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Everything posted by Ayokano
[COLOR=red]Austin:Well that was wierd.Lets get this started. He got in his car,others also came.He looked to his right and saw Lu. Lu:So you got pulled over? Austin flicked him off.Ein came. Ein:O.k we getting this on.So... Ready! The racers started their engines. Ein:Set! They looked at their target. Ein:Go! The racers zoomed off the the street.Austin shifed his gears as they turned.He then saw Lu's car.He got behind it. Lu:What the.... Austin:Here's for getting me pulled over! He turned to the left,and moved up a little.He tured his car right and Lu crashed.He started to pass others.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]When his hair gets longer someone cut of his pony tail thingy...that's right... I like it.The animetion is somthing very new(I think)and it has a OK story.The only thing that anoys me about it is that every thing that gets cut in half is a robot.[/COLOR]
*looks at edit password*why I'm I so stupid....why me god...why?
I think someone has my password.I heard there is a program where you can find someones password,and I'm sure someone has used it on me.I'm been checking Who's Online,and on my username and there is someplace I haven't even been to.Please can someone help.They well maybe get me banned.
OCC:I guss I over did it...I tind to do that^_^)' IC:[COLOR=red]Austin walked away.Ein looked at the man on the ground and then Austin.Austin looked back and smiled.He went and found some kids checking out his car. Black Kid:This your's? Austin:Yeah,why? Black Kid:It's sooo friggen cool! Austin:Yeah,it's a sweet ride.Whats your name kid? Kid:Jay,your's? Austin:Austin,nice to meet you. Austin looked at others. Austin:How many? Ein:Does it look like I know.Hope the cops don't come. Austin:I got one loaded if they do. Ein and Austin laughed.Austin pumped up some Linken Park. ????:Well you turn that crap off. Austin turned it higher.He smiled.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]Austin sat cross legged on his car,and bite into a apple. Ein:You came fast. They laughed.That was a stupid answer,he was always fast.He looked around.He saw a man toaching the babe who saved him. Austin:Hey!It's the babe! Pices of chewed apple came from his mouth.He looked at Ein.Ein was Japaness and always wear baggy cloths.He looked at the babe.Ein was looking at the guy who was toching the babe.He got up and walked to them. ????:What you say? Austin:Hey there's the babe. The guy punch Austin in the jaw. Austin:Why you do that? ????:Cause! Austin got off his car,and punch the guy.He then kicked him in the stomach five times.And to show his guts,he spat on him. Austin:Let's see you race tonight![/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]Austin:Dam she was fine... He got back in his car.Stupid cops always on his back.He drived to his hotel.He went to his room,and heard the phone ring.He picked it up. ????:Yo,Austin! Autin:Hey,stop yelling in the phone Ein! Ein:There's a major race,you in? Austin:How much? Ein:1,000 each. Austin:Fine,hey is Lu going to be there? Ein:Why,you wanna get pay back? Austin:Ohhhh yeah. Ein:The street says you got pulled over. Austin:Some babe save my....when's the race? Ein:Night.... Austin:Ohhhh... Austin ran down the stairs.He got in his viper and went to the race.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]Austin shift gears.He slowed down his viper.He told the driver he was racing to role down his window. Austin:I thought you are going to win? Driver:Well I'm playing with you! Austin:Yah right mother..... Austin looked at his side mirror.The cops were right behind him. Cop:Pull over!!! Austin:****! He put on the breaks,and his car came to a stop.[/COLOR]
I haven't played this game...but maybe I well rent it.I have not played a good fighting game in a long time.Oh and Hot Lava 904 it is a game.Rember it is a game....
[COLOR=red]Sorry Zeh but they were the same person.They both got banned and the thread was closed.Sorry.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]OCC:No way does Dimension hole work like that. IC: Ki looked as the toon monster got sucked up.Ki got really mad,but holded it inside.He put his two monsters back in his deck. Ki:I summon Seiyaryu. A red Seiyaryu came out.It was about the size of a horse.Ki got on I and ran off. Sakura:Hey! Ki:What? Sakura:Why are you leaving? Ki:...... Ki went back with Sakura.Ki and Sakura soon came to the others. Ki:Something is not right. John:What? Ki:The Toon monsters are from Toon World...why would a Toon World be here? Sakura:Maybe it was a glich? Ki:Maybe...but if the Toons are here...wouldn't the boss be here too? John:The Medievil Land and Toon World must be in a war...and the Toon's boss has found a why to move the magic Toon World to Medievil Land...and trying to end it. They then saw Relinqushed fighting a Dark Magician and Freed the Matchless General.Relinqushed sucked up Dark Magician and then attacked Freed.Freed was destroyed. Ki:There goes the Medievil Land bosses. Seth:How? Ki looked at the others. Ki:I'll take him on.Go Senju of the Thousand Hands. Ki pulled a card from his deck.Relinqushed looked at him.A Dark Magician came out and attacked Senju. Ki:To bad that didn't work.I'll counter your attack with Seiyaryu. Fire soon came from it's mouth and the magic attack was destoryed. Ki:Now I summon Sonic Bird!I'll pull the last card I need to summon The Masked Beast.I need to destroy Senju and Sonic Bird,and now I have him on the field.I'll use Thunderbolt to destory the Dark Magician,and then attack you.Masked Beast,Dark Death Mask! Masked Beast then destroyed Relinqushed.He looked at the others. Ki:I well now play Monster Reborn,to reborn Freed. They looked at them as if he was crazy.Freed came back to life. Freed:Thank you young warrior. Freed bowed to Ki.[/COLOR]
[url]http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=26066[/url] [COLOR=red]Can a mod look at this.This was a pointless spar that looked like 8 year-olds where sparring.Also these two have been spamming...alot.I even pm godzilla and telled him about spamming and flamming because I saw him flam.I just want a mod to look at this.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]o.O that's alot of living!I guss I won't get slap alot,now![/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]lol....Great someone to slap my character around-____-[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]Man...that really sucks.... Well tell us what happens and if you have something....and if someone laughs abot it I'll spar them and win!....man i am acting crazy today...maby i need to go to the doctor...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]You don't even want to know what I thought the brown stuff was @.@ Well I think I was funny...and well...nevermind.Like Syk3 said,the brown thing looks not all so great,and it needs a border....but what do I know.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]Oh yeah...fast.Well...do I need to know how to drive? Name:Austin a.k.a Ryuujin Age:17 Bio:He always love fast action.When he got his driver's listens he bought his new 2003 Viper SRT/10.He is very young for a street racer,but has the driving skils of a pro.He always hits on a lady,and thinks he really cool.His mom has divored his dad and married a spainsh man,so he learned spainsh. Personality:He can speak spainsh,but only swears in it.He acts really cool,and always hits on women.He does his best to rap but really can't. Description:He has blue eyes and light brown hair.He wears a white t-shirt,black baggy pants,and black leather boots.Over his shirt he wears a black vest.He also wears googles.He also has a handgun cause he has enemies. Other:N/A Gang/Team:N/A Car Make:2003 Viper SRT/10 Color:Red,he has a Japaness dragon desgine on the right. Other:Well...the back set is redone and has a cooler that works andnow the back has room for one person.In the trunk he has a boom box system with blue neon lights surrounding the speakers.In the dash board there is a ladtop.It has leather seats.So the car can fit three people.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]OOC:sorry I'm late. IC:Austin looked around.He saw a Klonoa staute.He soon touched it and turned into his favorite character.He saw the ring he used to attack with. Klonoa:Now I got to find the others! Klonoa ran to find the others.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]Yah...Logan can you let me change my character's age.40 seems canna old for a 34 year old...and I well feel like a one of those rich 60 year olds who marry 20 year olds.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]Name:Zed Age:35 Speacilties:Can proform small spells,Hand-to-Hand Combat Bio:Zed and Tai met in there teens.They don't talk much about their lives,so it is still a mystery. Zed and Tai met in the army.They came from diffrent kingdoms that were trying to defeat Jeric and Kilda together,even though the two kingdoms hated each other.They soon fell in love,but their parents forbided it.They soon ran away.They came to a spellcaster's kingdom,and learned about spells and magic.The left and learned that Jeric and Kilda had destoryed their kingdoms.[/COLOR] Ok Logan,here are Kesaki_Inedia's and my Bio.If she doesn't edit her's this is it....oh and sorry but the butler thing...I hope you're not mad...
I'll help draw the mechs.I'll start now...but I can't get them up right now because my dad doesn't have a scanner.I'll put the pictures in the Art & Densign Forum when I get back to my mom's.
[COLOR=red]Ki sat there in Dragoon X.He was thinking about...no...they won't attack right now.What if they do...no...that can not happen. ????:So we meet agine...Ki. Great...they came.Ki looked up the hill and sa a blood red Blade Liger and a blood red GunSniper.The Blade Liger must be Harry's,he love close combat.That must mean Melfina was in the Gun Sniper. Ki:Yeah...I think so...Harry. Herry:I've heard you had meet Melfina in town. Ki:Yeah.So? Herry:We just wanted to meet you agine. Ki:I wish I could say the same for you. Harry:Oh...I forgot you have new friends... Ki looked around.Where was Melfina? Ki:Hey!All of you.....I want you to leave.These guys are ace pilots,and by the looks of it they won't spare us.I need to take care of them.So....GO! Ki looked at his new partners. Ki:.....Please.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]This are the people who are in. Students- Me(aYokano)-Ki Ohkami-Sakura Sakura Kid-Kasumi Wolf Maximas 13-Akami Kesaki_Indedia-Kereeko Wondershot-Dokuja dayday I am very sorry you did not get in.I didn't think you put much thought into your bio.Also I've droped the"pasing ideal"after the RPG you well have a adventure.This RPG will last about two mounths or so.Then I'll pm you the title of the new RPG.Oh...we are in a group called "Class G",and we are tought by the teachers. Teachers- Ruby-Zoma DuoMax-Motokazu Thank you for signing up as teachers.You well not play a huge "role"in the next RPG,but you can still post. O.k we need three more teachers and we will start.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]Name:Dr.Cat and Doxtomo(Dox) Race of Animal:Cat and Robot Good/Bad:Good Position:Computer Wizz/Scientist Description:A fat grey cat with dull green eyes.He wears a white trench coat,googles,and black leather boots.He has a robot that is black and red,and has tred wheels and robot arms.Dox can transfrom into a tank,sub,and a plane that can all fit to two people.It is powered by a powerful gem. Bio:His grandfather is Big the cat.He nevered had friends,so he made one.After the powerful gem was passed down to him,he made Doxtomo.He and Doxtomo are friends,and sometimes Dr.Cat beleaves he has a life.He village was attacked by Slinx and Jinx.He soon goes on a adventure to defeat them. Specialities:He has 2' claws,good eye sight,smart,and has Doxtomo.Doxtomo can turn into a plane,tank,and sub.Dr.Cat also knows how to box.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GreenEyedDragon [/i] [B]do you not like the cats? lol nice response [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=red]No...I love cats.I was just kidding...unless it has not happen yet.:nervous:[/COLOR]