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Everything posted by Ayokano

  1. "Good"siad Dr.Cat with a smile."Go to...tank mode."Doxto's legs went into the body,accept for its feet,which formed wheels at the bottom.From the body came a cannon."Good!"Dr.Cat was very happy with Doxto."You have past every test accept plane mode,but we haven't got to that one..."Dr.Cat siad,"Lets get a rest."
  2. I think that episode had some nudity in it and some rude coments,and with audlt swim action only has Tv-14 rated shows it wasn't going to make it.
  3. Category One:Your Online Character Name:Raven Charcter Base/Type:Light warrior Weapons:Kanta,heavy javien-like Crisom Lighting's Appearance:A tan young man who wears a red and black judo uniform with the top open.He has black hair he wears up and has blue eyes. Sex:Male Categorly Two:Your Real Life Character Name:Austin Tommey Age:12 Occupation:6th grade Location:Georgia,U.S.A Biography:Always picked on because of his wieght,Austin ost all of his friends.Always willing to get somthing out because he almost never talks. Personality:A loner,because he has no friends.He is very silent.He is always willing to talk.He is kind and funny,but inside he is a timebomb with a short fuse. Interwsts:Manga,Anime,Sword Fighting,Making Songs,Drawwing,Reading
  4. Sorry it took so long.. Zan:yah,Charizard go! The dragon like pokemon was relesh from its pokeball. Zan:I'll go see where they are. krystal:Ok Zan got on Charizard and flewed off. krystal:Wait for me! She was on her Charizard too.After a bit they found Mount Chimnpy,but were stoped by two Magma grunts. Grunt 1:Who are you?!?! Zan:Were the chosen ones. Zan felt a jab in the stomach. Grunt 2:Well your in the wrong place...Go Armaldo Grunt 1:Go Cradily. Then Grunt 1 and 2 sent out a ancient grass-ground and bug-ground... Zan:Go Absol. A white-fox like pokemon with a bat like wing as a tail and on its head. Zan:I'll take down Armaldo.You go for Cradily,ok^_^
  5. Austin was in a forest.He stabed the mega sword into the ground and leaned aginst a tree.Soon the tree disappaered and Austin felled on his back."AWWWWWWWWWW!"He checked his stats agine.How can they almost be feeled?He has been playing for a week,and where were everybody?
  6. Name:Austin Persumed Age:17 Warrior Weapeon:Mega Sword(like Clouds) Description:A young man who wears a black long sleve shrit with black baggy pants.He wears a thin long red cloth around his neck.He has light blue eyes and spiky blond hair. Bio:The kid who was picked on all his life.He got into "The World"when over hearing the "cool" kids talking about their characters.When he enter the wrold,he had a black line across his neck.
  7. Zoids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Name:Ki Age:17 Sex:male Description:A young man who wears a red leather trench coat over a black T-shrit with baggy pants.He has blue eyes and blond hair he wears spiked. Zoid:X-dragoon Zoid weopon:mouth beam,rockets,machine guns Zoid description:A blood red dragon zoid.It stands up on to legs and has giant wings are were most of its weopons are place.The only weopon not on its wings is in its mouth.X-dragoon can fly. I made him up^_^')
  8. Can you hurt a mountian? You povoke me with your words. But I have a qustion. Can you hurt a mountian? If you answer yes,you lie If you answer no That is what you try to do when You mess with me All words No action Will you clench your fist Or will you hit I don't care I'm better than you...
  9. Name:Dr.Cat animal:Cat Good Position:Scientist/Computer wiz Description:A fat grey cat with dark grey strips.Has long claws and dull green eyes great for seeing.About 15 years old Bio:Cat has no friends and dosen't have time to hang with his famliy because he's in his room invending something.He was in colluge when he was 9 and had a Dr. in his name by 14.Now he wants to test out his inventions on the field. Specaialities:Has 2 in. long claws.Can fix anything.Super smart.Rides in a two legged robot thing he calls Doxto.Can see long distaces. Edit:Funny Sakuramon,end blade.lol
  10. What realy makes me mad is the fact that a kid can't get in trouble when he makes fun of someone eles and talk thought the hole priod at school.Another thing that makes me mad is that I can't give him a black eye because I'll get in troudle!!!!!!!!!!!!!(starts to punch the kid....in his deams)That was a lot off^.^')
  11. Name:Zan Age:17 Pokemon:Charizard Tyranitar/Godzilla Kingdra Flygon Gardevoir Absol Appearance:A young man who wears a red leather trench coat over a black T-shrit and black baggy pants.Has blue eyes and brown hair. Bio:As a kid he was left with a trainer called Drake where he learned to control dragon pokemon.He left with great knowlage of pokemon.When he learned Team Magma and Aqua's "mission" he decied to be a Chosen one. Side he is on:The chosen ones. Ok^.^') ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We need more Magma team members:lecture:
  12. Ok,I DO NOT LIKE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!! One time my brothers were waching and it was a ep when the yellow dude dress up as a woman an lives with the star. MY POINT IS........YOU CAN GUST!
  13. Name:Koe Age:17 Looks:A young man who wears a red leather over coat with black pants.Has blond hair and blue eyes. Deck theme:Dragon/Spellcaster Rare cards:Dark Magician,Blue-Eyes white dragon 3x,Relinquished,Buster Blader,Thoushand-Eyes Restrict,Blue-Eyes Utimate Dragon Bio:A well know duleist in the U.S.No one knows he has the millinum sword,which gives him a spirit of a ancient warrior.He decids to enter Battle Palace after a reply from a company called Upperdeck to take out Yugi and Seto. Personality:A lone wolf.He does anything to win.
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