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Everything posted by Ayokano

  1. [size=1]......There were no planes in 1854 >.> Or hair gel.........or I think.... Name:Tain Nimheart Age:17 Appearence:Heavy built,he wear a dark green cotton vest,and dark green cotton pants.He has short black hair and light blue eyes.He only wears a dark blue cotton shirt if needed,but carries it along in Bio:.....o_o I will do this later Weapon:A heavy silver bladed axe.The handle is green wood,and is taller them him,about 7 feet.At the tip and end of the handle,there are green jade stones. Dragon:Earth Dragon's Attacks:Also get back on you for this..... Dragon's Appearence:[url=http://cardhaus.com/images/lod-040.jpg]Here[/url].......he just isn't a card >.> I have a great idea....we can turn this into super sentai........[/size]
  2. [size=1]Urban Grim Reaper....... I may go outside,but I am not going to trick or treat...I just hope my mom doesn't have a Holloween party,cause dressed up as a gothic person with a sythe isn't the best thing to do with people who worship God...like I do.... But it will be fun....eating the candy.[/size]
  3. [size=1]....*Looks at "Just so everyone knows, I'm a girl!"*You and Ohkami should start a club....... It is good....the only thing it needs is a border...becuase a banner always needs a border.....unless I am wrong....like I am always....>.> .....Edit:Ok I was wrong.......but it would look good with one.....>.>[/size]
  4. ....Oh shiny! [size=1]Like Magdalena said,those lines do need to be fix.Also to make it look cooler,you should do this- Shin[B]Ob[/B]i That would look cooler,but how it is right now is fine......it would just be funny if you just bolded "ob".[/size]
  5. [size=1]......Looks......grim....... Name:Tain Dark Age:26 Race:Human Decription:Paled skin,he wrapped his body in white bandages.His eyes and hair are black,and his hair is long,and is put up in a long pony tail.If not in battle,he wears a black robe,withhout the bandages covering his face. Bio:When Tain was being born,his mother was killed by a Grim Reaper.His father lefted him and his mother before that,and he had no close living family,so he was given to the orpanage.One one day,when he was 15,his mother's killer,a Reaper,told him he was ment to be killed,and he was broken by this.Tain now is not the best person to be around. Tain trained with in the same weapon that the Reapers kill with.He also is powerful in martial arts,and carries throwing knives also. Weapons:Scythe-The curved blade is blood red,a skull is on top of the black metal rod.The rod is about 6 feet. Thorwing Knives-The blades are black metalic,the form a wave.The handle is also the same color of the blades,and has a blood ruby in the middle of the handle. P.S-That is the basic for all the throwing knives.[/size]
  6. [size=1]....By the way,this has nothing to do with dogs......or dogs fighting....... |The Story| The world of Sky is set up in two powers,the Light Hawks and the Dark Ravens.These two powers have been fighting for ages,and it has seem most warriors have forgotten why.The only thing that is known is that the battles are set in the skies,because the world of Sky is almost covered with water.The ability to move warfare to the other's land would be costly,and both powers are poor.So the battles are set to the skies,and naval warships carry the planes to the area of battle.The newest Light Hawk warship,named [I]Virgo[/I] is setting out to sea,and with the new warfare on it,the war is now on the Light Hawks side.But the Dark Ravens also have a new ship being built,and is set to be made soon. |Weapons of War| These are the planes and warships that will be seen in the RPG. Planes-The planes look like War World I and II battle planes.They mostly have machine guns and bombs on them,but some have other ways of combat.Here are the models. 001/Amy-Air Knife:The Air Knife has blades that come out on the side of the wings.Equiped with machine guns,the are made for close combat and speed.Most weapons can't even hit them.Most pilots cannot hit targets with their weapons because they are not trained for fast pace combat. 002/Alexis-Stealth Racon:The Stealth Racon is equiped with a paint job the reflects radar.They are slow,because the engine power is cut in half to remove the sound of it.The paint is silver,and they are used in night missions.Equiped with machine guns and bombs,they are built to last in the heat of battle. Fire Blaze:A custom model used by Kai's father,after he died it was pasted down to him.Fire Blaze is crimson red,and the paint job reflects radar,but the engine is quit and the engine power does not have to be in half.The engine power is even more powerful then the Air Knife's,and also has longer blades on the wings.It is equiped with a machines gun also.* 003/May-Normal Man:This is the most used battle plane in Sky,by both sides.They are equiped with two machine guns,and four bombs(two under each wing),their speed is lower then the Air Knife's,but higher then the Heavy Dog's and Stealth Racon's.They have no real flaws,other then not having any real strengths. 004/Sakura-Heavy Dog-The main weakness is that it is slow,but with many weapons on them,who cares.Ten machine guns(two mounded on the head,four on each wing),six bombs(three on each wing),they are ment to be powerful.Armor is added,even if it slows them down more,to make sure the make it out of battle. 005/Shelly-X:A plane in testing,it is based on Fire Blaze.Other than that,not much is known.It is being made by the Light Hawks.* *You may not use the plane.X is a plane being built,and nobody knows about it. Warships-Naval Ship-Normal Man:This ship is the most common in the sea,they hold maned machine guns,missles,and rifles. Naval Ship-Virgo:The Light Hawks newest ship,it is fast for a naval ship,and holds more of the same weapons that the Normal Man naval ship holds.It is the only of its kind,but it is trying to be mass prduced. Naval Ship-Vix:No much is known about it,it is being built by Dark Raven. |Rules| Some rules we must obey. 1.You must but in mind all the Otaku Boards and Adventure arena rules count too. 2.You must have good spelling and grammer. 3.I may not be able to post sometimes,if not do not pm me all the time to tell me to post. 4.I can pick who is in. |Sign Ups| Name: Age:18-39 Gender: Description:We don't wear uniforms by the way.Pictures are fine. Plane:Any one that you can use. Side:Light Hawk or Dark Raven Bio:Make it good. Ok,I will do mine later,but my character's name is Kai.He also is the only one able to use the Fire Blaze too.Light Hawks start off in Ken Harbor,docking the Virgo,while Dark Raven are docking in Hai on an Normal Man naval ship.I have alot going on this RPG,alot of plot twist and things,so if you want to be in it,please sign up.[/size]
  7. [size=1]..........I never thought people would join......... Everybody who has joined now is fine.Also,remember that we can have mythical animals as armors too.I needed to say that because all we have is normal animals,which is fine,but I would like to get some mythical ones.I'll start when we get more people who will get in.[/size]
  8. [size=1]hehehehehehe.......*wack!*..........-______- That is very good....but you must be color blind......cause that is purple!.......or am I color blind........ Well nothing is wrong.......that I can see.Very good job.[/size]
  9. [size=1].......Ummmm....a banner with my favourite anime girls would be full......... Like D_B_D said,the words are vey hard to see.Everything eles is ok,but I kinnda don't like the "border" and the background......I don't know why really. The pictures are good though.I don't like the banner,but it is good.[/size]
  10. [size=1]Ok,your fine,but fix some spelling errors please.Also,more then one fighter can come from a country. I'll hurry up and put mine. Name:Tain Lionheart Age:16 Gender:Male Country:England Appearance:See Attachment Bio:Born to a rich and powerful family,he grew up with fine life.He has always enjoyed life for what it is,and loves it.He is hardly ever mad.He is a tad bit spoiled though.When he was young,he loved the fights of the warriors,and whach Ken,coming from his country,win battles with grace.He always wanted to be an armor user,and soon his father and mother gave him the lion armor when 17.For the pass two years he has trained,and will enter this trounament.He dislikes being alone,without friend or family,and that is one of his fears Animal Hide:Lion Armor Appaerance:The mane is located at the neck,the armor is sandy yellow from the great lion of Africa,and the mane is a light color of sandy yellow.A gold armor lion face is put on the chest,and is in a roaring pose.In the mouth lies a blood red ruby,the heart crystal.Gold is added on to the set of armor,and is the arm and leg guards. Weapon:Great Sword-The helt is gold,and has blood red rubies on it,surrounded by clearless dimonds.The blade is stainless silver,and shines in the light of the sun. Body Weapon(s):Spiked metal chains,which are gold,the end of each of the chains end in a clearless spike dimond,the armor grows powerful on a clear sunny day. Style:None-He attacks with his sword,and only knows how to use that.When the sun comes out in its full,his style changes massively,and punches take place from slashes.[/size]
  11. [size=1][I]The Story-[/I] "The gods have given us the Earth,the plants,the animals,as gifts......but we used them in the wrong ways......that is our weakness"-Unknown,writen on the Cave of Myths The Earth is filled with magical creatures,all living in the same world of the humans,co-existing with us.They each are powerful in their own way,and have powers above us.But we out number them,because we as humans grow faster then they do,and breed faster.Soon we hunt them down,and turn their bodies into weapons,which are also made into hide armor.They are ran by a crystal in their heart,that is placed on the armor's chest piece.Making it [I]living[/I]. The kingdoms,to avoid wars,start a tournament,every five years,in which the winner wins the armor of Chimera.The armor,which nobody has seen before,is said to be more powerful than any made.It is said that the champion from the last two trounament,Ken Latheith,wears it,and will enter the trounament this year. New and old armor wielders will enter the sixth trounament,and there may be only one champion.Who will win their battles,who will win the Chimera armor,and what lies lay with in this trounament?We will find out soon! ____________ Ok,here are some rules. 1.All posters must obey the rules of the Adventure Arena,and of OB.Your spelling and grammer must be good,and also I would not rush in your post. 2.We will spar each other,but I will decide who wins.We just won't do it in the beging of the trounament.So no god modding,and the best sparer wins.No K.O fights. 3.Have fun,and your character must have a story,too.Make them grow up in a sense,and don't let them be unchanged at the end.Good RPGers make their characters change. 4.I and only I can tell who gets in.Nobody eles has a say in it.You must have good RPGing skills,and a good sign up. ____________ This is what you need to get in. Name:Make it sound like it is from it's country.Also this is set in medievil times,and there is no USA. Age:Make it human. Gender:Any is fine with me......there is more then two genders. Country:What country your character is from.The country will affect your animal you can pick,your appearance,bio,weapons,and style. Appearance:We are all humans,and make your character look like he or she is from your region.Put very good detail in this. Bio:Make it good,no,"Ohhh,my character has forgotten his or her past."If this would be done,put down what your character has forgotten.Also put down how he or she acts,their way of life,anything eles is welcomed. Animal Hide:What your armor is made of.It is the hide,not metal.It can be any animal from myth,but cannot be half humen like.You can also pick a normal animal,but it will be larger then it really is. Armor Appearance:What you armor looks like.Make it like your animal.Also put detail in this,and do remember that you have the crystal,so put what color it is. Weapon:Make it from you country.A person from Europe wouldn't be using a katana,so make it from your region.Also put in an appearance in too.You can only have one weapon,unless it is a paired weapon.No guns,because this is happening before guns. Body Weapon(s):These are weapons on your armor's "body".This can also be where wings and other tools can be put.A good one would be that a Hydra armor would have the heads of the past Hydra,just not many,that help in battle,or a head of dragon would throw flames. Style:If youy have a martial art or weapon style you are trained in,but it here.Because I have given no real time period yet,it is ok if it is new or old.If your character does not have a style,just put "None" or "His or her own" Ok that is all.Feel free to sign up,and I will put mine down later.[/size]
  12. .........I think they are missing a better paint program......something not......MSpaint....no? Here are some more I have made. [url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=485212]SD Gundam:Zako[/url] [url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=482806]Slayers:Xelloss[/url] [url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=475885].hack//Sign:Crim[/url] [url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=476224].hack//Sign:Crim Avatar[/url] [url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=475842]Banner for friend[/url] [url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=475893]Avatar for friend[/url] [url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=471428]Johnny Chase[/url] [url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=471438]Johnny Avatar[/url] For the Johnny ones,the picture which was given to me was like that,and I always save in GIF.Also the attachment is one I made for myself.
  13. [size=1].....*thinks real hard*...... Ohkami-Best friend on the web,fun person to hang out with and is always there for me.She is both a good RPGer and sparrer.....and I have learned alot from her. Vash's Angel-We are alike in many ways,I like talking to her on AIM. *thinks more* Lan-He is a good guy to chat with if you want a good time.......*stills remembers the AIM* Kitty-Wish she came back to the boards......I wonder why she lefte.Anyway,her post are very.....weird.....and AIM chats get......weirder....... Me-...........This is where my list ends......[/size]
  14. Very good banners,but there are somethings wrong with them. The frist and second ones are kinnda pixlely,and so is the text.Anything eles other than that is fine.The third on is very good,and has no real problems.
  15. Oh!Oh!I like them.... I remember that they were playing the music on Cartoon Network,that and Daft Punk(another great band). I liked their songs alot,but don't remember the names of them.They are kindda techno.....I think,with rock and rap.I think I may buy some of their CDs,and can listen to them all the time.
  16. [size=1]Sign Up- Name:Kai Zomo Age:19 Personality:Joyful,brave,hot headed,spoiled.Likes woman.....alot..... Bio:He acts like there no worries,he is laied back,and likes to have fun.He was born in an wealthy family,and is kinnda spoiled.His father works at Robo Corp.,and his father,thinking more of the family name then his son,ask if Kai could pilot Jeal.Even though Kai does not want to,he will do it for his family's name and his father. Appearance:[url=http://www.kyrn.org/dnangel/toraeru/dark_violet.jpg]Here[/url] Cynet:Jael Are the Cynets going to have weapons?Just wanting to know.[/size]
  17. [COLOR=purple][B][size=1]........I miss it kinnda......They replaced the old GA flag with this stupid blue one......... When I found out what it ment,before they replaced it,I thought the past is the past,and it doesn't means anything now.I don't see why it couldn't still be on the GA flag,and a soild blue isn't the coolest thing to look at.........[/COLOR][/B][/size]
  18. .........O_O yah banner 2 is a avatar......like I said.....posting at two makes you crazy........ Here is another one I just made with a picture I found.I don't think it is in an anime,but I liked how the picture looked,so I made it into a banner.
  19. ......*looks at title* What posting at 2 in the morning does to you kids. Ok....Here are banners I have but up on Otaku Boards....which have died,and will use them for this one.So here are alot of banners. [url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=471952]Banner 1[/url] [url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=471963]Banner 2[/url] Both from the same anime Akazukin Cha Cha. [url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=471959]Banner 3[/url] From Amazing Nurse Nanako. [url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=471982]Banner 4[/url] Older one of Sanzo.This one I did not save in GIF,so it did not turn out the best. [url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=471993]Banner 5[/url] Astroboy and his little sister Uran,from Astroboy.Any real otaku should know Astroboy.....and if you don't you are a loser.....sorry about that. [url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=472806]Banner 6[/url] Blood:The Last Vampire banner. [url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=472866]Banner 7[/url] Yu-Yu-Hukasho banner made for my brother. [url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=474828]Banner 8[/url] Magic Club banner,characters are from left from right-Sae Sawanoguchi,Nanaka Nakatomi,Akane Aikawa,and Ayanojyo Aburatsubo(her first name sounds like my username...so much o_O) The attachment is the avatar of Takeo Takakura,the guy of the group.
  20. Ayokano

    Johnny Cash

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Leh [/i] [B][size=1][b] but I understand why people mourn for him.[/b][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Because they have their own point of view:p I do not know Johnny Cash,but I am sorry for his death.Everybody dies somehow,and it is sad when one does.Could someone inform me how he died? Edit:I missed read.....o_o Sorry Leh
  21. Ayokano

    Island of Fire

    Ken had not welling to even look at the sad warriors fighting....but he really disliked this Shai,he wanted to kill this cocky fighter.He got up,and walked away from the fight.He entered Lou Ko Su's office. Lou:How is the fight going? Ken rolled his eyes,and pulled out a chair. Ken:Just some cocky newbies. Lou gave a deep laugh,and Ken just looked on.He didn't like him that much really,like anyone eles he knew.He walked out,pushing the chair back.Walking back to the fight,nobody had won....yet.He put both of his hands on his head,and shut his eyes. [I]Like two newbies fighting is really anything to look at.[/I]
  22. Dragon Warriors Monster........yes that maybe all that I say. Will......the reason I like Dragon Warriors Monster may be the reason you get a trio of three monsters,more then Pokemon,on the field to battle one or three other monsters.I liked that it had tronaments,having to do things to get to a monster world,and could breed.The battle system was just Pokemon with three monsters,but I never thought it was a rip off of Pokemon,and much better then it.It looked better than Pokemon blue and red,and it had a story. So Dragon Warriors Monster is one of my favorite RPGs.
  23. ........hehhehe I know some Spainsh...mainly because my mother knows it and wants me to take it.I really want to take Japanese though,but Spainsh come first.....I will not post my stupidly thought.... [strike]but I always do[/strike] [spoiler]Ohkami knows some Japanese[/spoiler]
  24. [COLOR=purple]...Ok..Been along time sice I played in a Yu-Gi-Oh tornament.....But I will be adding one more thing. [B]Name:[/B]Austin Haymaker [B]Age:[/B]13 [B]Description:[/B][url=http://thegoinstitute.animeworld.ca/hikaru/images/vol1cover.jpg]Here[/url] [B]Deck Theme:[/B]Based around Dragons being his main hitters,Spellcasters are next,with other main cards that should be in every deck,and many powerful magics. [B]Rarest Card:[/B]Tyrant Dragon [B]Deck[/B] 5 and up monsters- Tyrant Dragon Luster Dragon x2 4 and lower monsters- Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer x2 Neo the Magic Swordsman x2 Sapphire Dragon x3 Gemini Elf x3 Lord of Dragons x2 Sangan Witch of the Black Forest x2 Man-Eater Bug x2 Jowgen the Spirtualist Mystical Elf x2 Magicain of Faith Breaker the Magical Warrior x3 Traps and Magics- Flute of Summoning Dragon x2 Reverse Trap x2 Horn of the Unicorn x2 Magic Jammer Mirrior Wall Raigeki Hapies Feather Duster Change of Hearts Monster Reborn Ekibyo Drakmord x2 [/COLOR]
  25. Ok...I like being bad evil people.....^_^ [B]Sign Up[/B]- [B]Name:[/B]Ken Haymaker [B]Age:[/B]30 [B]Height/Weight:[/B]6'4"/240 lbs [B]Description:[/B][url=http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=warofgenesis&image=16]Here[/url] [B]Race:[/B]American [B]Bio:[/B]Born to a mother and father who hardly made meets end,he had a hard life growing up.His father was a boxer,and went to fight clubs to make money for him and his mother.His father lefted them,so he grew up faster mentaly.He started to street fight,and went to fight clubs.His mother soon found out that she had cancer,and died shortly.Ken was lefted alone,and his hatered of his father grew more. He was called on by Lou Ko Su protect him,and in return will give out where his father lives,because Ken hates his father so much he is was cold.His father was the reason why he was so bitter,and would kill to kill him.He soon took up the job. [B]Martial Arts:[/B]Boxing,Kick Boxing(Both normal styles) [B]Weapon:[/B]None [B]Attitude:[/B]Bitter and cold,he hates his father and tries not to think of his mother.He is also wise from having to grow up fast,and having no real childhood.He is willing to help others,and you will have to gain his trust for him to open up to you. There,hope that is good.
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