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Everything posted by kuro_faguero

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Plant_Angel [/i] [B]They had better not edit it! Not that it would make much difference to me, seeing as Im sitting here in Britain....but it will make its way here.......right? [color=teal]*EDIT:[/color] You may be pleased (or not) to know there are in fact 26 episodes to Trigun, (and an on going manga that hasnt yet reached a conclusion)even so they dont answer all the questions. Dont know if they will show the first thirteen then make you wait a while before showing the second set. As for a movie, there has been no word at all on. I dont think there are any follow ups to Trigun being planned any time soon. [color=teal]*Merged posts after merging threads. -Syk3[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] No, no... I wasn't talking about Trigun. I was talking about another anime that has vampires in it. It's called Hellsing. Imagine Vash with vampire teeth and a bad-*** attitude.
  2. Well, as far as Angel Blades go, take this into consideration... His name is KNIVES isn't it? Maybe he has these all mythical Angel Blades I keep hearing about and an angel arm. While Vash (who just seems kind of weaker than Knives [I love that guys name!:D ]) only has an Angel Arm... DON'T SUE ME IF I'M WRONG. All I got it the entire series and a couple of pictures of Trigun. :(
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by 9Eagle7Dragon [/i] [B]Ah, I love my job. I'm not really paid to terrorize the Trigun Forum, but I still love it. Brace yourselves for another distrubing first-person account from Knives. Well, it was Lem who gave me and Vash our names. [spoiler]But I am not infact called Knives by Lem. I gave myself that name. She gave me the name Millions. Crappy name, so I changed it. [/spoiler] I hated Lem. She was weak, soft, and of all things, a human. I can't beleive there could be a paridise on gunsmoke for humans. It was little more than a foolish dream. An 'Eden,' she called it. Of all the rediculous things. *End rant* [/B][/QUOTE] ONCE AGAIN, Knives is right, besides, I like the name Knives! One day that's gonna be my kid's name. If my hubby objects, well then... I'LL SEND HIM INTO DAMNATION WITH EVERYONE ELSE! MWUHAHAAHAHAHA!!!! (Thank you oh gracious one):angel:
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by 9Eagle7Dragon [/i] [B]Let me let you all into a little secret: It's called [url]www.fanfiction.net.[/url] Trigun is one of those animes where YOU can finish the ending. It makes for very fun conversation with my otaku friends, as I loooooove making crossovers. My newest is having Knives' head on Garfield's body, and him whacking a spider as it scuttles by. Then a little thought bubble saying "What, you read this every day in the funnys. Why the look?" Of course he's talking to the reader about how the Spider & Butterfly thing works, so it has bizzarly special significance. If you don't know about the Spider and the Butterfly, don't worry about it, it doesn't matter until later, and it's not that important of a spoiler. It only fits another piece of the billion piece jigsaw puzzle as to why Knives is the f-ed up psycho he is today. Wow, sooner or later i'm going to have to call the Genesis book of world records for longest meaningless rant in a single thread. Anyhoo... Fan fiction is what Trigun's ending was made for. You didn't like the ending? Make up your own. [/B][/QUOTE] I KNOW! I made my own two stories... One is called 'Partners in the End' (Knives falls in love, Wolfwood has a son, and Legato comes back from the dead) and the other is called 'A Stone Transformed' (Legato love story) PLZ check them out!
  5. :eek: ::can't speak. too much excitement in one hour:: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::faints::
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Plant_Angel [/i] [B]Hey yeah! why not? Never been to an anime convention myself, but I'm sure there will be many other otakus to find amusement in your display....picturing Knives rapping is unusual enough. That poor Vash really is a messed up kid. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes....yes he is...I think that bat to the head that Steve gave him must've really scrambled his brains. I TOTALLY AGREE WITH KNIVES! (Once again, Knives is again right. Thank you oh gracious one):love:
  7. I just like using the Dark Magician and Celtic Guardian.... No, I don't like them cause Yugi has them. I just like to draw them a lot Both are monster cards. DM is a wizard with atk of 2500 and a def of 2300. CG is a warrior...I forget the atk and def:therock:
  8. I LOVE CCS! I wish tey had finished the series. But, I did get the CCS movie that came out a month ago.
  9. I LOVE THE MANGA! I picked that up at Waldenbooks! (GO THEM! THEY'VE GOT ANOTHER OF MY FAVS, CHOBITS) But, alas, I am too poor to get the DVD's...:bawl: DANG IT MOM! ::mumbles:: not giving me allowance...:flaming:
  10. Did you ever notice that Alucard has more 'going on' with Seras than who everyone would think (Integra)?
  11. WELL...I've got all the Triguns, so I really don't care when it comes to the T.V though my friend might....BUT! I think I like the japanese version better than the english. Vash sounds like a girl in english. :laugh: [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] To ANIME_FREAK: I'm sure you know that there are only thirteen episodes to the series and on the last episode it leaves many unanswered questions. I think there will be an OAV because, it even shows previews for some kind of movie thing on the first DVD...I think... If there are continuing the thing they better get to it!!!:flaming: [color=teal]EDIT AGAIN:[/color] IT'S STARTING MONDAY 31st AT 12:00 a.m. DON'T MISS IT! WHEEE! ::runs into a wall with all her excitedness:::D [color=teal]Combined posts. -Syk3[/color]
  12. I really didn't like G Gundam... I thought it was boring and the story was weak:sleep: It was turning out like the Zoids series (the one with Bit not 'Chaotic Century') I did the like the character designs and that each country had a gundam designed after it. But I can't really complain... I've seen worse
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