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Everything posted by Ayokano
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by klinanime1 [/i] [B]It's a little too plain for me, but if you like it... It's cute, though there's too many chibis... @-@ nice job [/B][/QUOTE] lol....I know.....>.< The chibiness....I thought the picture was cute,and maybe Ohkami would like it.The second one is from the anime Amazing Nurse Nanako. I also made a maching avatar for the frist.So here it is.I think it is like the ones in the red hood Salior Moon thingie.o_O
Yah,I am useing MSpaint....lol.....I sucks badly.But I will live.This may be my best....I don't know.But I think it is funny.I am going to make a greeting card with this picture.
Well.....Today I am sick,and I am at home.I have been looking at these anime sites,and have been making a un-healthy amount of simple banners.....>.< The banners Well....Here is one....From the anime.....@.@ I don't really know....Oh!...Akazukin Cha Cha!o_o I need help.I made alot of banners today,so post!:P
o.o This thread is truning out great,but when I made mine,it was like I was in the middle of Hell....And that place is like hot. Well anywho,I love this show,but I have been missing alot of the new eppies....For some unknown reason :P I like Star Fire and Raven the best.Star Fire the cluz/airhead and Raven the gothic like person. Well also,have anyone notic in the frist eppie [spoiler]Beasty Boy and Raven were like all drooling over each other,a now it is like none of the stuff like never happen.I swear if they would but some love in it besides Robin and Star Fire,make Cybrog think he is gay o_O;;;; and hook those two up that would be great....>.
[COLOR=red][I]Kai rode on his steed on the icy clod day.He had been called by his godess,Kilari,to come to the small town.His hair waved in the wind,and he soon caught the eye of a girl.He then and there seemed to fallen in love with the young madian,and he soon joined the small party,quite as always.He looked at them all.[/I] [B]Kai:[/B]So this is the party the gods and goddess have made? [I]The young girl stold up gracefuly,and looked at the rest of them.[/I] [B]Girl:[/B]What is your name sir??? [B]Kai:[/B]My name is Kai,warrior of Kelari,the warrior goddess of the east.And your name young madian? [B]Girl:[/B]Ki,I was also sent to help. [B]Kitty:[/B]What about you two stop your flirting! [I]They both blushed,and looked at each other agine.[/I] [B]Ki:[/B]Don't mind Kitty. [B]Kitty:[/B]-_-Your kidding me. [I]The demon cat turned back to playing with a young man.Kai wondered who he was,but didn't want to ask.The young got up and turned to Kai.[/I] [B]Young Man:[/B]Hi,my name is Kyp. [B]Kai:[/B]......Hello,mine is Kai.[/COLOR] OCC:Ohkami,the god thing is a inside joke.Also,Dj Professor DM and Tical,read this please.[url]http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=29599[/url]
Yah....Y-nevermind,don't want to get burn ^_~ Well,it is orange....And.....Orange...And simple....But I like things simple and [strike]clean[/strike]...... Well.... "TRAZAAAAANNNNNN!!!!!"
:P Go figer...... I loved this show as a kid,with Dinos.....Oh...Good times..... But when you start to whach anime you see that all american shows suck.....-_____-We suck at making shows.
[I]Tain had way to much beer....And inside he felt all good.He was drunk,and had a habit of that,and skiping work.Well,those,and touching ladies in the most wrong places.He flinch at the all times he was smack in the face.Ohhh....The pain.The new men waited for their ale.They sat around him when it looked like they where sick of standing.A fat plumped ugly man sat right next to him.Tain who was really drunk didn't know who he was,or what kinds of weapons he had.He took another drink of his beer,and finshed it,as the rest ran through his facial hair.[/I] [B]Tain:[/B]Soooo! [I]He put his arm around the fat man's shoulder.[/I] [B]Tain:[/B]The trick of getting the pretty women's- [I]Kell soon came into the bar.Tain looked as she looked him in the eyes,she shaked her head.[/I] [B]Kell:[/B]To many beers,Tain? [B]Tain:[/B]What?To many,I am hardly drunk.Ohh this man,this very fat ugly man,wants some ale.He and his friends have been waiting a long time.What were you doing down there anyway? [I]He looked at Kitty,who giggled.He soon looked at Kell,and stopping in her tracks.He could feel cold metal on the back of his head,and the fat man wasn't around his shoulder anymore.[/I] [B]Tain:[/B]Ohhh... [I]He picked a small dagger from its leather shealth.[/I]
@.@ Well....There is is a God,and that formula your are looking for Singlefager is 8-T+lxQ-10000 of the square root of 5-(f-15)=[B]God[/B] Okay,I think I'll go and jump into the ice too... But God did make the Earth,through the Big Bang,and everything eles.That is what I belive in,because I know that there is no way God said,"Hell,I will make a planet,call it Earth,in a week all the little beings on it would be happy."
OOOHHHHHH......I have a new illness,it is call Memeberswhoactlikemodsphobia.....Man it is one long phobia.... Well...I guess I hate hieghts where I have to stand up,ladders and high stairs.I also don't like stuff,poop,pee,and vomit...Nasty stuff.I don't know the names for those though....Ohhhh well...U.U
[I]Tain walked out of his house,with his normal cloths on,and both his hands on the back of his head.He had to get to work soon,but a beer would be nice.He soon started to walk to the Inn,singing a little tone.[/I] [B]Tain:[/B]Oh,what would I do without her,my dear my dear,oh what would I do without her,my dear my dear... [I]He always sang in the morning,and didn't care if people turned heads when he did.He was happy,as always,and liked every passing day.He soon walked passed the all kinds of shops in Black Haven,and smiled to everyone working at them.He sonn entered the inn,and walked up to the bar.[/I] OCC:Anyone who I will be talking to I am getting a beer.
*Reads the post between Ohkami and juna* [I]What is my dear wife getting????[/I] Well as you can all see I have the Big O one(I am so lucky :p),and it looks grrrrrreaaat![I]The Tony[/I] I think it is right,klinanime1,that or it is "In The Cast Of God,Ye Not Guilty",but "In The Name Of God,Ye Not Guilty"sounds right.I don't know >.< Well,the Helba one looks good. [I]Wishes he had the Helba one[/I] @.@ Every thing looks good,juna,keep up the great work. Edit:O.O That is what she is getting,DUH >.<
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]If I could, I'd murder ever last one of them. Painfully. Slowly. Pure enjoyment on my part. [/B][/QUOTE] o_o I'lll be a good boy now,Semjaza.Please don't kill me when you go on you mass killing of kids run....Please. Well....Kids who go wild in stores are really inmature.Really,like you got someone to show your guts to. [size=1]still remembers when he found open Hulk hands....[/size] >.<
^_^ I'll be a mercenry for some reason o_O;;;; Seems we don't have alot of them.....:P Name:Tain Forgihen Age:20 Race:Human Occupation:Mercrenry/butcher(so that's what's it's called @.@) House Type:Wood,the living room is oriental with dark red walls,his room is more of a living room(fireplace,chairs,etc.)with tan walls,and the guestroom is the same as his,but with cream walls. Description:Heavly built,he has black silky hair that he wears messed up,and is about 6 feet tall.He wears a small amount of armor which is black meltalic on his chest,elbows,and knees.He also somtimes carries his great sword,which has a gold handle,and black meltalic blade.Under his armor he wears dark red silk cloths,and wears black leather boots. Small Bio:He is well,crazy about all woman.He is cocky and hot headed,and somtimes rushes into battle without thinking.He is smart though,but doesn't show it much,only mainly in a hard fight.He is very skilled at his art,and has been through it all....You name it,dragons to cave trolls.Luckly he is still alive. Tain found Black Havan when on a party about a half a year ago.He did not have any living quarters,so when he stoped with his party to get something to eat,he fell in love with it.After he had finshed the his mission,he came back,and strated selling meat,mainly because he had a dragons hide with him.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Leh [/i] [B][size=1][color=575757][b]Not really. Hopefully, most OB members are mature enough to keep calm and polite. Leh[/b][/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I guess not ^_~ Well.....My brothers have fits and I look at them alot.....Thats pretty much.... [size=1][I]remebers the time when he found opened Hulk fist....[/I][/size] o_O;;;;;
Sadly I live in GA,USA,I don't even want to spell it because it would be racist... Well,I hate everybody who does this,I hate the K.K.K,my Grandma,and anyone eles who is racist. One should not be judged by their race,religon,how the look,how they live,their gender,or the gender they love,but their attitude towards others. Maybe the way I hate this is because I am overwieght,and see that it is the same thing.I would hate my grandma even if she was not racist,but why is the she treat me and my mom,and youngest brother when I lived there. Anyway,most of my friend are spainsh,and we joke around about each other,but that is just dissing spars.I hate when the people on my bus say "Mo sho mo to my ko me" when the asians kids are talking,and me being called a cracker. Well,that's all I have to say in this issue U.U
[COLOR=darkred][B][size=1]Yah!I on Ohkami team.Could we have Bloxs? [u]Sign up-[/u] Name:Kai Hemota Age:17 Appearence:See Attachment,that but taller,about 6 foot Team:Ohkami's Bio:I'll do this after Ohkami does her's Zoid:Lighting Saix Zoid Weapons:Dual Sniper Rifle(back unit),machine guns on both shoulders(like the Unenlagia Blox) Zoids Systems:Cooling systems,boosters Paint Job:Same as most Saixs,but the red is darker,and has the team logo on the right hind leg.[/COLOR][/B][/size]
[COLOR=darkblue] ______ I looked as I entered the neon lit city,the bright lights burned my eyes.I was in the dark forest for almost a week,and had just gotten lost.My life had fallen apart since my father died,and leaving my mother behind all alone made me fear that I would soon loss her,too.I haven't been sleeping,and my katana stold in its shealth.Walking for a week killed my feet,that where only covered with black leather boots. I saw the neon signs as I walked past them....Couldn't simple painted signs work.They did not burn the eyes of others who look into them,and I passed by each one with speed.I soon came to a park,and went there to take a seat on a bench. I took out some old bread which I did not eat on the way to the city,and picked at it,feeding it to the birds as they passed by.Soon none was lefted,and I smiled,for the frist time in two weeks,as I got up and walk to a place to eat at. ______ [/COLOR]
He doesn't sing well even if his voice is altared.....Or at least I think..... I think his songs make no sense....I can't undersand any of it when I listen it on MTV.It sounds like a bunch of sounds more then singing... But it is ok if you guys like him.
[COLOR=darkred][B][size=1]Name:Kai Kanshimo Age:17 Gender:Male Race:Human Weapon:Great Sword,Bow and arrows Appearance:[img]http://images.capcom.com/games/chaos_legion/characters/sieg.jpg[/img] Skills:Good sword and archery skills,fast Attacks:------ Hey Ohkami,this sounds aloty like The Lord of the Rings,but with a ruby ^_~,have you been reading alot.Also my character does not know magic because he is just a really good bladesmen.Ohkami said that would be ok.[/COLOR][/B][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shy [/i] [B][size=1]I'm kinda in a bad mood, which is never the best time for me to post. Anyway, I don't understand [i]why[/i] people are being panicked. When the power goes off in my city (which is rarely did before rolling blackouts, but still) there wasn't any widespread paranoia. It's kind of sad to see millions of people freaking out because the power has been shut off for a day or so. Does anyone else see what I'm tyring to say here? X_X -Shy[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Yep....Kinnda like the same thing.....But really larger.But of course when it turns dark a humen tends to get scared,because we can't see in it good. Also(if this has not already been mention)the power is comming back.Oh....I was joking about the whole "I wonder who did it" ^_~ Got your back Shy.
Yah...I have heard about this all day..Man that must really be bad....I wonder who or what did it?????[size=1]now that would be easy:p[/size] You know Raven,I was about to post this......Ohh well. This is also happening in Canada(sp?),I didn't read all of what you were posting,but I just wanted to tell people.
There like.....Far away from each other....I thought it was weird...But if that's the way you draw....I guess it's okay....lol,I thought someone would ask me that...o_O;;;;
-____________-I really wish I could draw......Sign...... Well,that is really good,really good.The only real propblem I see,is that one the picture on the right,your eyes look as if they are about to fall off from your side of your head. I think you should show your picture!^_~ [size=1](p.s....do you do request????....shhhhhh)[/size]
Yah....But it was in 1960's I think..... Really,things like this can be done [B]now[/B],but I don't think they could of done it [B]then[/B]. And now really think.How did we get all that info on the moon if we never been there??????Really,think about it.