.
  9. Paintball is a great sport. I'm trying to find ways to play it soon. It's not a hard game, anybody starting out can play it. As for hurting, it hurts at first but soon the pain doesn't bother you. Like pbfrontmanvdp said, it does hurt on the hand, and the other area, but kidney shots can hurt pretty bad too, and on top of the head. So where a hat, or a bandanna, or something along with your mask. Make sure it's a good mask too, in this case, cheaper isn't always the best. As for the fields, you can play anywhere as long as there aren't a bunch of stupid spectators. I prefer Woodsball, where you just go out into the woods to play a few games. Speedball is pretty good too, but a lot of paint is wasted. Scenario games are fun as well.
  10. Actually, you all have a good point. Thought there are still some things that you have wrong DeathBug. The South knew that slavery was going to fail. It was apparent, it was going to die off on its own because of the Industrial Revolution. Slavery wasn't needed as much then. The only reason the South's economy isn't as great as the North, is because all they had was agriculture. That's all they really have now. Also, it doesn't help when a certain General marches all through the South burning everything he sees. That sometimes has a tough impact on an economy. I live in Kentucky, sure it stayed in the Union, but it was a border state. It had people fighting on both sides. Hell I had family fighting on the Confederate side, and that makes me proud. Because they were fighting for what they believed in. It wasn't slavery, it was State's Rights. The belief that each state should be able to govern themselves independantly. Sure, it wouldn't have worked had they succeeded. But it was still something for them to believe in when everything else was failing. At school we aren't aloud to wear the Confederate flag. The thing is, I know for a fact, that the people the school is trying to protect, the African-Americans, would wear the Confederate flag as well if they were aloud. How do I know? I asked them. They said they even had family fighting for the South. I think I'll just call it quits on this rant.
  11. [i]Roman was now the one relining in the small swivel chair, his leather boots lying on top of the table, him commenting on how the place needed fixing up, including the rottig demon heads, the blood stained ghetto box, and the pool table, which was now broken into two eqal pieces. He closed his eyes, but they snapped open again as he heard someone walk in the door...[/i] Gustov stood in the doorway for a moment, and looked at the run down place. It wasn't quite as he had imagined it, but it was still what he wanted. He walked up to the man sitting behind the desk. "Can I help you?" Roman asked. "Yeah, I would like a job here," Gustov said. Roman looked closely at Gustov. "A human? Do you honestly think you have what it takes to be a demon slayer as a human?" "Yes, I am a human, and with you saying that I would surmise that you are a half demon, or demon.. whichever, but I don't care. I may not be able to take the beatings that your kind can, but I can still handle myself." Gustov said. "And how would you do that?" "I have speed and agility, and my wits." "I'd have to see more before deciding," Roman said. "So what's your name?" "Gustov Militov, but everyone calls me Gus, and you are?" "Roman, that's all you need to know for now." "Fine, so what do I have to do to get in?"
  12. [b]Name:[/b] Gustov "Gus" Deblorn [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Business:[/b] Devil May Cry [b]Weapons:[/b] Katana; Repeating Hand Crossbow; Desert Eagle. [b]Description:[/b] Gus is 6' even. He's really skinny, but still manages. In High School he was called 'Bones' because of his light weight. He has brown hair and hazel eyes. His nose is sort of swollen from where it got broken one time. Gus wears a variety of clothes. His wardrobe is vast, and he wears clothes that match his mood. [b]Bio:[/b] Growing up Gus heard all the stories about the demon slayers. It always intrigued him, he wanted to be in Devil May Cry for as long as he could remember. He was always teased about that too, they said he was to small to be in DMC. He proved them wrong. Now he is eating more redmeat, and killing more things than he could ever imagine. Will that safice? If not tell me.
  13. [IMG]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/conner_rayfield.jpg[/IMG] Name: Conner Rayfield Persona: Conner has been part of the CIA for six years now. He doesn't have a high position in the Agency, but it's enough that he gets to go out and play with the big kids, and guns. Although he may look like the serious type he.... is. But he still tries to be somewhat loosened up. Since he is 35, he is sort of like the annoying parent that tries to act like one of the children. Once in a while he can throw in a good punchline here or there. Conner is in good physical condition, and pretty intelligent. He can speak fluent German, and a scratch of Spanish and French. Aliases: Ray O'Conner, Xander Nakor, Mathew Davis, David Detorn, Will Templeton, Nate Skidmore Other: Car: Pontiac Grand Am. Weapon: Two Glock 9mm, in shoulder holsters. Knife in a hidden sheath in his trenchcoat. ~My apologies, must have accedently skipped over that part.
  14. Dragomir scampered around. He ran quickly through the halls of Hogwarts, taking in all the sites, and the occasional bug. He stopped when he heard a female voice taking points away from two houses. He squeezed under the door and looked around with his ferret eyes. [I]Charms, with Weasely. Might be interesting to see how the friend of Harry Potter does with teaching, even if she is young.[/I] Dragomir lurked in the corners as a ferret, fighting the urges to run forward and bite somebody. He quickly became bored with the class, they were studying first year stuff. He hoped that they would be better in his class, or he would bite them. After wondering why the students would bring such large pets into a class, he left. Going back to his classroom to get some rest, and prepare for dinner. Where he would be first seen by most of the new students.
  15. "Yes, I'm Bradley." He said. "Excellent, I'm John Chavez, and unfortunately, yes, we American's are cliched. Very unfortunate for us. But I had to follow orders." John sighed as he took the hat off and threw it into a nearby garbage can. "So Mr. CIA, what is next on the Agenda?" Brad asked. "Oh you know, save the world from nuclear war, play the James Bond role, only not British.." John replied. "Sounds like fun," "More than you can shake a stick at." John said sarcastically. "We are supposed to meet up with Chinese Intellegence, but from what I've found out so far, the Soviets have beat us to her." "Grand.." Brad said dryly.
  16. Dragomir set his things in his office. He hated being late for anything, ecspecially the first day of school. He had been teaching here for five years now, and he had never been late before. He flicked his wand around, getting everything organized quickly. He was glad the Headmaster worked with him some. After all he was on a assignment for the Ministry.. Though he wouldn't get students until the next day, he started to prepare. He wondered if he should try for his personal transfiguration. Like he heard McGonnagal had done in previous years. OOC: I admit I could have done better, but I was late, and didn't get to get into the 'groove.'
  17. Sign ups still open? Yes? No? I'll still post if you don't care.. Also I'm using my other character... he's pretty cool. [b]Name:[/b] Dragomir Narcissus [b]Age:[/b] 44 [b]Gender:[/b] M [b]Position:[/b] Transfiguration; Head of Ravenclaw? [b]Good/Evil:[/b] Good [b]Wand:[/b] oak; core: strand of Veela hair (even professors need wands..) [b]Personality:[/b] Dragomir is a good hearted pureblood. He doesn't hate or discriminate against the mixed bloods. Although he is good hearted he is still very stern, but has his funny go nuts streak. [b]Biography:[/b] He was born in Germany and attended wizarding school there. He was a Quidditch player there and excelled at it. He even tried out for the German team after he got out of school. But that didn't work out well. Dragomir got a job at Hogwarts after McGonnagel retired, after all, she had a stressful 7 years at Hogwarts when a certain someone started there.. Eventually, after Flitwick passed away, he was made head of the Ravenclaw House. Dragomir was always good at Transfiguration, but he wasn't the most superb at it. But he is quite capable of teaching the subject. He is also a animagus. He can turn into a ferret. [b]Appearance:[/b] Black eyes, and black hair. He is rather tall, about six feet six inches, he is also very pale, and some what muscular. He always wears blue, black, or deep violet robes, but never a wizards hat, he finds them unbecoming to anybody.
  18. He heard the annoying little fly buzzing nearby. Then he turned and addressed it. "I'm sorry, were you saying something?" Dmitri asked. "Hey! I may be short but I still exist!" Serena replied angrily. "Then what is your name halfling?" "Serena, [i]elf[/i]!" Serena replied. "Very well, I am Dmitri," Dmitri responded. "Don't daudle, we have no where to go currently." Dmitri and Rey walked a normal pace, but Serena being a halfling had trouble keeping up. She started to eyeball the two men's belongings. "If anything goes missing, you will lose a hand," Dmitri said. Serena gave him a very dirty look.
  19. "Who cares about thievery?!" Dmitri shouted. "What is with you people? Always looking out for yourselves. This game can really show a person's true self." "Shut up and get me out of here!" Rey shouted. "Keep your chain mail on!" Dmitri looked at the girl. "Are you going to help or not?"
  20. Dmitri had left the town and made his way into the wilderness. He heard about the kobold report, and wondered why such a big deal was being made about them. They only stood about 2 feet tall and were very reptillian, but they were only fodder for the drow, and most other races. "Oh well, humans are weak.." Dmitri said to himself quietly. He made his way up a path, and found a collapsed cave entrance. "This is interesting.." Inside Rey had heard Dmitri shuffling about, and started yelling for help. Dmitri heard him, luckily, and started looking for a way to help. "You do know that there is a least a ton of rocks blocking the way right?" Dmitri asked. "Yes! Just do something!" Rey screamed back. "Fine, fine, keep your pants on." Dmitri started to move rocks out of his way, luckily he recieved a high strength score, but he couldn't keep it up for ever. He began to tire. "You could help you know!" said an annoyed Dmitri. "How stupid?" Dmitri didn't answer, the person he was helping presented a good point. "I don't know, but what's your name?" "Rey! Yours?" "Dmitri, nice to meet you.. kinda.." Dmitri stood there, looking around, he would need help for this, he had barely put a dent in the rocks. Knowing his luck some person thinking they were god would show up and move the rocks with a flick of their wrist, he swore he would kill that person quickly.
  21. Dmitri ran through the forest, he had to, he didn't want to die at the hands of 12 ogres. Before he would have tried to fight them, but that was when he wasn't part of the game. If he died he could just simply restart. He didn't know about now. Since he could interact with his environment more now, than before he started to formulate a plan. He jumped up into a tree and climbed through the branches and finally finished up his mental plan, if only he could make it work now. He knew he could probably escape now, but he wanted to kill the ogres. His plan went to poop when he saw fire errupt from somewhere. A mage had shown up, tried to kill the ogres with fire, smart, but not good enough. The ogres now didn't care about Dmitri, they wanted their new target, the stupid mage. The twelve monsters ran up to the mage and proceeded to tear him apart limb from limb. It was more bloody than what Dmitri could remember, but now with the ogre's distracted he may be able to do something. He came up behind the ogres and dropped silently out of the trees. With his saber's drawn he walked up behind two of them. What he was about to do was sneaky and dishonorable, but it would work. He jumped up, and plunged two of his swords blades into the necks of two of the ogres, killing them instantly. He came down again and withdrew his swords then started his spin attack on the other ogres. He sliced hamstrings and Achille's tendon's. Dropping ogres quickly, even if he didn't kill them. Finally, all the ogres were either incompacitated, or dead, and all he had to show for it were a few gashes here and there that wouldn't cause much problems. He killed the fallen ogre's and looked at the little remains of the mage. "Hmph, Noob." He sighed, he would have to make sure he didn't talk like that to NPC's. They would give him funny looks, he didn't know how real they would be now, he didn't care to find out. He started towards the edge of the woods, he remembered a town that was nearby.
  22. Name: Frank Kitanen Age: 20 Sign: The Jackal Short Bio: Frank had volunteeringly admitted himself to an insane asylum, because he was slightly paranoid. He was constantly afraid that somebody would be out to get him. He put himself in the asylum feeling that he would be safe in there. After 3 years in the asylum, he found himself going insane from the other people in there, screaming about ghosts and monsters, how they were Napolean and Hitler, it just drove him up the wall. So he let himself out. Since he put himself in he could leave when he wanted. He tried his hardest to get over his paranoia, and was pretty successful at it too. ~ I hope this is sufficient, if not please tell me so.
  23. As Dragomir ate, he saw several of the students look up at him. He figured it had something to do with the cards that were so popular here. He figured it was his Quidditch history that got some people interested, because he hadn't really done much in his life, unless you counted the few years he worked as an Auror. But that was minor, and he didn't talk about it much. He found himself getting very bored with the feast, though he was enjoying it, but he just wanted to go. He excused himself from the staff table and got up and left. He wanted to go find his office, and classroom, so he could get prepared for the classes tomorrow. *** Frank had found the seventh year to be boring, so he looked over and saw the other new first years. He recognised Danbee from the train, and Lauren and Sakura as well, he wasn't all that familiar with the other ones. So he edged his way closer to those three and tried to come up with a nice conversation piece.
  24. Alex watched her leave, and after she was gone he slumped into a chair and let out a long sigh. That's when Harold sat down next to him. "I don't think I can continue on for you," Harold said. "So much is going on, I need to worry about my own neck. Besides, what good am I?" Alex smiled slightly. "When you're right you're right, thanks for the help you did give." Harold smiled and nodded and went someplace to rest. Alex continued to sit there, he was exhausted from last night, and he hadn't gotten much sleep before he came in. He just had his blood intake and that was it. He was pooped and didn't want anything to happen today. Though he would have willingly talked to Michelle about anything. After all, everything he told her was true.
  25. Kel didn't mind flying, but he still didn't fully like it. He always liked to keep feet on firm ground, not a metal hull. But he kept his dislike for it hidden quite well, even from Jedi. Besides, as long as there were others with him, such as there was now, he was fine. Vastus and Kain seemed to be getting along fairly well. Kel would have went to talk to someone else, but he just didn't feel up to it at the moment. Though he knew he would have to eventually. He looked down at his garb. It wasn't to dissimilar from what he normally had, but it just felt odd to be out of Jedi robes. And he felt naked not having his lightsaber hidden. He had a feeling this would be a long journey.
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