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Everything posted by nkid99
My most memorable moment in gaming was at the end of Super Mario 64, when [spoiler] u get shot out of the cannon onto the roof when yoshi says the message from all of the developers, gives u like 99 lives, then jumps off of the castle [/spoiler]. that is my fav game ever...
ok before i start i want to say that i have never taken my xbox newhere, other than from the store to my house. And ive never been like, violent with it (except when having to fix this problem). Well neway whenever i eject the disc tray, the tray comes out, but the disc stays in the machine... my dad has to hit the box and tip it over to get the disc to come out..... this started with a rental, MK:DA. now all i can play is morrowind, cuz if i take it out, we have to work really hard to get it out and may damage the disc and blah blah..... what do i do?
I remember the 1st times i played the NES. I was around 6 years old and the neighbors had one. EVERY DAY i would go over there, ring the doorbell, and say "can i play your Atendo?" There was some1 down the street with a sega system, but i never played it. I was 2 much into MARIO. My parents even told me that the neighbor said that i had an uncanny ability to play games....well neway, i asked for one and i got an nes! wahoo! and this was after the SNES came out... I remember going to a friends house and he had an SNES and i remember playin a metroid game....(reason i remember that was cuz of the robot like thing on the screen and that he said that it's a girl). i never got an snes.... oh man... i remember the Christmas i got the N64.... I remember ripping the paper to find one. then i opened another gift with some PSX games in it and i remember thinking or some1 saying that those were the wrong games. well awhile later i opened another gift to find a PSX...HEH.... well let me tell u this...... i never got a PS2 cuz i remember playing n64 MUCH more than my psx.... heck, i think i got one more game for PSX that i didnt get that Christmas.... And I dont think I can count all of my n64 games.... so newayz, back to the point, when i heard GC was comin out, i drew the line (oh, and once GC came out was when i kinda started being an avid gamer. although i was more into games than every1 else in the n64 age, i wasnt really a "geek" yet). i wasnt gonna get a ps2. and im still not wanting one. i have an xbox, but i really only rent games for it.... i have a ton of gc games so i think ive pretty much always been on nintendo's side... and im not thinking of changing my opinion ne time soon. P.S. I also got a DC somewhere in there.... got 2 games for it....sonic adventure and nba 2k or 2k1.... if DC hadnt have died out i might have put more emphasis in this post on sega...
grave of the fireflies..... *sniffle sniff*
yeah i have castlevania 3 for NES it's got really good music in it... my dad even got a tape recorder thing and stuck it up to the speakers he liked the music so much.....
Have u heard these guys play? They are amazing. John Petrucci, their guitarist, is so good. The drummer is amazing, too. Basically, the whole band is awesome. They ARE REALLY underrated. Metropolis PT 2, Scenes from a Memory is my fav album of theirs, even though i havent heard more than 2 of their albums. Did you know one of their songs (six degrees of inner turbulence) is 42 minutes long..... my fav songs are overture 1928, fatal tragedy, beyond this life, the dance of eternity, and home (and BTW, a few of these songs are in the DBZ vid, history of trunks.) If you ever get a chance, and if u like heavy metal, then listen to this band.
Is it just me or does this movie look extremely lame? The commercial says "An evil game-maker threatens the world" or something. that is probably the corniest plot ive ever heard of and ive never heard the word 'game-maker' :P" i hope that this movie completely bombs.....
guys i have freeloader and im wondering if i should import it. if i import i get it earlier but i cant do the compatibility thing with ax but i dont think there will be an AX arcade machine around where i live. so do u guys think it'll be very....ummmmm.... story driven and with alot of verbal content? if so, i might as well wait until august. what do u guys think? (oh and dont give me lectures on how i shouldnt use FL. :P) PS and yes, it looks awesome. the graphics in a futuristic cities look great and the greenery in some stages still looks great. I CANT W-W-W-WAIT.
but remember, i dont mean JUST apple or panasonic. those r just examples.... but i just wonder who is gonna get in next.... (not counting nokia with their n-gage that combines the worlds crappiest cell phone with the worlds crappiest hand-held game system....)
ok now think. before sony and m$ got into the console biz, sony was JUST an electronics company and m$ was JUST the biggest company on this planet we like to call Earth. now think..... what if MAC got into the biz? what if panasonic got in? i know, not very likely but that's what people were thinking when only The Big N and Sega were in :P...... i wonder if and when more companies are getting in to the biz?
My favorite is the brak show! it's got brak always annoying zorak and zorak always insulting brak yet they still do almost everything together....aaahhhhhhhhhh
but really I'm 12 and I believe you can have relationships at this age but not like LOVE. No, it's just pretty much impossible for someone at an age like that to love another person.....
rei is awesome....
OH YEAH the motion picture is the ad i saw. SOOO once and for all what should i see first?? I'm gettin confused
well if i wanna get into slayers what DVD[s] should I get first?
I've been looking for some more anime to watch and I stumbled upon a few. They are Legend of Crystania, Ruin Explorers, and Slayers. Are they any good???
I say .hack//sign for anime. The music is great in it. As for video games, the super mario sunshine music is great. It adds to the tropical atmosphere.
Brain Powered or Pilot Candidate? I'm gonna get vol. 1 dvd of either one of them, but which one?
I skate and i can ollie maybe close to a foot high, i can ollie a four step staircase. i can backside boardslide (on low things), i can almost kickflip, and almost backside 180. Oh, and i can do like a primo (i think thats what its called) [color=purple]URL to sites are not permitted here, Please read the rules[/color] is good they have message boards where u can post asking for trick tips and a photos section where u can post photos of u skating.
I'll check that out....... But how many volumes r out? Rave Master and Rebirth only have 1 out....... BTW, I recommend those to anyone who likes manga.
What r your favs? I like the gundam ones, rave master, and rebirth. all by tokyopop........
Is the music the same in the English and Japanese versions?
Except for the fact that when the characters were talking u didn't put quotation marks around them