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Everything posted by Ayokano
"Mom,why is grandpa killing the watermelon!?!?" @.@
"I'm going out,Dianna"said her father. "Ok."she said,as she cooked breakfest,"Here you go Ki."she pasted me a bowl of grits.I toke a bite,and brunt my tounge. "Its hot!!!"I said as I toke a drink of ice water.She giggled.I stared at her."Why are you making fun of mine pain?"I said. "Well of course it's hot silly."she said. Soon a man crashed into the window. "Daddy!!!"Dianna yelled.A man steped on his backed,then shoot a bullet to Dianna's father's head,and Dianna started to cry. "Shout up girl and give me all your money!"the man said.I know who these kind of humans where.They are robbers,humans who kill and steal.Dianna gave them a bag of money."Now that a good girl."the man pushed her to the ground,a shoot her in the heart. I scearmed in pain.A black arua came around me.Soon black orbs came and where shot at the robbers.Their flesh burned as the orbs digged deeper in their skin.Soon they had died.I kneed to Dianna,and she died in my arms.A tear came down her cheek.
Yah you have to keep your Kuiju,and you can not build a robot,but you can always change your Kuiju's stats.Does anyone know how to get attachments on from paint?
Name:Nim Dieheart Weapon:Two machine guns,two katanas,and a Buster Sword Bio:His family and friends where killed by the dragons.He and others were tought the ways of killing dragons,and when they attacked the fire dragon,he was the only one lefted.He is now on a quest to find Dragon Fighters. Description:He has blue eyes and brown hair.He wears black pants and a black long sleve shirt,with black leather boots.His body is covered with scars,but he only has one on his face.He wears a blood red cloth that covers half his face and goes to his chest. Oh,bye the way you should post your stats and start!!!
I lay in my bed,staring at the celling.The door opens and Dianna stands in the door way."Hello."she said in her light voice. "To you to."I said.She layed down next to me on her side and put her right hand on mine scared chest.I never felt somthing like this before. She put her mouth to my ear and wispered"I love you." This is what I felt.Love.
"I should'nt use my Time Wizards effect right now,he dosen't have a lot of mosters on the field..."Joey said to himself,"I skip my turn." "Ok,I play Change of Hearts on your Time Wizard,and discard him and Neo to play Dark Magician,and attack."Koe said.,"Your at 1500 LP." "You...I play Dian Keto the Cure Master now my LPs are at 2500,and play Time Wizard,and use his effect!"Joey said. "HAHAHA!You hot head,say hello to Dark Sage!"said Koe.
Name:Nomoku Age:16 Weapon:Gaia Hammar Apperece:A tall young man with black hair and brown eyes.He is heavly built.He wears black baggy pants with a black vest. Bio:He always fought with his mother when his father died.One day he ran away and land slide pulled him underground.He saw a brown orb and touched it,and soon was able to controll the ground below him.
When are we going to start?
Well I can't because it's not mine.Man it makes me soooooooo mad!
I'm a newbie myself,but many newbies have post in a RPG they never signed up for.What can you or I do to stop this.
I looked around,this place looks new.I go into a weapons store. "Hello,do you want somthing?"said the store owner. "Why?"I said. "To buy."he said.I heard a bell ring and a beutiful girl walked in.She was wearing a pink dress,and had black eyes and hair. "Hello daddy."said the girl.She looked at me,"Hello sir." "My name is Ki."I said as I stared at her. "Mine's Dianna."she said,"Do you have a place to stay?" "No..."I asnwered. "You can stay here Ki."she said.
Everbody:Look what we got you for a brithday persent!!!!!!!!!! Link falls down anime style. or Link:I'm going to get some cake....OH MY!!!!!!!!!
Ok,and I'm getting the pics. done.Every who signed up is in.By the way we need three or more people but any mutiple of four.
"This is what has happen to this world?"I said,"All my life I have felt pain,is this because of these humans?"I walked down the slums of the Core.I Anima,was reformed as a human.Since then in this mortal form I do not fell the pain anymore...but somehow I still do.Is it because of these sad humans? "Spare some money.",said a begger.I tossed him a coin,"Thank you sir!",he said as he ran down the steert. "It's Ki,",I said,"and you're welcome."I walked in a clean sector,and looked around. I smiled for the frist time in my life.
Ohkami,for race of your Kuiju you can but down cybrog,and you can't poilt it...and your all in.
Ki jumped and sliced the last robots head off. "Does it look like it?"Ki said to Deven.Deven laughed.They heard gun shots. "The others!"Deven said.
"What the ..."Ki said as bullets wized pass him.He went gost.The robots lost him,he went behind one and stuck his katana in it.The other robots shoot at that one and he ran as it expoled.
Gaint monsters called Kuiju are genectically created.These monsters are used to fight on Monster island for entertiment.They are trained by owners called Kuiju Masters,and are shiped to Monster island with their master.Gaint Robots are also aollowed.Also,Wiccans,humans who have magic powers summon Demons to fight the Kuiju.The tornament is called The Kuiju War. Ok you will create your Kuiju(No Godzilla)and no oversize versions of real animals.This is the sign up form. Kuiju Master: Name: Age: Sex: Bio: Desc: Race:Human,Wiccan,or Alien.Humans and Aliens can use Robots and Kuiju.Wiccans can only use Demons. Kuiju,Robot,Demon: Name: Age: Sex: Desc: Race:Kuiju,Robot,or Demon Close Range Attacks: Long Range Attacks: Abilities: Heres mine's Kuiju Master: Name:Ki Long Age:17 Sex:Male Bio:His father was killed after he made Turague.Turague and Ki grew up togther with his mother.When he was sixteen his moter died,and he lived on a small island as Turague grew.Soon he was able to enter the Kuiju War tornament with him. Desc:Ki has blue eyes and brown hair.He wears a red long sleve shrit with short blue jeans,and has to wear glasses. Race:Human Kuiju: Name:Turague Age:17 Sex:Male Desc:[IMG]C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Pictures\020823toronotsu.jpg[/IMG] Race:Kuiju Close Range Attacks:Claws,Teeth,Horns Long Range Attack:Energy Beam,Fire breath Abilities:Flying I need someone to be this charater. Kuiju Master: Name:Yokano Gin Age:21 Sex:Male Bio:As a child he learned Wiccan spells.One day he was looking thourght his spell book and learn a spell called The Demon King.He used it and summon Krogye a wicked demon.Krogye took over Yokano's mind and truned his town to dust and ash.He some how wants to fight in the Kuiju War. Desc:His skin is pale.He has black hair and eyes.He wears a black shirt and black baggy pants. Race:Wiccan Demon: Name:Nimkoe Age:??? Sex:Has none,when it speaks it sounds like a female and male speaking at once. Desc:[IMG]C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Pictures\020823levil.jpg[/IMG] Race:Demon Close Range Attacks:Claws,Teeth,Tail Long Range Attacks:Fire Breath,Hell Fire Abilities:Flying Ok thats it!!!!!!
Ki checked his watch and listen to DFX and Kirei giggle and make fun of each other. "Thrity minutes,"Ki said,he turned on his Vidcom,"Sakura lets look for Fox." "Ok,what about DFX and Kirei?"Sakura asked. "No,DFX,Kirei we are going to look for Fox."Ki said,"Stay behind." "Yes sir!"Kirei said,acting funny.Ki heard a deep laugh from DFX.
Ancient Force:Anima(FFX) Power:Non-elemental Attack:Oblivion Incarnation:Ki Lee Gender:Male Supposed Age:17 Trade:Dark Knight Weapon:Katana Apperence:A young man with light brown hair and blue eyes.He wears a white long sleve shirt and black baggy pants.He also wears a blood red riped up cloth that covers half his face and goes done to his chest.
Name:Yamikore Tribe:Shodows Power:Can form balls of dark energy that can attack,can run really fast,can shot a dark energy beam,can turn into a shadow Animal:Raven/Fox Discribtion:A sliver fox with raven wings and three tails.His eyes are yellow and he has three black ear rings on his right ear. Others:none Rank:Leader
"I'm sick of these bad duelist."Koe said.He heard a duelist shout out that he won a duel. out of his room. "I'll take on anybody!!"he decleared. "Fine."Koe walk in the ballroom.It was Joey Wheeler. "Ok!"Joey shouted. They started the duel. "I'll play Time Wizard in defense mode and lay down the card in my Magic/Trap zone."Joey said. "I'll play Neo the Magical Sowrdsman in attack mode."Koe said.
Ki was walking down the halls with his powers.When he walk by the corrner he bumped into Sakura,and his powers went off. Ki:Sorry... He got up and gave Sakura a hand up. Sakura:It's OK. She was very cherrful. David:Hi,Ki. Ki:Hi. He walk with the others.
I wached horror movies on Sci-Fi....god B-movies are creepy! The Ring was creepy,I couldn't sleep! I can't stand horror movies,but I wach them anyway. I saw one on Sci-Fi and it was kinda like Resident Evil,but aliens created the virus,and affected humans,and it brings back a killer,and Killer Space Clowns from Outer Space.
Ki took off in the air with Dragoon-X,and turn."Lock on!"he locked on the nearest Lighting Sykes.He shot his machine gun and hit his traget."Your gone",he looked at the next one.He landed on the ground. Dragoon-X locked on the Lighting Sykes.Dragoon-X open his mouth and shot a beam,and shot the Lighting Sykes.Ki jumped out and looked at the pilots.He was able to take a few items,three hunting knifes and handguns.He took a hunting knife and a handgun.When Fox and DFX came. "What happen?"DFX asked. "Your late..."Ki said,he threw them both a gun and a knife.