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RPG ::Monster Network::\hacked into reality/ [PG-VL]
Ayokano replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
Austin typed like he was playing the piano while he was writing a chapter for a story he had thought of. As the buttons clicked and chattered, he checked the final draft, written on paper with black ink, that was next to his slick computer. Austin cared for his stories, like they where his own children, so he made sure he took good care for them. If his computer would ever crash, he would have multiple floppies and the ink on paper final draft. There would be no way he could lose his works. His art. His children. His life. He soon finished and he moved his white, arrow, cusor to save. He then typed in the title of the story, the chapter's number, and the name of the chapter. He finally pressed "Save". He smiled, and pressed his hands together. A [i]crack[/i] came from his knuckles. "Now to that game." He said as he walked to the box laying next to his bed. He opened it, and took out what he needed for the set up. Austin knew what to do and what he needed, he had read the insturctions last night when he had brought the game home. So, he got out the cable, his dark purple MC, and the CD disk. Austin pressed the button on his CPU that opened the CD drive, and placed the CD which had 'Monster Network" written in bluky, child-like letters in it. He hooked the cable which conntected the MC to the CPU, and started it up. A box poped up titled "Monster Network" and he read what it said inside. [center][b]MC User Connect .... Connect .... MC Username:_[/b][/center] Austin was going to used the username he used on fourms. He typed in "Amor", and pressed enter. [center][b].... What is your monster?s name:_ What gender will it be:_ What element do you want it to control:_ [u]Make My Monster[/u][/center][/b] Vita Female Plant ->Enter [center][b]Monster Now Loading to MC .... Load[/center][/b] He pulled the cable from the plug, and loaded at his MC. A little girl was forming from the MC, particle to particle melted upward to make her. Austin stood starring in awe as it happened. Soon, he was face to face to a little girl, who looked about 9-years-old. It was strange, being alone with her, only you and her in the room. Her soild grey eyes starred into his hazel ones. She came closer, and closer. "....." Complete silence came from her. Though, Austin could see she wanted to say something. "Hello, Vita, I'm your owner." Austin said, trying to form a smile. It was her eyes though that stopped him from twisting his mouth and showing felling. They seem full of life, though he knew they weren't. Though, they seemed like it, and they left him in awe. "....." She wasn't speaking. She looked down, a sadness showing on her face. A sorry and he doesn't understand at the same time. Something must be wrong. "You can't speak can you?" He asked her. She slowly nodded, and he came closer to her. He reached out his hand, and his palm sofly touched her rosey cheek. She put her hand over Austin's, and closed her eyes. She.... felt real. "It's okay, I understand you." -
[img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21693&stc=1[/img] And once again Donkey Kong tries to get another Donkey Kong game out.
Sign Up ::Monster Network::\hacked into reality/ [PG - LV]
Ayokano replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
::Player Sign-up:: Real Name: Austin Fredrich Monster Network Username: Amor Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: [url=http://ayokano.250free.com/top03_2.jpg]Here[/url] Personality: Austin is solf spoken and shy, and rarely talks to others. He rather write than have a discussion. He hates it that people do not understand that, and will force him to speak. Though, he feels better when he talks, he just can't. Austin has strong thoughs about love and romance, his stories are mostly about them, and is kind and caring to others. History: Austin grew up in a wealthy family, so he spend he young days in private schools. He felt he was always smarter than his teachers, sometimes he even baffled them. He grew bored of school and needed to find something to interest him. Austin soon took up reading and writing stories, his favorite about love. Maybe that is because his parents fought and their marriage was torn, and he wanted to create a prefect pair of lovers. Austin also seeked to speak his mind and share his stories with others. So, he found places to do so on the internet. He found most liked them, even said they where perfect. After wondering off to another part of the BBS, the gaming forum, he found a long thread about Monster Network. He found what he read fascinating, so he looked for more about it. He soon decided to buy it, and is going to start after he finishes writting a chapter to one of his romances. Ultimate Goal in MN: To speak to others and speak his mind. ::Your Monster Sign-up:: Name: Vita Gender: Female Appearance: Sprite Child - [url=http://arcadia.ciao.jp/e/sub/sub_douwa_oyayubi.jpg]Here[/url] Teen - [url=http://arcadia.ciao.jp/e/sub/sub_douwa_rapun.jpg]Here[/url] Adult - [url=http://arcadia.ciao.jp/e/sub/sub_douwa_sirayuki.jpg]Here[/url] Element: Plant Attacks: Simple - Sprout- Vita can control simple plants. Intermediate - Life- Vita can take energy from the planet and give it to her or another, thus healing whoever the energy goes to. Advanced - Bloom- Vita can control more advance plants. Ultimate - Life Forever- Vita can take enough energy to give to her and several others. Offensive/Defensive: Defensive -
Jonah watched as small orbs of light danced across the sky. He stood there, glazing at the dancing orbs, till he came to and noticed they where near the park. [I]They must be there[/I], he said to him self. He ran more, his legs and chest still acing, to the park. As he neared it, he noticed her about to leave with others. It was an up lifting feeling, and he knew it was she. ?[I]Strike her now my follower![/I]? His voice said. Jonah fell to his knees as hot tears rolled down his face. His head pounded, and then he felt a warm open hand on his forehead. ?[I]Leave him alone. He does not deserve this treatment, for he is but a mere human.[/I]? a heavenly women?s voice said in his mind. It made the pain stop, and he felt better than he had his whole life. He opened his eyes; her face greeted him with a warm smile. ?Hi, I?m Adamo. Who are you?? ?Jo-Jonah? he replied, shaking. He had finally found her, and maybe He wouldn?t order him anymore. ?Oh, maybe you could come with us. You are very welcomed to if you pleased, and you seemed you could be helpful.? Adamo replied. She held out her opened hand, and helped Jonah off his knees. They made eye contact again, and he had made up his mind. ?Yes, and thank you for helping me.?
I don't think I've gotten the title right, someone can tell me if I've messed up the title of the anime. Well, at my school's anime club we saw three episodes of this anime. They were only subbed, but I still enjoyed whatching them. Earth Girl Juna(it may be Akujuna or something like that) is about a girl chosen protect the Earth form a part of itself called Raaja. It's from the same people who put out Cowboy Bebop, and is beautiful, mixing computer graphics with artwork. I thought the voices(though in Japanese) matched all the characters well, and the music is wonderful. First off, to the story. Though it might be part of the sub's fault, I thought it was a little confusing, though, I still have only seen a few episodes. Though, I still think it will come clearer as I see more. It really is about keeping the Earth and everything on it safe, but isn't in your face about it, like "If you don't use the 3 R's, your going to burn." sort of thing. It really gets you thinking about how you yourself treat Earth and the things living on it. It's also funny at times, lighting up the serious atmosphere. I liked the character designs, though a little bland, they are downed to Earth. Though, the CG shines alot in this anime. Sometimes I can't tell ifa part of it is drawn or CG. Though, it can also be really bad. Like at the begining of the first episode when we get a bird's eye view of a CG'ed version of Juna's(I think) town. Or when [spoiler]her guardian, Asura, was fighting Raaja at the nuclear power plant[/spoiler]. The voices were also good, like I said before, matching all of the character's. The musical score was also great, alot of orchestral songs, I think a few guitar ones in the mix too. Overall, I liked this anime alot, and I hope I see more of it. So now, I would want to hear what everone else thought of it.
Well, I can't help you on the site part, but you can always Google it. [sarcasm]Or ask a Japanese person to read it to you.[/sarcasm]
Jonah could hear his footsteps as he ran down the street, being chased by a cop. The cop shouted at him, but his quick but heavy breathes made it hard to hear what was going on. Jonah was running as fast as he could, his legs were acing now, and the bread he had stolen was sticking to his sweat soaked palms. He soon found an allyway, and he made a quick turn, almost running into people. He stopped for a while, trying to chatch his breathe, and when he found he couldn't, ran as fast as he could to the fence that divided the allyway in half. He jumped as high as he could, and grabbed the top of the wired fence. He pulled himself up and over the fence, and he landed on the ground. Jonah could hear the shouts of the cop, and started to run again. Exiting the alley way to the left, his run started to turn to a walk. Jonah took a bite of the bread, and then his head started to pound. He soon walked into another ally, and fell to his knees, his head pounding in pain. Then, he heard His voice. "[I]Kill the one who will destroy my kingdom. Kill her my follower, or she will destroy order.[/I]" the sounds of the booming voice echoed in his head, and he could feel hot tears forming in his eyes. "N-no!" he cried out, tears running down his face, his cheeks red. He didn't want to kill, another human, just like him. He just didn't, even if his god wanted him to. He rolled up in a ball, his cheeks still red and hot, but the tears had stopped, like His voice. Jonah forgot how long he laied there, but when he awoked, he got up and started walking. He was walking to find her, but it seemed he knew where to go. It may have been on the other side of the city, but he still walked. It was a strange feeling at first, almost like he was a puppet, but he grew used to it. And walked, and walked, and walked.
I think it's said when people in good shape think they're not in good shape. It's like trying to build on to a building thats already done. It's going to fall soon. But I also don't like it when a fat person thinks that their body is oh so sexy, and they are healthy. I'm fat, and I even sometimes I think this, but I try not to and keep my goal on living a healthy life. Though I can't say the same for fat girls who wear clothes half their size. What I look in a girl is that she's neither of these. Also, I hope she understands that being a twig is not heathy, nor is being overwieght.
You should flesh out the story a little. Maybe not the "Oh, I remember reading about this." thing. The character should be confused about this new world. Even in a book I'm reading, Timeline by Micheal Critchon, the characters know the setting, in the middle of the War of the Roses I think, but they are still confused about the setting because they've never really been in the period before. Second, it sounds like you're going for a Si-Fi plot, but it doesn't stick to facts. I don't think you go back in time when you're sucked into a black hole. So please know what you're writing about before you put it on paper. There are tons of books about the space and time. It would also be nice if there were more characters, maybe even have love instrest and friendships. That's my input. I hope your story comes out the way you like it.
Name: Jonah Age: 23 Race: Mortal Weapon: A steel katana he had stolen. Power: Jonah spends most of his days training with his stolen weapon. Though he is good at it, he still doesn't know how to us it like one who was trained by a master. Appearance: [url=http://ayokano.250free.com/Kamikaze21.jpg]Here[/url] Personality: Jonah keeps to himself most of a time, a habit he got from living on the streets. He does speak his mind when he wants to comment on something, and doesn't hold back on that. Jonah also has strong self-control, even being able to define his god. He keeps his cool, something else he learned from living on the streets. Jonah is questioning his beliefs, and he seems uncertain of things going on. He wants to be on his Lords side, but can't because he believes his God's choices are right. So he thinks before he strikes, and can hesitate sometimes. History: Jonah has been running all his life. So long, he has decided to block what he was running from in his mind. Though he knows he ended ended up in the Eastern Distrect. And he knows he has made it. And he knows he will never go back from where he came from. Jonah only found two things his home after he was down running. The church, and the streets. He felt God's power with him, giving him the stregth to live on, and all he needed to do was pray in the church. When he asked for it, God gave him to power to. The nuns even gave him the name Jonah, because he had told them he was running away from something. The streets though, gave Jonah his freedom. If you could make it on the streets, you had more freedom than a person who lives in a home. He felt his life becoming one big adventure, and the streets were his roads. He did things some people never do on a daily basis. Like steal. One time, when Jonah was looking at windows, a dojo came at the conor of his eye. He needed cash, and it was night. So he broke in. After he made his way across the padded arena like area, he found himself facing three swords. He took one, because he learned that you only should take what you need, and lefted with it. Though, he felt attachted to it, and decided to keep it. And to waste time, he would pull it out and swing ithe sword around, cutting the air. But not one day. When Jonah was in church, praying a little bit after mass, his ear drums burst with the rumble of a deep voice. It told him to strike her, for she would bring down God's empire. So, Jonah found him face to face with a delima. Not strike her, or strike her. He didn't want the heavens to fall because of him, but he didn't want his hands to be stained with blood. After long thought, he decide the heavens could fall, he just didn't want another human's blood staining his hand. So, he set off to find her, so he could protect her from the ones who decided to strike.
I've been whatching R.O.D the TV on G4TechTV lately, and I really enjoy it. It's cute, and has depth. I really like the character designs, even though there are some I dislike. I haven't really been able to grasp the storyline though, because I missed the first episodes and it seems G4 doesn't show anything in order. But every episode is a treat, and it all seems well written. The voice acting seems a little icky at times, but most of the time its good. I really like the ideal of using paper as weapons, too. Overall, I like it alot. I liked the OVA too when it aired on CN, but I also didn't see all of it. Though, I disliked the voice acting more on this one, because everybody seemed to have a fake Birtish accent. Nothing wrong with the British part, but it seems a little too pushed. Because I didn't see all of it, I was really lost on the plotline, but I did like the battles. The were fast, but you didn't fell sheated when someone died. So that's my two cents.
I was wondering if anybody could make me a banner and avatar from the picture below. I would like both the be the maxium length and height, and for both to have a black border. I would like the banner to have all three characters on it, and the R.O.D text. For the avatar, I would just like the girl with the pink hair on it. Thank you if you make them.
?Terra!? yelled a young man on a stead, a women that looked about Leon?s age near his side. Both of them waved their hands in the air with smiles on their faces, their horse galloping to Terra and the others. They soon caught up with Terra and her party, and Terra soon started to talk to the young man with short black hair. ?Hi Talon, I was worried about you.? Terra said with content, knowing a friend of her?s was safe. She looked to the young women. ?I don?t think we have met before.? The women smiled at Terra ?I am Isabelle, I own the bread store in town.? Leon looked at Talon and Isabelle?s faces saddened because of Isabelle?s words. They didn?t know that they already knew, and Leon could sense the weight on their shoulders. ?We know.? Leon spoke, taking the weight of the two shoulders. ?Oh, we didn?t know if you would.? Talon told them. ?But who told you.? ?Terra was informed by a dragon friend of hers.? Seuneu said. Leon hadn?t taking a liking to the being, even if he was on their side. Leon gave him a slightly cold look, and turned the other way. He didn?t like Seuneu because of the fact that he was ?allying? himself with this Valse fellow, who had destroyed the town Terra and the others had lived. ?So, I guess we can get going now.? Terra suggested. Everyone else agreed, and the soon they were off. Leon could feel them getting closer to this elder dragon. Two days had passed, meaning they should be there in one more if everything went right. Leon soon kept his attention on the dirt road their horses were riding on. OCC: Well I hope this isn't fully dead.
[The Story] In the holy wars of demons and angels, the dark forces forged a sword of immense power from their leader, Leithen. The blade was an mixture of one of his fangs and his thick blood, which formed a sword so powerful, that in the right hands, even would Gods feared it. The demonic forces controlled the strongest sword that ever was created, and when word of the crimson blade came to angel?s ears, it was soon thought to that the darkness would prevail in the war. But it was soon found out that no demonic being could wield it, and after they lost the war, the angels sealed it away with great magic. The year is now 2020 A.D. In 2018 A.D., a man who went by the name Louis McHeart found the evil blade. He had read about it?s great power in myths when he was young, and always dreamed about holding the hilt of the sword which could take the lives of all demons, or control a vase army of all of the creatures of death. Soon, that dream became reality, and he found it laying with magic chains that had weaken from since the great war of darkness and light. Once he touched the blade, it soon started to poison his mind. Slowly, day by day, the blade stole Louis?s sanity, which he was soon left with little to spare. His features that made him man soon turned demonic, and he set off with the blade. Now, Louis McHeart, who now goes by ?Leithen? wages war with the rest of the world with his army of darkness. Though, this is not a normal war. Leithen does not want war with the nations mechanical weapons, but with the warriors of them. His demons attack small areas of nations, making governments put a bounty on his head. He hopes his warriors are full of hate, revenge, greed, and much more, for he wants them as his puppets, for he is the marionette. [Info] If you have been here before V.7, you may remember that I tried this ideal before. Though, it never got off, like all my other RPG?s. But, I hope this one is very different. See, when James made Kill Adam(a great RPG), a lot of people though ?Why didn?t I think of that!? Well, they though that because James introduced a Chapter like system, that made it different from other RPGs. This RPG is based on Fighting games, one of my favorite kind of games. You may notice that the story has elements from games like Soul Caliber II, with a little bit of Guilty Gear X in the mix. First off, this RPG replaces chapters with ?Fights?. Fights can range from 1 on 1, 2 on 2, or a free for all between a certain amount of people. I?ll post the location, what type of fight it is going to be, and who is going to fight. There will be no killing of each other, and being the winner means little in the RPG. The members of the fight will get a PM from me, and we will discuss who will be the winner through PM or AIM if all of us have. I will post a thread for the RPG in Arena Underground. There, you can post questions about the RPG, and what characters you want your?s to be allied or rivaled against and why. I will also post information about upcoming Fights, and Win/Losses and maybe even ties. That will be the first halve of the RPG. I hope this does have some success. But do mind the RPG will be rated PG-13 for Violence, some Language, and some Sexual themes(what is a fighting game without women who aren?t very clothed *sigh*). I won?t want generic fighting characters, and I am hopping I will get characters as wacky as the Guilty Gear series. I do have plans to end it the RPG when I feel it has boiled to just fighting, and I plan to add special fights like bosses, and that?s pretty much it. Well, I hope I get some feedback now.
Sign Up Anime Stereotype High School: Enrolment [PG-13]
Ayokano replied to Solo Tremaine's topic in Theater
[size=1]Character Name: Keiichi Ohzuka(Goes by Kei) Anime Stereotype: New nerdy kid who?s bad with girls. Age: 16 Gender: Male Year: Freshmen Appearance:[url=http://ayokano.250free.com/ahmyg013.jpg]Here[/url]- He also carries around a pair of reading glasses. Alignment: Neutral Extra Subjects: -Use of Oversized Weapons -Creative Writing -Football(Soccer) Team -Hero Ethics Accommodation: Has his own room in the basement of his parent?s house. Bio: Kei was always a smart, nice kid. He never gave his parents and others any trouble, and he always worked for what he got. But Kei has a strange attribute, which is that he shudders a lot when he speaks to girls. He has no idea why, and he can?t help it because he just makes it worse. So he tended to keep to himself, reading manga and writing stories about guys who are good with the girls, and always got them. Him and his pack of friends also had troubles with bullies, who found them easy targets. Kei soon got better talking to the opposite sex, being able to talk to most women and girls he knew well. Though through his early teens and present he as yet to have a girlfriend. Kei soon wanted to be those heros he read about, and wanted to get the girl always. Then, he got his first chance. After having to move after he had some strange problems with his old school, he was soon enrolled to the ?Tokyo Academy for Unusual Students.? He found the ?Unusual Students? part weird, but soon found out why it was there at his first year at his new school. Special Powers/Abilities: Keiichi has an ability, which is more of a curse, which enables him to have conversations without shudders with girls. Kei also has a hidden strength, which shows itself rarely. This hidden strength is the reason he was kicked out of his old school, though he doesn?t like to talk about it and hides it away. Sworn Enemy: Cool guys who always get the girls, even though he wants to be like them. He also has a disliking for Master Ooguchi, who dislikes him also, but it trying to get Kei's hidden strength out for some reason. I was wondering if 'Extra' Sports ment stuff like Football(Soccer) and other team sports. And I hope his rivalry with Master Ooguchi is okay also.[/size] -
[size=1]Leon's horse galloped on the dirt road that cut through a forest. Though not deep, the forest gave them some shade from the sun, that was in it's highest in the sky in midday. They were going up hill, and Leon rode behind the three young women. He still couldn't believe that the same Terra who knew Yuka the great dragon had asked him to go on this adventure. "Something's wrong." Terra said as she stopped. Her friends, Kel and Charity, also stopped. He also noticed it, though had been ignoring it. "I feel it too." Charity said. Leon just kept on riding, catching up to the girls. He soon started to think they will never make it to the elder dragon they sought only in three days. "Don't you, Kel?? "Yeah, I do." Kel added. Leon soon passed them, ignoring the feeling again. "Don't you feel it Leon?" Terra asked troubled. There was soon a long silence, the three girls waiting for his answer. He stopped his horse, and looked back. "Yeah, but we shouldn't stop now just because of a feeling. And we don't even know what it is." He said. "Come on and lets go." He added with a smile. The sounds of gallops soon echoed through the forest again, and the party soon inched closer to their destination again. OOC: The conversation was about the attack on the town, even though the four characters don't know it has happened.[/size]
[size=1]Leon walked out of the Inn after his had finished his breakfast. He had been walking along the roads of Glen Haven for a while, listen to people chat and yelling out what they were selling. It was a peaceful day, and he enjoyed the smell of the goods others were selling, but he had something on his mind. He wanted to help around the town, seeing how he had taken a liking to it. He soon started to think about the subject, and then something hit him. He had entered the town square, and in the middle was a message board. He could post his services as a knight. He slowly wrote what he could do, and where someone could find him. He pinned the piece of parchment to the board, and walked off with the feeling of getting rid of another problem. Know he just hoped someone would answer his message. OOC: Sorry for such a small post. I was aiming for the hope of getting my character active in the main story.[/size]
OOC: Everyone is looking for an inn >.>;;; As Leon walked on the dirt roads of the town, looking for an inn, he looked at goods at the open market. He was quit hungry, and he just wanted something to snack on. As he walked on, something green catcher his eye. As he looked over his back, he saw a girl selling light green apples. He slowly backtracked to the stand. "How much are they?" he asked the girl eagerly but with respect. She was young, and had brown hair and light blue eyes. "Two jins." she said happily. Leon put his hand into his leather pouch and pulled out two coins. He handed them to her, and picked up an apple. "Thank you." he said with a smile, and walked off. He start to eat his apple, and it crunched in his mouth as he walked. As he walked by people selling hand made goods and fresh food, he spotted a sign that "The Tea Kettle Inn". He walked to the door, and as he entered a small [i]cling[/i] went off by a small bell. "Can I have a room?" Leon asked a plump, middle-age man. "Sure, here's a key." he said joyfully. Leon lefted six Jins on the desk, and walked off to his room after a thank you. As he put the key in the keyhole, he had a bad feeling. He started to remember his parents, how each of them died. His soul sunk down, when he remembered what he truly was wandering for. A warm tear rolled down his cheek, and he opened the door, closing it behind him. Leon started to take off his armor, and removed his sword and placed them in the corner of the room. He walked to the bed, his leather boots making a low thunk sound on the oak floor. He then sat on the bed, which was solf and comfortable. He starred at the oak floor, thinking if it would be best if he stayed here. Maybe find a job. Just so he could forget.
I was the first one to use it! >_>;;; Well, it's funny. And... it has a black mage on it with a tea cup. I like the shadow effect, but it seems weird with a second border. I mean if I used a shadow effect, I would make it look like it was above my signature. And where is the black mage's black line! He will fall out of it if we don't find it >.
Leon stood near the edge of a steep hill that overlooked a town. It had been five days since he lefted the last town he went to, and had been traveling to find another. He sat down on the soft grass, and looked at the town. It looked nice from the distance. "It seems peaceful,? he said to himself. He took out a small map and looked at the last town's name and followed his finger to the next picture of a town. "Glen Haven. Okay, I'm going to rest a while then go." he told himself as he laid down and closed his eyes. [I]Grumble. [/i] Leon sat straight up, and opened his eyes. There was a long silence, and then Leon touched his stomach. [I]Grumble [/i]. "Oh... it's me. I guess I haven't eaten in a while." he said half joking to himself. Though, he kind of felt stupid. He guess he needed to go into the town, so he started to walk to Glen Haven. He enjoyed the fresh air and the healthy grass as he walked to the entrance. When he entered Glen Haven he felt a peace at mind. It was early, and not a lot of people were on the streets. Leon decide he needed to find an inn, because he started to feel like a creep walking along the road at this time of day.
Dude..... I forgot when I came. Well, I first came when I was trying to look for a digidex, and I found Ginnylyn's on theOtaku. Then, I found the boards, and have been here since. I liked it when Tylore Hewitt(or something like that) and his ex- internet wife thing got banned. I mean, that was so missed up. He feel in love with a girl over the computer. I found that kinnda freaky. He tried to come back, but a he got flamed by some mod-wannabe and the guy who married his ex-internet wife over the internet. Then there was this one time I got a AIM PM from this friend of Ohkami's. I swear he said he might go to jail because he bought a message board with his parents money or something like that. I still don't remember his username. The whole Anime guyXguy thing fan club and their little fights with MillieFan, Charles S.H.I.T avatar, and mod-wannabe thing was funny too. And every single post by DW.... [spoiler]I have seen Ohkami's face ^__^[/spoiler]
[quote name='Strayed Soul']Fooly Cooly is a disgrace to the anime series. The storyline was confusing and it was just a five episode series to blow off some steam.[/quote] [size=1]...... Are you talking about the manga? If you're talking about the anime it was six episodes ^__^;;; Well there are only two volumes of the manga, and they are really weird. I haven't seen all of the series, but the manga isn't quite like it. It has its moments though. The manga is something nice if you've seen the show and liked it, like me. If not, if you read the book you'll feel really lost.[/size]
...... I wonder if Maxsonic ever got over that X_X.... If the kid is going to still ask you to be his girlfriend, but you just want to be friends and tell him that, just break-up the friendship. But not all drama-ie and rude like. Just cut to the point. Seeing how he doesn't respect what relationship he has with you now,and your wishes to keep it at that, I think it would get the point across. That is what lack of sleep does.... turns you into Dr. Phil =_=;;;
Ability Card- -Name: Missed -Ability: Play this card when your opponent?s Fighter attacks one of yours. The attack does not do any damage. -Picture: [url=http://ayokano.250free.com/yeow.jpg]Here[/url]
Name: Leon the VI Kindread Age: 20 Gender: Male Occupation: Knight Weapons: Sturm Tyrann-A greatsword with a silver blade, the hilt and handle are the same light blue color as the trim on his armor. Personality: Leon is gentle, kind, and keeps to himself most of the time. Many would think he is a bad knight, but Leon has another side to him. When in battle he is brave and strong, much like his father, Leon the V, was. Leon helps the ones he cares about, and sometimes ones he doesn't. He is detriment to reach his highest goals, and will let nothing stop him. Appearance: [url=http://ayokano.250free.com/am_d02.jpg]Here[/url] History: Leon comes from a family who has a long history of members being knights, serving under the royal family who rule their land. Leon didn't see his father much, but when he did he would train Leon to be a knight. When he was away, Leon was taken care of by his mother, Maria. He had grown to love her very much, and she was his only shoulder to lean on when in need. One day, Leon's father didn't come back. He had been killed with many others when a monster attacked the grounds near the castle. Leon soon spent his time training to be a knight like his father. He soon started to keep to himself, not wanting to play with the other children. His father being killed when Leon was ten-years-old, he spend five years training until he could enter the military, and did. When he was seventeen, his mother grew ill, and he knew it would worsen. He didn't want to lose her like his father, so he stood by her side, being the shoulder to lean on for her. Though knew the day would come when she would go, and she did peacefully. Having nothing in the kingdom he started to wander place-to-place trying to reach his new goal, to find peace in life. Edit: I re-did the second half of the bio.