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Everything posted by Dmitri_Dragoon
OOC: Sorry, first day that I saw this.. The reddish-brown haired boy sat silently at the Gryffindor table. He was happy to be in this house, but most of the friends he made were in separate houses. Those that actually befriended him anyways. Others just made fun of his American accent. He hadn't lived in Scotland long enough to acquire their accent. He didn't eat much, wasn't all that hungry, he was too excited. After a few minutes, he decided that he needed to get over it and make new friends. He piled some food on his plate and just started talking to the person next to him. Not even knowing who it was. He thinks it was a seventh year student, maybe a fifth year, he didn't know. *** Dragomir looked over the students that were in the hall. Even at his old school he had not seen this many students. He tried to make some idle talk with the greasy professor next to him. Snape, he thought the name was, but he didn't seem to keen to the idea. So he talked with someone else. But he quickly found the teachers to be somewhat boring, and unable to understand him with his german accent. He looked longingly out to the crowd of students, wishing he could be young like them again, and be a student once more. Those were the best days of his life.
RPG Day Walker Hunt for the Undead (Rpg rated R )
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Galvatron's topic in Theater
This was going no where, and it annoyed Alex greatly. "You know, if you want answers it's best not to attack before I get the chance!" he said harshly to Michelle. He thought of letting up, but it didn't appear that she would. So he continued to talk, "I didn't leave you there to suffer, I thought you had died. I've never killed a Day Walker before so I didn't know what to expect. And you looked pretty dead to me. So..." He blocked a hit that could have very well decapitated him. He had to finish. "So I left you there. I have no desire to see anybody suffer, vampire, human or day walker." He hoped that this truth would calm her some. -
RPG Day Walker Hunt for the Undead (Rpg rated R )
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Galvatron's topic in Theater
OOC: Seems realism has died. IC: Indeed he did as he drew his sword from it's sheath. "And who are you calling old? I'm only 48, plenty more years to go." "Not at this rate!" Michelle said. "Life happens," Alex replied. He twirled his sword around a little bit to get warmed up, and he was ready. He and Michelle stared each other down for a moment, then charged. They came at each other with equal speed, and their swords clashed with equal force, sending sparks into the air. Alex knew that this was going to be an interesting battle. The two brought their swords back, and attacked again, and again, each time their attacks being parried by a equal force. Alex was the first to bleed. Michelle had found a brief opening and took it. Luckily Alex was able to dodge it somewhat, but he was still nicked in the shoulder, tearing through the fabric of his clothing, and piercing the skin, but not enough to do serious damage. Alex spun and brought his sword around, where it was blocked by Michelle's. They pressed each others swords into one another, causing some sparks. They were having a test of strength now, and neither one seemed to be budging. Alex couldn't take it anymore, and brought his foot up, kicking Michelle in the stomach. She doubled over and stepped back. "Sucker punched.." She snarled at him. "No, more like a kick," he replied, giving a small smile. -
RPG Day Walker Hunt for the Undead (Rpg rated R )
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Galvatron's topic in Theater
OOC: That's original, of course somebody can block automatic gunfire with a sword. Yeesh, damn Anime's, people think anything is possible then. Alex turned around as the body of a vampire turned into fiery ash, he was worried, his communicator had gone silent. He looked about and saw the bodies of his comrades on the floor. Some were barely breathing, which was a good sign so far, others, were far beyond. He looked at Clyde, whom was cleaning his sword of blood, he pointed his own sword at him. "I will deal with you later." He moved his sword and pointed it at Michelle. "I don't know how you survived, but I will find out before one of us dies," Alex said, as he brought his sword to the ready. -
I've already had band camp, for school starts tuesday for us. So on the 14th of July band camp started. We have a small band with crappy instruments, because the school would rather pay money to the frickin football players, to get the **** knocked out of them. So before I get on my soapbox, I'll just say I really enjoyed band camp, didn't die, and got a nice tan from it. Though I did get hoarse from yelling at the freshmen. Being Section Leader sucks, really it does. But another upside I met my girlfriend there. So I'm happy.
Influences.. hmm, most are good some are bad, I refuse to post the bad one's in fear of pain and banning. Don't know why, not like this is a European Ghetto from the 40's. Anyways, influences, right. I'd have to say James, Syk3, and Charles for starters, their witty comments, ecspecially Syk's right before they close a thread always amuses me. I have a habit of reading the closed threads for some reason.. Then I would have to say OekakiOtaku, Vicky, DuoMax, and Orien_Xel, for being in my first rpg here, and making it a good one that I won't ever forget. I'll never forget the attempted pork chop sword. DayDay, Taylor Hewitt, and SilpheedPilot for talking to me just to talk, that goes for Avalon as well. Once again OekakiOtaku, and Wondershot, for being pals outside of OB, and on other forums, and always criticizing me for my beliefs, and language, along with stories, poems, and other fart ideas. There are plenty others, I'm sure of it. But I just can't think of them all right now.
RPG Day Walker Hunt for the Undead (Rpg rated R )
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Galvatron's topic in Theater
Alex turned his attention back to his friends. "All right boys, it appears the vamps are on the prowl tonight, so lets go kill." He said with a toothy smile. The group split up and each went their own. Alex got in his SUV (Gods I love originality.), and drove off. Careful to go the speed limit, since the cops actually did exist. As he drove the Livewire got active, it was the communication between slayers, that kept them all informed on the happenings of things. He drove for about two hours when the Livewire practically exploded with activity. They found a nightclub for vampires. The big hit they needed. He accelerated as much as he dared, and sped to the location that was given. He came to an easy stop, so not to alert the vampires of their arrival, within minutes his whole team arrived. "All right gents, this is a big bust that we've been waiting for, keep it quiet, and quick." He said to them all. He smiled, knowing that he could trust them all to do their jobs, and do them well. The group holstered their weapons, and put on what armor they may need, and walked to the doors. They walked in casually, or as casually as six heavily armed vampire slayers could. As they got closer, they could feel the vibrating pulse of the music playing, and knew this was going to get loud quickly. So they set their earpieces to a lower frequency, so they wouldn't get feedback. Alex was the first to step in. He smiled his toothy smile again, and pulled out his guns, and sprayed into the crowd. His teammates followed suit. Creating a bloodbath that would make Rambo proud. The clips in his guns ran out, he dropped them and brought out his sword. He dashed into the crowd that had now started to fight back, and swung the sword around in a deadly dance. -
Name: Andrew Hatfield Age: 13 Description: Where's glasses. Is slightly tanned, has green eyes and brown hair. Kind of pudgy, but still in good shape. Bio: What's to say? He's just a normal 13 year old kid that does the normal stuff. He likes music, paintball, and the occasional hunting trip. He has a bigger brother that can be a bit of an *** at times, but he is still cool. He also likes to read a lot, so he's a bit of a nerd. Scedule: Items: Red an black backpack. CD player, with a wide variety of cd's. A pencil that he has had for 2 years, a notebook, a novel, a paintball magazine, and a few little things of minor importance.
RPG Day Walker Hunt for the Undead (Rpg rated R )
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Galvatron's topic in Theater
Alex turned his head, and looked at the one that spoke to them, with his sunglasses on, even if it was dark. He turned, letting his coat flutter in the passing wind, letting his guns show. "Hello," Alex said, smiling, showing his fangs. "You are?" "Alistair, you?" the man replied, not showing any on his face. "Alex, nice to meet, you, now if you don't mind I was having a little talk with my buds here." Alex turned from Alistair, and added in a low tone to his companions, to where Alistair could definately not hear, no matter how godly he tries to be, "He's a vamp, don't know what kind though. Guilty until proven innocent right?" Alex put a hand in his coat and grasped his pistol, hoping he didn't have to use it. -
John searched for more information, any information that could be given him, when he received another email from Langely. [i]John, Not only the Chinese Commies are in China, watch your back.[/i] "Great," John said unhappily. He really didn't want to have to face any Soviets now. He closed his laptop and started searching his room for any bugs. He didn't figure there would be any yet, but he needed to make sure. He was in luck and there were not any. Now he had to just wait for Russo to show up.
I must say, this looks like one of your better rpg's. Lore persona -------------------------- [b]Name:[/b] Dmitri Dragoon ( I have too ) [b]Age:[/b] 127 [b]Race:[/b] Grey Elf [b]Class:[/b] Ranger [b]Weapons:[/b] Twin Sabers, Gold and Ebony hilts. Dagger in his boots. [b]Description:[/b] Dmitri wears black leather armor, and a long black cloak. He has amber eyes and silver hair. He keeps his hair at about shoulder length. He stands at 6'2" tall. His sabers are strapped to his waist on either side. Real life (Before being sucked into the game, of course) -------------------------- [b]Name:[/b] Ray Conrad [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Description:[/b] He stands about 5'11" tall. He is medium build, and has short fiery red (dyed) hair, and hazel eyes. [b]Bio:[/b] Ray played Lore so much because he was a jobless geek, and had nothing better to do. He didn't care much for the game at first then he gradually got better and better, then created his new character, Dmitri, because his other one was getting boring. Now he has become obsessed with his new character and can play the game for 14 hours straight before he passes out.
Does this take place during the Old Republic or the New Republic? [b]Name:[/b] Kelath "Kel" Conotha [b]Age:[/b] 33 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Occupation:[/b] Jedi Knight [b]Weapon:[/b] Lightsaber; black blade [b]Ship:[/b] n/a [b]Bio:[/b] Born in Coruscant, he was constantly surrounded by aliens and Jedi. When it came time for him to make his lightsaber he didn't make the crystal for it. He did it the hard way and mined for his crystal, which was no easy task. When he finally completed it he was surprised that the blade turned out black, he hadn't ever seen one like it. He trained very hard with his saber and became very good with it. The Jedi Council chose Kel to go to Dorvalla, because they thought that his skills with the force and his lightsaber would come in handy. [b]Description:[/b] Shoulder lenght blonde hair tied back, mustache and goe tee. Blue eyes. 6'4" tall. Normal build. [b]Personality:[/b] Kel is happy, he loves life and everything about it. Even though he is happy he is still very serious, but there are always ways to get a good laugh out of him. When in battle Kel changes even more than normal. He acquires a ferocity about him that makes him an unstoppable force.
My OB name, Dmitri_Dragoon, is simply a name I pulled out of my rear for a game of DnD. People were tired of the names i was using over and over and told me to make a new one. So I made Dmitri Dragoon, he was a drow/wood elf hybrid. Saddest thing is, I became so obsessed with the name that I even wrote a biography for him, I'm still working on it too. Real life name, Raymond Conrad, is all German. My first name means Wise Protector. My last name, which is also the name of German emperors from back during the crusades, as well as the last name of Hugh Hefner's wife, Kimberly Conrad. It means bold, wise counselor. I don't have a middle name worth mentioning....
RPG Day Walker Hunt for the Undead (Rpg rated R )
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Galvatron's topic in Theater
Alex continued down the street, his curiousity was now working in full force. [i]So she lives, how fortunate for her, for now.[/i] He thought. He regretted the thougth that he would eventually have to battle her again, because of two reasons. One she would be stronger, and two, he had never wanted to try and kill her in the first place. Their kind was a rare one, not many Day Walkers exsisted, and if they did they wouldn't survive long, either being killed by untrusting vampires, or humans. Luckily for Alex he had human friends that trusted him, he even had a few vampire friends. They were usually the unwillingly turned vampires though, and were regular customers at his blood bank. He walked up to the building that was his blood bank. It wasn't really big on the outside, but once you got in there was a basement, that held what he liked to call the Bar. It was a safe haven for the 'goodly' vampires that wanted a drink, and needed to stay out of the sun. He walked in and was greeted by his workers with friendly faces, most of them were next to somebody giving blood. His secret for being able to get enough blood to feed himself and other vampires with was to pay people to give some blood. That meant no screening for diseases or anything like that. Vampires, and Day Walkers, after all were immortal, and couldn't contract the diseases that humans could, so the Bar usually got the bad blood, unless it was even to unfit for a vampire to drink. But if you are hungry enough, you'll eat everything. He walked down into the Bar, and saw the usual customers, which at the moment weren't that many. He loved this setup, he could always be able to hear about what is going on in the 'Underworld'. He walked up to a customer, that was a really good friend. "Hey Harold, I was wanting to ask you something." Harold smiled, "Of course what?" "Do you think you could keep tabs on a Day Walker name Michelle Sloan?" "Sounds familiar, you Day Walkers are pretty well known to us, so it shouldn't be hard to find her. What do you want to know about her?" Harold asked. "Just report in once in a while what she is doing, if you can keep track, since you can't go into daylight or anything." Alex said. "I'll do my best to track her, won't promise you anything though." "That's all I ask," Alex said. -
RPG <<>>Final Fantasy: Networks of Destiny<<>>
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Patronus's topic in Theater
"You were saying Squall, then let go of me. Kind of confusing," Zell said, with a worried look in his eyes. He hoped the little information he gave her would refresh her memory enough that she might tell him what had happened in her nightmare. After his very recent scolding Zell had decided to stay up for the remainder of the night, while everyone else slept, hopefully it would smooth things over with everyone, he doubted it but he could wish. Though he knew that he would pay for this the next day. Zell did something that he did not care to do much. He dug deep into his mind to bring out a side of him that few ever saw. He figured with Squall not there, he had to do something to help comfort Rinoa. He sighed mentally, "Rinoa, I don't do this much, but when i have to be, I can be a good listener." Rinoa raised an eyebrow, "Meaning?" Zell ran a hand through his hair again, "Meaning, if it would make you feel better, you can tell me about the dream, sometimes talking about it helps." He hoped she did tell him what happened in the dream. He hadn't seen her appear this troubled in quite some time. -
John zipped around, he loved this ability of his. He shot through the lines, and eventualy zapped out of a electrical outlet and into the street. This wasn't were he really wanted to go, but he guessed it would be a good place as any. He stroled idlely along, not paying much attention to anything, when something caught his eye. He moved up closer and saw that it was a body, upon an even closer look it was a police body. "Oh dear lord..." He muttered. He quickly ran to a phone and called the cops. This wasn't a very super hero thing to do, but he couldn't afford a cell phone at the time. [i]Damn that Folcroft![/i] He waited while the police arrived, then showed them the body. He gave his statement and they decided that there was little more he could do. But he stayed behind to find some evidence with the other cops. Luckily there were some footprints left behind, and a slight trace of finger prints on the gun.
RPG Day Walker Hunt for the Undead (Rpg rated R )
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Galvatron's topic in Theater
Alex, loved early mornings. He had a uneventful week mostly, letting the other slayers go around doing the killing while he took a break. Unlike them he had a while to do this job. Being a daywalker gave that oppurtunity. It was about nine o'clock in the morning, and the sun was already bright and hot. Though the heat didn't bother him much, this morning he was wearing simple blue jean shorts and a t-shirt, he didn't feel like looking all Matrix style all the time. Besides, it was daytime, vamps were never out, unless they had some really good sunblock. He stroled down the sidewalk, ignoring all the foreign street vendors, and odd smells and ignorant drivers, and just enjoyed it, and enjoyed being alive. The rest of his day would be like this, until he went back to the blood bank to go into his slayer form, and to grab a 'bite' to eat. -
RPG <<>>Final Fantasy: Networks of Destiny<<>>
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Patronus's topic in Theater
OOC: I am deeply, extremely, truly sorry. I died, went to hell and was ressurected, a.k.a. band camp. Now I should be posting more than I was. IC: Zell felt the kick in the butt, but he didn't feel like stirring just yet. He dozed for about another five minutes before he moved, even though he didn't want to, he knew he had better get up, he had a feeling that something worse would happen to him if he didn't. Zell sat up and stretched his arms, letting out a long obnoxious yawn. "So what did I miss?" He ask somewhat sleepily. He started to rub the sleep out of his eyes as Rinoa gave him an inscrupulous stare. "Now you wake up!" Rinoa practically shrieked. She couldn't believe him, he woke up after being yelled at, having a battle fought not to far away, and being kicked in the butt. Now he was acting as if nothing had happened. Zell just gave a confused look and ran his hand through his hair. "I take it I am missing something?" Rinoa sighed, she couldn't believe her luck, of all the people to be stuck with. "Yes, you did miss something O' Sleepy One. We just got in a battle with a good sized monster, and Vivi was almost turned to stone." Zell blinked several times, letting the brief low-down sink into his brain. Then it finally dawned on him what had happened, "I can't believe I slept through all that.. Rinoa, next time, do something a little harder to wake me up. I don't want to miss anything again." He kept cursing himself, for being such a great dolt, he had to change his ways, or very few would have respect for him. -
OOC: Ohkami, you may want to edit your post a tiddle bit, this is where my evil character comes in. IC: Dillion thought carefully before proceeding, he didn't want to make a mistake and be killed. "My employer, whom you have probably heard of, Lydia Folcroft, wants to offer you a job," Dillion said simply. "What sort of job?" Spin Cylce asked. "I assure you it won't be picking flowers," Dillion answered. "How much do I get paid?" Dillion let a smile spread across his face, showing straight, yet sharp teeth. "You name the price."
John stepped off the plane, and smelled the air. "Ah.. China, home to over a billion people.. grand." He walked through the terminal, and could already see that it is busy. Of course having a sixth of the worlds population did that to a place. He walked out into the hustle and bustle of Bejing, and wondered where the hell he should start looking. Unlike the movies he didn't have thirty contacts in a square mile, so he had to fend for himself until he found Brad Russo. He felt even more out of place because he didn't speak a lick of Chinese. He was screwed. He walked until he found a hotel with a bilingual name. He decided that was the best place to make a fort. He walked up to the clerk and simply asked, "English?" The clerk smiled and nodded. "Yes, I speak English, quite well." "Thank god, I'm an inept American that took only European languages," John said, insulting himself. "Of course, what else would you be?" The clerk asked. To prevent anything happening, John cut to the chase. "How much are rooms?" "Sixty of your dollars." The man replied. John quickly paid, "Have you seen any Australians around?" The China man thought for a moment, "Not that I recall, but if I do I tell you?" "Yes, thank you," John said. He tookd his key and went to his room. It wasn't that bad of a room, not as spacious as he would like to have had, but it would do. He found a outlet and plugged in his laptop, as it started up he unpacked a few things. With wireless internet connection (oh yeah..), he checked his email. He had plenty of SPAM, he wondered why that wasn't illegal yet. As well as an encoded message saying that Bradley would be late. Joy.
[SIZE=1][i]Nuclear war, mankinds biggest fear since the start of the Cold War. The Cold War was the struggle between the Soviet Union, and the United States, from the year 1945 to 1989. But with the fall of communism, the tearing down of the Berlin Wall, and many other grand changes, the threat of nuclear war has diminished. Or has it? The year is 2010. Communism has risen again in Russia. The old Soviet Empire has returned in full force, and stronger than it was when it first came around in 1917. The Republic of Russia, weakened in the earliest parts of the 21st century. This caused old communists to spread the Marx gospel, renewing communistic beliefs. With a coup in Moscow, the Communists regained power. The New Soviet Union quickly spread out, and regained it's lost territory, sending the Western Countries into chaos. The United States gave Russia an Ultimatem, to stop their spread of power, and bring back the democracy. Of course, Russia refused. Thus, the start of a new Cold War. Both Super Powers sent their intelligence agencies out to the enemy, to gather all they could in information. Each side, trying to find a way to undermine the enemy, and to prevent a total nuclear war that could very well destroy the world.[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Associated Press:[/SIZE] [B]United States and Soviet Union at temporary stand still, though the threat of Nuclear War is still in the air. The President announced today that the two countries will be meeting in Geneva to discuss peace treaties. But most remain doubtful. Secretary of State Alexander Bustion said this: "We remain hopeful, but let's be realistic about it. The Commies will never give in." Although his statement was later scorned by White House Staff, the Secretary remains ever vigilant on his belief.[/B] [i]CIA Headquarters, Langley, Virginia[/i] John tossed the paper in the trash. He couldn't believe the intelligence of his nation's leaders. The threat of Nuclear War, and the Secretary had to go insult the enemy. He had orders to go see the DCI (Director of Central Intelligence) about a mission. He entered through the double doors, and swiped his card. It didn't take the first time and had to swipe again. He grumbled about the efficiency of the government as he walked down the halls to his office. He through his coat onto the chair and he continued on to DCI Peter Tenant's office. Upon entering, the rotund Director stood up and put on a practiced smile. "John! How are you? Are you ready for a big trip?" John sighed silently, he hated big trips. "Yes sir I am," He lied. That was the answer Peter was looking for. "Excellent, now then, I'm sending you to China first off. They are our friends for the time being, but with things the way they are going it could change at anytime." "Yes sir," John replied. "You'll take a Concord Jet there, so you will arrive rather quickly. There you will meet a Bradley Russo, he's an Aussie, so it should be interesting. From there the two of you will meet up with a Dr. Luyii Rae-Shen, he's Chinese Intelligence, so be nice. That's all, see you in a few weeks, the rest of your orders will be waiting for you in China." Peter said. John did all the proper stuff, and left the DCI's office. Where he proceeded to the Airport.
Sign Up Day Walker Hunt for the Undead (Rpg rated R )
Dmitri_Dragoon replied to Galvatron's topic in Theater
Name: Alexander Militov Alignment: Good Race: Day Walker Gender: Male Weapons: Katana on his back. Twin uzi's strapped to his waist. His ammunition is silver bullets with traces of garlic in it. Hand to hand combat skills. Age: 48 Bio: The result of a Vampire, human mix. Although he still thirsts for blood, he doesn't take it straight from the humans. He and his friends have set up a blood bank that he can live off of, while still giving some to Hospitals and the such. Alex has traveled the world hunting vampires, for one reason, they killed his kitten when he was five. Seriously. He has other reasons, but he likes to boggle peoples minds when he tells them that vampires killed his kitten, they never know how to reply to that. Description: Stands at 6' even. Although he is a vampire, he is a Day Walker and has developed a nice little tan. His hair, and eyes are black. He wears all black when he's working. Black kevlar armor, for the Vampire's with guns. A leather neck guard just in case. He wears a black trench coat, made of very strong material to help with protecion as well, also to hide his weapons better. When he isn't working he can be seen wearing a t-shirt and jeans, sometimes even shorts. But he always has some sort of protection even then. -
[b]Name:[/b] Dmitrius Alexander Ramonitov [b]Hacker Name/Nickname:[/b] Xander [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Appearance:[/b] [I]The Matrix:[/I] Fiery Orange hair, green eyes, and is somewhat pale. Like most, he always wears all black, which includes: Black Shirt, pants, boots, trench coat, and sunglasses. To be different he wears green socks. [i]Real Life:[/i] He looks exactly the same, except he has the hole in the back of his head. And he wears a grey tunic, with faded green pants and shoes. [b]Alliance:[/b] Humans [b]Short Bio:[/b] Xander was an expert hacker. But he had a bad habit of getting caught, and a good habit of getting out of trouble. One day he was contacted by Jillian, and accepted the truth rather easily, by simply blaming it on a government conspiracy, though he does realize the truth. [b]Ship:[/b] The Horus [b]Weapons:[/b] Twin .45 Pistols. Uzi strapped to his back, and a long dagger down his boot.
Ken watched, worried for Sayuri's safety, as she slammed into a wall. He didn't see fully as to what happened, but was angry at the thought that she may have been harmed by someone. As she fell to the floor, he could see her face contorting in pain. Ken began to wonder if she was having an inner conflict, more than a outer conflict caused by mortals.
Dillion lurked in the shadows of everything. He was able to get to a little haven, where only the scummiest of scum would congregate. Although he didn't consider himself scum, he was able to fit in quite well. After many hours of talking he was finally able to ferret out where Spin Cycle was. He would have to go find him first thing in the morning, so he could find out what to offer him that would intice him to work for Ms. Folcroft. He send a text message with his cell phone to his employer. [Ferretboi]: [i]What do I offer him for a job? Money? If so how much?[/i] He snapped the phone shut and started to walk around the dark city, eagerly waiting for his bosses answer.