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Everything posted by Ayokano

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GreenEyedDragon [/i] [B][color=sky blue] *Do you have a secret place?Yah. -whats it like?[COLOR=red]It's full of my cloths,and it's square....it's my closet.[/COLOR] -did you used to have one...and it melted away?[COLOR=red]No...unless my apartment has burn down because of my mom's evil cats and something involing maches.[/COLOR] [/color] [/B][/QUOTE]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vicky [/i] [B] Which forum do you like?[COLOR=red]Ummm...Pretty much The Adventure Arena and Otaku Lounge.[/COLOR] Why?[COLOR=red]Adventure:I love joining up for RPGs and having fun with people.Also I've meet most of my buddies there. Otaku Lounge:I enjoy looking at members problems and help solve then.Sometimes I think I make enemys there to.I think Juu hates me cause I thought what she would look like in cat-women's costum[/COLOR] Where do you hang around on the OB.[COLOR=red]Your Picture,Anime Lounge,Otaku Lounge,Battle Arena,Adventure Arena,Recruitment[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rhys Mayiessen [/i] [B] I like the Adventure and Art and Design forums the best because they usually have a lot of new threads...and that's where I post the most.[/B][/QUOTE] I thought your arm is broken?:therock:
  3. [COLOR=red]Jin sat there.Why does he even need a paartner?No there little leader has to spelt us all up.Does he even know what happens,well better go get someone. Jin:You wanna be partners,Aria?[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=red]*Thinks of Juu in a leather cat suit*.....hehe.....Ummm.... I'm just like the Hulk.Burce Banner and me hold alot of anger inside....and sometimes releash it.I just do not turn in a green thing.But that would be cool! I'm also like Spider-man.I get picked on alot.I also wish I had spidy-sense,super strength,clime on walls,and have string thingies.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=red]Ki stoped.Since he got here Seth has annoyed him.He turned to him. Ki:Do you know what Toons can do? Seth:No...what? Ki:They are able to attack your life points,if you don't have aother Toon to help you. Seth looked at him.He then looked at Sakura.Sakura smiled. Ki and Sukura ran to Toon World.Ki keep checking over his back to see if anybody well follow then.He hopes,because it won't be that easy.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=red]Ki got up.He was going to the bar.He walked in and heard no sounds.He sat next to a women with blond hair and blue eyes.She was dressed in a black short skirt and a white button down shrit. Women:Why are you with those kids? Ki:Avoiding my past....Melfina. Melfina:You still remember me? Ki:I wish I didn't. Melfina:What about Harry? Ki pulled out his gun and pointed at her head.He then saw a red spot on his. Ki:Are you? Melfina:Yes I am. Ki:You and Harry were always scum. Melfina:Then why were you partners with us? Ki put down his gun.She also put her's down.Ki walked out the door.He stoped. Melfina:We'll see you agine. Ki walked out the door. OCC:Ohkami pm me so I can tell you Harry's and Melfina's zoids.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=red]Ki:This is not good. Ki thinks.He doesn't have dark hole or thunderbolt.He has only one card that can.Jowgen the Spiritualist....but that would destroy....no he won't.All toon monsters have a weakness,that is the magic Toon World. Ki:Were is that...Sakura summon your toon monsters. Sakura:But I don't have Toon World out. Ki pointed to the middle of the town.There was a pop-up book.Sakura smiled. Sakura:Go Toon/Manga Dark Magician Girl! Ki:I'll summon Dark Magician.Your Dark Magician Girl gets powered up. Sakura:Yah! Ki:We have to work together on this.Keep my life points and monsters safe,so we can go to the Toon World.Then leave it to me. Sakura:Ok lets go![/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=red]I'll join.Sorry but I don't know much about Golden Sun's story because the begining is so long@.@...and I stop playingU.UI'll bother my younger brother to tell me most of it,cause I think he is further. Good Guy- Name:Jin Age:17 Gender:Male Weapon:The Sword of the Dragon-A greatsword,it is set on fire in battle. Element:Fire Planet:Mars Hometwon:Vale Description:He wears a red shirt,brown pants,and black leather boots.He has red eyes and grey hair.He looks much like my avatar. Bio:He has the pyrotenkis,he always burns objects.He doesn't know anybody else that has psy.His sword has been passed down since his great grandfather found it on a adventure.He hears that Sakura a friend of his,also has psy.He soon helps her on her adventure.[/COLOR]
  9. Here are some super-hero cards. Name:Hulk ATK/DEF:3000/3000 Attribute:Earth Type:Beast-Warrior/Effect Level:8 Effect:Each time the Hulk gets attacked,attacks,or is targted by magics and traps,he gets 1000 more attack points. Name:Spider-Man ATK/DEF:2000/1000 Attribute:Wind Type:Beast-Warrior/Effect Level:6 Effect:On your opponents turn,with Spider-man on your field,you can: Target on of your oppponet's,it can not attack this turn. On your opponent's Battle Phase,Spider-man can not be attacked. Name: DareDevil ATK/DEF:2500/1000 Attribute:Earth Type:Warrior/Effect Level:7 Effect:DareDevil cannot be attacked,and all targeted magic and traps do not effect DareDevil. Here are some other super-hero cards Name: X-Men:Wolverine ATK/DEF:1900/2000 Attribute:Earth Type:Warrior Level:4 Description:A mutant with the power to heal himself,he has a strong metal on his bones. Name: X-Men:Beast ATK/DEF:1600/600 Attribute:Earth Type:Beast-Warrior Level:4 Description:A mutant with the power of a beast,he is smart too. Name: X-Men:Gambit ATK/DEF:1500/1600 Attribute:Fire Type:Warrior/Effect Level:4 Effect:Each time a equip magic card that powers up attack or deffence is attached to Gambit,life points equal to the power up are taken from your opponent. Name: X-Men:Jean Grey ATK/DEF:1100/2000 Attribute:Light Type:Spellcaster/Effect Level:3 Effect:Flip:When your opponent summons a monster,you now controll it. Name: X-Men:Cyclops ATK/DEF:1550/1100 Attribute:Fire Type:Warrior Level:3 Description:A mutant with the power to shot rays from his eyes. Name: X-Men:Storm ATK/DEF:1900/2000 Attribute:Wind Type:Spellcaster/Effect Level:4 Effect:When Storm is summon in any face up mode,all magic and trap cards on your opponent's side of the field are destroyed. Name: X-Men:Nightcrawler ATK/DEF:1500/1000 Attribute:Dark Type:Beast-Warrior/Effect Level:3 Effect:Magic and trap effects do not effect him. O.K thats all.I'll finish up later.
  10. Yah you can be two dayday....unless Ohkami made up new rules.Oh...I'm being Dr.Cat.I'll post later....so save a spot for me.
  11. Poison Tongue...you act like Simon. Well...I think we are all happy,Hikaru Ichijyo.I hope I see it.What is the rating?G,PG,PG-13,R?I bet it will be great.
  12. OCC:Sorry I never said this but Melfina is a girl horse. Ki walked in the dark forest.He saw the Velofes,they looked like wolves,but standed up right,and had horns.They looked like they were smelling something.Then it came to Ki when they loked straight at him.He got up and ran,but the soon caught him. Velofe:Who are you? [COLOR=darkblue]Ki:I am the moon guardian.[/COLOR] Velofe:You are him? [COLOR=darkblue]Ki:YES! They looked at him.Then they backed offed.Ki fell to the ground.The head one,the one who had talked to him said something in their tounge.They looked at the leader,then at Ki.The slowly came,then stoped.The leader punced on Ki,and dug his claws into him.Ki screamed.He felt the cold metal of the gift. The others heard his scream.The looked toward the forest and ran to it. Ki saw the gift glow.He then felt power flow in his body.His body expanded his muscles,and grey thick hair grew all over his body.His ears pointed,and his face got thiner and grew out.He was like a wolve.He had claws now,and sharp teeth.He looked at the leader. The others came to Melfina. [COLOR=orange]Kiara:What happen to you?[/COLOR] Melfina:The Velofes attacked me and a boy named Ki went to fight them. [COLOR=orange]Kiara:Silia?[/COLOR] Silia:Yes Kiara. Silia healed Melfina.The others came to were Ki was fighting. [COLOR=darkblue]Ki:Get away![/COLOR] Ki bite the leader in the neck.Both their coats were covered in blood.As Ki let go of the leader,they both fell to the ground. [COLOR=teal]Sakura:Ki![/COLOR] He had landed on her lap.He turned back to his normal form. [COLOR=darkblue]Ki:Sa...kur...a...[/COLOR] Ki blacked out.
  13. [COLOR=red]Ki:You idiot. The others looked at him.He had his Blue-eyes near him. Seth:What? Ki:Look! They looked as the three zombies came up. Ki:You have to kill the Pumpking first.I'll do that for you.Blue-Eyes White Dragon Attack! Ki's Blue-Eyes White Dragon attacked the Pumpking.It was destroyed. Ki:I then attach Ekibyo Drakmord to Dragon Zombie.In two turns he will be killed.Then I play Dragon's Gunfire,and destory Warrior Zombie because his deffence points are 0.That is all I will do.[/COLOR]
  14. LoL,that sounds like my school. Well after running around try to find the girl I like to dance and then asked her to be my girlfriend....I should have killed myself.....but I found my mom's car.Then cried because the gell in my hair melted and went in my eyes.Then ate chianess(Cause she was...the girl I like)
  15. Here's mine.After we have seven more students and eight more teachers we'll start.Oh....the title of the RPG will be called The School of Ninjutsu.That means half or less of you well be cut.Four or five teachers can join in the next RPG after we are done with this one,just pm if you want to join. Student- Name:Ki Nemkino Age:16 Gender:Male Weapons Best With:Kusari-Gama,Katana,Kunai,Shurikens Description:He has blue eyes and short light brown hair he wears spiky.He wears a black pull over,black pants,and black leather boots.He also wears a pair of flight googles. Bio:He grew up in a family with a long line of farmers.His family dislikes ninjas for no reson.He alays wanted to become a ninja for some reson too.He is lazy in school and daydreams all the time in class.Teachers have even bet if he will pass when he comes to learn the way of ninjas. Ok here is a problem.Wondershot doesn't have his discription.The school doesn't have the ninja suit as a uniform,so you can wear what ever you like.By the way if you read Naruto you would really understand this RPG,cause I kindda base it on Naruto.There is not alot of moderen stuff,like cars,guns,and skyscrapers,but there is T.V and refrigerators and small stuff like that.
  16. This sounds fun.I'll join,so here we go. Name:Jin Hand Age:19 Weapons:Two hunting knives,,six throwing knives,two katanas,and one 7" long sword Gender:Male Description:5" tall,he wears a black pull over,black pants,black leather boots.He wears his knives on his belt,hunting knives first then throwing knives.He wears his large sword across his back,and his katanas form a X.He has blue eyes and light brown hair. Bio:His parents died when he was young,he grew up on the streets.He learned how to streal and pick pocket.He was given all his weapons when he left his gang. O.k I think I'm the last guy on Jing's team.
  17. Ninjasu the art of ninjas.Young ones are trained in their teens this art in Kemaho.Kemaho trains the best ninjas,who are sent on missions to other nations of Hem,the world the live in.Kemaho ninjasu school is now recruiting new students,and are in need of new teachers as well. ___________________ Ok this is like Naruto.I only need about 10 or so people.You will be tought in the arts of fighting,swordsmenship,shurikens,steath, and the history of the ninja.When we are done with this RPG I will make another one where we go on a adventure,and you need to pass.I'll pick who "passes" based on how they post,if something other than my character goes to school and learns ninjasu.So pm somebody if you want to have some romace like things...like love triangels and stuff,or do something with your character.Oh...we need teachers too.The teachers will pm when the school year is over and tell me who should pass,and I'll pick.I'll post and start the RPG.Oh also pm me if you well not be here for an amout of time. ____________________ Here is the sign up sheet for a student. Student- Name:Put thought in this.Frist and last. Age:13-17 Weapons Best With:Close range weapons of japaness orgin,long range weapons of japaness orgin Description: Bio: Teachers- Name: Age:18-40 Description: Bio: Subject Teached:What subject do you teach? That's all...oh and no Naruto characters.
  18. [COLOR=red]Ki left the group and came to a cliff.He was the migty Lord of Dragons! Ki:Go Blue-Eyes White Dragon! A white dragon with blue eyes came.Koe then got on and flew off.He came to a desert. Ki:So this is were my adventure begins.The Lord of Dragons can protect them from magic and traps,but he is weak with attack points of 1200 and a deffence of 1100. Ki looked at his Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Ki:That's why I have you and your brothers,Blue-Eyes.Plus the Dark Magicain and my traps and magics,I'm all powerful![/COLOR]
  19. I'll sign up,but what is Big Brother? Name:Austin(my real name) Yocano(not my last name) Age:18 Presonality:He doesn't talk much,he whaches strangers if he does not turst them. Pet Peeves:People who talk to much,people who whach him back. Hobbies:Swordsmenship,Gunsmenship,painting Appaerance:Blue eyes,light brown hair,about 5'5",skiny(I'm not going to but down cloths cause he'll change...cloths wise) Luxury Items:labtop,handgun
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Conna_da_fox [/i] [B]2. anime is japanese animation, so nothing made in the US as animation can be anime.[/B][/QUOTE] Well that's not ture.In japaness animation is anime,so every animation all around the world is anime in japaness.The stlyes is what anime is,so we could learn these stlyes and make our own anime. People have already done it with manga,a comic store I go to has a amercian women who makes manga who works there.
  21. Ki looked at a small forest.He soon heard a something in the bushes.He walked to it,and moved the bushes so he could see what it was.It was a black horse,and it's leg was hurt. [COLOR=darkblue]Ki:What are you?What's your name?[/COLOR] Black Horse:I am a Staggart,and my name is Melfina.What is your name young one? [COLOR=darkblue]Ki:My name is Ki Loon.I am guardian of the moon.[/COLOR] Melfina:That title is a great one,one with a pure heart can hold it.When I am cured of my pain you well be able to ride me. [COLOR=darkblue]Ki:How did you get this way Melfina?[/COLOR] Melfina:The Velofes.They are unknown to others then us.The have hunted us in secert.They soon hunted me too. [COLOR=darkblue]Ki:I'll help you.[/COLOR] OCC:I'm not in Oak Forest.
  22. Ki had just finshed a talk with Engetsu about were they would.He heard the others come. [COLOR=darkblue]Ki:Hi![/COLOR] Ki then saw Tate. [COLOR=darkblue]Ki:Oh...you're back.[/COLOR] [COLOR=silver]Tate:Yah,and I have these.[/COLOR] Tate hold three of the gems. [COLOR=orange]Kiara:I'll take those.[/COLOR] Kiara toke the gems out of Tate's hand. [COLOR=silver]Tate:Hey!Give me those back![/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Bannar:No way man!So you can become more powerful?[/COLOR] [COLOR=silver]Tate:Fine![/COLOR] Ki looked at them.They were carzy.Ki then looked at Engetsu. Engetsu:Ki has said that we should go to Oak Forest to find the green gem.We go after this night.We well rest. The all shoke their heads and got to bed.Ki could hear somthing.He got up and searched for it.
  23. Hey,G/S/B Master when are we going to start?
  24. Hey don't make fun of Lupin.Yah I know Regin needs to get taken off,but not Lupin.Lupin is the only funny anime I've seen.I hope they show Big-O from the start,because I did't see much of it when it was on.Oh by the way,next to Lupin the American shows are comdey,meaning they don't need a plot,all you need to know is the character's names...Milliefan.Ok sorry for that people,get back to making fun of Cartoon Network's line up.
  25. May I ask a qustion?What is hentai and can you give some examples.I just don't know what it is.
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