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Everything posted by IcyBunny

  1. I used to post here a lot, I havent in a real long time because some of the "restraints" around here.. I never used profanity, and I had a mod in no certain words tell me to "rethink" my way of thinking. IMHO boards are for everyone, with diffrenent views, and different ways of expressing them. Long as there is no profanity.. Let them be... if you cant think along those lines, I really dont think you deserve to be a mod. So I dont think its an issue of strictness... but of a God complex.
  2. Hey bud, I put effort where I like K? If you have something against free speech delete away, The song is POO and nuff said was my comment. If you would like some Pseudo intellectual answer to why, go look elsewhere. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manic [/i] [B][color=green]IcyBunny, please put a little more effort in your posts. I've only heard a clip of the song, and it doesn't sound too bad to me. I'm not a big fan of Sheryl Crow, but I can usually tolerate most of her songs. And Kid Rock singing a somewhat country song doesn't seem that unbelieveable. Like Justin said, "Only God Knows Why" is one of his greater songs, and that one is pretty country-ish. Kid Rock has always been sort of a rock-rap-country blend. Anyway, I guess I can't give a really vidi opinion, since I haven't heard the whole song. Still, what I heard was okay. Not very good, but not very bad either.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]
  3. IcyBunny


    Lana and Clark alllmost kissed.... lalala... anyone else think Chloe is just annoying as hell?
  4. ... Joy kill k, so my friend went up to San Antonio Texas to compete in a DDR tourney... we live like 3 hours away from SA. And hes a good player, better than me for sure, better than most of the people down here... but not the best down here either. I had this sinking feeling when he said he was gonna go comptete cuz we have been playing for like less than a year. *almost a year* but still.. up in SA, there are players that have been doing this for YEARS!! soo.. I didnt have the heart to go and watch this and MAN WAS I RIGHT. =( My friend just totally bombed, and even then, I cant say he bombed cuz he went up there.. started the song, took like 2 steps and then just got off the machine. *oy* He said it didnt help that the girl he is still in love with was there wtih her "new" boyfriend. Moral of this story? NEVER DDR TOURNEY UNLESS YOU KNOW YOUR EX IS OUTTA TOWN!?!?! hee hee... or, never DDR against the big boys.
  5. IcyBunny


    Im really gald they took a break from "freak of the week." when the show started they promised it would not be like that, but a mix of clark fighting villains and clark and his relationships with family, friends, lana and so on. I think if they had stuck to that promise, the show would be more successful today. This passed week: Clark helped Lana out with some bad guys down at the Tallon, He threw one into the "new sherrif's" car, and got sued, Lana saw the whole thing... so she started taking self defence lessons thanks in no small part to Lex. Coure the guy was faking injuries. He went back to the Tallon all beat up "supposedly beat up" tried to harass Lana again, got beat by a girl, and dropped the charges. Side story: Lex's Dr. woman meets an old BF from the past, hes a nutso stalker, he tries to convince her Lex is nuts, is successfull for a while, Lex course throws his name and money around to find out the guy is crazy, but not in time. The dude beats up his woman enough. Lex almost kills him, but does not. And she ends up ok. *man I wish Lex would just make the leap to Vilain.
  6. IcyBunny


    ok, I admit, no one catching on.. ESP. Lana is LAME LAME LAME! but I cant help it, I love watching, perhaps its my guilty little pleasure.. perhaps Im 15 at heart... who knows... My fave DC charcter has NEVER been the Supes.. but I'll take it. my face character? Kyle Rayner.. easy. ONE of your friendly neighborhood GL. plus, hes cute. ^_^
  7. IcyBunny


    lol... oy! you left a club or party for that?!? thank goodness my friends are insane too and if I miss one, I go down the list to see who has recorded it! I liked that episode a lot too, but when I saw the previews for it here.. I assumed Lex was going to be "badder" than what he was. I was expecting him to do something totally outrageous and evil. Ya know, totally revert to the dark side. *instead he went to the dim side* lol.... my fave episode would have to be the one with Christopher Reeves, purely because of sentiment. that music they started to play when Clark met him... *the original superman theme music* I got all choked up...:wow:
  8. IcyBunny


    [COLOR=firebrick]I'm a pretty big fan of the show... In fact I never miss it. I regret this being the first post about the show that I put up here, but MAN I HATE THAT NEW SHERIFF. *ack* [/COLOR] :(
  9. it was on the 17th yes... if anyone missed it.. im sure they are gonna re-run it to death this winter. ^_^ i went to play yesterday and found out if you skip a week of play, that you really feel it. my ankels hurt a bit and my thighs were cursing me when i was done. this game is TRULY a good work out. *long as you play enough songs to work up a sweat!*
  10. IcyBunny

    Bulletproof monk

    ok, i saw it.. i really really liked it. perhaps im a simple girl.. who knows. =)
  12. IcyBunny

    Bulletproof monk

    im going to see it in an hour or so... im still not tired of the effects or whatnot. matter of fact if the Matrix reloaded, does not hurry up and get to my theater soon, im gonna BUST.:grumble: course.. X men first!
  13. my fave game ever? DDR! my fave show ever? Will N Grace! Jack freestyled on Will N Grace. I bout spit up my spagetti when I saw him playing! THANK YOU WRITERS! :: BIG KISSES! :: You made my year! :love2:
  14. LOL! oy.... somehow Im not suprised.. I cant really do any perfects on Expert.. I can barely do them on standard actually, but Ive only been playing like 7 months or almost 8 actually. yeah, ive been all playing thinking i was the mac, and had my butt handed to me when someone else comes along and gets a AA on something like Paranioa on Expert mode.. hee hee.. its what keeps us trying to get better tho! embrase your suckiness... IT MAKES YOU STONG! =P
  15. OOC: LoL.. I say you pick a place and go with it Kiara. Resturant seems like a good place.
  16. Rori re-appears in the street when the coast is clear. Watching from afar again.. Noticing everyone go into a house. The light from the house looks warm and inviting and Rori shakes some of the chill off herself and settles in to watch some more. From inside the house come sounds of light laughter and people having a good time, she thinks back to happier times for her. There is a green glow coming from an amulet that hangs around her neck and she "dimmes" herself. From afar she can hear the voices of Evil. They get louder as each day passes.
  17. Rori notices the new visitor to the resturant. She pulls her cloak around her tighter and continues to sip her tea as she watches him start to dig into his meal.
  18. ::OCC- Im SOOOOO late!:: Rori looks on from a dark corner outside watching the team defeat the monster. She hugs close to the wall hoping no one will notice that she was observing the whole thing from afar. They look so young, So capable... after the fight she watches them retreat back into the resturant and she decides to follow. Rori sees Twister looking both fustrated and antsy, she moves passed him looking for an empty seat so she can order some hot green tea. Waitress: What will it be? Rori: Green Tea, hot. Waitress: That it? Rori nods absently, never looking the waitress in the eye. When the waitress returns with the tea, Rori asks quietly... Rori: Who owns this resturant? The waitress points at a photo above the bar of Kria and her family. Rori notices Kira instantly. Her brothers and her are renowned even across the ocean and into France as Fighting Champions. She quietly continues to sip her tea... waiting.
  19. :: Peeks in on thread :: any life in here?!?!?
  20. I try to get EVERYONE I come in contact with to go play... its a wonderful game. Great music, Great Exercise and If it stays popular they will continue to make machines and distribute them! I will have to go look up what songs are on the Euro Mix machine.
  21. oh i know the steps to it from DWI but I LOOOOOVE the song itself.
  22. :eek: NEVERENDING STORY?!?!?! I wish our machine had that song... Anyway.. im off to class now. have a good afternoon everyone!
  23. whats everyones fave songs?!? Mine are: R3, A, My Generation, Gods of Love, End of the Century, and... CAPTAIN JACK! that one is so cool.
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