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DW..... You so pwn teh awsome. Your Username- Ayokano Magic Type- Wind Type- Sorcerer Picture: [url=http://ayokano.250free.com/12.jpg]Here[/url](use the one on the right) 2 Moves: AYBABTU- Ayokano sets his oppenent up the bomb, and deals 75 HP to one card for every other card on the field. Heart Broken- If Ayokano attacks or uses a move on a female card, he lose 100 HP. Color: Purple X_X That was so cool.
[size=1]Jason had gotten off of his flight, and now was in California. He was waiting outside of the airport, with a cigarette. He rarely smoked though, just when he was nervous, which wasn?t to often. But he was in George?s territory, without anything. It felt like being up the river without a paddle. Defenseless, he knew that if George wanted him dead, he could have Jason dead fast. Sort of like what happened to John. ?Are you Jason Blue?? a female voice asked him. Jason looked at the young and beautiful woman. She looked professional with her blonde hair in a ponytail and blue eyes shinning through her glasses. Fit with a good body, Jason was somewhat speechless. ?Who are you and who do you work for?? he asked. He wanted to make sure if it was his client, and hopefully not George. Though he already gave it away by him asking who she worked for. ?I am Sarah, and I work for Joe, the man who hired you.? She told him.? Come with me.? They walked out of the sunlight and into the shadows of the parking lot. Jason walked behind the woman, and taking the chance to watch her hips sway as she walked. Jason started to like being back in the US again. Jason soon slowed when Sarah stopped at a jet-black limousine. She opened the door for him and he got in, and sat down, Sarah next to him. In front of him was a quite large and aging man. ?So you came.? He said with a smile. The man seemed Italian, having a hooked noise, black, graying hair, and dark brown eyes. ?I?m Joe.? He said when he reached out his hand. Jason reached out his and gave the man a firm handshake. ?Also, I have something to show you Jason.? He gave the man infront of him a portfolio, and Jason opened it. The car was silent when he looked at the pictures. Tears dropped on the picture of Jimmy Herdock lying on the floor of a warehouse shoot up. He had a friendship with all of members who have gotten fired, but Jimmy and his was the best. He looked through more of the pictures, skimmed the report, and looked up to Joe. ?George did it didn?t he?? he said with a shaky voice. ?Are anymore of them dead?? he asked after a long silence. ?No, Joe had ordered me to call the ones who are still alive, and inform them about George.? Sarah told him. Joe nodded at Sarah, and she picked up a suitcase and handed it to Jason. He opened it and saw four handguns, a combat knife, and ammo. ?We knew you wouldn?t get anything through security, so we decided to loan those to you.? She said with a smirk. ?You?ll be staying in the same hotel as us. We just want to make sure everything goes well.? Joe said. ?I need George killed.? ?Okay.? Jason said as he shut the suitcase. OOC: Just to let you guys know, some of your characters won?t know about Jimmy?s death. You characters also have never talked to Sarah or Joe before because they?re going to play a small role in the story. So get on posting, and you don?t have to write as much as I did.[/size]
[QUOTE=MoRbIdYuLiA]I think this movie "Farenheit 9/11 has a right to go on without controversy. People need to see how "our" president really is. It's not right to let all innocent lives suffer and families in apprehension as their loved ones are lost day by day while he sits in his House unhurt. I suggest many of you see it because it brings out the wrong in him and I am saying this because I have a brother in the military and might be sent off to Iraq even though they dont need anymore soldiers over there than they have now. I dont think U.S. has any business there anymore. They captured Saddam so why are they still there??!! I think Bush is making an excuse of being there just because he loves the idea of blood,war, and death. Of course this is only my opinion...but I am an Amerikan right?In the end opions dont matter....but WE do have a right to speak our minds despite everything. It's hard enough just trying to make it here being a Russian that I am...but heh I survived. #^_^# -yulia[/QUOTE] Why should Bush go and fight the war when he isn't in the military? You know, he already has the whole president thing going on. Also, your brother must have signed up for the military, unless we had a draft(which I don't think we have), and should be willing to serve the country he lives in, because that seems what the U.S's army is about. And we [b]do[/b] need soldiers over there. Iraq didn't have a leader after we took Sadam out of power. And when we trasfered power to the people of Iraq, we aren't going to pull out as fast as we can. It takes time to get a army out of a country. If Bush is a nut case, and loves death and blood, and this war was started because he loves it so much, I am sure the war would be over and Bush would be out of office. Yes you do have the right to speak your mind, but Moore's film is full of lies and extremly radical ideas. He is the true nut case.
[size=1]I haven't seen the movie either, and won't, but I have to say something about the whole "The Bin Laden and other families with ties with terrorist put money into the Bush family's business." I asked my father if it was true after I whatched him on the Daily Show(that's how I get my news X_X) and he said he didn't know. But my father also said that those families are large, and he said if my cousin did something wrong, does that make me guilty of it. No. So just because Osama is a terrorist, doesn't make his whole family one. So that's what I have to say. The movie doesn't seem anything other than anti-Bush. Moore doesn't seem to add different views and opinions in the film from what I have seen also. Just his.[/size]
[size=1]Pope: Ah @$%&! What the %* happen?! Why did this %*&*@!(& metor from &*^^ fall on me of all ^*$%*& people!?! Jesus Christ! Someone get me to the %*&$(#^$ Pope-Mobile! The Pope sounds like Ozzy now.....[/size]
[size=1]On the bottom left of the banner below could I have (Legion) in white, MS Gothic, and a small, but readable, size. If MS Gothic doesn't have the ()'s then Legion is just fine. Thank you in advance.[/size]
Sign-Up [size=1]Name: Jason Blue Age: 27 Gender: Male Country From: America Race: American Caucasian Personality: Jason is very calm most of the time, but sometimes the situation gets the best of him. He believes everything happens for a reason, so you just have to flow with it. He is a gentleman of sorts, always having manners around ones he know are not enemies to him. Appearance: Jason wears a black business suit with a black tie. Over that he wears a black leather trench coat, and he wears black leather shoes. He also likes to wear a pair of black sunglasses, witch cover his deep blue eyes. His hair is light brown, and wears it like most alternative rock groups do. He has a muscular body, and a manly like face, but it also has some boyish qualities to it. Bio: Jason was born to a mother who was a house cleaner, and a father who was in the military. He grew up in a normal neighborhood, learned at a normal school, and grew up a semi normal life. His father taught him how to use a gun, taking him on trips to the firing range. Jason also went to several military camps during his summer. Though he always move for place to place because of his father?s job, so he never had many good friends when he was growing up. When Jason didn?t join the military, his father became enrage. He decided to get into engineering instead, but had no one to help him pay his bills and rent. It was then a friend of his, Jimmy Herdock told him about George. Jason, desperate for money, told him he would join. The first few jobs didn?t go so well, even if they were still successful. Soon, Jason got the hang of it, and because he came to terms not to think of the target as a human being, just a paycheck. After his final mission failed, Jason was fired from George?s organizion. He moved to South America, moving around country to country for two years, staying close to the beautiful beaches, and trying to forget he used to kill for a living. He regrets when he joined, and every single human he killed. It was when he got a phone call from a man telling him that George knew were he was, and that he wanted George died. The one last deal Jason will ever make with a client will also be his revenge. Abilities: Jason knows a lot about how to use weapons and is trained in military combat. Another thing that makes him a good assassin is that he believes everything happens for a reason, and in a situation he should just flow like water. Weapons: Jason carries four black handguns and a combat knife. I would aslo like to note that only four people and myself will get into the RPG. After a few other sign ups I'll decide who is in.[/size]
[B][color=red]This RPG is rated R for violence, some sexuality, and some language.[/b][/color] [size=1]?All of you messed up!? Yelled a man half covered in shadows. No one answered him. He was an aging guy, but still strong and smart. A cloud of gray smoke, witch came from his pricey cigar, surrounded him like an aura. Around him sat seven grown men and women, all inside afraid of what the man might do to them. Then, a voice with a stutter broke the silence. ?W-Were?re sorry?.? He said, not making eye contact with the man in front of him. He was a young man, in his mid thirties, but most of his dark brown hair was gone and a large bald spot covered most of his head. He was the smartest on the team. The strategist. He spook with a stutter most of the time, though, and had lost the gleam in his eyes when he first came to the organizion. He was Robert Johnson. The man sitting next to him lost his attention in the silence as the aging man starred at Robert. He noticed that the room seemed to be made entirely out of steel. The only light came from the lights on the walls; witch were covered in short, steel, cones witch they were placed over the lights. The room was dim because the lights shoot on the walls. Jimmy Herdock never paid attention, and if he did, it was soon lost. Jimmy had short, sandy, blonde hair and blue eyes. He also had very boyish face, something Robert didn?t have. Jimmy had a nickname the whole team called him,?Jimbo? because he was a smartass, but he wasn?t making a peep now. One might ask why all these men and women, dressed in business attire, were in the room being screamed at. Business meeting? No. These men and women were assassins. They were the top hitmen in California, belonging to the organizion lead by George Louis, the man who was yelling at them. ?So you?re saying to me the top hitmen in California couldn?t take care of four targets?!? George asked, breaking the silence from a long thought. ?Y-Yes?.. T-The client d-didn?t give a lot of information on the party and we didn?t know there would be armed guar-? Johnson was cut off by a loud bang. George had shot him in the head with a high caliber handgun; smoke still coming from the barrel. What was lefted of Johnson?s face sickened the ones in the room, and they had been killing for a living. George put the gun back into its holster calmly and sat back down. ?All of you?.? He started to say calmly, ?Are fired.? The men and women in the room got up calmly and lefted while George and the body of Johnson stayed in the room. [u]Info[/u] This is a RPG I?ve been working on for a while, and I hope it works out. I?ve really wanted to get it off my mind too. First thing you may notice is that this RPG is sort of aimed at a mature audience. Anyone can try to join though, but the contents of the RPG may not be suitable for younger people. See, George, the pass boss of these men and women, has placed a price on their heads. The year they got fired was 2002, so now they have been living a low profile for two years. But George has found them, so they now must kill him and break down the organizion to try to live normal lifes. But they don?t know were George is, so now they must find him with the aid of past ?co-workers?. But not a single one of them will tell the group were he is, so they will have to get info by force. Also, the group isn?t going to let these people live to tell. They can?t trust anybody, so they will just have to shut them up. [u]Rules[/u] 1.Follow the rules of OB and the Adventure Lounge. 2.Do not post if you do not make it in. 3.Don?t bend the story and take control of other characters. You only control your character and his or her story. 4.Do not introduce a fight or characters that helps move the story along. You can only introduce characters that help your characters story, not the background story. 5.I don?t want massive amounts of sex and swearing. Thus, no sex and swearing should not litter your post. 6.If you want relationships with other member?s characters (boyfriend/girlfriend stuff, very good friends) ask them through PM. But if the say yes, don?t put it in your bio but in the RPG because they may not get in. [u]Sign-Up[/u] Name: Simple. Base your character?s name from were they come from. They should be real names, and not something you made up. Nobody should be related. Age: 20-40 Gender: Simple. Country From: Your character can be American and lived in a European country. So basicly were your character grew up. Race: The country their family was born to. Personality: How your character acts. I don?t want ?gothic, hates everyone, can?t work with others? because they have to work with the team. Each character should be unique and different from the other four. Appearance: What your character looks like. I want them to wear a business like attire. Everything else is up to you. You can post a picture also, but if you don?t, your description of your character should be a paragraph. Bio: Your character?s history. I want them unique, but they can share some similarities with each other. Also, they should be 2-4 paragraphs long, explaining how your character grew up, how they learned the abilities they have, how they got into George?s organizion, and what they did the two years out of it. You can go higher than 4 paragraphs, but you shouldn?t type more than 6 if you do. Abilities: Abilities that made your character a good assassin. No super or magic powers though. No godmoding too. Weapons: The weapons your character uses. The only bladed weapons your character can have are katana and knives, and your character cannot have large long-range weapons. Please note that I?m not a weapons expert, so bare with that. The limit of weapons your character can have is 5. P.S: No one can play Jimmy or Johnson. I?ll post my character profile later.[/size]
[size=1]Name: Jay Doe, but wants to be called "L33t_D00d"(Leet Dood) Gender: Male Age: 17 Description: Leet has dark blue eyes and light brown hair. He has a above averge height, but people wouldn't call him tall. He is pale, and from lack of food, skinny, but not too skinny because he doesn't go outside alot, and that is also the reason he is pale white. He wears a pair of tan cargo shorts, a pair of worn out adidais, and a grey t-shirt with a worn out logo. He also wears a pair of black shades, which seem to be in a nice condition, and a dark blue beanie(oh how he loves that beanie) Biography: Jay grew up normal, but didn't turn out normal. Kinnda like if you drop a baby down the stairs, it's not going to turn up just right(not like I did that before.....). See... he was born in the late 80's, and always wanted a game station. Well, he got one when he was older, and he was hooked. So hook he forgot which station it was. Though that made him think that the things happening in games were real. So he is a living example that games made kids all wierd. So he grew up playing the lastest games. He was always the weird one at school, even the goths wouldn't let him be gothic cause they said the goverment was trying to take over kids and eat them by video games. So he was just Jay. Acted like Jay. Dressed like Jay. Went to the prom like Jay. And being Jay isn't a good thing. Though he somehow he got by... but then something happened..... Online gaming. The Reason For Moving In: His parent couldn't pay the power bills. So they gave him some cash and kicked him out. They give him a mouthly allowence because they love him so much though. Idiosyncracies: He blames everything on everyone else, and he screams at people if they don't call him Leet Dood. He also thinks games are real, so he is found asking the other tenants to heal his 2ed degree burn he got when trying to cook with their white magic. He is also is in need of a lover, and has, weirdly, turned to his female tenants for "luv". And, he's a little scizo.[/size]
Manga Which Manga title it better? Tokyopop or Shonen Jump?
Ayokano replied to ShadowHimura13's topic in Otaku Central
[size=1]SJ(Shonen Jump) comes from Viz, another company that owns manga titles. Tokyopop isn't a manga title though. But what you're saying to us is that we should compare SJ, a manga title, or Tokyopop, a company with many manga titles. That kinnda seems unfair ^_^;;; I guess the best answer would be Tokyopop though. But a better thing would be to compare Viz, the company that puts out SJ, and owns several manga titles like Shaman King, DBZ, Evangilion, and Yu-Gi-Oh, to Tokyopop, who like I said is a company and owns titles such as Cardcaptor Sakura, Gundam Wing(I thing both Viz and Tokyopop own more), and Rangnarok. Now the titles I mention aren't all the titles they own. So, I wouldn't really have an answer to that because I like both companies, and buy from both.[/size] -
[size=1]I don't think he can be gay if he [spoiler]had a wife who died, and wants to bring her back with the eye[/spoiler]. I'll find it hard to understand if he did get her back just to tell her he [b]is[/b] gay. No, No, No, Pegasus boy is just a little messed up in the mind.... like M.J.^_^;;;[/size]
[size=1]Name: Vendekil Keren (Goes by Ven) Gender: Male Personality: Ven is loud mouthed and short tempered. He doesn't care what others think of him, nor what he does. He gets into alot of trouble for the things he does, and some may question why he was chosen to help such high beings. He stands up for what he thinks is right. Though some assume he thinks hightly of himself, he realy doesn't when they get to know him better, whitch not many do. Character Type: Warrior Appearance: Ven has blue eyes and messy black hair that goes to eyes. His body is somewhat musceluar, but still keeps a light wieght shape. He wears a black vest with pockets, lose black shorts, and a pair of worn out brown leather boots. On his arms he wears bandages and black bands of cloth with symbols on them. He mainly fights with things around him, but he carries two daggers around just in case things get too wild. Age: 17 Bio: Vendekil used to be a good kid. A kid who followed the rules, who respected others. Though nobody really paid any attention to him. He found it hard to fit in and play with the other kids, but there was somebody who understood him. When he was 13, and new family come to his town to live. With them was a girl, who's name was Shalia. Shalia had a hard time fitting in too, and the two soon became close friends, and soon partners. Shalia and Ven had different ways they looked at life then others, and that made it easy for them to understand each other. though the relationship wasv soon lost when a pack of unintelligent animals attacked their town. Shalia had was killed that day, and a part of Ven died. He lefted the town to find a new one, not to start a new lift, but to run away from the he had. Then, a new Ven started. The one who cares for nothing others think of him, the outcast. Ven whants balance between all beings, so things like what happened to Shalia don't happen to others. Element: Fire Powers: Ven can control fire in the area around him, and is not affected by heat. He an also cause a small fire, witch give him something to control. I hope this can go well.[/size]
I guess I will put my two cents in. The fact that these soldiers were playing college pranks (yes the "If you fall of the box you'll get shocked." is college prank) and taking pictures of prisoners naked, I think they had every right to go to jail. The whole "eye for an eye" thing is meaning-less. I mean, Iraq and the U.S are two different countries, and we had different views on how prisoners of war should be treated. And these soldiers broke these views, which are also laws, so they should end up in jail.
[size=1]Kroenen slowly looked around the ally. He knew nothing of Earth, and the only living thing that had come close to him was that cat. His puppet master would like to know why he keeped it alive. Kroenen was a strange puppet, sometimes thinking while not thinking at all. That was both a flaw and strength. A ladder stood next to Kroenen as he laied on the brick wall. He wanted to see what the top of the city looked like, so he slowly walked up the ladder, and lefted himself up on the building when it came to a end. When he got up, he stood awe. He was only in the smaller part of this city, and at infornt of him stood towering buildings with lights in every window. He had never seen anything like this before, only the firey pits of Hell and he had long forgotten his last life. He sat on the top of the building, and looked at the sky. He never wanted to go back to Hell now, but that was not his choice. His body and soul belonged to Satan. The silence was broken by a strange voice. "You are wondering off your task. It well happen soon Kroenen, the war between Heaven and Hell, and in the middle of it Earth" and with that, the shadows around him took human form, but with pitch black skin dark as the darkess night, and round, white, mask that covered their faces. Kroenen weezed loudly, and looked at the city above him. He wanted to know when this war would begin. As if they read his mind, all as a group answered, "Soon."[/size]
[size=1]Kroenen quickly jolted his head to another crow in the sky. He had been watching them in the large flocks in a humen ally. He sat there with his legs out, leaning againist a wall. Weeze-like sounds came from him, as he looked at the small flakes of snow falling from the sky. It had been a while since he saw snow, but that was not the reason he was on the surface of Earth. He was here because he was drawn to it. A trash can fell over with a loud crash and Kroenen shot a glance to it. He saw in the garbage that it holded an old kitten. It was black, and had short hair. It came to him, and rub his hand, purring as it did. His hand jolted back, and the cat rub againist his boot. He reached out his hand, knowing the animal wasn't harmful now, and the kitten walked towards it and started to rub againist it. He petted the animal just to waste time. Then, another trash can fell over, and the kitten ran and Kroenen stood up quickly and drew his swords. Anything that came in his path must die. He waited to the figure to reveal itself, but nothing came out of the shadows of the ally way. Kroenen knew now something was no right, and he put down his guard, but leaned againist the brick wall. He waited for what would happen this night once again.[/size]
[size=1]Name: Kroenen Age: His true age is unknown, but he was born before Christ. Race: Kroenen is a man of eternal life, kept alive with technology and black magic. Gender: Male Cause: An assassin of Hell, he does what he is told. Alliance: Bad Persona: When Kroenen was still a man, he was cruel and cold hearted. His heart bared many sins. He was greedy, and always though of himself higher than everyone else. Now that he is "dead,? he does not speak, and does whatever he is told. Though he knows he is not all powerful, he is still cruel and heartless. Appearance: Slim and tall, Kroenen wears a black skin tight fabric over his body, and a golden chest plate that is the machine that keeps him alive. His head is hidden by a black helmet with circular eye holes cover by black lens. He wears a pair of black gloves and boots also. Under his armor lays a scarred and burned man. His hands were replaced with mechanical arms, and lower legs replaced with mechnical versions of them, too. Though not many have seen his face, he has steel grey eyes that seem to stare into a man's soul, and nothing is left of his hair. Weapons: Kroenen is skilled with a pair of silver bladed baton swords that have golden handles. Biography: Kroenen was born, and grew up with a rich family. His family spoiled him, and the law let him get away with anything. When he became an adult, nothing changed, and the man married women after women, and had affairs with many women. He had no respect or love for these women, or the children they bared for him. All he cared about in life was him and gold. When Kroenen was drawing nearer and nearer to his last years, he started to study black magic and the occult. He was able to make himself look younger, and keep himself alive with the magic, but it made his heart even blacker then it was. He soon needed blood to keep himself young, and bathed in the blood of his children. People around him died of old age, while he lived forever. Korenen then started to lose his mana, the thing that fueled all mana. His body parts decayed, and he scarred. His arms and legs became useless, and replaced them with mechanical ones. He then formed a ritual to make a pact with the devil. For his soul and will, he would live forever. Other information: Kroenen can no longer use black magic. He goes everywhere with his body armor, and rarely takes off his helmet. [/size]
[quote name='Ketsurui']i've read the manga, and seen the whole anime series, i loved every minute of it (i realy liked that part at the begining of the series when alucard was being shot by the priests gouls and the bullet tore open his cheek, the sound it made was awesome). that irish guy in the manga was harder then h*** to read though. i've heard that the manga explains more than the anime. the anime didn't do very well in japan, so i think they kind of rushed the ending on us. the only problem i saw with the series was that serres (police girl) served no purpose but to give you something to oggle at. besides that i think the series is great[/quote] Though I haven't seen the anime, a manga can go more indepth then its anime. Take EVA. I feel I enjoy the manga more then the series because it can explain things easier because it isn't timed. I also agree with you Serres doesn't really have a part in the story in v.1. I mean, she seemed to be the main character because she is now a vampire and must understand that she can't go back to being a human. I don't know, that is what I thought =/.
[size=1]Domon, for your casual deck, why do you have Gravity Bind? Other then that and the lack of staples, I say it is a good deck. For your competitive deck, I think you should take out Dark Necorfear because I think she would be a pain to get out, and add a high attack 4 star monster for attack or a staple effect moster. This is also a good deck. Inuyasha7271 you should take out weak 4 or lower star monsters or ones with not-so-helpful effects for staple monsters or high attack ones. Take out equip cards such as Sword of Dark Destruction, Yami, Sogon, and Lightning Blade and add ones that can be equipped to any kind of monster. Add in some staple magic and traps, and eithier drop Kaiser Sea Horse or drop Great Maju Garrazet and add a high level light monster if you don't drop Kaiser. You lack staples, so make sure to add them. Here is a Dinosaur deck I plan on making when the new set comes out, and if they don't follow the new Japanese rules. Also, when the new set comes out, we will be caught up with the Japanese game, right? [u]Dark Dinosaur Trample[/u] [u]5+ Monsters[/u] Dark Tyrano x1 Dark Drikeratops x1 [u]4- Monsters[/u] Gagagigo x2 Death Gremlin x2 Guranadora x1 Hyper Hammer-Head x2 Fleet-Footed Gilazaurus x2 Tribe-Infecting Virus x1 Fiber Pod x1 Black Forest Witch x1 Critter x1 Killer Snake x1 Gaint Germ x3 [u]Magic[/u] Fairy Metor Crush x2 Cyclone x3 Earthquake x2 Micro Laser x2 Axe of Gravity - Guraaru x2 Super Evolution Medicine x2 Demon Axe x2 Thunderbolt x1 Pot of Greed x1 Angel?s Gift x1 Harpy?s Feather Sweep x1 Monster Rebon x1 Premature Burial x1 Change of Heart x1 [u]Traps[/u] Imperial Order x1 Call of the Haunted x1 Magical Cylinders x1 Destruction Ring x1 Waboku x1 Mirror Force x1 Total-48(I think o_O;;) Main Combos- Dark Tyrano+Earthquake= Direct Damage Dark Drikeratops+Earthquake= Battle Damage Dark Tyrano+Earthquake+Axe of Gravity - Guraaru= 3100 Direct Damage, maybe for other turns too. If I can use this combo for the first turn, I could win in two more. Dark Drikeratops+Earthquake+Mirco Laser= 2400 Battle Damage. I hope I can get some help for my future deck.[/size]
[size=1]Heh, I got v.1 too ^__^V It seems cool, I thought it looked very good and I was awed when I read v.1. Though at first I thought that it wouldn't have any funny parts in it, I guess it did even though they seemed out of place in some places. I also liked the bonus manga at the end of the book. [spoiler]Irish in manga=BAD....... =/[/spoiler][/size]
[size=1]Here you go James. [img]http://ayokano.250free.com/MKR.JPG[/img] Category: Magic Knight Rayearth Name: Master Mage Clef [img]http://ayokano.250free.com/MKR2.JPG[/img] Category: Magic Knight Rayearth Name: Princess Emeraude [img]http://ayokano.250free.com/MKR3.JPG[/img] Category: Magic Knight Rayearth Name: Lafarga [img]http://ayokano.250free.com/MKR4.JPG[/img] Category: Magic Knight Rayearth Name: Alcione [img]http://ayokano.250free.com/MKR5.JPG[/img] Category: Magic Knight Rayearth Name: Umi [img]http://ayokano.250free.com/MRK6.JPG[/img] Category: Magic Knight Rayearth Name: Hikaru [img]http://ayokano.250free.com/MRK7.JPG[/img] Category: Magic Knight Rayearth Name: High Priest Zagato [img]http://ayokano.250free.com/MRK8.JPG[/img] Category: Magic Knight Rayearth Name: Presea [img]http://ayokano.250free.com/MRK9.JPG[/img] Category: Magic Knight Rayearth Name: Fuu [img]http://ayokano.250free.com/MRK10.JPG[/img] Category: Magic Knight Rayearth Name: Ascot [img]http://ayokano.250free.com/MRK11.JPG[/img] Category: Magic Knight Rayearth Name: Caldina [img]http://ayokano.250free.com/MRK12.JPG[/img] Category: Magic Knight Rayearth Name: Ferio I hope they are okay.[/size]
[size=1]I have check a kaiju(giant monster) news page and found about a new Godzilla movie from Toho. This is going to be the last Godzilla movie, which is sad though. Godzilla movies have had some really good movies(but that doesn't mean they didn't have bad ones) and three time lines, Showa, Heisei, and the Shinsei series, that were based on the first movie that was played in 1954. Though, this last movie may put the series out with a large bang, and it may mess up and disappoint a lot. The action is said to be faster, nonstop, and geared not to just Godzilla fans. It will have a new monsters which will be Godzilla's strongest enemy, ten or more classic monsters with new designs that will battle in famous cities across the world. Nothing is really known about the story yet. It will have new and old actors, and will be directed by Ryuuhei Kitamura. Sounds nice. What are your thoughts on it? Will you miss the Godzilla series at all? Do you think it will be a disappointment or not? Just want your thoughts ^___^ P.S- I got my info from [url=http://www.clubtokyo.org/monsterzero/editorials/editorials.php?catID=Nws&subCatID=15&contentID=376]here[/url], and the official site is [url=http://www.godzilla.co.jp/]here[/url].[/size]
[size=1]Heh, for us who live in Gwinnett, GA it is snowing again. I haven't seen snow here for along time. I mean, last time I saw it I was at my grandmother's who lives in GA, too. I just missed a school wide writing test, but it will attack again! I feel cold though, and I am wearing a white sweater because I can't find a black one......[/size]
We had to read "The Outsiders" for a Language Arts report, but I thank my teacher that we did because it is a very good book. It is very sad near the ending though, but it was a very fun book to read. The movie was blah though. [spoiler]I liked it when the book ends with Ponyboy writing what had happen, which is the begining of the book.[/spoiler]
[size=1]Lorth rode slowly in the forest on his horse. He had been riding for days, and nothing had happened. He was bored and needed something to do. He stopped his horse. "What was that sound....." he said to himself. More movement from the over growth, and he knew something was there. He took his bow and arrow, and aimed at the next sound. He shot, and the creature gave a loud yell, and said something in Orcish. Lorth took out his broad sword, and charged at the small platoon of Orcs. He cut them in the neck and other weak points in their armor. Another toon came, and soon knocked him off of his brown horse. Soon, he was overwhelmed by three small, Orc toons. He laid on the grassy forest floor, half dead, half alive. Blood soaked the soil below him, and he could feel him losing it fast. Soon, he heard something come from the bushes, and saw a girl emerge with a dark-skinned elf like being.[/size]
[size=1]"So why did you came?" the elven girl asked at a table. Lorth looked at her. Why wouldn't he come for her, but deep inside he felt he needed to go somewhere else. Somewhere to help. "I am going on an adventure, and I wanted to meet you again." Lorth said. He gave out a long sigh. He didn't want her to think he was using her for a place to stay. She looked at the table. ".... D-Do you still love me......" she said solfly at it. He also looked at the table. "........ It is a forbbiden love Liona." he said. They both knew the two kingdoms would disagree with their love. A tear rolled down her cheek, and his eyes burned. A got up, and walked out of the room. He went back to the stable to get his steed, and was blocked by her. "I do not want you to leave." she cried. She opened her arms to him, and the holded each other. Their lips met, and it seemed forever till they lefted. They let go, and he went ot his steed. Alone in the stable, he looked at the brown horse. "Do you have a name?" he said softly to it. the horse let out a sound, and he assumed it didn't. "Then your name is Liona." He got on Liona, and rode off to where he thought he should be.[/size]