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Everything posted by Ayokano

  1. Hei from Darker than Black. [b][url=http://www.miieditor.com/?mii=1ac000640065006600610075006c00740042006f0079000980807f5fc2428998c1446e40714028a2ac8c66406440508f008a008a25040000000000000000000000000000000000000000]Here's Mine.[/url][/b] 1. Shops smart, shops S-Mart. 2. Played Elvis. 3. Hungry like a wolf.
  2. [b]Name:[/b] Aleksandr Nóvikov (goes by Alek) [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [See Attachment] Alek has light brown hair and dark brown eyes, and is known not to stand out in a crowd. He clothes are mostly ordinary, with t-shirts and jeans in the summer and the addition of hoodies during fall and winter. He?s near-sighted, but usually wears contacts outside. [b]Biography:[/b] The only son of Russian immigrates, Alek ended up never learning a spec of his native tongue (or so he tells his parents). He was known to create small imaginary friends when young, except everyone could see them. As time went by Alek learned to use his powers to his advantage, and began to have no qualms with using them liberally. He found them weak though, and set to improved them for his own gain, but could not do so without guidance. Alek soon heard of Esper Hall while flipping through channels. He had found the guidance needed for his goals, set off to learn more about the building blocks he needed for them. [b]Powers:[/b] He is able to create small illusions, has weak control over time, and some telepathy (mostly mind reading, which is useful for gossip). [b]Affinity:[/b] Straight [b]Other facts:[/b] -Likes to cut his hair short during the summer. -Alek actually knows Russian, he just never speaks it to his parents because he enjoys listening to their conversations.
  3. I can't really pull anything out of memory. I do remember my uncle eating escargot when I was little and I was all like, "Ewwwww! Snails!" Then my stepdad cooking up huevos de toro, then I was all like, "Ewwwww! Balls!" Though my mom says I ate turtle soup and gator meat once as a baby. Which made me sad, cause I had pet lizards and I like reptiles. ;__;
  4. Ayokano

    Red Lines

    [quote name='Boo][size=1']Seriously, what are red lines?[/size][/quote] Lines usually drawn over an unfinished piece by another artist to correct anatomy. Which are usually red.
  5. Odin Sphere is the best choice if you actually want to get it now. Atlus has a bad habit of RELEASING. SO. FEW. COPIES. of their games. So if you miss your chance you'll end up having a hard time getting it later. Alternatively .hack seems okay if you're into it, and I see Dawn of Mana all the time at game stores, so I'm sure you could get it later.
  6. I'm not really obsessed with anime. It's just a hobby, and I have tons of others, such a drawing, music, and games. Otakus tend to be obsessive with one thing in particular, and that can pretty much range to anime, games, music, models, or pop idols. Otakus tend to have a bad rap in Japanese media, such as the news, because a number of crimes have been committed by people who watched anime. By definition, yeah these people were Otakus, but not everybody who watches EVA is going to go out and choke the next girl they see. But Otaku is just a stereotype, just like gangsta or emo is in the state. There's no real point on stereotyping yourself, or living up to it. I'm getting of my soapbox, and I probably went way off topic. ;___;
  7. Yeah, Welcome to the NHK is pretty great. I finished it a few months ago and enjoyed it. Coming from someone who kind of lives like Sato, it hits home hard. Though it still has great laughs and drama, depending on the episodes. Some of the characters are a little unlikable, but saying who would kind of spoil it for anybody who hasn't finished. I've been meaning to check out the manga though, which I heard is a little darker.
  8. [b][url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EReMsfpBeXE]Maiking Break-Through Gurren-Lagann[/url][/b] is something new from Gainax and Hiroyuki Imaishi, who did FLCL and Dead Leaves. It seems like a comedic twist on classic super robo shows. Comes out April 1st, so I guess there might even be RAWs out for it now. [b][url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrHUrDdMLdk]Bokurano[/url][/b] is another mech anime that interests me, but it's far from the light hearted Gurren. GONZO has brought some great stuff, but some of it doesn't appeal to me. But this defiantly sparks some interest. Airs the 8th of April.
  9. I know a few anime that have been made into live action films and have done well. One of them Death Note, with the first movie at #1 for 2 weeks, while the next movie held it for 4 weeks, and become the highest grossing movie of that year in Japan. It just matters if the writers and director can translate the story into a movie well enough. And, as we have seen with Norrington, wasn't able to do that with the The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Fortunately, he has dropped out of the project. I'm pretty sure America has opened up to comic book movies, and films based on Spiderman, X-Men, and Superman do great at the box offices. So why not a anime/manga based film? Though, we've also seen some big bombs since the comic book movie craze, such as the Hulk, and, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Also, I've been hearing rumors about DBZ and EVA movies for years. I'll doubt they'll ever get off the ground. The only thing I've actually seen from them is some concept art for EVA.
  10. Sounds like Welcome to the N.H.K. Except the character regresses to his old ways of a Hikikomori (basically a shut in) and doesn't really get rejected.
  11. By playing MGS3, I know that changing the future leds to only one thing. TIME PARADOX! Just think. What if you did give Osama's mother a swift knee to the gut? There still be terrorist and terrorism. Terrorism itself has been around a long time before Bin Ladin. Us Americans only have heard of it since 9/11. Plus, there have been more horrifying events that have cost more lives than 9/11, so why not stop those? Somebody would have sexed a monkey up with or without you. Nothing can change that. And you just can't stop people from killing from each other. You could lower murders and such, but why not just stop all crime? If I went back though, I would probably work on social skills. Then... TIME PARADOX!
  12. I used to read a lot, but now I just check up on Penny Arcade, Clone.Manga, MacHall, Ctrl+Alt+Del, and VG Cats. I mainly read PA, MacHall, and CAD just for laughs, while I like most of Dan?s story driven comics on Clone.Manga. Most of them are dark, and somewhat twisted. He also writes some funny comics, but still retain his twisted-ness, with jokes about incest, rape, pedophilia, and lesbian relationships. Another web comic that relies on dark humor is Perry Bible Fellowship. They're basically your newspaper?s funny pages, but much more twisted. Other than that, I find most story driven comics, like MegaToyko, boring. They just can't keep my attention. I also find most sprite comics and such low brow, and most show no talent. Though, 8-Bit Theater out does almost all of them.
  13. [quote name='Cygnus X-1][COLOR=Sienna']Japanese porn is some of the most ****** up stuff you're likely to ever find. EVER. From bukkake (Although I guess that's more Chinese...) [/COLOR][/quote] Bukkake isn't that bad. Compared to lolicon/ shotacon or guro/ vore, Bukkake is just icing on the cake. The pun was indented... >.> But yeah, Japanese porn is messed up, especially because you can't show pubic parts. So that's why hentai is so weird. Japanese men need something to get off on, so that's where aliens/squids/rape monsters come in. Though, sex isn't really such a big deal over there. They haven't have Christianity over there so long, so things we see wrong aren't so bad over their. What's really weird is how bookstores just sell them in the open. Usually you have to go to some sleazy gas station or porn shop in the U.S., but in Japan they're basically sold at your closest bookstore.
  14. I don't find it wrong, but I do think the couple need to think about the subject. I'm the last person to care about anybody's business, but some people just dive into it too fast. I knew this one girl last year in High School. She was a Senior, and met her boyfriend over the internet. So she always rambled on about how she was soooo in love with him and how they were going to live together. Now, the guy lived up north, while she lived in Georgia. He moved in with her parents and her, and I don't really know much from there because she stopped going to most of her classes. While I can't really judge her, because I hardly knew her, I didn't really see her as mature. She could never make her mind up on the subject, and him coming down her wasn't planned well. All anybody could in a situation like that is to leave it up to the couple. It is their life and relationship, so no one has really has a place in it.
  15. From what I've read, there is a small chance of a remake happening, seeing how SquareEnix has said next to nothing about it. The tech demo was just showing off what SquareEnix has in store for next gen consoles. Yoshinori Kitase, the original director, has stated he would like Tetsuya Nomura to direct it. But, Nomura, the character designer for VII, said his next project isn?t going to be a remake or prequel to VII. If they added alot of new content and such for the PS2/PS3, I might consider buying it. VII had some of the best graphics of the time though, and had a great story and battle system. So, is there any real reason for SquareEnix to redo it? How much would graphics add to the game anyway? I see no real value of giving FFVII a facelift, even though fans may disagree.
  16. I highly doubt it with the way cloning really is. First, you will have to have a somatic cell of the creature. By removing the nucleus of that cell, and placing it into an egg cell with it's nucleus removed, resulting in them dividing (hopefully) and becoming identical to the original. But, with this method, you would have to have an actual live Tyrannosaurs Rex. And, sense they are extinct, that cannot happen. So any "Jurassic Park" at this time cannot be possible. That also means things such as elves and the like can?t be cloned, because they don?t even exist. And by "human zoo", do you mean a zoo for cloned humans? Because I'm sure that wouldn't break any human rights at all. :rolleyes:
  17. [quote name='SlowChemical][color=#FF3366][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=1]A year after the FFVII: Advent Children our heroes where actually doing Kingdom Hearts 2 except Vincent, 'cause his cool like that. He was doing the whole Dirge of Cerberus thing, Leon.[/SIZE] [/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] Err... Any character from another franchise is not canon to Kingdom Hearts. That means even though FF7 characters are in KH, their appearances don't affect their stories in the original game. Also, Dirge of Cerberus happens after FF7, but before Advent Children. After Advent Children, Rufus wants to rebuild Shinra to it's former glory. But, he wants to undo the damage his father and himself did to the planet. So I doubt he'll do anything to put the new Shinra in a negative position to the people. I say that the RPG would fit better before the events of FF7, much like Before Crisis. [spoiler]But, I don't know when Shinra itself was formed. It was creating firearms and such before it went to war with Wutai. That's when Shinra started to form Mako Energy from the Lifestream, and became in power of the government. [/spoiler] So, here is some helpful links. [u][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinra]Shinra[/url][/u] [u][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Turks]The Turks[/url][/u] [u][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Before_Crisis:_Final_Fantasy_VII#Turks]Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII[/url][/u] I hope I help some. It sounds like a neat idea, and it would be cool to be apart of it.
  18. I've wanted to play the game for a long time now, but never really got to buying it. Now that I have a new computer and extra money, I need some help on deciding. Which chapter should I get? I know I can play both independently, but if I buy Fractions, will I be able to transfer my character to Prophecies?
  19. Thank Valen and Kanariya for the submissions. Kanariya, I like your's, so I'll use them. Thank you both.
  20. I've been trying to make a few banners and avatars, and I haven't really made anything I like. So, I'm going request one for this picture. These are just suggestions and what I would like. You can improvise or do something totally different though. I'm not hard to please. For the avatar, I just want Conor Oberst, the guy in the picture, to be on it. Maybe so he's aligned to the right. No text is need, and I just want a white and black border. For the banner, I want the scooter, the lime green blurry thing in the background. Also, I would like it aligned to the left. A normal white and black border is fine also. I also want this as the text- And you said, "This is the first day of my life. I?m glad I didn?t die before I met you. Now I don?t care I could go anywhere with you And I?d probably be happy" Maybe in a font that resembles cursive, but I want it aligned to the right.
  21. [u][b]Sign Up:[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Uxainst [b]Title:[/b] Uxainst, the Holy Judgment [b]Number in Organization:[/b] VIII [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Unlike most Nobodies, Uxainst usually shows a foreign form of kindness. Mostly calm and silent, he is has a wisdom that exels even his years. Usually unable to truly show it, he reveals it by his acts. He disagrees with certain actions of the Organization, but will stay loyal to the end. Uxainst is intelligent and takes full advantage of his situations, such as his current one. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://ayokano.250free.com/uxainst.jpg][u]Uxainst[/u][/url]- An older Organization member, Uxainst carries a scruffy appearance. Tall and muscular, he?s a threat to most. He doesn?t care much for appearance, so his hair is usually messy and his face goes unshaven. Uxainst also has deep blue eyes. Under his robes, Uxainst usually wears a black turtleneck and worn out blue jeans, with black leather boots. [b] Weapon: [/b] Uxainst weapon is the club-sword maquahuitl. It is a flat steel club, almost taller than most men. The weapon has small mithril blades hammered into both of its sides. Its handle has no covering, but has grooves circling it. The pommel has a white stone placed in the center, and the weapon has no guard. [b]Nobody:[/b] Monk is a large cloaked Nobody in white Organization-like robes. It is calm, and will not attack unless ordered or provoked. Like its name suggest, Monk excels in hand-to-hand combat, and executes its attacks well and precisely. Even though it almost always wears its white robes, Monk is known to show its true forms to opponents they deem worthy. When Monk shows what lies beneath its cloak, it is even more menacing. Monk has an enormous and muscular upper body, but diminutive lower body. Even with its small legs and large size, Monk is still able to move at abnormal speeds. Monk does not have toes, and its feet end in points, while its knuckles are covered in a steel-like material. The top of its heads is flat, while Monk has a smooth, featureless face, with the Organization?s symbol branded on it. Its lower arms and legs are covered in tightly bound black belts, with silver buckles. [b]Character Snippet:[/b] It was raining that day, the day he remembered clearly. Well, of course not that clearly. Uxainst hasn?t remembered anything since that day. The day he was a real man. It was gray and cloudy while it poured, and he remembered being with two people. All he knew them by were their faces, which were both radiant, even in the dull rain. He knew an older woman had shoulder length hair, black as night, and light brown eyes. Her skin was light with a cream complexion. A young girl was holding onto her arm, and she paid attention to her. The girl was almost a mirror image of the older women, but with the deep blue eyes of? Someone. Uxainst drew a blank. He couldn?t remember who?s eyes that girl reminded him of. But then, he remembered seeing other eyes. The yellowing, glowing eyes of Shadows were what he saw. Their bodies were concealed in the darkness of the day, but the rain formed a gray silhouette of them. The older woman said something, and drew Uxainst attention to her, turning his back. Then he felt their coldness. The pain was strange. It physically felt like a bitter wind, but in Uxainst?s heart, he felt his heart sinking. As the other two cried, he fought back while shielding them. But the swarm was covering his body, and his blows weakened him while they went through the Shadows. Uxainst looked over his shoulder, avoiding eye contact with the two. He didn?t want them to see the pain. [b]?Run! Run way!?[/b] He hollered. Uxainst saw the women take the child in her arms, the pair turn slowly, and then paused. They ran away from him, with the girl looking over the women?s shoulder. [b]?Run!?[/b] Uxainst yelled again. This time, it was in a cold sweat. He didn?t know if he was still dreaming, or awake. Though, he was assured when the large Nobody, Monk, looked down at him silently. Monk did not question, nor answer, but it assured Uxainst that he was awake. But he wished he were still dreaming. ---- My character?s weapon might be fantasy-like, but the [u][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maquahuitl]weapon[/url][/u] does exist. I just made my character?s more fantasized and oversized, to match his appearance (he?s going to be largely built). If you want me to change it in anyway, or to something else, I will.
  22. R.E.M.- King of Birds Old don't lay so still you're not yet young, There's time to teach, point to point, Point observation, children carry reservations. Standing on the shoulders of giants leaves me cold A mean idea to call my own, a hundred million birds fly away, away. I am king of all I see, my kingdom for a voice New word: jump
  23. Aaron Carter! "Ain't That Cute" "Ain't that cute, holding hands in the park Ain't that cute, can't stay late after dark Ain't that cute, was it love from the start Ain't that cute, I could swear you stole my heart Ain't that cute" What a musical genius. He knows how to rhyme! New Word: slime.
  24. [quote name='50 cent']So if it's a prequel leading up to three does that mean there may be four in all?[/quote] I'm not sure how far they'll take the franchise, but with the success it has had, I'm sure there will be several more. But the reason I believe it will be a prequel is because in the secret ending. It mentions several things that probably take place in the past, such as [spoiler]this Keyblade War and the Memory of Xehanort. It also mentions "the lost two", so maybe there were more than one Keyblade master before, with other Keyblade wielders below them.[/spoiler]
  25. [quote name='50 cent']Also have you fought sephiroth? If you did and you beat him what level where you.[/quote] I've fought Sephiroth several times. I had several (lacking) attempts while at 50 or so, than I tried to fight him at 99 numerous times yesterday. Even though I haven't beaten him yet, I have gotten pretty close at 99. It's just he keeps giving me a sliver of health than attacks, killing me. Also FLCL dude, I heard the next Kingdom Hearts wouldn?t be a direct squeal. I believe Tetsuya Nomura said it wouldn?t be III, but defiantly a Kingdom Hearts game. It probably will be a prequel alluding to III (and maybe clearing some questions from II) by the looks of it.
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