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Everything posted by Neko_Cat

  1. Alright, this is a Poll based on Toonami/Funimation DBZ Episodes. I hope the poll thing works otherwise I'll just write it in a reply:D
  2. Yep, glad they finally decided on a date. They've changed a million times.:D
  3. When I say love, I mean think he's cool, best character in DBZ, etc. etc.:)
  4. Anyone who wants to be a member simply write "Trunks Lovers Anonymous Member" in your signature. Just another way of telling ppl how much you love Trunks :):D ;) :D :cool:
  5. Thanks.....I'll never buy that junk again. From now on I will buy the original Japanese episodes.:D
  6. Well...now that you mention it, it is kinda cool to be a Newbie again........I dunno:confused: :D
  7. Sammy, I totally understand. I had a whole bunch of quotes in my signature but I can't remember any but 2 'cause they're ones that I said, and I had like 348 posts, which I admit wasn't much but I had been on the otaku since June and it took me so long to get that far up........so sad.:( :D
  8. My avatar's back!!!! YAY!!!!! I have a face again!!!!!! I'm so happy I could sing.....but because that might scare some ppl I'm not gonna j/k:D
  9. Thanks guys, man is this frustrating, I finally understand Otaku 2.0 and am working on getting to 1000 posts and now I have to start all over again. I just want to scream to the world," I AM NOT A NEWBIE!!!". Anyone else feel like that? *frowns* I'm so sad......:(
  10. What happened to the Avatars? Do we not have them anymore? I miss mine already. :( If we still have 'em then please tell me how to put one on again. Thanks:D
  11. Hi everyone!! Just wanted to say: DB is finally airing on Toonami this monday!!! Yay!!! Also, I have no posts *breaks down crying* I was up to 300 and something before. Oh well. "That's the way it goes, ya gotta bend when the wind blows, that's the way it is, ya gotta roll with the punches". :D Oh yeah, I have a question (for anyone who's a DBZ genius) and it's been bugging me-are Funimation uncuts really uncut, or are they still edited? I must know!! I noticed that even in the uncut DBZ english dubb there is no cussing, and thought it was unusual. That's all for now, adios mi amigos!!:D :D
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