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Everything posted by Ayokano

  1. Hey,Scorpio you should change Colossus to Sabertooth or Apocalypse(I can get you a scan).It's just that your following the new TV show which is worng.He's good not bad.
  2. WAIT FOR ME! Name:Ki Fox Nickname:Ghost Age:16 Grade:11 Power name:Ghost What your power does:Can't be heard,seen,or smelled Hieght:6'7" Wieght:110lbs Eye color:Blue Hair color:Brown Uniform:X-mem uniform,but with a red over coat and carries a katana Normal Clothes:red over coat over a black t-shrit,with black pants Hobbies:Ninjitsu,Tae Kwon Do,Kung Fu Family:None Background:He never had a family.On day the police were chasing him for stealing,and when he got to the next block,the couldn't find him.After a gang ganged up on him,he went to a martial arts master's house,shot and brused.The master took him under his wing and tought him everything he knew.One day the master died of a heart attack,but Ki lefted with his master's katana,knowing the police would arrest him.He soon left Georgia and soon endded up with the X-men. Brithplace:Alanta,Georgia
  3. A day at mattel,inc. luchroom.
  4. "We are going to the Temple of Zion."said a voice over everybodies intercom. "Thats right Ki."said Sakura. "So where are the ruins?"Fox said. ----------------------------------- Just to know,I changed the name of my charter to Ki,sorry,but I didn't like Danta.
  5. *Starts to burn How to Draw Manga books*"They teached me alot!" Ya,your charters are COOL!I don't really like the 3rd one U_U. The 1st one's left wing dosen't really mach up to the right one.It canna looks like it's on his shoulder. 1st:9/10 2ed:10/10 3rd:8/10 4th:10/10
  6. Austin and the others walked up the mountain,but somthing happen.Another glitch happen,and Austin fell through the mountain,but the glitch stoped soon.He fell on rocky ground,right next to a wavecaster girl sleeping.She woke up. Austin:Hello. ?????:Why you wake me up? Austin:I'm very sorry...my name is Austin.Whats yours? ?????:Why should I tell you! She got up and lefted to the forest.He follwed her,but she never knew he was there.
  7. Name:Ki Fox Age:27 Hair:Light Brown Eyes:Blue Height:5'12'' Weight:110lbs Department:Counterterrorism Rank:Private Weapons:Katana,MP-Heckler and Noch 9mm Submachine Gun Skills:Close range combat,Hand to hand combat Strengths:Speed,Strength,Can act fast Is it ok if I have a Katana?
  8. Name:Ki Hicarmor Age:16 Weapon/Weapons:Katana,Twin Sickles,Shurikens Ancestory:Celtic/Natiake Area:Plaiie Sex:Male
  9. A gaint Dragon Zoid walked into the forest.The pilot jumped out of the zoid. "Anthor mission..."he mummbled,"I'm here!"
  10. It's ok erinzyger,just joking!!!!!lol
  11. OOO so we are in a zoid RPG where we wear Blink 182,fine I'm listing to Linken Park in my Zoid.
  12. Koe looked for more duelist.Looking he saw Espa. "You wanna duel?"Koe asked. "Sure,anyway you look easy!!!"Espa said. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!"Koe almost fell to the foor. The started the duel.Espa went first. "I place down a card in my m/t zone,and place down a monster.Your turn."Espa said. "I play dark hole and harpies feather duster.Then play Lord of Dragons then play flute of sunnoming,playing two blue eyes in attack mode,and attack your LPs."he took a breath,"Yah,I'm easy."Koe said. "Fine!"Espa handed him a Jinzo and Metalmorph,pluse two badges. "7 badges,6 more!"Koe said.
  13. I'm playing offline,but if it cost money to play online I won't go on alot...I'm a lv:21 male hunter,I like daggers and swords,but I use mechguns.I don't have any rare weapons.
  14. I hope this is right. Name:Kikomoku,or Ki Age:19 Desc:A young man with blond hair he wears spiked and blue eyes.He wears black baggy pants with a blood red trench coat over a black t-shrit. Bio:As a kid a bandit of outlaws turn his small town to ash and smoke with Zords.He hated Zords as a kid,but as he grew up he learned that the Zords that attacked his town where controlled by evil people.He then got his own to show the people that lived in his town that all Zords are not evil. Zords:Wolf and T-rex zords Wolf: Weapon:Wolfs full moon claw 1st:Moon of the Crest claw 2ed:Half Moon claw 3rd:Full moon claw Ultimate:Full Moon Beam Changes mode to:Ninja Megazord Weapon:Katana,and thowing stars 1st:Full moon slash 2ed:Rain of Heaven 3rd:Falling Moon Utimate:Seven Faces of the Moon Desc:The wolf Zord looks like a metal sliver wolf. The Ninja has a metal human body.The head looks like a wolf head. T-rex: Weapon:Fire Breath 1st:25 balls of fire 2ed:50 ball of fire 3rd:Fire Blast Ultimate:Dragon's Fire Dance Changes mode to:Knight Megazord Weapon:Sword and Shield 1st:Sword of the Flame 2ed:Shield of the Flame 3rd:Armor of the Flame Ultimate:Rising Sun Desc:The T-rex zord is a red metal T-rex with sliver plating. The Knight Megazord looks like a Romen Knight with a sword and large round shield.
  15. Soon,the Chosen Ones got surrounded by team magma. Zan:Just great! Amber:What should we do. Zan:I know what...Go Godzilla(Tyranitar) Soon a gaint green monster came. Zan:Godzilla Crunch! Godzilla attack a Rumpig,koing it.
  16. Sounds fun... Name:Nomoku Nickname:The Iron fist Weapon:Metal fist Bio:As a child he felt weak.He has train all his life.Once he was a bounty hunter who never killed,but after his family and friends were killed by a gang after who he put their leader in jail.He has killed anybody who fought him sense. Apperance:A heavly built man with two iron fist.He only wears blue baggy pants.He has dark brown eyes and black hair. This is my frist char not base on me!!!!!
  17. We have "dances".You have to be five feet from the person your dancing with.It's sooooooooo stupid!!!!!!!!Well I could've asked a girl to dance five feet away from me.All they played was R&B and Rap.The girls danced like...well if I said what they dance like I'll get banned.Well I guss if I don't lose wieght,I'll never go to a dance....I'm still sad:bawl:
  18. Xavier wasn't done with Kumo.With Kumos sword,Xavier sucked it in his heart.Amber,Dr.Cat,Max,and Rocket wached as Kumo died. "Dr.Venom and Xavier have the rubies."Max said. "I know what we are going to do."said Amber,"We are going to get the rubies back!" "A jorney!"Dr.Cat said. "OK!!!!!!!!!"the group said togther.They set off.
  19. "HaHaHaHa!!!!!!!!!"a evil voice came in the hut. "Dr.Venom..."Dr.Cat felt a large large animal wrap around him. Doxto in tank mode attacked the animal,and a large snake fell to the floor.Dr.Cat's claws came from his paws.He attacked Dr.Venom.He felt a sharp pain in his back.He felt energy being drain.He wraped his tail around the animals leg, and triped it.Dr.Cat punched Dr.Venom in the face,leaving a brush.
  20. Koe look at the duelist,spoting any duelist he knew.He would duel Rex."Hey Rex." "Yeah."he answer. "I want to duel."he said. "What cards."he asked. "Blue eyes,and Buster Blader."Koe answer,"4000 LP." "Ok,Serpent Night Dragon,and Red Eyes Black Dragon."Rex and him dueled. "Go Urby,in attack mode,A1500 D800(I don't know the def),and go"Rex said. "Go Lord of D. A1200 D1100,power him up by Malevolent Nuzzler,A1900 D1100,and Flute of Summoning Dragon,playing 2 Blue eyes,in attack mode,A3000 D2500.Blue eyes 1 attack Urby,your LPs are 3500,then Blue eyes 2 attack LP,500.Your turn."Koe smiled. Rex knew he was going to lose. "You win.Here."Rex handed him SND and REBD,and the badges. "Great I have 5 badges,8 more."Koe said.
  21. Dr.Cat looked at the blue hegehog."Do you want to test plane mode?"he asked. "Sure."she answer. "Doxto plane mode!"he siad.Doxto's legs went in it's body.From its armless body came two prairs of wings,formig a x.Amber and Dr.Cat jumped in.The were flying in the air,seeing many islands.Then somthing happen. "OH NO!"Dr.Cat siad. "What?"Amber asked. "The power crystal gave up."he answered. They dived into a island.When they woke up they saw a blue echidna. "I'm Max."he said. "I'm Amber."Amber said "I'm Dr.Cat."Dr.Cat said. They heard a noise. "The crystals!"Max said. When they went outside of the hut they saw a black snake. "I'll be taking these!"he said.The they saw him jump in a black like verson of Doxto. "No."Max said.
  22. Austin could hear people talking. Ghar:Do you think it's the black lines on our necks? Geist:Maybe... Austin saw them. Austin:Players!!!! Everybody stared at them.Austin blushed. Saiki:Who the heck are you! Austin:My name is Austin. Ghar looked at his neck. Ghar:You have the same mark... Austin:Yah..When I logged in I had it on me. Ghar:Are your stats maxed. Austin:Yah. They heard a roar.A dragon came out.They leaped to their feet,and Austin slash it with his mega sword,and the dragon fell to the ground. Ghar:How long have you been playing? Austin:One week.
  23. Zan and Krystal didn't go in the mountain. Krystal:What if we get surounded? Soon Amber and Brendan came. Bredan:Why didn't you stay in the cable car! Zan:We got lost... Zan felt a jab in the stomach by Bredan. Bredan:Don't leave agine.We are going in the mountain. The group entered the cave.
  24. Zan:Absol use flamethrower(TM)! Absol open it mouth and let out flames.Cradily looked hurt. Zan:Absol use slash. Absol zoomed to Cradily,and used slash.Cradily was knocked out.
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