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Everything posted by Ayokano

  1. Yep...It happened.I saw on my small box t.v 40 years ago.Yep,you youngester with your funny internet. Really,do you think this is ture.It haappened,and some dit dot is saying it didn't.=/ Well,it happened,in 1960.....I think.....
  2. They don't make the poilt grow....They are just small mechs...Right???? Name:Kai Hentomra Age:19 Description:He has light brown hair and light blue eyes,he is about 5'7" and 150lbs.He has a light tan,and his hair is short.He wears a black uniform. Bio:A young man who was drafed in the war,he had both his father and both of his older brothers die in the war.Even tho he could not be drafed,he gave himself a new name,the one he has now.He was soon drafed,and he was put into the snipering range.Almost scoreing a perfect,he is now a sniper. He is calm,and is a loner.He has no real feelings for the Earth Alliance,because they are the ones who killed his father and brothers.He is cold to others on his side,also blaming them for their deaths.Most of the time he stays away from the group,trying to remember his pass. Militariy Rank: Lietenent Position:Sniper Battle Suit: Battle Suit Unit 1 Commander(Black)
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B][size=1] Wow, this post sounded pretty racist. ^___^[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Do yah really think so -_____- Well,I like Chinese and Japanese food.Sushi is great,and I guess everything eles:sweat: I guess I like hamburgers and steaks,only grilled.I don't know why,but anything eles that's not grilled just doesn't taste good to me :o Well,Ramen too:p
  4. o_O;;;;;;I don't think it's about five robot girls. Well the main chacter finds a Chobit named Chi in the dump.A Chobit is like a personal robot. Will Chi has no files in her,and the main chacarter must now teacher her everything. I think it is a drama kinnda thing,like Love Hina,but with out all the girls.From what I have heard it is good,and I will start reading it after.... I go and buy Furi Curi DVD box. *Runs off to buy box* Edit:There I fixed it OtakuSennen:p
  5. I like Shiji and Kaworu!........... No not really....But I haven't seen all of Evangelion,but I think Rei and Shinji are good together.They are like the same person....It is almost weird. But Shinji and Kaworu would be ok with me......That would be kindda of a first.....But what do I know about anime.....:sign:
  6. We could never do that,this is the internet:p You can never really make a person read the rules,it's not like we can send a mod to their house and make them read the rules....But I think we could do that..... Well my point is that you can never [B]make[/B] someone read the rules.They ether read the rules for their own good,or they get in trouble when the mess up. It's not other members' fualt.It's theirs.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by White_Raven [/i] [B]Look just tell me, I'm not upo for arguing [/B][/QUOTE] o_O;;;; You can't,and I am not lieing.... Unless there is some magical why to do it....I have no idea.All I know is you can just quite.....
  8. Ummmm......Yah...... Well,you can always just stop comming,I don't know if mods can delete your account,even if you ask them.Then you want to change your mind and blam it on the mods.Then they would say I told you so....And I am done..... Well you can always stop comming.
  9. [COLOR=red][B][size=1]I know Strabimon's atacks.Here they are- Licht nagel, Licht bein(I don' think those are English....sorry) Hope that helped.I can give you site if you need anymore info...Or could I just post it???? Here is my sign up. [u]Humen[/u] Name:Austin White(Also goes by Kai) Gender:Male Age:16 Appearance:[url]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=455435[/url] Bio:Being born in the U.S.A,he moved to Japan with his father.His mother died when he was eight years old,and he doesn't like to talk about it much.He dosen't know why his father moved to Japan with him,but he hasn't talked to Austin much sice.Austin is quite,and doesn't know much Japanese,but he gets by.He is a nice kid,and he is welling to help if needed. [u]Digimon[/u] Name:Guilmon X Level:Rookie Attacks: Digivolutions:Baby-Jarimon,In-Training-Gigimon,Rookie-Guilmon X,Champion-Growlmon X,Ultimate-WarGrowlmon X,Mega-Gallantmon X Appearance:.....He is in the digidex I posted....I hope that help.If not,he is a darker red then Guilmon,and looks leaner.He also carries a dark red digivice. Allegiance:Neutral Bio:A young digimon who longs to be a great and powerful Gaurdian,he is weak,and sometimes is hot headed.The other propblem is that he is a virus,but that runs in his family....Since his great-great-great grandfather was created by a humen male Takato.He is a new type of Guilmon,the only real one,because of the way he digivoled when in baby and in-training stage. Here is some more info for the digivoles of Guilmon X.I changed his baby and in-training forms because I thought it would add some more story behind him. Jarimon Type: Slime Attribute: Data Level: Baby Attacks: Pyro Bubbles Also called: Jyarimon Digivolves from: None Digivolves to: Gigimon Gigimon Type: Lesser Attribute: Virus Level: In-Training Attack: Hot Bite Digivolves from: Jarimon Digivolves to: Guilmon, Guilmon(Data)?? Guilmon X Type: Reptile Attribute: Virus Level: Rookie Attacks: Fireball, Fire Mitt Digivolves from: Kyokyomon Digivolves to: Allomon X, Growlmon X, Monochromon X Growlmon X Type: Dark Dragon Attribute: Virus Level: Champion Attacks: Raiden Blade, Exhaust Flame Also called: Growmon X Digivolves from: Guilmon X Digivolves to: WarGrowlmon X WarGrowlmon X Type: Cyborg Attribute: Virus Level: Ultimate Attacks:Magalo Beam,Magalo Claw Also called: Megalo Growmon X Digivolves from: Growlmon X Digivolves to: Gallantmon X Gallantmon X Type: Exalted Knight Attribute: Virus Level: Mega Attacks:Justic's Shield,Holy Knight's Sword Also called: Dukemon X Digivolves from: WarGrowlmon X Digivolves to: None Here is the digidex where I found all my info,I hope this will help some people. [url]http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidexE.html[/url] Edit:Ohhhh....My chacarters will meet later,and will be come Digimon and Digidestined.Is that ok,Solo?[/COLOR][/B][/size]
  10. Yah...I have seen some forums like this,some make you post monthly o_O;;;;; I would be aginst this,mainly because people(not me) have lifes.They may have school,or grew out of it for a while.I really don't know....:sign:,I would get mad cause I was having problems for a while and my account deleted.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shy [/i] [B][size=1]I wasn't aware that your Grandmother was a member of OtakuBoards. -Shy[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] lol....This is the reason I like mods so much:p I also have more people I think have changed me! Nomad-He has made two of my banners,and for those who have been here and seen me...I have only have had five banners.Both my Furi Curi banner and Gunmen banner are great,and change them with each other. instantramen14-At first I thought your name was like Vash or something....Then I figered it out. Instant Ramen....lol!That is a good username.Your a funny person,instantramen14.
  12. o_O;;;;;;;;;; Well....Ohkami has change me the most....I learned most of my RPG and sparring skills from her.Then she married me when I asked,and we are talking on ICQ. Ummmmm...Pretty much all the mods,too.The are cool....And cool.What would we do with out them....Not alot. Then there is some other people...Who I have no real reason to....I just like them. [size=1]not that way -_-[/size] Juu Ohkami Mist Kaola Su Kesaki_Inedia Raiha SaiyanPrincessX Queen Asuka
  13. @.@ So many things wrong...... Well....Because I will never be able to make the Schedules...Just make one up.Here are some teachers we have right now......Also you must have one of the main teachers for homeroom....I'll show you guys what the Schedules should look like. Teachers-Main- Mr. White-Homeroom(if you pick him as a hoomroom teacher),Lang. Arts Ms.Kim-Hoomroom(if you pick her as a hoomroom teacher),Math Mrs.Bacon-Hoomroom(if you pick her as a hoomroom teacher)S.S Ok...Here is the Science teacher Mrs. Scott- Science Teachers-Other- Art- Mrs. Denko Gym- Mr. Brown Also...Katana and Double_B_Daigo,remake yours.Also people give them english like names.I'll give each main teacher a story and stuff.Like I may have said before,use edit when putting your Schedules in your sign up. Periods- 1st Period:Homeroom 2nd Period:First teacher 3rd Period:First Non-Team teacher 4th Period:Non-Team teacher 5th Period:Second Teacher 6th Period:Third Teacher 7th Period:Launch 8th Period:Fourth Teacher 9th Period:Go home time thing....You pack up,and students take up the time to talk to buddies.You are in the same class as your homeroom teacher. I'm giving everybody four days to edit.I will have school,so if I am not back here in four days,Ohkami will have to start.I may be neck high in work. Ohkami,if people aren't done with their sign ups,they can't post in the RPG till they are.If we don't have alot of people done,don't start and wait till we have 7. [spoiler]Sign ups are now CLOSED.[/spoiler] Hehe...That's a new way to make people to look:p
  14. Sign.....Oh well...The people must know...... Well....I am 5'4 " and 180 lbs.....T.T over wieght..... I would excerise,but also before you excerise you have to do arobices(sp?) because they help.Diets help.....But don't make yourself starve or thorw up....Cause both are unhealthy,making yourself thorw up and starving yourself are basicly the same thing,but after your body is feed up with it,you'll go on a eating stage,that would make you get all that wieght back. Ohhh almost forgot..... [QUOTE][I]Last posted by Mist[/I] [B]If it makes you feel any better, I'm a 5'3", 148 ibs, heavy chested Asian and am darn proud of my body. ^_^[/B][/QUOTE] I am a 5'4 " and 180 lbs,12 year old,almost 13,overwieghted person from the U.S.A....My number is 770-.....*Get's hit in the by Ohkami with a tin bat.....Is draged back to their made up house*
  15. lol...Me too.....Now I sound like a lame guy....Wait I am.....T.T Well it's good.Nothing is really worng with it....But what do I know. Well good job DarK DeatH *Gives DarK DeatH a cookie* [I]I think the text is really hard to see[/I] >.<
  16. ^_^ Good topic.... I haven't meet Ohkami offline....Seeing that's kinnda hard since she lives in Australia,and I live in the U.S.A....But I would like to! I wanted to get married to Ohkami when.....I saw we where a perfect couple.....Yah....I don't really know:p We didn't have like a wedding...That would be cool...Maybe we well on ICQ sometime..... Favorite marriage would be me and Ohkami....Syk3 and Mei....And PiroMunkie and Tori.I really don't know why I like those...But I like them:)
  17. Ayokano


    ^_^ made mine! [url]http://www.myotaku.com/users/austin/[/url] My username is of course [strike]aYokano[/strike] Austin!Not very good...I couldn't find out how it worked....then I found out how it work! :sign:That was alot of hard work:sweat:
  18. "Cause he can" Yah....I can really see where this thread is going. Sora,from what I know,is a powerful player.Is he not a high level twin blade.He maybe is a adult who has a child like mind.Maybe he thinks that the playfulness of a child is a strong ally to him,or maybe he is just a 8 year old with no life.I really don't know. But really,it this kinnda thread needed?
  19. [COLOR=red][B][size=1]Name:Leon Kai Age:20 Gender:Male Class:Blade Sorcerer Weapon Type:Sword Weapon Name:Katana Runes: Left Leg:Rune of Vritra-Summon:Angel Katrin Right Leg:Rune of Desolation-Summon:Hell Demon Left Arm:Rune of Draconus-Summon: Draco Katrin Right Arm:Rune of Hellsprite-Summon: Devil Katrin Magic: Dark Flame-Uses the powers of both Hell and Flames,it engulfs the opponent in dark flames filled with hatered and pain. Fire Dragon:Fire in the form of a dragon engulfs the opponent in flames when the dragon warps around them like a snake Light of Healing:Heals a little of health. Dark Energy Hole:Uses the power of darkness to make a orb of dark matter and attack the opponent with it.It opens a small dark hole,and engulfs objects,and they never can return to this world.It also can harm allies,and the user itself. Physical Description:[img]http://images.capcom.com/games/chaos_legion/characters/sieg.jpg[/img] Personality:Quite,Cold sometimes,Loner History:Born to a family of Summoners,he is the youngest of three other brothers.They taking the path of mastering one element,he took others.He felt the need to be stronger then his brothers,and took up the power of darkness and flames.He need to balance the evil and good powers inside him,so he soon had the Rune of Vritra put on him.He is also a bladesmen,and learned what he knows from his master.He is now on a family quest,to see if his skills can now help him. Edit:Sent my story to you,Ohkami.[/COLOR][/B][/size]
  20. [COLOR=red][B][size=1]Name:[url]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=455435[/url] Leon Gamma Age:16 Digivolution:Card,Biomerge Digimon: Fufumon Type: Slime Attribute: Data Level: Baby Attack: Small Iron Thorn Digivolves from: None Digivolves to: Kyokyomon Kyokyomon Type: Lesser Attribute: Data Level: In-Training Attack: Metal Straw Digivolves from: Fufumon Digivolves to: Guilmon X, Ryuudamon Guilmon X Type: Reptile Attribute: Virus Level: Rookie Attacks: Fireball, Fire Mitt Digivolves from: Kyokyomon Digivolves to: Allomon X, Growlmon X, Monochromon X Growlmon X Type: Dark Dragon Attribute: Virus Level: Champion Attacks: Raiden Blade, Exhaust Flame Also called: Growmon X Digivolves from: Guilmon X Digivolves to: WarGrowlmon X WarGrowlmon X Type: Cyborg Attribute: Virus Level: Ultimate Attacks:Atomic Claw,Gigia Cannon Also called: Megalo Growmon X Digivolves from: Growlmon X Digivolves to: Gallantmon X Gallantmon X Type: Exalted Knight Attribute: Virus Level: Mega Attacks:Holy Knight's Sword,Shield of Justice Also called: Dukemon X Digivolves from: WarGrowlmon X Digivolves to: None The links and img tag don't work,so here is the digidex where I found all my info [url]http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidexE.html[/url] Edit:I'll change the Digimon if that's to much.....[/COLOR][/B][/size]
  21. [COLOR=darkblue]Name:Kai Loonmo Year:2 Team:Card Game Master(s)-They play any real game trading card game,and a game called Bakemono Eki Karuta-If you join this team you can summon monsters of the Bakemono Eki Karuta.The team rule is you can only summon man size monsters if fighting a human opponent. Label:Nice Guy Description:See attachment Bio:Always loving trading card games,he is the best at most.He is nice to everyone,and you have to like rip up his rasest cards to make him freak out.Most girls lik him,and he is good with younger kids.He got into Bakemono Eki Karuta when his father passed his deck down to him,and mastered it.It also thinks others have the power to summon the monsters of the card game,so he made a team to find out more.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=darkblue][I]Austin sat in his chair,reading some old mytholgy.He had not gotten much sleep,and the light of the moon shined on him.He had been stuck in his desk,filled with work.He soon heard the foot steps of on of his maids.He turned to her,and it was Melfina...he whatched as her blond hair and her blue eyes came into the moon light[/I] [B]Austin:[/B]Go away,please..... [B]Melfina:[/B]Please sir,get some sleep.... [B]Austin:[/B]I don't need any. [I]He digged his nose deeper into the book,reading it,and also hopeing she would go.After some time,he signed and closed it.He stared into her eyes,as she also stared into his.[/I] [B]Melfina:[/B]Thank you sir.... [I]She looked downed,with a worried face.She soon walked out of the room,and Austin went to bed.[/I][/COLOR]
  23. Ok....everybody is in.All sports and clubs are after,or before school.I'll post them here.If you what to join one pm me.Also Jubei Yagyou....I really didn't think of one ^_^;;; Here are the clubs and sports.[B]Pm me to get in.This will not be done here in the thread.[/B]All sports are afternoon,and all clubs are both morning and afternoon.Pm me to tell me what time you what your club to be at. Base Ball(Mr.Brown)- Basket Ball(Mr.Brown)-Double_B_Daigo Football(Scoocer)(Mr.Brown)-Austin,Ohkami Scoocer(Football)(Mr.Brown)- Art Club(Ms.Denko)- Math Club(Ms.Kim)- Beta Club(Mr.White)- Kendo Club(Mr.Kuga)-Legacy Field hockey(Mr.Brown)- Lacrosse(Mr.Brown)- That's all I really have....I'll start after three more people sign up.Also,everybody signing up after this must be a female...we have to many guys,and fighting over two girls well be....you know...most of use well be I.S.D ^_^;;; So you can be girls if you what to sign up.Ok...I need some sleep....get the Scedules done,and we can start. Sign Ups are done in...1 day,but I don't what this thread to be close,cause I would like to re-open after some time. P.S:Double_B_Daigo,please delete your last post,and put it in you sign up please.
  24. [COLOR=red][B][size=1]Well...what the heck.... Boys: Austin:....it's my name....*.* Ki:I'll change my name to this....when I'am 24.... Girls: Sakura:It is cherry blossom in Japanese...and it is really cool.... Juuthena:I...don't...know...why....must...name child after this.... Melfina:Well...ever sice Outlaw Star,I liked this name....Mel-Fi-Na^_^ Okay..that's all....I don't really like alot of boy names....I don't really don't know why...[/COLOR][/B][/size]
  25. @_@ I named it high school angel....not middle school angel........well high school sounds cooler..... Ok.....all of you are in.Also,Ohkami,Ki is confused and shy....sorry I nevered telled you... Also I'll be giving everybody their Scedule,and can only meet up with other characters if you are out of school,or in the same class at the same time.Not everybody will be in the same class.Luanch and other things is where we can also meet,or we can always start a fight get in I.S.D:p Here is mine. Name:Austin Tomey Age:14 Description:About 5'3",he has light blue eyes and light brown hair.He wears a white t-shirt,blue jeans,and white tennis shoes.He also wears glasses,and a green vest over his t-shirt.He is medium built,and skin is lightly tan. Bio:Austin and shy,and lost most of his friends when he moved to another school when in middle school.He was friendless,and always tried to make new ones,but never did.His mom and dad are divorce,and he now has a step dad.He has three brothers and two cats,and he likes anime and manga.He is on no clubs or teams,and gets ok grades.He doesn't like to fight,andwhen gets bullied he just takes it.He doesn't have a girl friend,and doesn't speak much to anyone. Items:Black backpack filled with school books,traperkeeper,pens and pencils.He takes his cell phone to school,and can't use it,a GBA SP with games,and manga. Ok....that's all.We all have to have a bookpack,because after a bellrings,we go to a different class.
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