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Everything posted by Ayokano
[COLOR=darkblue]Well,this is the funniest thing that has happen to me. In 4th grade I was acting all cool and that,and had on baggy shorts that keep on falling down,and I pulled them up.Well at the end of the day,we go to the cafetria(sp?)and I get ready to go.Oh,by the way,almost everybody was there.My baggy pants fell all the way down(thank god I was wearing boxers).It was a good thing nobody looks at me,well there was some,but they are taken care of if you know what I mean :p [/COLOR]
RPG Mystical Legends: Act I: The tides of friendship
Ayokano replied to G/S/B Master's topic in Theater
[COLOR=darkblue]Jet stood there for a few minutes. Jet:Yah!!! ????:Are you kidding me. Jet looked back to where the voice came from.He saw a small kid,maybe 10. Kid:If you are the Mystic Knight then this village is damed. Jet:You know kid,you shouldn't say words like that. Kid:And that girl...you like her? Jet blushed and looked at the kid.He pulled him by his shirt. Jet:PLEASE DON'T TELL HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kid:Why? Jet:........Cause...... Kid:You can not tell- He punched him on the head. Kid:Och! Jet:Stupid kid!Shut up! He watched as others looked. Jet:Ummmm.....Got to go.... He soon went to his small cottage.He had pack up his cloths and his katana.He soon thought about Ki....and her face...and her kindness....and blushed.Why can't he,a Mystic Knight tell a girl that he likes her. Jet:WHY CAN'T I TELL HER!!![/COLOR] -
Anime What was the first anime that you watched?
Ayokano replied to Krillen's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=darkblue]Well,Speed Racer was the frist anime I ever saw....but the funny thing is that I never knew it was anime. But to tell the truth it was DBZ.They aired the Freeza saga on UPN...I think,after I got home from school.Also Digimon(which I loved)....And sadly Pokemon -____- Remember,I was like what 8? After I got tired of Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z,and Digimon was canceled:bawl:I guss I kinnda stoped watching anime,till I started to watching Adult Swim....And EVA!Well,four eppies of EVA.... -___-[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=darkblue]I didn't what to inlarge it...so I just made the banner bigger.I forgot but I used MS Gothic...I guss that is why it mached:sweat: Oh...he is Testament from Guilty Gear X,and he looks like this. [img]http://www.guiltygearx.com/ggx/eng/cara/image/c_ts3.jpg[/img] So here's the new one,also I need to make my avatar larger.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]This is my new banner I did by my self.Well I put it up here so everyone could see it and make fun of it and other stuff to it...ok here's the banner...I also made a avatar and it's now my avatar. P.S:It's my frist time making a banner...don't be really harsh.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Name:Kinomen(Ki) Nimtoen Age:22 Weapon:Scythe and hand to hand combat. Description:On missions he wears white bandages that covers his upper body and simple silk pants(like medievil pants).When not on missions he wears a silk black robe.He has white hair and red eyes. Bio:He is a assassian that was sent by Hiro Tanahama(is that ok Jubei Yagyou?)to kill Ashtari.His pass is unknown,but he was a member of a wealthy family,but nevered like the way of wealth that he nevered earned.He took the way of a assassian.He would never kill a lady...well a pretty one. I think I'm good for this RPG because I can post very well,and like good character devoloment.I like mean characters[spoiler][size=1]that change sides[/size][/spoiler],I also like pretty ladies. My character's scythe looks like this [img]http://www.guiltygearx.com/ggx/eng/cara/image/c_ts3.jpg[/img][/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]Yeah...this is really bad....hope I get in... Student- Name:Austin Age:15 Magic:Fire Bio:Coming from a small family,his parents lefted him,and he was lefted on the streets.He dose not talk much,and is shy around people.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]Ki's light brown hair waved with the wind.He look to see why everybody was in a hurry.He saw weapons,and picked up a Kusari-Gama,a Ninja-to,alot of Tetsubishi,and a dozen Kunai.He went to the maze's entrance,waiting to go in.He rested both arms on his head,and taped the ground,wanting to go in.[/COLOR]
The Story: The year is 3240.You are a member of the S.O.A.R. special ops.You are now on a mission,on a spaceship named Ozymandias. [img]http://images.capcom.com/games/dino3/screenshots/sshot2.jpg[/img] You and your partners are on a search-and-rescue mission: piece together the space-craft?s mysterious re-appearance after a 300-year absence,and why all crew members died. [img]http://images.capcom.com/games/dino3/screenshots/sshot5.jpg[/img] Armed with hyper-speed booster units and an arsenal of futuristic weaponry, you?ll confront ferocious space mutations and evolved forms of dinosaur creations in your quest to solve the mystery. [img]http://images.capcom.com/games/dino3/screenshots/sshot8.jpg[/img] You soon have find what the Ozymandias team was working on:Operation Zero. ___________ These are the weapons and items you will use. Energy Rifle-A weapon that uses plasma shots,all of the S.O.A.R. special ops. use them.They are very powerful,and can kill almost anything. Energy Machine gun-Like the Energy rifle,it uses plasma shots,but the shot are rapidly. Energy Handgun-Uses plasma shots,they are very weak,but can still be useful. Orbital Cannons(Wasp)-A meltalic sphere,it luanchs small orbital cannons,that uses plasma shots.One holds six orbital cannons,and do not waste users ammo.They swarm the target,and shot at it till dead or out of ammo. Heat Knife-A hunting knife,it can heat up,and melt through flesh easyly. Medic box-This is use to heal wounds.Only medics use these. Ammo-Plasma shot shells.They come in packs of dozens,and each S.O.A.R. special op. has ten packs for their weapons. I-D cards-These are used to go into rooms.Nobody has any,so they need to be found. Files-Files that help tell the secert of the Ozymandias.Only I can get these,and I'll read them. ________________ Rules- This RPG has gore in it,and lots of it.If you do not post alot,and you nevered pmed me that you will be gone,you get eaten by something,or we find you dead.If your post quantity is really bad too,you'll go insane and kill you're self:D _________________ This is what we need to start. S.O.A.R. special op. Medic(1)-A medic uses a medic boxs,heat knifes,energy handguns,and I-D cards.They start out with a medic box,ten packs of ammo(120 shots),heat knife,and a energy handgun.: S.O.A.R. special op.(3)-Can use everything.They start out with heat knife,energy handgun,your choice of a energy rifle or machinegun,20 packs of ammo(140 shots): S.O.A.R. special op. Captain(Me)-Same as S.O.A.R. special op.He leads the team,and is repoted if something is found.:aYokano _________________ This is what you need to sign up.Put what "Class" at the top. S.O.A.R. special op. or S.O.A.R. special op. Medic- Name:First and Last(surname) Age:20-35 Gender:I want aleast one female.Male or Female Country From:I know Japan is cool,but lets come from different places. Height:Not 1000' feet people. Wieght:Yah same as above. Item:Medics-Medic Box and ten packs of ammo(120 shots),S.O.A.R. special op.-20 packs of ammo(140 shots) Weapons:Medic-Heat Knife and Energy Hand Gun.S.O.A.R. special op.-Energy handgun,your choice of a energy rifle or machinegun,and a heat knife. Description:Very detailed.We use suits(I'll pm you what they look like) Bio:About a pharagarh please. Hope you guys sign up.
[COLOR=red]Austin looked around.He had in the darkness for who knows how long and entered a ballroom,lighted by candles.He looked around,and jumped as music stared to play.As he looked arounded him,he saw blue ghost dancing with each other.He was in the middle of the ballroom,and a women ghost past through him.He felt cold,and lost his breath. He saw as the women ghost,without her dacing partner,come to him. Women:I'm sorry for that...I tend to do that. Austin:It's ok....it didn't kill me. He looked at her young face.Though he could see throught it,she was nice. Austin:What is your name?Mines Austin. Women:My name is Melfina. Austin:Goodbye...Melfina. He went out of the ballroom.HE stoped and looked back,as Melfina looked back at him.[/COLOR] _________ Can some ghost be good?
[COLOR=red]I also vote for this one by Terpischore, I am SCORPIO - hear me ROAR! It's funny cause....Scorpio are Scorpions...which are bug things...and the don't roar...lol... And you people who some hwo like the whole moo thing...I made a club for you...so be quite...you guys are off-topic you know....[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]Ki had been waching the others.They had been talking about demon the the crop.They had move on,and he followed them.He soon saw the women look back.She turned her head. Women:Who are you? Ki:My name is Ki,are you also aginst the crop.? Women:Yes we are. Ki:I see,and what are your names. He looked at the others that where with her.They then told them their names. Trip:What do you have aginst the crop.? Ki:I have my own resons.Can I help you?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]This is good.I'll make a pointless list j/k 1.Dolls-They are creepy.They stare at you,and then you see them move. 2.B-Movies on Si-fi-These movies are scary,the bad effects,the bad storyline. 3.Bad Anime-Ruins it for newbies in the anime world+if there is a lot of bad anime no more anime. 4.[strike]Ohkami divorcing me[/strike] 5.Monsters-those small monsters or human size monsters that can eat you. That's all...*gets in happy place*[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]You are lucky you are out,I still have two years of it-___-More fights,yeppy! Will thanks for backing me up guys.Cheers to good grades...o_O;; Any who...I guss it isn't that hard anywhy.I was scared cuase my stupid teachers never took us to the 7th grade hall and I don't know every were is.Well goood bye for now...should I even say that,I'm not getting off or anything....[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]People like my moo thing....here tell me if you laugh... ....Moo:cool: You guys don't forget the cool sign....cause cows who say moo are cool...but I like this.It's funny,and it made me luagh,so it wins! TheMajin77: *gets naked* TheMajin77: HUG ME! AmallaChan: agh! AmallaChan: you cant get naked TheMajin77: why not TheMajin77: *dives into popcorn* So Kaola Su wins j/k.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]Yes.....T.T seventh grade is going to start,and I'm scared.I keep thinking I'll never have time to go on the internet,and be stuck inside doing homework,and stuff.HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!j/k[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]I like being a newbie,and I soon to be a Junior Member,and that makes me happy :D.I felt new,and knew I'll break a couple rules,but I would learn from that.Some people give you the same respect as a I Live Here....o_O;;; no wait as a member.Anyway don't really care if I'm a newbie,and I don't take it offensive.Really it only gets offensive when someone calls you a newbie,really when themselves is a newbie.They should take the time to look at your username and type it,but most people do that any way. Good Bye for now!-jumps on a gaint flying turkey. Oh....I feel no need to remove the Newbie title!.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]Yeah...to young.... But you should tell him how you feel.You and him should not get into a relationship right now.Being the youngest telling you this,close to your age,well younger,from all the times I whached Boy Meets World,it takes a mircale to pull of a relationship when you are young.Boys in my Middle school are going out with girls,and it never works. Also,when you are young,you and I,are going through changes.We want to see parts that are hidden,and we want sex.Sadly that is why I think we in the U.S have so many 15-17 years with babies.You could get HIV and AIDS if you have sex,so keep it at friendship,and if it last long,after collage,get married.Do not quit collage over this boy,cause it goes into more troubles. So like I said befor,tell him your feelings,stay friends,and after collage get married :D[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]I like girls who play Yu-Gi-Oh...*look's around* Most boy who play Yu-Gi-Oh are 7 and 10...and diss like girls.Most 12 year old boys *ME* would like to face a girl dulist.Also the show gave every girl who plays Yu-Gi-Oh in the eyes of boys(mainly seven year olds)that girls like Fairy decks and Harpie.So don't get made at us.Get mad at Yu-Gi-Gi. (yeah I know this is off topic,but what kind of deck do you play,you can pm me,Also my brithday is one day ahead of your's.That's scary) P.S:I know all girls don't play Harpy and Fairy decks.[/COLOR] I don't think my post is readable.
[COLOR=red]OCC:Sorry Ohkami,it's just htat I've been reading the new Harry Potter book and I'm starting to think everybody is from England....sorry. Austin:Wait..Mai... Mai ran and lefted. Austin:Mia.... He had a warm feeling in him,but was then turned to gun fire.Austin put his Medawatch to his mouth. Austin:Medabee,use your machine gun! Medabee:You don't have to tell in my ear!!!! Austin:YOU DON"T HAVE EARS!!!! Medabee:[size=1]oh[/size] Medabee aimed for Kaishi.Bullets zoomed at the dark Medabee.They lost sight of Kaishi.Austin saw Kaishi near Medabee. Austin:Medabee watch out!!! Medabee was punched.He landed on the floor,and got up. Austin:How could you do that to Mia!!!! Akira looked at him,and walked up to him. Akira:What did I do. Austin felt her punch him.Blood ran from his mouth.He soon backed away. Austin:Close range Medabee!!!! Medabee and Kaishi started to fight in close range.Soon he heard a click.Medabee was out,and was teled back to Austin's house.He ran to pick up his metal.He felf his foot steped on,and looked up.It was Dean. Dean:What are you doing? Austin:Getting something that's mine! With his other hand he grabed Dean's ankle(sp?)and triped him.He picked up Medabee's metal. "Sorry guys" he said to himself.He ran trowards the door and was blocked by two jackers. Austin:GET OUTTA MY WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He knocked them down as he ramed into them,and ran out the door.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]Yeah FF.May I ask,FFX isn't FF10? Name:Irvine Kinneas Age:17 Height:6' Weapon:Rifles Bio:A loner from Galbadia Garden, Irvine is known throughout SeeD as being the best sharpshooter. His impressive shooting accuracy and gun skills are unmatched and seem as equally tuned as his reputation with the ladies. Irvine accompanies Squall and his party on a SeeD mission where his skills are required. Although Irvine appears cool and collected on the outside, his sensitivity and seriousness make him charming.(God this dude is like me...) [img]http://www.ffonline.com/media/artwork/large/ff8/irvine_port.jpg[/img] There,I hope I get in...because you don't seem to like me joining your RPGs.[/COLOR]
Sign Up Mystical Legends: Act I: The tide of friendship
Ayokano replied to G/S/B Master's topic in Theater
[COLOR=red]>. -
[COLOR=red]NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What about us with slow comptures????That would freeze your compture up dude.I would hate having 10 pop ups cause I got 10 pages.I'll never go one OB agine.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]Yes I can see it,new newbies spamming all over the place cause we have one forum that lets you do that.Yeah here's a nother,we could also have a flame war forum :P Also we don't need bigger avatar and banners.Do you like it MaxSonic when you have to go down to the end of the page cause someone has a large banner.We could maybe do what...a little over.That would be nice cause I'll sometimes go over when trying to make one. Will I like the spell check one.I need it alot.New Styles,like a EVA or Trigun one.That's all I have.[/COLOR]
Yes,my deck is very bad.It's a Spellcaster/Dragon deck.Also...I don't have alot of money....so I poor.Well I guss I could buy some Rares.Mayby a TD. 5+ monsters: Blue-Eyes White Dragon 3x Dark-Magicain 1x Jinzo 1x 4- monsters: Lord of D.(duh it's a dragon deck) 2x Koumori Dragon 3x cough*five headed god dragon*cough Black Land Fire Dragon 3x Shinning Abyss 3x Harpie's Brother 3x Rouge Doll 2x Neo thw Magic Swordsman 2x Maha Vailo 1x Mystical Elf 3x Jowgen the Spirtualist(Darn thoes newbies with their Toons!!!) 2x Man-Eater Bug 2x Mask of Darkness 2x Magicain of Faith 2x Sangan 2x Wich of the Black Forest 2x Magic and Trap: Ekibyo Drakmord 1x Sword of Deep-Seated 2x Horn of the Unicorn 2x The Fulte of Summoning Dragon 2x Dragons Gunfire 2x Dian Keto the Cure Master 1x Change of Heart 1x Monster Reborn 1x Magic Drain 3x Michizure 2x(Can you have two?) Trap Hole 1x Bottomless Trap Hole 1x Reverse Trap 3x(Think,Buster Blader) Magic Jammer 1x 7 Tools of the Bandit 1x Fusion Gate 1x Fusion(if I had two wishs): Blue-Eyes Utimate Dragon Five Headed God Dragon Rate and if you could fix it.