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Everything posted by Ayokano
The Judge mech looked at the pilots.He looked from the frist one,Shinji,to the last on,Trowa.He shooked his head. Judge:Tiss,Tiss,This isn't enough to start.I guss we will have to wait till the others come. Shinji looked at him.Maybe he would not have to fight. Shinji:[I]Yes!!!!!!!!!!!![/I] Judge:But if noone else comes we could start without them. Shinji:-______- No fair. ______ Note to everyone who has not posted,I giveng you all one more day.Then I'll start,and you can come in a little late.
Edit:Ok I fixed it.Sorry. Kai walked out of Resident2.He could see that the sun was shining,and the wind gentley blew.He did not like the sun,so he pulled the hat down more.He could see as people walked pass him,and he soon found Korro?s Shop,and walked in.
OCC:-_________- [B]Kai:[/B]I guss I'll go find it if I have the time. Kai puts on the hat,and went out of house and went to Resident2.He walked in.
Kai looked around the house,and he soon saw the necormane.He was old,and almost looked blind.He didn't fell like pickpoketing right now,so he walked up to him. [B]Kai:[/B]Hello olds man,do you want to help me?
OCC:I haven't been here,sorry,time to catch up,I hope theis is good. _____ Kai walked on the streets of Goropen.He longed for more money,so he went to Resident1. _____ OCC:Sorry if I did it worng,I nevered RPGed like this.
Well,this will be cool. [COLOR=darkblue]Name: Austin Drago Age:16 Height:5'1" Weight:140lbs Description:Blue eyes and long light brown hair that he wears in a tail,he wear a white shirt,black pants,and black leather boots.Over his shirt he wears a black vest. Personality:Cheerful and shy to people he doesn't know well. Bio:A dragon gym leader,alot of his pokemon are rare.He trains them hard,and gives them equal care and love,but they are still mostly weak.He still cares for them,and loves them. Pokemon::Lavitar(lv.22),Charmeleon(lv.30),Bagon(lv.22),Dratini(lv.22),Govyle(lv.30),Gyarados(lv.30) Gymleader[/COLOR]
o_O;;;;I forgot to put that I was useing paint,then puting the words on in photoshop.....Also I really don't know that much.....
[COLOR=darkblue]These are my banners,and avatars.They aren't the best,but I tried.Ok here is a Nicholas D. Wolfwood banner I made.So,here it is.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Ummm.yeah...sorry if this is crappy..... Name:Kai Hentoma Element:Darkness Age:170(looks 17) Race:Half Drow(dark elf)/Half Human Bio:I'll do this soon. Appearance:He has red eyes and white hair.His skin is dark brown,and has light brown scares on his back and chest.He wears white bandages around his upper body,and black silk pants.He also wears a black silk robe. Abilties:Can controll shadows,and make them soild.[/COLOR]
Well,I really don't know,but you could tell a mod,Juna.Have you asked him to stop?If you had you should tell a mod. Also the reson he is not using pming is because you have to wait to send a other pm.That may be it.i don't really know how e-mail works,so sorry I couldn't be of really any help.
These are the people who got in. Me(aYokano)-Shinji Ikari(EVA 01) SilpheedPilot-Shiroh Amada(RX-79 (G) Ez8 Gundam) Ohkami-Kimana (Ki) Toki(Blade Liger-Shadow) dbzanimegrl17-Allenby Beardsley(Noble Gundam) DuoMax-Duo Maxwell(Deathscythe Hell) Taki Ebina-Trowa Barton(Gundam Heavyarms Kai) Orien_Xel-Heero Yuy(Gundam Wing) Akki Koroshiya-Raven(Geno Breaker Jet) If you would like to join,go ahead,it's the same thread name,in the Recruitment forum.No more gundam characters,only maybe Domon or a other main character.And that's it for gundam.And if you did not sign up for this thread and post,you won't like to see what would happen.Oh,i'm Judge,also,and you can't fight him. _________ Shinji sat in EVA unit 01.He had been sent by NERV to go to the city,and he took the orders.He had been also testing the new battery,and no flaws.He started to think what was near the city. EVA 01 ran towards it's target,as the dust of the desert went past it.It was going to the ghost city.It and its pilot soon reached their target.The EVA soon came to walking movement.It soon stoped to what seem to be a large dome. Shinji:What is this place? ????:HELLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Shinji jumped.From the intercom there was a voice. ????:Ohhhhh,sorry for that,I forgot my name is Judge. Shinji looked around,he soon saw a mech.It was a old model,and it carried a mike,had round shoulders that has round silver objects.Its paint job was made to look like a tux. Shinji:Why was I sent here? Judge:Well,I don't know,but this is where all the best mechs well come.I'm the Judge of this place,and tell the winner.As you can see,the whole world will see this! Shinji saw flying orbs that shot out of the Judges round shoulders.One came near EVA 01,and Shinji saw it was taping EVA 01. Judge:I what to ask something,what is your name,and are you on the list? Shinji:I don't know,but my name is Shinji Ikari..... Judge:Ohhh!!!!!You are Shinji Ikari,NERV sent you! Shinji:-____-Now why would dad do that. Judge:I guss you have to stay,it says here if you don't....I can take care of you. Shinji:How,your mech is a pice of junk. The Judge pointed to other mechs,they were huge. Judge:If my boncer bots don't take care of you,mutants will. Shinji:So when dose it start? Judge:When everybody gets here. ______ Ok,I'll giveing everybody three days to get here.Also don't start any battles yet,cause I'll be in a car all day on sat. going back to GA,USA -____-
Flips in to do list [I]Steal Tare panda avatar and wait for Ohkami's brithday[/I] [I]Start to read Chobits because of that girl....[/I]*thinks of name*....[I]Chii[/I] It's nice,I like how Chii is wearing something green and the background is green,and the pose...and the fading face....and how it is better then anything I can do....ok I give it a 10.
Name:Shabiona Ken Hentopu Rank in Nation:Shabiona Age:25 How long you've had your rank:2 years Gender:Male Description:He is built lightly,and wears a tuxedo all the time.He has light brown hair,and dark blue eyes.His hair is long,and he wears it in a tail.He wears sunglasses sometimes,but puts them in his potket when not. Bio:When he was still a young child,they still had wars,and different parts of the world were so different from the United States.In his late teens,he was a boxer at school,and whatched as Val`Shabionas came in power.He soon saw how great the goverment was now,and became a Shabiona,dropping his boxing carrier.He soon whatched as the goverment fell,and become a dictatorship,when the Val`Shabiona, Shambotado Cle Masierbo,came in order.He,like other older members of the Shabionas,hate his ways,but must keep it a secert.He goverens over half of Asia,including what used to be China,Japan,and Russia.He knows how to box,and also other forms of martial arts,and carries hunting knifes sometimes. Birthplace:United States of America Freedom Warrior or Patriot:Partriot(but would like to kill you know who) How long they have been with said side:10 years
[COLOR=darkblue]*steals it and waits for Ohkami's brithday*Me:Ok I'm done with my to do list......o_O;;; Sorry. It's good,and the panda is just there,rolling around.....it's cute....wait I said cute.[/COLOR]
I think it is a bunch of fan girls,or guys,making a gay pairing with to male characters in anime who are not in love.I think thats it. Edit:That's is about Big O,o_O;;;;
It's good,but kinnda needs a text,that would make it better,like a quote,but I give it a 30/10,cause I've been having a obsesen over fox people ^_^;;;;,I'm a freak! I would really give it a 10/10.
-____- Why can't he take gum????That always works. Well that's weird o_O;;;,I don't really like it,but it grows on you.You should chibi him,and have a baby thing in his mounth,thta would be cool,lol. Well it's good.But why couldn't he like take gum,or patchs.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hataki Vash [/i] [B]Tidus is the BOMB.[/B][/QUOTE] That's going in my sign,lol. I my favroite is Dingo from Zone of the Enders 2:The Second Runner.He is a bad ***,and it gets you thinking,he must like killing all those guys,lol.My second is Johnny from Guilty Gear X.His outfit is cool,and he looks like a bad *** too,but inside he is a guy who cares for people who are loney,like he is.Pluse May likes him....so is that a plus. My least favroite is Piro from the .hack// games.My brother got his address,and every time he talks I want to kill the TV.Me second are Goofy and Daffy from Kingdom Hearts.Goofy does nothing in battles,and Daffy is just as bad.I had ended up fighting by my self most of the time.Well,I liked when the where not with me on the final boss,lol.
Go here,and enter the Pokedex....-____- I'm I the only one who thinks,here's the site [url]http://www.pokemon.com/[/url] also have a old one that is at the top. Name:Austin Hentomeria Age:14 Description:Wears a a white t-shirt,black baggy shorts,and black leather boots.He also wears a black pull over over his t-shirt.He has blue eyes and brown hair. Starting Pokemon:Bagon or Dratini Bio:Austin is a pokemon trainer who used the powerful dragon type pokemon.He trains them hard with his friend,Ki,and soon they go on a adventure together.They what to catch new and more powerful pokemon together,and become pokemon masters. Ok,I hope I can use my Bagon,or you won't see a happy trainer.
[B]Name:[/B][I]Ken Sinic,a.k.a "Fox"[/I] [B]Age:[/B]30 [B]Langueage:[/B][I]Russian,English,German,Knows Minor Chinese[/I] [B]Description:[/B][I]An American with brown hair and blue eyes.He is build lightly,and is tall.He is pale,and has little sun,but has a light tan.He wears suits,and well rarely wears normal cloths.[/I] [B]Bio:[/B][I]Ken is a Russian spy who worked for the U.S goverment.He was in the C.I.A for five years,and was born in America with American parents.He is the lowest of scum,and he likes it.He only cares for women,money,and his looks,and nothing eles.The only reason he works for the Russia and the other commumist parties is because of the money they pay him. He is hated even by the people he works for,and does not care most of the time.He was given the name "Fox" because he is sly and cuning.He usely brings large ammonts of money with him,showing his power. He knows many hand to hand combat stlyes,inculding Ninjutsu,Kick Boxing,and Boxing.He is also knows a great bit of computers,and has hacked into many goverment files,trying to find information.He has a aresen of weapons that he owns,and carries a few with him,but mostly daggers and handguns.[/I] Ok here we go.That should be all.
No way.It's not the movie's fault.I saw the Matrix,the AniMatrix,and the 2ed Matrix,I'm 12,and did I go on a killing spree,no.If the parents knew their children are completly insane,then it's their fault.But if they never knew,then no.So it's ether the kid's fault,or the parents fault.
You are missing almost everything.I see no point to let you join if everybody eles had to put everything in the sign up and you didn't.Also this should be delt with pming me,not posting it here.
-_____- This is a thread for me. Well I always used to buy $50 games that I never rented.....which is a bad idea.I end up hating them,and they collect dust. Also,I end up buying high price Yu-Gi-Oh singles.....one was like $40...and I traded it off anyway.Also I bought a Yu-Gi-Oh PSI game,and the only thing I really liked is the three free promo cards. But I'm not spendng alot of cash now.I guss I what to buy a manga or anime set.I have bout $80 right now......maybe Chobits....
Ok,Akki Koroshiya is in.One more person and we can start,ok.This is the list of people who got in. Me(aYokano) SilpheedPilot Ohkami dbzanimegrl17 DuoMax Taki Ebina Orien_Xel Akki Koroshiya I changed my mind and I'll give it three days.I'll start it on Sunday cause I go back to GA on Staurday.Ok.
Well I guss I'll join.My character is from the Union(U.S.A),and that's why he looks like this.Because I heard the whole gun thing happen near the Civil War,and your frist one is with the guns,I guss this one well happen a little after the Civil War. Name:Johnny Hen(Kai) Age:29 Weapon:[img]http://www.swordsdirect.com/SD/Pc1094lg.jpg[/img] A sword that was given to him by his master,it fits his sly personailty. Description:[img]http://www.guiltygearx.com/ggx/eng/cara/image/c_jy3.jpg[/img] That but without sunglasses,and has blue eyes.I hope that's ok. Bio:He come from the Union after the Civil War to Japan,where he wants a peaceful life.But the guns that soon came brought him nothing but what he had in the Union,war.He soon took up the way of the samurai,and trained with his master.The both fought to keep there town safe from the gunwielders,but his master was soon shot.Johnny took up a new name,Kai,and took it for him to help the other samurai to kill off most of the men.Even though what had happen to him,he loves women,and is telling jokes most of the time. I'm kinnda going in what your last RPG about this.I'll fix it if it needs to be.