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Everything posted by Neko_Cat

  1. Dragon fighting style is amazing. Elegence, grace, power, it's everything all in one.
  2. Would you believe there is a duck fighting style? weird huh:D
  3. Well, power and agression would be the Tiger, but I don't really know about speed. Snake style involves quick movements and alot of dodgeing and striking, so I guess maybe that would do for speed.
  4. I think that might be Bojack. Brolli is a very tall very blond super saiyan:D
  5. In Kung Fu, fighting styles are based on animals. I identify with the Tiger Fighting style, which represents power and aggression. What style do you identify with? There is one for practically every type of animal. Monkey, Panther, Dragon, Crane, Praying Mantis, and the list goes on and on. Monkey fighting style sometimes involves a staff, and there is even a branch of it called "Drunken Monkey". Sometimes there is a sword used to demonstrate the movements of the Dragon. What's your fav fighting style?:)
  6. Ehhihihihi is a high pitched cackle, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA is in terms of Bad Guy laughter, like when Vegeta does his evil laugh.:tasty: :D :cross:
  7. Who loves to do evil laughs like in movies? It's not a real bad guy without the evil laugh, all of them have it. Show me an evil guy, I'll show you a evil laugh. Vote for your fav kind of evil laugh.:devil: :laugh:
  8. In FF8, you are Squall and you have to defeat a evil Sorceress and fight against President Deling's Corrupt rule by helping the forest owls, Squall falls for Rinoa, who loves Seifer, his rival. Seifer is crazy. Along the way to defeat the sorceress he meets a whole bunch of ppl, etc etc etc.:) :wigout: :D
  9. How do you get a custom avatar? That would be great:D
  10. Human Ryohoki is adorable:angel: :angel: :D :D
  11. You're so lucky, I'm old enough to drive but can't afford one. The bus again........*sigh*
  12. *ROTFL* Yeah, spaceballs was great, I laughed my butt off the first time I saw it:laugh:
  13. yeah, now that you mention it........weird huh? The two destined to be most powerful warriors in the universe were sleeping in the same nursery
  14. Let's get 'em Mystic Babe!! *Throws her a special One time use Kamehameha Wave in a convienent carrying size*
  15. *Starts Playing "I think I'm a Clone Now" by Weird Al Yankovic* Aaaaahhhh!!!! We've been cloned!!! They're coming for us!!!! *pulls out special clone-capturing compact from Ranma 1/2* Not if I get them first!!! *Runs off laughing crazily*:wigout: :laugh:
  16. I think having bits of the same name is okay if you didn't copy, as in you didn't know someone else was using it or you mean a word in a different way, like Mystic Babe. I just don't like seeing ppl copy names because they saw someone else had it and thought it was cool. Ever notice how many Gokous, Vegetas, Trunks, and Gohans there are? That's okay to me 'cause they are just using the name of their fav character, but I try to be original and I put alot of thought into picking a name suited for me and it bugs me when ppl have parts of theirs the same as mine, that's all.
  17. I can understand having the same avatar though, since there is a limited amount, so that's not uncommon. I'd love to get a custom one though.
  18. I know it means Cat Cat, I had a japanese class a couple of years back and that's what inspired it. I love cats, I have five of 'em, plus I thought it would be a funny "inside" joke 'cause only ppl who know japanese or bits of it understand it. By the way, your name is awesome!!! It bugs me when ppl copy though, cause I put alot of thought into my name, ya know?
  19. A long time ago in a galaxy far far away I discovered the meaning of the word "Neko" and became the original Neko_Cat that everyone knows today *starwars music plays in background*. Actually, a couple of years back I took a Japanese Class and since I loved Cats it just clicked. It was in the stars...........ever since then my nickname's been Neko_Cat. I didn't want to copy anyone so I came up with a name all on my own (yay for me!!!). Took a while though.:D :D :D :cool: :smirk: :cross: :angel:
  20. Who's seen at least one other person with the same Avatar as them or parts of their name the same? I've seen at least 3 ppl that have the same avatar as me or have "neko" in their name. I'm worried ppl might mistake other ppl for me. Ahhh, the good ol' days when I was the only Neko............:p :D :cross: :cross: :p
  21. Mike Myers RULES!!!!!!!! I really love Wayne's World, I haven't seen Wayne's World 2 though, I'm having a hard time finding it. Austin Powers was hilarious.....and who can forget Big Daddy, Something about Mary, or Duece Bigalo, Male Giggolo? All of them are great.:laugh: :laugh: :D :D :laugh: :laugh:
  22. I'd probably be 18 or Pan.........no, scratch that, Videl:D ;)
  23. How bizarre........death by video game........well, fortunately I suck at video games, so eventually I get so ticked off because of continually losing that I turn the thing off and go read or ride my bike. Who knew anger could be good for you?:D :angel: :cross: ;) :smirk: :laugh:
  24. No, but saiyan children are kept in nursery-type things till they can be examined for their potential as fighters, and Gokou just happened to be in the crib next to Brolli
  25. I spend alot of time looking up tons of stuff on different anime due to the limited supply of anime in america.......when are ppl gonna get a clue and start selling uncut, real anime so that us anime hopefulls won't have to look so hard? To even find DBZ that is subtitled and truly uncut, I have to drive for miles or pay extremley high prices to mail-in catalogue companies............ay carumba! P.S. Brolli is the legendary super saiyan, he was born with a power level of 10,000 while Gokou's was only 2.......Gokou used to cry alot so Brolli never got any sleep. He hates Gokou to the fullest extent possible and his Ki is enormous....., does that help?:D ;)
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