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Everything posted by Ayokano
Ki sat on a rock,looking at the the cresent moon metal.He knew nothing about it...so why did Basilisk give it to him?He looked up,and saw Kiara.She sat next to him. [COLOR=orange]Kiara:Hi.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Ki:Hello[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]Kiara:How did you know that back there?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Ki:I like to read old myths.[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]Kiara:Oh...well I'm going to see what Banner is up to.[/COLOR] Kiara got up and went to Banner.Ki got out a picture of his father and him.He could remember a women and girl...but never knew who they were.He then remembered a young and kind face that smiled at him when his father hit the women.A tear had came down it...and they both started to cry.They hugged as the world around them came to a end.Ki woke up and walked to Engetsu. OCC:Hey can I pick where we go next?
I need a spot save.I don't have my PS2 hooked up let to see my guy.So save me a spot....PLEASE?
Person: Player Name:Austin Character: Character Name:Klonoa Appearance:See Attachment Bio:Klonoa is an energetic and inquisitive boy,he is referred to as the Dream Traveler in this enchanted world.He is unwittingly drawn into adventure,which will determine the fate of Lunatea.When Klonoa wakes up he is meet by a young priestess in training Lolo,and her loud mouth friend Popka.They travel thourgh Lunatea ringing the four Harmorny Bells,that maintain peace in Lunatea.Soon they meet Leorina a expriestess who is now a sky pirate,and her partner in crime Tat.Leorina wants to awaken the Fifth Bell,which well bring Choas to Lunatea. Info:Klonoa(nevered played),Klonoa 2(Story above)
Ohkami when he said desired duel monster I think it means your going to be it. Name:Koe Nimekin Age:16 Desired Duel Monster:Lord of D.(Dragons) Deck Type:Mixed Dragon/Spellcaster(and some other types) Bio:He dueled since he was 12,and is in the top 10 duelist of the world.He was born in the U.S and travels to Japan and Europe to enter tornaments.He was offered to play in the virtual simulator.
Thats a easy answer....every card in my deck j/k.Well it should have samplers(dark hole,thunderbolt,harpies feather duster),and for every high level moster(5+)have two low level monster(4-)Just don't over flow it with high level monsters.You need 40+ cards in your deck.Also make sure your cards flow. P.S:Stop using Clown Control and make you own deck people!
Something involving the 'Recruitment' forum.
Ayokano replied to Distortion's topic in Help & Feedback
You could aways read their other post in other RPGs.That would solve some problems,but I'm only a newbie....so what do I now. -
Sorry I took so long,my scanner wasn't working.I also have goggles.Anyway I'm the goggle head(I really wear goggles in pulbic). Name:Ki Age:12 Gender:Male Type:Fire Humen Spirit:Kindramon(Ken-Dra-Mon) Humen Spirit Attacks: Dragon slash Dragon Shurikens Humen Spirit Desc:Stands upright,he is a male in red armor.He wears a blood red cloth.He has a katana that can set on fire. Beast Spirit:Calheldramon(Call-hell-dra-mon) Beast Spirit Attacks: Dragon's Fire Dragon's Rage Beast Spirit Desc:A dragon that is in full armor,he stands on all fours.Golden hair goes down his neck. Desc:He has blond hair and blue eyes.He wears a white t-shirt,black baggy pants,red goggles,black leather boots.Over his t-shirt he wears a red vest. Bio:He was always picked on as a kid.He was the weakling and was always in a fight.He soon decided to run away from it all.He went on the train and was taken to the Digital World. Color of D-Dector:Red and black
OCC:What are you talking about?Never mind....(that wasn't french.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ki looked at the sky.It was clear,and he was near a town.He soon could see it.He went down the hill and looked at the guard. Guard:Where are you going? Ki:In the town... Guard:Not your kind. Ki walked away.He had a plan. Ki:It's not my fualt if this town is burn down! The guard ran to him. Guard:Wait...I thought you....were a....elf.Yah a elf! Ki:Ok.Is there a inn near by? Guard:Yah...I'll take you there. The guard took Ki to the inn.Ki thanked him and went in.He saw a beutiful young lady at the counter. Lady:How may I help you? Ki:I need a room. Lady:Here you go.Do you need anything else? Ki:Can I have you? Ki felt a slap on the face. Ki:OWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! He went to his room.He put his weapons near his bed and laid down.He soon feel asleep.
I love this.I just got it for $20 at Wal-Mart.The Final Flight of the Osiris was great,at first I thought it was live action.The Second Renaissances told alot about how the Maxtrix came to be,and I liked the styles of Kid's Story and A Detective Story.Kid's Story was something new,and A Detective Story reminds me of a black and white detective story...wait it was:p
DeathBug,your digimon must be is its real digivole chain,like Agumon-Greymon-MetalGreymon-WarGreymon.So it's Betamon-Seadramon-WaruSeadramon-MeatalSeadramon,ok.Also can you two edit your post,cause I forgot to but the Type.I'll show you when I edit mine.
Yah...*saves*now my mom gets to change back to her cat background:sick:It's good.
A game called Digimon World is created.The Digimon World is where a player creates or uses a digimon,and trains it so it can digivole to higher levels.There are tornaments where a number of players battle others.Then there are gyms where players can battle gym leaders.Some players just battle digimon and explore the digital world. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rules 1.Your post must be at least a pharagarph long.6+ sentences. 2.You must have good grammer/spelling.Post mut be readable. 3.You must know how to RP I will pick the players.I will look at your past post in other RPGs,and decide.If we have a tornament and you post how you join,I'll PM you.Gym maches must be three or more post long. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is the sign up sheet. Name: Age: Gender: Desc: Bio: Digi-vice color: Digimon: Rookie Name: Rookie Desc: Type: Attacks:2 max Champion Name: Champion Desc: Type: Attacks:2 max Ultimate Name: Ultimate Desc: Type: Attacks:2 max Mega Name: Mega Desc: Type: Attacks:2 max I'll post mine later.
Wait,I have a qustion.If a digimon we have digivoles in a differret type,like Greymon in Metalgreymon,can we still own them?
Ki walked in the dark forest,and he stoped.He saw a black dragon,and a three headed dog. [COLOR=darkblue]Ki:Who are you guys?!?[/COLOR] Three headed dog:I am Taiin,and this is Engetsu. Ki looked at the black dragon. Engetsu:We are the procetor and guardian of the moon.We must take you to the others. [COLOR=darkblue]Ki:What?!?Who?!?[/COLOR] Engetsu took him with his claw,and put him on his back.He,Ki,and Taiin flew off.About a hour they landed.Ki got off and saw a beautiful women.She walked to him. Women:I am Silia.You must be the guardian of the moon. [COLOR=darkblue]Ki:I guss so...[/Color] Others soon came.
[COLOR=silver]Ki got up.He saw a women talking to a girl,and saw a epee and a silver stone.He picked both of them up,and went to the girl and the women.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]Girl:Hello,what is your name?[/COLOR] [COLOR=silver]Ki:My name is Ki.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]Girl:Mine name is Sakura.[/COLOR] [COLOR=silver]She put out her hand,and I shaked it.I saw the women come near us.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Women:I am Silia,here take this.[/COLOR] [COLOR=silver]Silia handed me a strange device.I looked at it.The device was silver in color,and had a small screen. Ki:What is this?[/COLOR] Silia:This is a Cellcom,it will help you on your adventure.
Ki got up from his uncomfortable postion.He had landed on his head. [COLOR=darkblue]Ki:Och!...What is this place?[/COLOR] He soon came to a temple.He went inside,and soon found a dark room.He saw a katana and a silver stone,and picked them up. [COLOR=darkblue]Ki:These might come in handy.[/COLOR] He put the stone in his pocket,and but the sword in the sheath.He walked on to find others.
Hehe...I had a Hello Kitty avatar,and somone called me a girl...I'm a guy(straight) Oh...Can't we just make water a NCP,so we can start?
Nomoku looked at Sakura. Nomoku:We should wait. Kyte:Are there more? Sakura:Yes,lightning and water. Kyte:We'll find them...soon.We should go. Nomoku:We should stay. Kyte:Why. Nomoku:Look. He pointed to the open window,a ship was coming to horber. Sakura:The last ones.
Fine I'll get mine Dragon digimon.New sign up.I could have made a great bad guy! Master of Mythical Digimon Name:Austin Gender:Male Age:14 Apperace:Has blue eyes and light brown hair.He wears a white t-shirt,black pants,and black leather boots.Over his t-shirt he wears a red trenchcoat. Bio:Austin was always picked on at school.He had to hold all the rage inside himself to not hurt others.In middle school he was a loner,because even his old friend forgot him.He always tries to make friends,and knows there is no hope.He always keeps his spirit up,but is always depress inside.He soon gets a e-mail.
I'm here. Name:Ki Loner Age:17 Sex:Male Description:He wears a white long sleve shirt,blue pants,black leather boots,and a long red cloth that covers most of his face,blowing in the wind. Bio:He grew up alone,and had to fend himself.He has a sense of justice.He always acts if he thinks somthing is wrong.He was teleported to a new world and felt he had new powers. Weapon:epee(Fencing sword) Magic:Speed,Wind Burning Stone:Justice
A couple of those shows are scary@.@ But your fine as long as you act your age. I whach some of those shows to,and act my age(sometimes :p:) And don't listen to those people who say those shows are for kids,just say "POWER RANGERS ROCK!!!"
O.k,o.k,stop biting of my head...even thought I don't need it...but still:bawl:
How can half dragons turn into full dragons:therock:?Wouldn't they have dragon like powers?.I'm a guy BTW. Name:Ki Loneheart Race: Dragonlord Age:150(He looks 17) Dragon forms Name:Ryuujin(Dragon King) Weapons:Katana,Gaint Sword Appearance:Human:See attachment Dragon:A black dragon,he is long.He has two horns that are at the back of his head.His lelfed arm is blood red because it is not his. Bio:He nevered knew his dragon father,but was with his mother till the day she died.He soon learned that he could never love humans,and had always hated dragons.He soon woundered the world,looking for job.He soon became a hitman,but in a fight he had his lelf(right in pic.)cut off.He replaced it with the dragonlord who cut it off.
I heard that you can not use the older cards so your stuck with the E-cards.I had a good deck,but I never play.I also don't have the new games:cry: