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Everything posted by ShimmeringFeyd

  1. Xavier spoke in light tones to the seated Yosho. The young mutant was sitting indian style with his eyes closed. Xavier was behind him, as always in his wheel chair. Their backs were to eachother and neither spoke, yet they were deep in communication. The room they were in was slightly more furnished, a simple bed, a small tv and a mini-frigerator. This was Yosho's room, below the campus of the institute and adjacent to Hyde's stainless steel cage. The professors mind weaved through Yosho's psyche with both skill and caution. It was dark inside his thoughts, purple clouds loomed in all directions. Confusion, doubt and despair were all that remained inside what was once a mind full of life. And in one part, there was nothing but raging storms and endless infernos. The part where the beast called Hyde laid dorment waiting for any reason to strike out. Xavier finally opened his eyes blinking once while his mind reset itself. "It seems we haven't made much progress recently Yosho. As i've said before all our efforts are futile as long as you allow Hyde to remain." [COLOR=purple]Yosho remained seated and kept his eyes closed. "I am aware of this, yet I do indeed have the ability to remove that failure of my mind anytime I wish. [/COLOR] Xavier was mildly surprised and a note of doubt was in his voice. "Truly now? This is quite a leap, you rarely speak of your counterpart in such an ill manor. Do you really believe you can defeat him?" [COLOR=purple]"Of course, I can remove that no count anytime I choose."[/COLOR] The professors mind pushed with speed and strength, yet pure surprise stopped him from using his full strength and Yosho's now mammoth fist slammed into the side of his wheel chair. It twirled and snapped under the impact slamming into the nearby wall shaking Xavier like a rag doll. [COLOR=purple]Yosho moved with demonic speed and threw his bulging shoulders into the same wall. The weaker metal and bricks shattered and crumbled ontop of the temporarily stunned professor toppling his broken chair and burying him under the rubble. [/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]The beast that used to be Yosho looked over his handiwork. Alive but no longer a threat, exactly as he had planned. It moved to the other room and opened the steel door stepping inside the prison made just for it. It had great strength now but it hadn't pushed too far so its mind was still mostly intact. Though no longer a complete genius, it was still able to follow its plan. Something the thing remembered perfectly as it slammed a hand into just the right spot in the ceiling. [/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Water began bursting out from the broken fire sprinklers and the creature moved back into the other room closing the door tightly behind him. It waited patiently as the air tight room filled up bit by bit. Counting off the time in its mind, it took a stance and began roaring to itself.[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Muscles bulged and his already large form began increasing to even more mammoth proportions. As he began passing eight feet tall, and the limits of its strength, its mind melted away. Reason, thought, ambition, sanity, all these things fell deep into the subconsious. As the last of his memories followed suit, one last word echoed in its mind.[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Freedom!![/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]The monster crashed into the door with impossible strength pushing it into the flooded room. The steel walls buckled and expanded falling back on their supports, yet the slightly weaker ceiling had no such reinforcements. And the whole Institute trembled just as a geysour exploded from beneath the floor of the west wing of the campus.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=purple]The mutant nicknamed Jekyll leaned his head against the wall breathing hard. His shirt was ripped into pieces as were most of the rest of his clothes. He was covered in sweat courtesy of numerous cuts and bruises that were over his arms and shoulders complete with a large gash marring the left side of his head. The room he was in was odd to say the least. It was a perfect cube seven foot in all directions. Of course that was just the diameter, the walls themselves were just as thick, even the floor and ceiling. Made of stainless, tempered steel and seemingly void of any obvious doors, windows or furnishings. Today though there were deep dents marring the walls surface. Some nearly a foot deep. Like some beast had been pounding on them. Jekyll turned around laying back against the wall and slowly slid down to a sitting position lacking the strength to even keep his head up, it simply drooped down over the rest of his slouching body. His thoughts wandered to just two weeks ago when he first found this school. Or was brought here to be precise. Xavier had seemingly taken pity on him. Worried for his well being as well as the safety of his students, the professor had opted to pick up Jekyll all by himself. Jekyll was in control at the time so there was no struggle. The real struggle happened when Yosho demanded certain accomodations. This steel prison was deep beneath the regular school. Xavier had been against such extreme measures of containment, but Yosho new better and won out. No student knows he is down here, few of the teachers even know. Only Xavier, and Jean who treats his frequent injuries. Xavier visits his for an hour everyday for their sessions. Something that still makes Yosho laugh. The old man thinks he can help. He just doesn't understand. No one can stop Hyde.[/COLOR]
  3. Thought normally Feyd never let anyone hold him, he just wasn't there today. While the others around him spoke dilligently of ways to deal with Necrofear and to stop the dark realm, none of them noticed what was happening right in front of them. Feyd's eyes were once again closed, yet open in their own way. He no longer had to be next to the slab to look inside, and he was digging deeper than ever. The answer had eluded him for so long but now he understood. He had foolishly been trying to move towards the object at the end of the dark tunnel when all he had to do was stay still and will the object to move towards him. And move it was, very slowly and clumsily, but it was moving. Closer and closer the shadowy figure stalked. Apprehension and curiosity filled Feyd. He had no idea what would happen when it finally reached him, though he was most interested in finding out. Back in the real world though, outside of his eyes, Feyd stayed motionless in Melodie's arms. Yet his fur seemed to be swaying a bit too much in the wind.
  4. Name: Yosho Hurokai Callsign: ?Jekyll, [I]Hyde[/I]' Age: 20 Sex: Male Height: 5? 10?, [I]8' 5"[/I] Build: Very thin and lean, little to no muscles. [I]Mammoth and musculer.[/I] Attire: Loose fitting very baggy clothes many sizes too big. Abilities: Can gradually increase his muscle density to nearly twelve times that of a normal human level. This of course has several positive side effects including immense strength, vast improvement to the strength and durability of his organs and circulatory system. To handle the strain of his improved muscle mass, his skin has been hardened to an extreme level making it nearly inpenetrable. His respiratory system is not upgraded at all thus leaving his endurance lacking and unable to keep up with his bodies new impossible demands. The body compensates by removing air and glucose from the brain resulting in a drastic temporary decrease of the five senses and a notable lack of both short and long term memory. Biography: Entry: 1. Date: October 31st Logon: DP17. [I]"I have decided to keep a personal journal of our dealings with the new mutant we have acquired. First off the mutants real name is Yosho Hurokai and there is absolutely nothing to report about the first portion of his life. He lived in a suburb with a middle-class family and had no complications save a brief shoplifting problem in his early teens. However halfway through his seventeeth year there was a rather nasty incident with a teacher at his high school in which his abilities finally materialized. The resulting body count was nine dead teachers and nineteen dead police officers. That night we discretely picked him up from the emergency room where the exausted boy was still in a coma, an occasional after effect of pushing his ability too far. We have already placed him in confinement and are ready to begin experimentation."[/I] Entry: 2. Date: November 15th Logon: DP17 [I]"We have unfortunetly been unable to begin experiments on the new mutant. In two weeks of observation his mutant ability has yet to again emerge. Our attempts at forcing it to merge has also failed. The boy seems completely unable or perhaps unwilling to use his abilities. Since we must study his talents before we can begin improving them, we will continue trying to force his abilities.[/I] Entry: 3. Date: November 21st Logon: DP17 [I]"Three dead scientist and nine dead security guards. We have succeeded in bringing out his ability once again. Unfortunetly we have been unable to determine what set him off. We were not attempting to do so at the time and no unusual circustances were noted. I am at a loss as to how to proceed right now.[/I] Entry: 4. Date: December 1st Logon: DP17 [I]"Success is truly the greatest tasting of all sensations. I have finally identified the problem with the new mutant. We were under the impression the flaw was a physical ailment, however it is in fact a mental impedement. The boy is a certifiable schizo. His mind is currently divided into two identities and this the cause of his unusual behavior. I will report again once I have discovered more.[/I] Entry: 5. Date: December 30th Logon: DP17 [I]"It seems that the boy known as Yosho truly doesn't have any control over his mutant ability. It is in fact his counterpart that controls his power. Yosho, who we have codenamed Jekyll for obvious reasons, is brilliant and rather mellow yet weak willed. His counterpart, we have codenamed Hyde, is devious, ambitious, and downright bloodthirsty. Hyde rarely bothers to do anything. Seeing life as dull and generally boring he tends to stay back and allow Jekyll to handle the simpler parts of daily life. Hyde emerges only when something happens that he deems interesting. The fight with the teacher was of interest to him as is any violent encounter. We have also determined the female species is of particular interest to Hyde as well and it was a woman scientist leaving her overcoat too loose that set off Hyde a little over a month ago. Jekyll on the other hand is little more than a wasted shell of a man. He knows he is beaten and is completely at the mercy of Hyde. We will begin experimentation this afternoon.[/I] Entry: 6 Date: April 12th Logon: DP17 [I]"I have decided to continue my entries on the mutant now known as Jekyll and Hyde. It has been a little over two years since my last entry and much has happened. Our experiments originally focused on enhancement. We hardened his skin to deal with the strains his increased muscle mass places on it. However after losing nearly half my staff later that week to a sudden outburst from Hyde, we decided to halt improvements and instead concentrate on control. Oddly enough Jekyll proved most uncooperative, Hyde however was far simpler to control. Already interested in violence and sex, both of which we could easily satisfy with the occasional expendable hooker, who rarely survived the encounter. We had high hopes over removing Jekyll entire and making Hyde both the dominant and most active personality. Last week however things took a turn for the worst. The mutant has escaped from our facilities. After pushing his strength to a level even we didn't know he could reach, he tore through our defenses and quite literally walked out the front door, or atleast what was left of it. I had thought it was a simple outburst. However now I believe Hyde had been using us for his entertainment. As soon as he tired of our offerings, he simply left. I can no longer approve further experimentation on this mutant. The risk factor is far too great and the rewards too little even in the extremely unlikely case we could find a reliable method of control. I advise the immediate termination of this mutant through any means necessary."[/I]
  5. Mr. Maxwell Johnson had thought today was just his lucky day. His kid was out and being successful on his own, he had seen a great show at the theatre, and met quite a nice young lady who his wife would have never had to know about. Things had just seemed so perfect. Of course Mr. Johnson was never known for his brilliance, or else he might had wondered why this lady was so determined to only "get down to business" at his job. It wasn't exactly a romantic location. Just the biggest television broadcast tower in the Core. Located on the edge of the upper plates industrial district, the Penzati tower boosted the signals of over 4000 different stations and broadcast programs every day. Of course none of that matters anymore since Mr. Johnson is no longer really capable of thought. Not exactly dead and not technically alive, his unblinking eyes stared mindlessly at the ceiling. His body sprawled onto the ground with the chair he had been setting in collapsed into pieces next to him. The room was pretty large and had nearly thirty monitors stretched about it. It was one of nine security booths the tower had. Mr. Johnson had privately ask the guard to double up on one of the other security booths for the night. Of course Mr. Johnson's body wasn't alone in that room. [COLOR=seagreen]Calais sat in the main chair watching one of the monitors with an unwavering gaze. There was a man on that screen busily typing away at a terminal. She watched his every movement with her doll seated on her lap. She had discarded her white cloak and was back to her cut up silk outfit.[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]"And I think that's enough don't you Cecil?"[/COLOR] The doll knight turned and nodded at her in agreement. [COLOR=seagreen]"Very well then." She said while standing up and gracefully moving over to the door. "Lets get over there and get this game started. It's going to be a night to remember."[/COLOR]
  6. Maxwell Johnson had never truly been considered a handsome man, but with the amount of money he has there had never been a lack of woman coming onto him. Yet in all of his life he had never seen anything this obvious. He had barely been able to concentrate on the play for the past hour since she had been flirting with him non-stop and whispering most uncivilized things into his ear. Every part of his brain told him to just call security and have her removed, yet his brain wasn't really what was in charge in right now. "Alright dear, as soon as this play has finished I will personally take you to see my work." The girl relaxed visibly and rested her head on his shoulder. Maxwell turned atleast part of his attention back to the play where the star Maria was singing about her lost love Draco. [COLOR=seagreen]Beneath her cloak Calais silently petted her doll while darkly smiling to herself.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=seagreen]"Ohhhhhh thats bright." Calais gazed at the upper plates theatre district with a distinct awe. Wild lights and loud music made the area so much more alive than the others she had passed through. "Alright Cecil we're here. Now lets not get too distracted by all this. We got a job to do after all." She pulled the large white cloak she had borrowed from a lady she met on the street not long ago and wrapped it tightly over herself. Covering up her cut up outfit and leaving only the flowing ends that always surrounded her. Finally tucking the doll under the cloak as well, she looked remarkably like a rich citizen of the core. With a final sigh she pulled herself upright and bend her nose upward before walking into the ever swelling crowd.[/COLOR]
  8. Oh man Mario Kart? Haven't played that awesome game in so long, think i'm going to go download it now. Character Name: Bowser Character Personality: Mood wise he is unpredictable, usually aggresive but tends to jump around going to extremes of other emotions for no real reason. This works for his intelligence too, though occasionally brilliant, no defense the mushroom kingdom has ever come up has managed to stop him to date, he can also be incredibly stupid. ((Going by the way he acts in various comics if thats alright)) Home: His castle ((And its poor defense system that doesn't do very well against mario)). Other: Bowser owns the road punk and has extreme problems with road rage. So get out of the way or say hello to a face full of firey death.
  9. [COLOR=seagreen]"Well this is certainly a fine mess, I can't believe we volunteered for this." Calais spoke outloud while she layed back onto the rotting box. The dark knight doll sat on her stomach and nodded its head at her in agreement. [/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]She sighed to herself thinking deeply. "Now I have an idea but we're really not all that good at starting things off are we Cecil?" Once again the doll nodded to her in agreement.[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]"So the best thing to do would be to wait for one of the others to start something then we should follow up. I mean after all we are much more effective as followers than leaders..."[/COLOR] "Ummm excuse me?" [COLOR=seagreen]Calais tilted her head to the side eyeballing Eli with an annoyed look for his interruption. "Are you still here? You can go away now I don't need you anymore."[/COLOR] Something snapped inside Eli's brain and his old self emerged in a burst. "What the &*#% are you looking at. Stupid crazy girl." He mumbled to himself while he walked away from her." [COLOR=seagreen]She had already turned away from him and was staring at the sky again. "On the other hand...sitting around is kind of boring. So instead of just waiting for the others to do something how about we provoke them into doing something?" The doll looked at her with an angry look.[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]She smiled darkly laughing aloud. "Now don't look at me like that. I won't get them in too much trouble. You know ancients they take forever to do anything. I'm just thinking we should give them a little prod thats all."[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]She sat up quickly leaning in close to the dolls face and began whispering in its ear. "Now Eli says his daddy loves plays and musicals and today is his day off so he should be at the theatre district right now. " The doll eyed her with a most worried expression. [/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]She jumped off the box holding the doll against her chest. "You are too overprotective. I know we're going to have a little problem getting in but I have an idea. Anyways we get to take in a show, and I know you love the theatre as much as I do." [/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]She suddenly held the doll in front of her while twirling in a circle. "Maybe we can even get on stage!!! How great would that be."[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]She clutched the doll back to her chest and started walking down the street. "And best of all we're not even slacking off. I mean Eli's dad is the head of the security at one of this cities big factories. We'll need him to get the others moving. Now pay attention Cecil, i'll explain the plan on the way."[/COLOR]
  10. Eli Johnson walked down the steps of the building with a calm demeaner that even the deadliest natural disaster couldn't have broken. He was always this way. The son of one of the cities wealthiest men, Eli knew everything would always go his way. He strode confidently down the perfectly paved streets. There were no beggers here on the upper plate, this part of the city was populated solely by the rich and powerful. And they begged for nothing...well atleast not on the streets. Yet today Eli stopped in mid stride for the first time in all his 33 years. For there was something most odd on the side of this street. At first he thought it was a child, yet it was wearing what seemed to be armor. Black armor, and it had a sharp object in its hand. Some part of his body tingled as fear began to seep in. Some vagrant had somehow reached the upper plates and was about to attack him was his first thought. Yet this vagrant wasn't attacking, it seemed to be standing there. No not standing, moving in a circle...dancing? Eli could only stare in complete amazement as this child like knight danced an odd pattern around him. As it got closer he soon noticed it wasn't a child at all, but a doll. A very life like doll but a doll none the less. Its armor was nothing more than cloth and its strings were still attached to its arms and legs. Yet this made Eli even more worried, for the doll was moving. Something was pulling its strings, something that he couldn't see. [COLOR=seagreen]"Poor poor man, what a sad jesters suit you wear..."[/COLOR] Jolting back into reality Eli nearly wet his pants from the sudden break in the dolls movements. The soft voice was not coming from the doll at all. It was definately female and had a very soothing element to it. The doll knight had stopped dancing and made a gesture with its arms before it began moving to the side of the street. What was left of Eli's imagination, the child part of his mind told him this doll was leading him to the girl who had spoken. The rational part of his mind told this couldn't be happening and tried to make him turn, make his legs run and get away. Yet he couldn't, he had to follow that doll, to see who had spoken. Something in the back of his mind just had to do this. And so Eli moved, following the doll. It led him to a small building, a jewelry store if he remembered right. His mother always shopped there, one of the most expensive places in the city. Yet today, like many things today, it was not normal. For today there was a rotting old box on the side of the building. And someone was setting on that box. This was the puppeteer that had controlled the doll, he knew this even before the knight had zig zagged its way over to her and crawled into her lap. He knew because this was no ordinary girl. Her green hair and eyes were too perfectly matched, and her skin just too flawless, not a scratch, not a blemish. Yet her clothes truly set her apart. Eli's mother was extravagant to say the least. The outfits she wore cost more than some of the poorer parts of the cities. Yet the fine silk gown this girl was wearing would be worth more than his mothers whole wardrobe. It was a thick silk yet obviously light. It shimmered in the sunlight and its dark blue coloring clashed with the girls hair causing it to radiate even more. It was much too large for her though and flowed out on all sides gathering around the ground like a small pool of water. So dazzled by the initial sighting, it took his eyes nearly a minute to finally notice. The gown wouldn't be worth anything. Despite its incredible design, it had been slashed up. Deep gashes occupied every part of it, like the girl herself had cut it up with a knife. As Eli stared at her still too lost in his thoughts to come up with a proper greeting. She just smiled at him while petting her doll with her hands. [COLOR=seagreen]"Now now, don't strain your mind too much just yet. There are so many questions I have for you. For starters, tell me your name and where is this place?"[/COLOR]
  11. Always a sucker for FF games. Ancient Force: Sylph Power: Non-elemental Attack: Absorbtion Incarnation: Calais Brose Gender: female Supposed age: around 20 or so Trade: Mimic Weapon: Doll Appereance: Skinny olive skinned girl wearing cut up silk clothes. Her hair is long and green matching her eyes. A small life like doll resembling a fully armored dark knight is always curled in her arms.
  12. One could say it was a tactical retreat, a brilliant and calculated fall back, maybe even a clever counter attack, of course to Feyd it all seemed like more of wild and completely insane retreat. For ten minutes they had run, the rumbling of the Labyrinth Tank always behind them. With more room to move the soldiers of the group probably could of destroyed it, but in these narrow corrodors their attacks could strike only the tanks front end where it was the most armored and nearly inpenetrable. To make things even more interesting, they had wandered into a very nicely built labyrinth, full of dead ends and circles. So a very desperate plan came up. With no time to stop and use his "vision" Feyd instead split quickly and his clones slammed into the tank. The now four Blue Kuriboh quickly took scouting roles and flew forward checking every turn, nook and cranny trying to find the right way while trying to keep a distance from the tank. They had already had far too many close calls and there seemed to be no end to this Labyrinth. Feyd was beginning to suspect those damn imps were really laughing at this situation.
  13. Feyd was usually a rather irritated little ball of fur. His master was always mad too. Every day it was the same thing. Something was busted, something was missing, something wasn't the way it was the day before. He always knew who was responsible too. Imps. Annoying imps. The bigger the horn the more annoying they were. Feyd knew they were bad news, and responsible for every bad thing that happened. Though even he was having trouble pinning their current situation on imps. Running through these tunnels, chased by the entire dark realm. Carrying two Exodia slabs, which he still couldn't look inside and was really getting irritated about that, with what seemed to be an AWOL black skull dragon chasing after them. Valkyrion was gone, the blue eyes was messed up, and neither of those two soldiers seemed capable of dealing with a giant black skull. Feyd stayed perched on the second stone slab, he had a few options available to him right now but he didn't like any of them. He knew where the light realm was, and exactly how to get there, though he also knew something was seriously wrong at that shrine though he wasn't sure exactly what. So instead of trying to lead them, Feyd decided to just stay put. Among all the wild questions he had to think about, one thing was most apparent on his mind. How did those damn dirty imps manage to do all this?
  14. ((OOC - I belong to no one. And that goblin thing was pretty clever.)) Released from their load of carrying the huge dragon, the small army of Kuriboh hovered around the slab for some time. One by one though a small popping sound arose they slowly began vanishing into thin air. Until finally just one small blue Kuriboh remained. Feyd stayed seated on the slab. He was still a little disoriented after going through that typhoon but that wasn't what was keeping him down. His attention was on the slab of Exodia. He could normally see anything he wanted too yet looking into that slab revealed nothing but an endless hole. Atleast thats what he thought at first. With his clones gone and that strange swordsman leading the way he had begun concentrating more on looking into the slab. He realized the hole wasn't endless, there was something at the end. He couldn't see it yet though, nor could he figure out how to get there. Atleast not yet. The Kuriboh remained motionless on the slab staring into it with closed eyes.
  15. Feyd jumped off the roof just as the first thunder bolts tore it to pieces. Rolling across the ground with a thud it took a few minutes to recompose itself. Finally standing it looked around and took count of the chaos that had erupted. Such powerful monsters he had rarely seen were tearing eachother to pieces all around him. A deafening roar from behind brought him back to the present. Turning to see a summoned skull bearing down upon him, Feyd had a split second to realize this was most bad. He jumped back in a float just as his body seemed to bend for a moment. Not wanting to waste energy on such a weak monster the summoned skulls fist smashed into the blue Kuriboh. There was a sound like a splitting log then there were suddenly two Kuriboh where its fist lay buried in the ground. And a third was floating just behind those two. The two darted into the air and began slamming themselves into the summoned skull. It fell back wildly swiping at both of them and following another splitting sound four blue Kuribohs were now attacking it. The skull fired off a round of lightning incinerating them all in a blast and then eight began pounding on it. The constant attacks had begun wearing on the skull and its bones were cracked in several places. Firing off another desperate round of lightning the skull was suddenly being pounded by sixteen Kuriboh. It finally collapsed under the onslaught and the sixteen flew off in all directions. Lightning blast roared all around and the sixteen began multiplying at a rapid pace. Blue Kuriboh floated and scattered everywhere causing even greater chaos among the fighting. One little ball of blue fur in particular made its own way through the fighting, concentrating on the one part of the battle field it couldn't see clearly. Feyd floated over to the slab that contained Exodia and flew in quickly hovering just behind the soldier of stones left leg and keeping itself hidden, and slightly safe.
  16. While powerful beast and legendary warriors talked below in the temple of earth. None noticed that one of creations smallest monsters remained just above them. A tiny blue Kuriboh sat still on the slanting roof of the shrine. It stayed back behind a bend and well out of sight. Feyds' eyes were closed yet it watched all that was happening in its own way. Through eyes that see without flesh. He had decided to simply follow this Valkyrion for now. Nothing would really be gained from contact and it would be safer this way, atleast for Feyd. Puffing up angrily the blue ball of fur concentrated harder. It was difficult to see inside the shrine. He was only getting barely half of what was being said and what was happening. He figured it was because of Exodia. That things presence must be interfering with his sight. He was even more angry when he looked out towards the mountains. He couldn't see anything over there, he couldn't see almost anything in the dark realm nowadays. Nothing frustrated him more than not being able to see what he wants to see. Feyd calmed down and relaxed a bit. Atleast he had finally figured out why he can't see whats happening in the dark realm. There was someone else who could see like he could in there. And they were blocking him. Something that seemed very odd to Feyd. Why anyone would go through such trouble to cloak their actions from such a small creature. Which just sparked even more questions, like how they even knew to do that. Its not like the existense a genius Seer Kuriboh was common knowledge. Feyd jumped in alarm floating a bit up and looking towards the mountains more carefully. That cloak was moving towards them. He dropped back down and floated over behind the slant of the roof rolling into a very small ball. There was going to be a battle soon, and he had no intention of being caught in the middle.
  17. Can't believe anyone is having problems winning with the Patrician of Darkness deck. All you have to do is fuse one of your plant cards with a mid-level zombie card to make a pumpking the king of ghost, or two. Then just sit there while it beefs up your zombies. Use your blue eyes silver zombie monster to turn any non-zombies into zombies for a bit of overkill. I finished off the boss of the white rose side in two hits using the Patrician deck. I guess my 5800ap patrician of darkness was a bit overkill. Course my 4700 ap mammoth of the goldfine was backing him up just in case. On the subject of using passwords I generally don't though I have used them to get parts of Exodia since frankly I can't find them anywhere. I do despise the slot system though. Whoever made this is beyond retarded. I've probably played the slots 100+ times now and only once have I ever managed to line up 3 of the same kind. I did get a dark magician girl out of it but good luck to me ever doing it twice. On a final side note, using some cheat codes (strictly for curiosity since trying to play with the hacked decks causes major bug problems) I have seen every card in the game at SD level. Fairy monsters have the best leader abilities followed closely by pyro's. Warrior and beast types tend to be the least effective leaders.
  18. Late entry, great idea here. Everyone always laughs at my Kuriboh deck, until it pounds them into the ground. Seems only fitting I should rp one. Name: Feyd Card: Kuriboh Gender: Male Description: A usual Kuriboh though it has dark blue fur instead of brown. Bio: Back when the gods ruled the land, many strange experiments were done. Wizards desperate for a way to deal with the god cards did many things that ranged from horrible to downright bizarred. One such wizard spent his whole life breeding Kuriboh. Using spells and natural herbs he slowly changed them. Before his death he finished his experiment. Feyd is the product of all his work. Physically almost the same as any Kuriboh, with the exception of some slight fur discoloration, mentally though he is far superior hovering above a genius level. Though it should be noted genius level for Kuribohs is only about average for humans but that is still pretty smart. He doesn't have the physicality needed to speak though he can understand anything said to him and he can communicate in other ways. He has also honed his natural talents to new levels and uses them with a cunning never before seen in his kind. With the death of his master Feyd was left on his own. He pretty much wandered the dark world and slowly developed a personality. Though mostly laid back and very lazy he is somewhat caring for others. When word spread that the dark forces were up to something, Feyd became quite worried. He learned that the alphas, betas, and gamma's had raised a powerful warrior and dispatched him to the earth shrine. Wanting to help, and to be near such a powerful warrior in case of trouble, he retreated into the earth realm and went in search of the shrine. Special Abilities: Multiply - All Kuriboh can multiply like mad but thanks to his magical breeding Feyd's multiplying ability is much different. He can make a pair of copies of himself. These copies think and act on their own adopting Feyds personality. However they are just clones and will vanish into thin air after a few hours. If Feyd is hurt all his clones will vanish. However there is no way to tell Feyd from his clones and striking a clone will cause it to split into two more. Dark Piercing light - Harnessing his dark energies Feyd has developed an incredible sixth sense. Much like seers he can close his eyes and "see" almost anything that is happening in the world. Though some things are clouded even from his sight.
  19. In the year 2003, things are progressing as they always have. People work their jobs, drive their cars, watch the latest news about what America is pissed about now while eating to much fast food. Demons are just stories and angels are just dreams. Of course all of that changed on april 12th. At 2:00 am european time, an entire suburb was massacred on the southern coast of Ireland. Publicly it was done by an unidentified terrorist organization. Privately the British government had no idea what had happened. There were no bullets fired and it seemed the people had been ripped to pieces by wild animals. Yet not a single non-human body had been found. Over the next four months several other small towns were wiped off the map. Although publicly panic was now setting in over wide spread terrorism. The reality was even worse to various world governments who had now fought with the beast on a few occasions. They were not human that much was for sure. The soldiers described them as monsters, demons even. Bullets were ineffective and even tanks shells did little. The mangled pieces would just pull themselves back together. The governments were going mad to try and find a way to fight back but it seemed hopeless. Behind the scenes though, both Heaven and Hell were holding their breath. Mephisto, the lord of hate himself again walked on earth. Despite the efforts of ages past he is still alive. His spirit trapped in the realm of man by spells he weaved before his fall at the temple of Kurast. Now with the ages he has spent on this plane his soul has become very powerful. The angels would lose much of their strength if they tried to fight him on earth so none dared. Mephisto was behind the attacks but no one was entirely certain what he was up to. Reviving his brothers had been considered but they were definately dead, he couldn't possibly have found a way to bring them back.....could he? Desperation ripped at the heart of the bold archangel Tyreal. He decided his own course of action. He gathered a small army of angels who either wanted to stand against hell or help out the world of man. Then they attacked hell. The surprise attack stunned everyone and the armies of hell at first retreated. Though they quickly reformed under the leadership of many lesser evils and began pushing back Tyreals small band. Yet taking hell was not his goal. They had captured one important area and while his army fought an impossible battle to buy him time. Tyreal used the hellforge to make three weapons. Created by the hands of heaven yet built by the power of hell. They were formidable indeed. This accomplished, him and a small number of survivors made a daring escape from hell and returned to the realm of man. There Tyreal searched the world for three humans worthy of weilding these weapons. Weapons that could kill the demons, that could even kill Mephisto. The ancient Tyreal had grown weary of battle though. His time was coming to an end. So he turned to his only son. Born not very long ago, Tyrin was the spitting image of his father. Brave and rebellious, he refused to sit and watch. He was the first to join Tyreals army that had attacked hell. So Tyreal handed his sword, the Azurewrath to Tyrin and told him to do whatever he can. Then he departed. So prologue finished the idea should be obvious. This is based on the Diablo game series and knowing about the games plot and storyline would be most useful. Otherwise you will probably not be able to keep up. There is a central plot, involving the brothers of course, yet this isn't exactly a group adventure. Though you may cross paths from time to time I don't want any followers and stragglers. Every player will have to create their own plotline from the view point of their character and intertwine that with everyone elses. Character wise there are three powerful weapons available. Whoever makes the best character gets to have them. You will create them, if you want a basic idea game wise these would be elite weapons. You will write up everything about the weapon, why you were chosen by Tyreal to wield it, and of course that event that lead to you actually getting it. The characters with the weapons will all be human. Though since there are only three weapons available, i'll be allowing anyone who wants to play lesser evils. You have to design them and it must be impressive. No lesser evil is just born and then suddenly in the running for rulership of hell. They slowly rise to that level through brilliance and power. Lesser evils do not have to be on Mephisto's side. They can be whatever you wish them to be. On the flip side I won't be allowing any other angels. Tyrin is the only one there since I don't want to take away from the idea of humanity struggling for themselves. THE THREE BROTHERS ARE RESTRICTED SO DON'T EVEN TRY TO PLAY THEM!!!!!!! Making sure everyone sees that. The exception to the rule is of course me. I will be playing both Mephisto and Tyrin. I think thats everything, if I missed anything just ask. Also its not exactly first come first serve. If your profile is pathetic your will not be accepted. This rp simply won't function without really creative writers so I won't be going easy on anyone. Human Characters. Name: Appearance: Weapon: History: Lesser Evils. Name: Appearance: Powers: ((This is impossible to restrict or accurately explain. Take a look and Andariels poison abilities and Duriels freezing for an idea. You can have more than one of course just don't get too insane and be specific as to what they are.)) History: My character. Name: Tyrin Appearance: In his angelic form he very much resembles his father. a large shining warrior in divine armour wielding the Azurewrath. His wings floating behind him like glowing white seaweed. Though this was not the world Tyreal walked, and Tyrin had to learn to blend in. He no longer wears his armour and his wings are wrapped around his body like bandages while concealed by his clothes. He wears a pair of slightly baggy black jeans and a large t-shirt covered by a grey sweater with a larger than normal hood that is always up showing nothing but his glowing dark blue eyes. He can't cover his height though and stands just over seven and a half feet tall. His bulky build is still very apparent beneath his clothes. The Azurewrath is carried in a sheath that is attached to his back and as long as it is sheathed both remain invisible to the naked eye. Weapon: The Azurewrath, Tyreals own sword. Despite this blades large size, nearly five feet long, it is incredibly light weight. It has a shimmering smoky aura always clinging to it. The wounds it inflicts will never heal, not even by demonic means. The metal is absolutely freezing to the touch of anyone except Angels. A type of cold that is very unnatural and chills deeper than the skin. History: Tyrin was born shortly after Baal's defeat so long ago. The celebration shook all of creation like a whirlwind and even Tyreal lost himself in the joyful victory. Tyrin has always revered his father and has long since surpassed his fighting skill. Though Tyreal was always rebellious chosing to do what he sees at right, Tyrin has pushed it into a new level that has always worried Tyreal. Tyrin listens to no one and nothing. Not even Tyreal has been able to control him and the young angel was eventually banished to the realm of man. He has walked earth for nearly three thousand years now and has not developed Tyreals love for humans. He sees them as petty and worthless and to this day doesn't understand his fathers concern for them. Though when Mephisto began his incursions, the chance for battle, real battle against such a legendary foe arose. He dove at the opportunity and joined Tyreal in the siege of the hellforge. After the battle, his father gave him the Azurewrath. Bidding a fond thank you to his father, the only angel who still respected him, then departed. He intended to walk his own path and deal with Mephisto in his own way.
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