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Everything posted by Ayokano
[size=1]A young man rode a brown horse in the forest of Merith. A dull [I]thud[/I] came from the horse's hooves every time they hit the forest floor. The young man hold tightly on the horse, and the rode out of a thick green forest. The horse slowed, and soon stopped. The young man got off of the brown horse, and looked at cloudless sky. He started to walk beside the horse, sometimes dropping to his knees to see the plant life of the openning he walked on. Soon he met more forest. He entered, and got back on his horse. He soon saw another openning that led to a castle. He looked up, and saw a large elven man sleeping. "Hello! I need the inn!" the man on the ground said. His shouting awoken the elven man. "Eh, what?!?" he shouted down to the man on the ground. The man on the ground gave out a sigh, and shouted that he need the inn. The man turned a crude machine and the oak doors opened. The man rode on into the castle gates, and put his horse in a staple. As he exited the staple, he saw a familier face. She had grown since he last saw her, and her golden hair long. Though to her she had not aged at all, the young man saw it. He walked to her, and she turned to him with a smile. She opened her arms to him , and they grasped each other tightly. "Welcome back, Lorth." she said to him.[/size]
[size=1]Cool-ness! I both banners are clean, and the colors match well. I really like both pictures alot. The text seems kinnda boring though, and is hard to read on some spots of the banners. Other then that, they are near perfect ^___^ The sun picture looks like a black hole it comming out of it. Maybe the sun had burn through the flim? I don't really know. Just a guess. *Stares at the sun picture*[/size]
[size=1]Marcus_Beuford, you should add in your post what kind of deck it is, and even who it works. First off you have too many tributes. Basically if you want tributes you should only have three to four. Even though I think you have the monsters to tribute for them, it leads to a oversized deck, which means it will be hard to draw the cards you need. Keep it close to 40. Your samples are okay, but you also have a bunch of useless cards. You really don't need Umi, Call of The Haunted, Dragon Capture Jar, and Fake Trap. Your deck it kinnda un-focused, so what I'm basically saying is that you should build your deck around a theme. It helps alot ^__^ Mesh...... I am basically making a Black(Dark) Magician Deck. So here it is. [u]Black Choas[/u] [u]5+ Monsters[/u] Black Magician(Dark Magician) x2 Buster Blader x1 [u]4- Monsters[/u] Skilled Black Magician x2 Breaker the Magic Warrior x1 Skilled White Magician x2 Apprentice Magician x3 Neo the Magicial Swordsmen x2 Old Vindictive Magician x2 Magician of Faith x2 Dark Mask x2 Magical Plant Mandragora x2 [u]Spell/Magic[/u] Proof of Dragon Destruction x2 Thunderbolt x1 Black Hole x1 Monster Reborn x1 Cost Down x2 Demon Axe x2 Change of Hearts x1 Jar of Greed x1 Fusion x2 [u]Trap[/u] Black Power Stone x2 Magic Cylinder Mirror Force Trap Hole Bottomless Trap Hole [U]Fusion Deck[/U] Black Paladin(Dark Paladin) Info: Basically it is focused on summoning Black(or Dark) Magician with spell counters. The magic/spell and trap cards are lacking, I know, because I couldn't think of anything else. Monsters: 21 Spell/Magic: 13 Trap: 6 Equal: 40 ^___^ Note: I am sorry I used Japanese and English names.[/size]
[size=1]Shin streched and ran in place for warm ups, and after he was down he sat down, waiting for more information on what they will be doing. Everyone else started to sit down near the pull, and the teacher walked by them. "What we are going to do is do laps. I will see who gets in or not. Only ten of you will get in. That will be the swim team," he said. Only ten? Alot wouldn't make it, but Shin hope he did. The teacher started to count them. "Seems even. Two of you will go up againist each other, and whoever wins is on the swim team." The teacher pointed to a boy with blond hair and a girl with brown. "What are your names?" "Matt Perrigry." the boy with blond hair said. The teacher wrote it down, and looked to the girl. "Lilly Fern." she said. They both got into the pool, and the teacher shouted "Go". The two jetted to the other side, both Matt raced pasted her. Matt won, and the teacher crossed out Lilly's name. Two girls cheered for him near Shin. "Now," he pointed to Shin, and boy. The boy had grey hair, and red eyes. He gave Shin a nasty look, and Shin looked away. "Your names?" "Ken Robertsons." the other boy said. The teacher looked at Shin. "Shin Hakai." he said. He got into the pull. The water was cold, but he readied for the race. He heard "Go!" and he raced to the other side. He touched it, and raced back. He looked next to him to see the boy. The teacher blinked. "........ Both of you are in......." he said as he lefted the names unmarked. Shin looked back at the boy. He didn't know what to say, but he felt strange near him. Shin took a seat near the pool, and waited for the next race to begine. OCC: For the rest of you who are trying out, just follow the same kind of thing. You don't have to win also, just to let you know.[/size]
[size=1]Sign-up- Name: Lorth Hend Age: 17 Sex: Male Race: Human Location: Merith, the forest kingdom. Side: Protector Weapons: The Sword of Merith- A sword made and blessed by elves as a gift to Merith, the blade is pure silver with elven runes, which says "To the great forest" on it.(It is the one he is holding in the picture) Bow of Merith- A bow made of a great wood in Merith, it has Merithen runes on it. Its arrows are blessed by Merithen priest. Powers: Lorth has great knowlage of the forests. He knows of many plants and animals of the forest of Eovyn, and can speak Elven. Personality: Lorth is open-minded, and always speaks his mind. He likes making friends, and never is the one to judge others. Lorth tries his best to keep calm in anything, and is brave and always welling to help those in need. Bio: Lorth father is the king of Merith. Merith is known for its surrounding forest, and relationship with the elven folk. Since Lorth's father became king, the relationship has failed, and the elven folk no longer trade with the Merithen. When young, and when Lorth's grandfather was king, he was sent a Elven school, where Elfs of high class went. He felt very out of place in the school, and became shy. It was then a young Elven girl talked to him, and their relationship grew. Her name was Liona, and the two feel deeply in love when the grew older. He was soon taken away from the school when his grandfather died, and his father was crowned. His father put great despair on the kingdom because of his harsh rule. Trade failed between the two kingdoms, and he was given back to his kingdom. He missed Liona, and hide their love in his heart. Lorth waits for the time they meet again, and would do anything for the two kingdoms to come together again so he can. Appearance: [url=http://ayokano.250free.com/pict.GIF]Here[/url] Oh, xXchaosfaerieXx, there is no attachment in your post. You may have notice it, but I wanted to point that out to help.[/size]
[size=1]At first I thought you where new at making banners..... and now I know who you are....... Doh! >.> I think it is pretty good. The colors to me match, and both of the pictures are very good, even though I like the one in the back. The grid is cool, even though some view them as spawns of Satan............ I think you should make the white around the Rikku picture smoother, and lower the text to the bottom right. I think it would look much better if you fix those. Very nice banner. I hope to see more of your work.[/size]
[size=1]Shin sat in chours room with everyone else. Their teacher, Mrs. Kilth, talked about what they where going to learn, how they should act, what they will sing. She then looked at him and another student. "Lets welcome Terra and Shin." she said. Shin looked at her with a large eyed glaced as everyone looked at him and Terra. He looked at Terra, and their eyes meet. Her hair was a golden blond, and her eyes where dull yellow. Shin smiled at her, and she smiled back. The bell ringed, and he went to his next class. Shin had felt something in Terra that didn't seem normal. [I]"Hi."[/I], a female voice said in his head. He screamed as he jumped in the hallway. "W-What who that?!?" he said as he looked around. All he got was a bunch of stares. He started to blush as he calmed down. [I]"Who are you?"[/I], he thought. [I]"Terra."[/I], the voice said. He knew it. He knew Terra was a Super Human like him, [I]"I want to meet at lunch tomorrow."[/I] [I]"Okay."[/I] he walked to his Social Studies class, and stopped becuase something chaced his eye. It was a flyer for the extra classes they could join. He eyed the list, and found the Swim Team. He looked at when try outs where, and loacked it in his mind. He liked to swim. It made him feel wieghtless, and seemed to take away all the stress. He took the flyer and shoved it in his book bag. He entered his Social Studies class, and took out his books. Almost the end of the day, and he started to think of what he may do after school.[/size]
[size=1][center]-Story- Many people know the term "Super Humen". Super Humens are the thing of fantasies, and facts can be told about them, so they are not real. But the only reason these cases are true is that because Super Humens are rare, but that is change in this new era. Now Super Humens are being born more. They are known as freaks if they are open to others about their powers, and most hide it from their family and friends. Some fear the power, and some abuse it. Goverments, even were they live, want that power no matter what for reasons that differ. They fight over the Super Humen race, but the Super Humens do not want to be slaves of normal men, just to be use a war toy. In New York City, America, the middle school Advent Middle, the Invisable War will start. ----[/center] Shin walked up to the doors of his new school. He had moved over the summer to this area of New York, and had no lost friends. That may of been because of his power, or he had no time to make friends. All throughout sixth grade his parents moved him to area to area. He was grateful to them to understand it wasn't his fault he had this power. He looked at the doors of the school, and walked in like the rest of the students. His grade was on the frist level of the school, with the eight graders and other classes. The sixith graders were on the second level, and a flight of stairs connected the two levels. He looked around to find Ms. Hall's class, and found it. He walked in and placed his bookbag on a desk at the back of the room. The teacher walked to him. "Hello, Shin," she said nicely. They had meet at open house, a time in the summer where they meet their teachers. She handed him a piece of paper when he looked at the ground. This is your locker combonation, number, and classes." "Thank you." he went to his locker, and opened it. He looked at the piece of paper to see what books he needed. [i]"1st Period: Lang. Arts 2ed Period: Math 3rd: Lunch 4th: Tech. Ed 5th: Chours 6th: S.S 7th: Science[/i] He took out his Math and Language Arts books, and tooked them to his desk. He placed them in his bookbag, and sat down. He eyed students comming in, and others sitting down ready for the day. Some were talking with friends from the sixith grade, but most were quiet. ---- Someone can meet my character if they wish in the same class. Please post if you have signed up, because I don't want this to die so soon.[/size]
[size=1]................ Just to clear things up, Advent Middle has both normal and Super Human students. Some of the teachers don't even know who is a Super Human or not, so it's not like the X-Men school. This is the new list of who's in or not. [u]Rejected[/u]-jro13, Ereshkigal [u]Accepted[/u]-Squall, sweetreyes, Ruby, Cyriel, Mage15, Baron Samedi, Boba Fett, Lrb, Ohkami Those of you who are rejected should not post in the RPG. You are rejected because I found your sign ups where lacking unlike others. If you wanted, fix these problems and I may put you in the accepted list.[/size]
[size=1][center][u]Rejected[/u]-jro13 [u]Accepted[/u]-Squall, sweetreyes, Ruby, Cyriel, Mage15, Baron Samedi, Boba Fett, Lrb -Sign Up- Name: Shin Hakai Age: 13 Gender: Male Grade: 7th Nationality: Japanese/German(Mostly Japanese) Ability: Shin has strong telepathy, which he cannot control. He cannot control it when he is under any kind of stress, good or bad. Appearance: [url=http://ayokano.250free.com/getBACKERS.jpg]Here[/url] Personality: Shin is a very laid back person, and tends to not worry about things. He fits in quickly in social groups, even though it is hard to find people like him. He uses his best effort to not mess up, even though it seems trouble follows him. Shin turns quite sad when it comes to his family, becuase he feels he knows nothing about it. Bio: Shin's mother and father, who was half German and half Japanese, came to the United States of America from Japan in their 20's. They had Shin here, and he grew up a happy and normal life. Shin never knew anything about his father's side of the family, and never met his grandfather or grandmother. He grew up feeling he was missing part of his family when he was older. Shin soon started middle school, and had problems with his powers more then today. He would get in a fight for saying something wrong, and would throw the other students into walls. On time his powers attacked a teacher, throwing back a piece of chalk, with full force, when he lost his temper over Shin not listening in class. These got him kicked out of the schools quickly, and soon ended up in Advent Middle, starting his new school year. ---- I am leaving sign ups open till tomorrow, and Lrb has that amount of time to get done with his. Later tomorrow I will start the RPG.[/size]
[size=1][center]-Story-[/center] Many people know the term "Super Humen". Super Humens are the thing of fantasies, and facts can be told about them, so they are not real. But the only reason these cases are true is that because Super Humens are rare, but that is change in this new era. Now Super Humens are being born more. They are known as freaks if they are open to others about their powers, and most hide it from their family and friends. Some fear the power, and some abuse it. Goverments, even were they live, want that power no matter what for reasons that differ. They fight over the Super Humen race, but the Super Humens do not want to be slaves of normal men, just to be use a war toy. In New York City, America, the middle school Advent Middle, the Invisable War will start. [center]-Stuff-[/center] As you can see, your character is going to be a Advent Middle student. I really want this one to do well, unlike my other RPGs. The reason my RPG is rated PG-13 is becuase it has [B]mild[/B] language, [b]some[/b] sexual content ([B]No[/B] sex), and violence. Please keep these guild lines in your post, because I do not want F-bombs and sex in them. I don't want characters to be swearing in every post, and not alot of sexual content. [center]-Guild Lines-[/center] These could also be call "rules". These are guild lines for your posting in my RPG. 1. Have good grammer and spelling. Not perfect, just good. 2. Do not control the story or other member's characters. 3. Like I have said before, I don't want characters swearing in every post and sexual content everywhere. 4. Some of the RPG well take place at the school, others outside of the school. I say when schoold is done, or when the weekend is here, 5. Post should follow Otaku Boards' and the Adventure Lounge's rules. 6. No god-modding. [center]-Sign Up-[/center] This most be the part you have been waiting for the most? Or not -__-;;; Well here it is! -Sign Up- Name: Simple. Period. Age: 11-12(6th) 12-13(7th) 13-14(8th) Gender: Simple. Period. Grade: 6th, 7th, 8th Nationality: Not everyone is comming from Japan. Period. Ability: Lets not have the same old same old "I can control fire!!1111" I want something that grabs my attention, that makes me think "Wow, he/she must have thought very hard on that." That or the rest of you sign up was good >.> No "gods" and you can only have one ability. Appearance: Pictures are nice, if not, this better be good. Personality: How your chacarter acts with others, dislikes, likes. Make it good. I don't want all.........."Quiet, alone, hates........ everyone...." Bio: Your Super Humen ability starts around this time, so for 6th graders it will start beginning, and if you are in the higher grades, you should have it. Your character can have Super Humen parents by the way, but I want to keep characters like that limited. The school year is beginning, and 6th graders are new here. Now that is done, this, personality, appearance(if you write it) matter the most, so do well on those please. If not, you won't make it in. I won't be very strict, so if you do well, you're in ^___^[/size]
[size=1]Hot Hot Heat is a rock band if you didn't know that. They may not be well known, I think. I got their CD "Make up the Brakedown" for Christmas because my local rock station had played "Bandages" and "Talk to Me, Dance with Me" and I liked the fast beat of the songs and the lyrics of the songs and wanted to hear more. My favorite songs on the CD are "Banages" and "Naked in the City Again", because of the lyrics and beat of the songs. "Banages" being about mistakes, I think, and "Naked in the City Again" because it relates to how some people need attition. What I want to know is if anyone has heard Hot Hot Heat's songs, and if so, do you like them or not? Why do you like or do not like them, and what songs do you like or dislike and why? - Ayokano-ness-[/size]
[size=1]*Finds old post and zaps it* O_O........ I was like that? Edit:Inuyasha7575, get a type of theme and build your deck around it. Not to be mean or anything, but your deck is very out of focus. Go to the Otaku Yu-Gi-Oh page and you will find some helpul hints(I guess I should go there too ^_^;;;;) Here is a deck I helped youngest brother make. I think it is a beat down/ burner deck........ but I really don't know. He made most of it, and I just took out the cards I thought he didn't need. [b][u]Machine Deck of Youngest Brother![/u][/b] [u]5+ Monsters[/u] Jinzo x1 [u]4- Monsters[/u] Man-Eater Bug x1 Beta the Magnet Warrior x1 Robotic Knight x2 Acrobat Monkey x1 Gaint Soldier of Stone x1 Roulette Barrel x1 Spirit of the Harp x2 Zolga x1 Island Turtle x2 Overdrive x1 Inpachi x1 Cannin Soldirer x1 Big eye x1 Magicain of Faith x1 Hwlping Robo for Combat x1 Prevent Rat x1 Witch of the Black Forest x1 Oni Tank T-35 [u]Magic and Trap[/u] Scapegoat x2 Dark Hole x1 Ekibyo Drakmord x1 Morale Boost x1 7 Completed x2 Dian Keto the Cure Master x3 Change of Heart x1 Thunder of Ruler x1 Paralyzing Potion x1 Michizure x1 Pineapple Blast x1 Monster Reborn x1 Blast with Chain x1 Sword of Deep-Seated x1 Soul Exhange x1 Waoku x1 Pigonholing Books of Spell x1 Machine Conversion Factory x2 Enchanted Javelin x1 Robbin' Goblin x1 I think it has 43 cards. Most of the traps only work for one turn, so if he uses them before he plays Jinzo he is okay. Not very tornament playable I know, just for fun play.[/size]
[size=1]-Sign Up Form- Name: Kormal Lin Age: 17 Element: Air(Duh) Bio: Let me think on this one please. I'll get it done when I have though about it. Appearance: [url=http://ayokano.250free.com/getBACKERS.jpg] Here[/url] Wears the Crest of Air, which is a pair of one white wing and one black wing, around his neck. Personality:Kormal is quite around others, and he doesn't like others around him. He seems to keep away from a group, and only thinks he can help himself. He doesn't bother with making friends, and tries he best not to bound with any one because of his past. Kormal doesn't think as highly of himself as he dd before because of his lost, and sometimes thinks he is worst player of the topped ranked.[/size]
[size=1]The guy in the infront of the moon looks a lot like Vincent, so I guess it is him. I thought if Barret would be in the movie he would have a more of a Mr. T look........ I guess he doesn't. *Does not see Cid* I think this "bad guy" has people helping them, because they all have the same kind of guns and are fighting Cloud in on picture. From what I saw the CG looks very good, but I am not awed because it has been done with FF: The Spirts Within and Flight of Orisis.[/size]
[size=1]Character Sign-up- Name: Jin Kazama Country of Origin: Japan Style of Fighting: Traditional Karate Age: 21 Blood Type: AB Height & Weight: 180cm - 75kg Apperance: [img]http://www.manji-clan.com/wtcl/images/characters/jin_kazama.jpg[/img] Occupation: Martial artist. Hobby: Walks in the forest. History: Brisbane, Australia... a city crowded with buildings, new and old. Nestled amongst the towering buildings of this city was a small dojo. A young man trained there, his face covered by the hood of his jacket. This young man trained there quietly... ... The young man was Jin. Day after day, Jin trained in the traditional art of karate. Ever since Heihachi's betrayal, Jin loathed everything about himself. His Mishima bloodline, his fighting style, the Devil gene in his blood, everything. He unlearned the Mishima-ryu fighting style thanks to the dojo master's training and mastered traditional karate. Jin's thoughts burned with the desire to destroy the evil Mishima bloodline, the bloodline of his grandfather, Heihachi Mishima, and his father, Kazuya. One day, Jin heard rumors that The King of the Iron Fist Tournament 4 was announced. A once in a lifetime opportunity to exterminate the Mishima clan... Without hesitation, Jin hardened his resolve to enter the tournament. Jin hit a sandbag with his sharply honed kick. The bag burst open violently, and sand poured out of the bag... Likes: Mother's precepts. Dislikes: Deception.[/size]
[size=1]Bands/Artists- Real Name: Kormal Lone Nickname: Lone Band Name/Artist Name: No One Wants Us Alliance: Da Undagrond Genre: New Age Rock Plays: Electric Guitar/ Main vocal Style: Most of his lryics deal with his and other band member's lifes, but also likes to sing and write about girls he likes. He does his best for the fans of No One Wants Us, and treats every band member equally. Appearance: [url=http://ayokano.250free.com/getBACKERS.jpg]Here[/url]. He carries a electric guitar which is white with light blue strips on it. [/size]
[size=1]Kai walked into the white tiled lab with the Professor. He looked at the table with two Pokeballs on it. Kai looked at the Professor. "Meg came already?" Kai said with a cold voice. "Yes she did. She picked a Torchic." the Professor said told answered cheerfuly. Kai rolled his eyes, and picked up a Pokeball in the middle. He started to walk out of the small lab. "Wait do you even know what Pokemon you picked?!?" The Professor asked. Kai stood there, and opened the Pokeball. A Treecko came out, and looked at him. Kai bent down to met the Treecko. Kai smiled and put his hand on Treecko's head, and rubbed it. Kai put the pokemon back in the ball, and walked to the Professor. "Thank you." Kai said to him. The Professer handed him five more Pokeballs, and Pokedex, and a item. Kai walked off to the forest, and entered it. The branches shaded his eyes, and he took out his Pokeball, and let out Treecko. "Tree-Treecko!"[/size]
[COLOR=sienna][size=1]"Something has lefted the forest." Asa soft voice echoed in the jail. Austin knew that a corrupt had gotten the crystal of the forest. Anger built up inside of him. "They have it....." his voice echoed in their cells. "Man if we didn't get stuck in these cells!" Matt said loudly. Austin bursted, and he stood up. He ran to the oak door, and slammed his fist on it. He felt a small amount of pain, but the door fell to the floor with a large crash. The two elven gaurds stood up quickly to attack, but they flew back to the stone wall. He slammed his fist on the oak door that belonged to the cell that was nexted to his. It fell, and he rushed in to untied Matt. He really losened the rope around his wrists, and ran out to the next two cells and broke down their doors. He losened the last of his team mate's ropes, and grabbed his weapons. The others took their's. Austin opened the door to fine stone walls. He had tried to remembered the way the had entered, and the walked in the cold halls of the elven castle. They came to the large oak doors, and Austin climbbed the stone stairs to the look out. The elven knight took out a small dagger before Austin could raise his hammer, and slashed him with it. He felt the pain of his muscle being cut, and the warmth of the blood rushing out of his arm. He cleched in pain, and his hammer knocked the elven warrior of the stairs. He rushed up them, and opened the large oak doors. He rushed down the stairs, and joined them outside. He could still feel the pain of his arm. "Was that your plan?" Matt asked. Austin and him knew it didn't go smooth, looking at his arm. "No...." he said. He felt weaker because of the large amount of blood exiting out of his body. "Let me see your arm." Asa told him. He put it out, and flenched in pain. She touched it, and a glow came from her hands. He could feel his vains and muscles mend, but still felt tired,"You'll be fine in a few days. You have lost alot of blood." Asa's dog came from the bushes, and rushed torwards her. She happily picked the dog up, and he licked her face. Austin smiled, and they went on. "So where do we go next?" Rokuki asked. Austin thought hard. If they went back to the base, they wouldn't be of any help. If they could help the other group, they would be of some help. "There is alot of people in Mirror City." Asa said. He pulled out his Cellcom, and looked on the map. It was not that close, but they could get there fast because of Rokuki. "Fine, we go there." Matt said cheerfully. Austin blinked at him, and looked at the tree tops. "Okay oh great leader." he said. He looked back at Matt, and he blinked. He know what he ment, and smiled. OCC: There Lrb, happy leadership ^_^) P.S:Stick Fairy sorry if your dog isn't small. I'll check....[/COLOR][/size]
[size=1]Sign Up- Name: Kai Kormal Age: 14 Town: Sandom Pokemon: Treecko Apperence: [url=http://ayokano.250free.com/getBACKERS.jpg] Here.[/url] Personality: Kai doesn't like to have friends, and advoids people. He is quiet torwards others, and rarely battles. He loves his Pokemon, and takes care of them, but all of them have a distance relationship. Bio: Kai was born and raised in Sandom. When he was toung, his father ran away to become the best Pokemon trainer. Austin never heard of him again, and he soon gave up on his hero. His hero failed, and a part of him died with that. He still wants to be a trainer, but nobody know why, but he wants to finish his father's dream. Trainer or Gym Leader: Trainer[/size]
[size=1]I did this earlier back, but I never started it. Sorry for those who took time to post your sign ups, but you are welcomed to rejoin if you want. [I]The Story-[/I] The Earth is filled with magical creatures, all living in the same world of the humans, co-existing with us. They each are powerful in their own way, and have powers above us. But we out number them, because we as humans grow faster then they do, and breed faster. Soon we hunt them down, and turn their bodies into weapons, which are made into hide armor. They are ran by a crystal in their heart, that is placed on the armor's chest piece, making it live. The kingdoms, to avoid war, start a tournament every five years in Rome, in which the winner wins the armor of Chimera. The armor, which nobody has seen in five years, is said to be the most powerful armor. It is said that the champion from the last two tournaments, Ken Latheith is returning. Nobody has seen him since the last tournament, and are clueless on his skills. Will he keep his Chimera armor, or give it up to a new champion? New and old armor wielders will enter the sixth tournament, and there may be only one champion. Who will win their battles, who will win the Chimera armor, and what lies lay with in this tournament? We will find out soon! ____________ Ok,here are some rules. 1.All posters must obey the rules of the Adventure Arena,and of OB. Your spelling and grammer must be good,and and read through post well. 2.We will not fight each other, so don't post about that. Also, fights later in the RPG will not be won in one post. No god modding. 3.Have fun, and your character must have a story, too. Make them grow up in a sense, and don't let them be unchanged at the end. Good RPGers make their characters change. 4.I and only I can tell who gets in. Nobody eles has a say in it. Those who do their sign up well and right will get in. ____________ This is what you need to get in. [I]Sign Up-[/I] Name: Make it sound like it is from its country. Also this is set in medievil times, so there is no USA. Age: Make it human. Gender: Any is fine with me...... there is more then two genders. Country: What country your character is from. The country will affect the animal you can pick, your appearance, bio, weapons, and style. Appearance: We are all humens, and make your character look like he or she is from your region. Put very good detail in this. Bio: Make it good. No,"Ohhh,my character has forgotten his or her past." If this would be done, put down what your character has forgotten. Also put down how he or she acts, their way of life, and anything else is welcomed. Animal Hide: What your armor is made of. It is hide, not metal. It can be any animal from myth, but cannot be half-humen like. You can also pick a normal animal, but it will be larger then it really is. Armor Appearance: What you armor looks like. Make it like your animal. Also put detail in this, and do remember that you have the crystal, so put what color it is. Weapon: Make it from your country. A person from Europe wouldn't be using a katana, so make it from your region. Also put in an appearance in too. You can only have one weapon, unless it is a paired weapon. No guns, because this is happening before guns. Body Weapon(s): These are weapons on your armor's "body". This can also be where wings and other tools can be put. A good one would be that a Hydra armor would have the heads of the past Hydra, just not many, that help in battle, or a head of dragon would throw flames. Style: If your character has a martial art or weapon style they are trained in, put it here. Because I have given no real time period yet, it is ok if it is new or old. If your character does not have a style, just put "None" or "His or her own" Ok that is all. Feel free to sign up, and I will post mine sign-up later.[/size]
[COLOR=sienna][size=1]Austin was ready to get the other weapon. He wanted to get the last weapon, so the could defeat the enemy. He didn't want anyone to get hurt, even his rivals. He looked back to Rokuki and his new weapon. It was the same kind of weapon he had before, but fancier. He also knew it was stronger then his older one. He looked to his group. "We should go," Austin started to say,"We have what we want. Rokuki, we can't make your weapon stronger right now, but I hope it will do." "It is okay." He answered back. "So lets go!" Matt said. Rokuki lifed them off the ground, and they moved quickly because of his new found crystal was powering his power. They soon came to the end of the grassy plain, and what seemed to be a wall of trees came infront of them. They entered the dense forest, and looked around them. It seemed as if their ears did not work anymore. The only thing they could hear was the leaves crunching below their feet. "We are going to break." he said as he leand against a tree. "I am getting tried." Asa said as she sat down. Austin clipped off his crystal, leaving the two other copies on. "Why are you doing that?" Matt asked with a confused tone. "I don't want to knock down the whole forest," Austin said," I bet it took a long time to grow." It was quiet for a while, but was broken when objects were shoot at them. They had missed and hit the ground and trees. Austin saw a quick glance and saw that the objects were arrows. Like cats movinfg in for the pounch, elven humaniods came from behind trees and bushes. They created a circle around the group, and Austin dropped his hammer. Other members of his party soon followed. "What reasons do you have for being in our home?" a slim young male said loudly. He had his bow readied to be shoot if they teens make any moves to hurt them. He had light blue eyes and long blond hair. "We are searching for something." Matt said loudly. "What?" the elven male asked. "The cry-" Matt started to say, but Austin butted in. He didn't want them to know what they were searching for. They may be on the other side. "Nothing. We are on a journey." Austin said with a tense tone to his voice. They tied their hands up with a strong rope, and were taken to a castle in the deep forest. The oak doors opened, and they were takened to cells. "What do you have planned now oh great leader." Matt's voice echoed in to his cell. "I really have idea wha-" Austin started to say. He felt his sphere in his pocket. The elves did not know about them. "Great." Rokuki's voice echoed. "No I have one now. Does everyone still have their sphere?" Austin asked.[/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=sienna][size=1]Austin looked at his new weapon. He could feel that it had more power then his past weapon. He liked the power, and felt he could help the team more. He could show Ryo. He looked at Matt and Asa. Why where they fighting...... "You know what they say about two who fight?" he said to them with a large smile. They looked at him like he was carzy. "They say they like each other!" He winked........ "Can we stop messing around?" Karanlik said as they entered the city. They started to go deeper into the city. Austin pulled his Cellcom out, and it beeped. They sound of beeping came from their Cellcoms, and they followed what the their Cellcoms pointed to..... well atleast Austin.[/size][/COLOR]
[size=1]"The World" Ayokano and his party entered the fourth floor of the dungon. Their Wave Master had been killed on the secoun, and the Blade Master third. This room seemed emty, and the Long Arm and Ayokano started to talk. "Why is such a hard place like this named "Happy Sunshine Hills"?" she asked. Ayokano laugh. "Nothing is what is seems in "The World"." He answered her. She sighed, and laughed with him. "Real World" Austin looked at his screen as a message popped up. He read it, and smiled. He always like making new buddies. He sat there, and started to sleep, but was awakened by a roar. "The World" Ayokano and Lilith readied for battle. He unshealthed Strum Tyrann, and a large monster came. It was a silver armor, named "Holy Armor" and carried a silver lance. Energy charged from it, and shot torwards Lilith. He pushed her out of the way, and was shot with the white energy. The beam of energy stopped, and only some of Ayokano's health was gone. Lilith had got up, and the two players striked the armor with everything they had. It feel in pieces, and they advance torwards the entrance to the fifth floor.[/size]
[size=1][COLOR=sienna]Austin's hammer laied on the snow cover ground as he and the girl locked hands. She quickly threw him aside, and he hit the ground with a hard thump. He was covered in snow when he got up, and the two attacked each other again. He felt she was more powerful then him when he did not have his hammer. The two did not melee, but threw their arms up. Spines of earth torwards each of them. The hit each other, and the ground shook. As the caught their ground, the ran torwards each other. The young woman punched his jaw, and he flew backwards. He was blanked.... and was drown in a sea of darkness. He awoked a few minutes later, and got up. His head ached, and he looked at his counter part. "....... Who are you?!?" he asked. He wanted to know his opponents name.... and why they where here. OCC:It is fine sublime1, I understand ^_^[/size][/COLOR]