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Everything posted by Ayokano
[size=1]Dun Loireag Root Town- Theta Server Ayokano sat in a wooden chair in the Theta Server. He sat there thinking and whaching others talk to other players. He sat thre in peace, and soon a party of three players came to him. "Would you like you form a party?" a female Long Arm asked. She was wearing a deep pink, and her eyes were blue and hair blond. "Yah, we've heard alot about you!" a other female player said. She was a wave master, and wore a light baby blue robe. She had brown hair and blue eyes. He looked at the other player and........ also a female player. He really felt weird....... and didn't like fan clubs of girls chasing him around. "Sure!" he said with a fake laugh with his right arm on the back of his head. Anyone could tell that was a fake laugh. The soon came near the Chaos Gate, and saw a few other players. One seemed to stick out of the crowd more........ but his mind was awoken when they asked what field they should go to. "What about "Happy Sunshine Hills"?" he asked the three female players. They blinked dumbly at him, as if he was crazy. "..... Why?" one asked. "Don't worry, it is hard." he said to them. They picked "Happy" then "Sunshine" then "Hills". Soon the were brought to green hills, where the sun shined brightly. They awed, and soon high level monsters came. They were bug-like, and attacked the party. Ayokano slashed one, and it feel in half, when he let the other three fight the others. Soon it feel, with a loud roar. They party came to the entrance of the dungon.[/size]
[COLOR=sienna][size=1]OCC:......... First off sublime1, my character locked weapons with the evil earth holder, meaning he isn't fighting with the others seeing how he is busy with his own rival. Second Austin can only control plates in a small area around him, meaning he can't knock everyone down. You don't have to edit your post, just read through post for now on. IC:Austin turned his head back to Asa, making sure she was ok. She didn't look ok, but she would come to. His earth rival pushed him back and their weapon's unlocked. Austin was not ready, and his opponent striked him, knocking him back. He was pushed to the side, and hit the ground. The he felt the earth move around him, and he was trapped inside a wall of ground. He raised his hammer, and smashed the wall, and pieces of flew around the battle field. Austin looked in his opponent's eyes, with rage and hate. He ran torwards him(or her -_-) and raised his hammer. His opponent readied, but Austin jumped with the large hammer up. He came crashing down, and a small crater was formed from the powerful strike. His rival did not get hit, and was behind him. He turned with the hammer ready and hit his opponent. He(OR SHE!) was thrown back, and hit the ground hardly. He would wait till he(or she) got up, and he(or she) did, and readied his'(or her's) weapon.[/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=sienna][size=1]Austin stood there whatching the others battle. His mind was on something else..... and the words keep repeating in his mind.... slowly. [I]We could always feed him Austin.[/I] The words ringed through his mind. Why would he say that. He was just as good as he was. [I]I'll show him,[/I] Austin thought. Soon he was awakened, and as he turned a large weapon hit his large hammer. The two weapons shook the Earth around them, and he knew this person was the holder of the evil earth sphere. He was punched hard and flew back, and when he got up he was gasping for air. The figure raised his weapon and it rushed towards Austin. He roled out of the way as it hit the ground, shaking it. Austin raised his hand and spikes made of Earth raised from the ground, making a cage around the person. The person cut through the cage quickly, and rushed towards Austin. The weapons clashed again, and the Earth cracked around them.[/size][/COLOR]
[size=1]Austin stood near the door whatching it so none of those beast come. He whached carefully, and soon the knob to the tower opened. He readied his gun, and his finger was so close to the trigger he could feel the cold metal. It opened slowly, and a man stained with blood came out of it. He didn't seem like those monsters, but he would make sure, because they didn't seem to be able to talk. "Who are you!" he shouted to the person. "My name is Whist." he answered back. He fell, and clunched his bleeding arm. Everybody looked at him, not willing to help him if he was really infected. He and others soon rushed to him, knowing he wasn't one of them. They took the object from his arm, and taking a close look at it. It was a bullet, and when done the but a bandage over the arm. "How did that happen?" Austin had asked when he awoke. He did want to know, in case the animal like humens knew how to use a weapon advanced like a gun. "One of them shot me after they took a gun," he said looking at the bandage,"I doubt they knew how to use it." "That's a good thing." Austin said under his breath. He got up and walked away to report it to the captain.[/size]
[COLOR=sienna][size=1]Austin with his hammer on his shoulder, looked around. He felt something, and it didn't feel right. He knew something will happen. Snares and growls came from the small packs of snow covered trees, and wolves rushed towards the teens. Austin was last of them to turn around, and when he did two grey wolves had jumped. With a wave of his hand, a barrier of land shielded him from their attack. He waved his hand agine the the barrier was gone. He stared at his hand, then to the ground. He thought if the brown sphere helped him do it, and he heard the growls of the two wovles. They jumped to him agine, and he lifted his hammer shielded from their attack agine. The two wolves hit the brass, and started to give a cry. ".......... Ummmmm....... Yah....." Austin said as he put his hammer back on his shoulder, and waited for more wolves. It wasn't long till more came. OCC:........ Ok I didn't hurt them alot..........[/COLOR][/size]
[size=1]Sign Up- Name: Hatakai Kai (Meaning Kai is his first name and Hatakai is his last, thus meaning he is Kai) Gender:Male Age: 22 Appearance: [url=http://ayokano.250free.com/valor.jpg]Cool.[/url] Clan: Tatshuka (Their the evil ones..... opps ^_^; ) Bio: Kai was born in the Tatshuka clan, his mother being a member. His father was just a mere toy used by her to have him. After she gave brith to Kai, she killed him by stabing him in all his weak spots. She and others trained the young ones to be great warriors. He has a weak spot for women, mainly becuase he had no real father figure and they brought him up, and does not kill women or children. He kills any man that is willing to stand up to him, and worthy ones bare him scars. He is fast and deadly, and his daggers just help. Kai is load mouth, and may seem cocky to most, but his words match his skill. He is laied back, and is cool and calm. He thinks he is better then most scum of Tatshuka, and tries his best to prove it. Pet: If he had one it would be dead.[/size]
[size=1]What I look in anime or manga...... well that may have to be broken down by genre. Action anime must have good plots, and not repeat themselves over and over. It is nice and dandy that Goku is saving the world, but why? Why must he fight the bad guys who have no real reason to destory Earth? Also if they are going to have jokes...... make them funny, and not repeat themselves also. Drama, comedy, romance are all pretty much the same type of anime. I rarely see them not mushed together. If they have jokes in them, like I said before, make them funny. Also, they should have a very good plot that pulls you into it. Anime shouldn't have these long lines of saga and video games that make you have to play, see, and read them all to understand the saga. This is why .hack// and Dragon Ball are so bad to me. You will have to buy everything from the saga to understand it. Gundam differs from these because it is more of anime stringed together then one whole thing. I'm done.[/size]
[B][u]"The World?[/B][/u] User Name: Ayokano Gender: Male Affiliation: Mod Class: Blade Master Special Ability: Banning Weapon: Sturm Tyrann- A silver bladed broad sword, the hilt and handle is a light blue metal and covered in clear diamonds. Description: [url=http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=ateliermarie&image=35]Here[/url] Level: 77 Role: Mod [B][u]"Real" World[/B][/u] Name: Austin Kuze Age:16 Gender:Male Description: [url=http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=kohimeohse&image=21]The guy looking [B]in[/B] the mirror[/url] Bio: Austin lives in America, and has all his life. He was born to a middle class family, and at the age of 6 his father died. Austin grew anti- social, and was always quite. He lived on video games, all kinds. Austin soon bought "The Word" and was the only thing he played. He was known for his leadership in parties, and helped many players. He soon had became a mod when asked, and is known for his justice in "The World".
[size=1]Yes, your RPG sounds alot like "28 Days Later" ^_~ Sign Ups- Name:Austin James Nationality:U.S Rank:Staff seargent Age:26 Height/Weight:6' 3"/ 150 lbs. Prime Weapon:M16 Melee Weapon:A hunting knife with black handle. Discription:[url=http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=kohimeohse&image=21]The guy looking [b]in[/b] the mirror. He also wears his uniform.[/url] Personality:Cool and calm, he is wise for his age. He would help anyone in need, and tries his best to do so. He is worried about what is happening though, even if he doesn't show it. Edit:Yah..... Ruby beat me to it, and I won't try to beat Ruby ^_^[/size]
[COLOR=sienna][size=1]Austin put his hands on his face, covering it. He didn't like the cold snow, and he dug into it to find his light brown sphere. He put it in his right pocket, and picked up the red device and placed it in his left. He didn't want to get up, and didn't bother to pick up his large war hammer. "My name is Austin." he told them. He waited for others to tell their names, and the first one was girl wearing blue. "My name is Mika." Mika had said cheerfuly with a smile. He seemed to like her joy, and she and him seemed to be the only ones of the group to have any. He wouldn't blame them, he missed his side of the road. But maybe these kids had at least someone who cared for them, unlike him. "Nice to meet you." he said back when he awoke from his thinking. Next to being cheerful and funny, he liked to day dream and think alot. He wished he had a jacket now........[/COLOR][/size]
[COLOR=sienna][size=1]Name:Austin Kuze Age:17 Sphere:Gaia Powers:Austin can control the plates of Earth, causing earthquakes and the power to make landforms formed by the force of two or more plates crushinf into each other. His powers are weak though, so he cannot move large plates. He is also stronger then a normal person, and can carry large loads. Weapon:A war hammer larger then he is, it is brass and around the hammer lay dark green diamonds. Description:[url=http://ayokano.250free.com/christian_de_medich.jpg]Here[/url] Bio:Austin had a fairly normal life. Many would love to have it, but he found it boring. He is funny and loves to see others laugh, but his life seemed to not have time for that. His father, owning a large corp., wanted his heart to grow cold like his. He never really knew his real mother, only in life having step-mothers who went quickly. He soon ran away from the place he called home, and found himself walking the on the side of the road, that seemed endless. He found a light brown stone when he sat on it when taking a rest, and found the war hammer next. He seemed to be able to carry it, and after a few days, he had a dream. It told him his powers, and what he must do with them, and now he has not waken up.[/COLOR][/size]
[size=1]OCC:Blah you. Austin sat there.... still. Heads once again came to him, but eyes were on him and the girl. He knew nothing of her.... and didn't care either. He pushed the girls hand away from him, and got up. He walked slowly, but was stopped by the girl's voice. "So, will you?" she asked sexually. Austin turned his head to the side as he stood. "....... No." He said quitly to her. Oo's came from others students. He looked at them with hate and anger, and went to another table to read.[/size]
[size=1]Austin sat in the library, reading [I]The Raven[/I]. He felt that he should go, because he didn't like anywhere in the school. He and few others where doing something other then......... [I]Sex.[/I] ..... He put his face near to the book. He look at the table next to him, and saw a girl on a boy's lap. He seemed mad, and had a bank face on. [I]What you know you want it.[/I] He blushed and was red. He blinked dumbly at the book, and tried to read the black font. His mind soon wandered off it soon again. [I]You lie badly.[/I] "Shut up!" he hissed at himself. Heads turned, and his whole face was red. Even though he did not care for what others thinked..... what he was thinking made him blush. He sat there with a blank face staring at the book, not reading it. He heard about a party tonight. He would go.[/size]
[size=1]Austin sat in his chair and took notes quickly as the teacher wrote them. He listened to every word she said, not likw his peers. He heard them say fowl things about Ms. Herlon. He sat there, still taking notes. [I]What they say is not true. Ms. Herlon doesn't do that. She is not that.[/I] Mr. Herlon was Austin's favorite teacher. She was nice other then his other teachers, and cared for his students. He seemed to be the only one to care back, and they had short talks when he came to class early. She was young and pretty, with a light tan. Her hair was blonde, and eyes where deep blue. She wore glasses, and was cheery person. Austin was soon done with notes, and took out [I]The Raven[/I] to read for the rest of the class. He sat there and read, as others not finished taking notes were talking. That was all of the class but him, so it was loud. He tried to read his book, but couldn't, and thoughts straied away from it and his teachers nice voice. [I]Idiots. They should all shut up. Ms. Herlon is giving her time to teach them.[/I] Austin had to be as good as his father. His father was very smart and owned a large corp. He hardened Austin when his mother died of cancer, the only person who loved him. He was a happy child, but soon that changed also. He had to make all A's, and had no TV. He only could read and listen to music. Manga was a large part of his life. He would stay hours in his room reading the comic books when listening to music. Austin could only use the computer for work, so he had no real use for it. "Please be quit class. Most of you should be done by now," she had said nicely. The other students rushed to copy the notes, and the room had grew quit. Austin started to read again. [I]Thank you.[/I][/size]
[size=1]Name:Austin Tabris Age:16 Gender:Male Grade:Junior Appearance:[url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=455435]Weeeeeeeee![/url] Personality:Austin is very quit and only speaks when needed. He doesn't care for girls or sex, and wishes school wasn't so stupid. He thinks adults are stupid, and everyone else who thinks their smart are. He doesn't like being in a group, and doesn't like when others label him to one. Misc:....... Blah[/size]
[size=1]OOC:Sorry I haven't post sooner..... I had tried but didin't fell it was very good. ------- Austin awoke laying on the ground. He when he got up his shirt had stick to his back because of the dew on the bright green grass. He was in the shadow of a large oak-like tree, and shaded his eyes from the sun. Everything differ from Earth. The sea was clearer, the air was fresher, the plants healthy. He sat down and the hill and looked down to a large city. He sat there for some time before getting up. He walked down the step hill and came to the city gates. A large man in armor looked down to him. "Why do you come?" he said with a deep voice. ".... I don't really know why... I need a place to stay...." Austin answered. "Do you have any weapons?" the deeped voiced man asked. "No....." Austin said back. Why would he carry weapons? The man shouted to the other side of the gate, and they opened. He let Austin into the busy streets of the city. He looked around amazed by it as others bumped into him. He walked into a small pub, and a waitress came to him. She had white hair and red eyes, but way young. She smiled at him as he stared at her. "What can I do for you?" she said cheerly. "Is there a place I can find some help? See I am new here and don't know my way around." he asked kindly. "........ Ummm sure......." she said. She thought he would hit on her or somthing,"There is a tower where you can get some help." Austin went out of the pub wishing he could find more help then that. He looked around and saw a cloaked figure infornt of him. "You are one of the legends." the cloaked figure said with a strange voice as he took of the hood of the cloak. He was bird-like, and feathers with yellow. He had an orange beak, and hands where talons. "Come with me." and with these words he told the boy as he took him by hand to a stone building.[/size]
[size=1][Color=green]Code Name:Robin Real Name:Tim Drake Age:14 Gender:Male Powers/Skills:Robin has been trained in martial arts and arobatic skills. He has a utility belt with the equipment that he uses, to mention some a retractable bo staff, smoke bombs, the birdarang, and freeze disks. Power/Skill Origin:Training and equipment Alliance:Titan Description:[url=http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/titans/tools/img/casefiles/gear1.jpg]Here[/url] Biography:Tim was born to a family who were in the circus. His parents had died in a act(I think), and he was taken in by a man who was whaching the act, Bruce Wayne. Bruce had taken him in because he saw him inside the boy, his parents had also been killed when young, and he lost his only family. Bruce tought Drake everything he knew, and had even told him that he was Batman. Drake wanted to help Bruce fight crime, and he did as Robin. After some time Drake wanted to go solo, and over time had found the Teen Titans. He befriended the members, and became the "leader" of the group. He has a good sense of justice and always dose what is right. I hope that is ok. I kinnda mix the bio from the cartoon Batman and Teen Titans.[/size][/color]
[size=1]"You can go now Tain." a woman said to a boy. She was Tain's mother, Kellinith. She had long blond hair, light blue eyes, and her wings where a bright orange color. She was 35 years old, and had met Tain's father when 23. When she had given brith to him he lefted for some reason she knew but never told Tain about. "Okay mom." Tain answered as he went out the door with a red bookbag, and waved goodbye. He was going to met his friends, and he walk slowly. He soon saw Nisha, and ran towards her waving. "Hi Kari!" he said to her has he ran. She turned to him and waved back. "Hi Tain!" she said has he slowed down. "So you were helping your mom?" "Yah, she needed some help," he answered, "Sorry I am late. Where are the others?" he asked looking around. "They just went." she said," Lets go find them." she said with a smile. They ran off trying to find their friends. The soon saw them fighting Pixies. He saw massive amounts of fruit pulp and juice of different colors, and he thanked that they weren't from his mom's shop. He ranned towards one of the pixies looking for a fight, and tackeled the creature to the ground. There punches where threw, and it seemed never ending. OCC:Could we please get done with this pixie stuff and move the story, because it has taken up a page........ And I feel it is going to be like that Digimon RPG I am in.[/size]
[size=1]A jet black crow flapped its wings again in the grey sky. The wind blew across his feathers as he flew down. It was Yata, the cultist of the Wind colony. He had been searching for the others to form a party, and had no luck for the pass four hours. Comming to a thick forest, he spotted clearing with two people in it. He flew down to the thick forest, not wanting to be killed if he had landed in the clearing, and turned back to his normal form. He came out unarmed, and looked at the two. He looked at the ground and saw the head of Kilen, one of the elders of his colony. It was not cutted off, but torn with great power. He looked at the two men, and saw the large man. He must of done it, but the other one could have. "I am Yata Gurusumo, cultist of the Wind colony," he said to the two men, as he took out his theacher's bleached skull," This belonged to my former master of the dark magic." he told them. He looked at them both waiting for an answer.[/size]
[size=1]Name:Yata Gurusumo Age:17 Colony:Wind Rank:Member Allegiance:Bad Weapon(s):None Magic:Yata has the power to turn into air, and turn back into his normal form. He also can control the speed, temperature, and direction of the air. He also can summon forth magical crows , and Yata can turn into a crow himself, a power he uses to spy on other parties. Appearance:Yata is pale and built light. His eyes are blood red, and he has long, light grey hair, almost white, hair. He has a kind face, but if you look closer it seems his thoughts are cruel and hateful. On his back carry a pair of long jet black wings. Yata wears a light armor given to him, and is able to fly when wearing it also.** Personality:Yata looks kind if you look at his with a glance, and he uses this to trick others, but Yata is cruel because of the way he grew up. Yata loves battle, only if he has a worthy opponent. A weak spot to Yata is kindness, and he dislikes it dearly. He is quit towards others, and doesn't speak in his soft tone much. Bio:Yata was born, and by then his world was turned inside out. He was abused by his parents, mentaly mostly, and it drove him to be carzy. The other children made fun of the way he looked, and rocks where always thrown his way. Yata was weak then, and could not protect himself. Yata when 15 years old turned to the power of dark magic. He learned from books, and a teacher soon came to him and tought him to control more powerful magic. He soon turned into the teacher's monster, and set him out on the small town of the clouds, destorying it. After his magic torn down the town, he turned to his master, and killed him with his own hands. Starving more power, Yata joined the dark cult to gain more. Extra:His teacher's bleached skull **See attactment for basic idea[/size]
[size=1]That is Anima in the middle , Black_Phoenix, a summon from Final Fantasy 10. The banner is very well done, the images look good and how you blend it was done very well. The qoute is weird..... and I don't really like it. Also, I think it would look good with a border, but one is not needed. Great for a first banner, and can't wait to see more of your work.[/size]
[size=1]....... >.< I was about to make a thread about this............ I have been in choir for about one year. I joined in sixth grade and I am now in seventh grade. I also went to honor's choir a few weeks ago, where we had everybody from different schools and grade levels in middle school learn to sing five songs very well in one and a half days. Heh, it was a free trip to the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia. My voice part is bass, and is the third one in my school choir, and I think the only one in seventh grade. I think it is sort of unfair that the schools aren't supporting programs such as band and choir. I know most principals would like to support them. Some schools don't even have these programs, and I think schools like ours are very lucky to even have them. But most of the time they have to get money by fundraisers, and this week we are collecting our sells. Just wanted to have a say ^_^[/size]
[size=1]Austin looked at the crowds of dualist dualing each other, as he walked pass he could see holograms of monster roaring and fighting. But what made this island full of dualist so great is that you never know what type of deck a dualist will play, one of the reasons Austin had can to the small island. Austin walked as he saw a dual going on. It was a player aginest Rex Raptor, a dualist with a dinosaur and dragon themed deck. "So, do you really think you can beat me?" he said to the dualist he was dualing. He looked at him wide eyed and looked down. Rex nevered played many magic and trps to counter, and his deck was a beat down. Austin looked at the dualist, who had a simple Battle Ox out in defence mode. Rex had Black Tyrano out, and most of the dualist life points were gone. It was Rex's turn, and he attacked with Black Tyrano. "Do you know what Black Tyrano can do?" he asked. "No....." the dualist answered. "If your only monster is in defence mode, I can attack your life points directly," Rex said. The Black Tyrano charged at the player and attacked, and the opponent dualist lost. He handed over his cards, and lefted with his head down. "Who wants to dual me now!?!" Rex shouted. Austin stepped out of the crowd. "I will Rex Raptor," he said loudly.[/size]
[size=1]Character Sign Up- Name:Kai Kemo Age:17 Gender:Male Height:5'10" Weight:170 lbs Appearance:See attachment Biography:Kai was born to a poor family, and grew up with no father. His father had lefted when he was small to fill his dream of becoming the best Zoid pilot, but never came back. Kai used to dream and want for him to come back, but soon those dreams died out and he lefted them behind with his mother and younger sister. Kai had lefted with no money, and he could only get his hands on a free broken down Lighting Saix. He spent non-stop hours working to fix it, with junk yard parts bought cheaply. Fixing those and the Zoid took all his free time, and had none left to spare. He sometimes took time off the project to visit his mother and sister, and had saw how much he missed. Even though he wanted to drop the whole plan to fix the broken down Zoid, he soon remembered his father. He started agine and finished in a year. Personality:Kai is quit towards other and keeps to himself. He is not really a leader but the team manages, and do well. He only opens up to ones he trust and if so he talks alot to them, and his real personality takes form. When he is like that he is opened hearted and kind, and it is hard to find him acting cold to another. Team Sign Up- Team:Black Fusion Members:Hatsuharu Sohma, Kai Kemo Rank within Team:Member Team Zoids: x2 - Lightning Saix and x1 - Blade Liger Sworder Team Transport: Solid Black Hover Cargo Z.P.R.S Numbers: 4444421DC [ Hatsuharu Sohma ] [B]4444422DD [Kai Kemo][/B] 4444423DE [ ] Zoid Sign Up- Name:Lighting Saix Type:Lighting Saix Appearance: A Lighting Saix with a normal paint job, red strikes are found here and there on the black paint. Support Systems:A number of cooling systems, small Ion booster units on hind legs. Weapons:A moveable gatling gun unit mounted one the back, two small machine gun units mounted on front legs, one and each shoulder of the Lighting Saix. Custom Modifications:None[/size]
[COLOR=darkred][size=1]No we aren't "people" we are all OtakuBots and will eat your mind out.......... Sentimental Graffiti is a Japanese love simulation game that is different from the various other ones. Instead of the player game start out in love with the player, the 12 girls start out in love with the player. The only possible good ending to this game is to make one girl happy, and eleven others sad......... XD Sentimental Journey is the anime based on the game, and also the name for the Playstation 1 game. I think like VP-Master has said, do you mean Gatekeepers, which is followed by Gatekeppers 21, which aired or airs on TechTV? If so don't know much ^_^) Also...... I Googled for "Anime Saber" and got nothing already said. Trust me, BlazinReddrgn, there are alot of anime we do not know of. Trust me...... there is alot.[/COLOR][/size]