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Everything posted by darkenshadow

  1. I am sorry that you think i target all japanese duelists and I am sorry because of that but I didn't mean that there all "bad" I know some are quite nice and honest but there are occasions that they cheated correct? I did not mean to offend them but in a way I ahve and I am sorry for that.
  2. That wasn't too bad but in my opinion the love between the brother and sister thing is quite boring now and it's a waste of an episode.
  3. I am curious and want to know what cards are going to come out that are quite good and please tell me there effect as well.
  4. I have the World Wide Edition for the gba and I some what expected more from the gameplay. It was missing a something maybe I've watched too much yugioh and expect too much but what can you expect from the Game Boy Advance.
  5. I myself had never played a japanese duelist and have heard rumours about tehre lack of gameplay at times but really didn't keep it on my mind. But now I know to stay away from the "japanese duelists".
  6. I would want extreme powers and bulging biceps so all the girls would be all over me. Just kidding I would use that power to rid the world of so called "world strongest mens".
  7. Banning Oreo cookies *runs to the "Oreos"* I guess its quite silly to ban something such as a cookie when you could solve other more important subjects. As mentioned earlier smoking is a really important subject and I've heard they have sued a smoke producing company, oh well one more small steps to the health of our lungs.
  8. My favourite card to use when I am dueling is "The Legendary Fishermen"(atk:1850 def"1600) it's not the strongest card there is but it gets the job done.
  9. I don't quite know. I'll look it up for you and pm you your answer as soon as posssible and really why do you want to know?
  10. The man eater-bug is flipped and can destroy one designated monster card on the field and may be chose to destroy the attacking monster. But the man eater bug is still destroyed because of the attack from the higher attack point monster.
  11. Thanks and I am aware of that now but I need proof because my friends won't believe me without proof of some sort. Maybe if you can explain it more in some detail and the effects of that happening (legendary fishermen)would damage be calculated normally. Thanks and is the cost of mirror wall optional.
  12. I was wondering. When someone uses shift can you shift a fissure on a lord of d. to a blue eyes while the lord of d. effects is in play. Same with the legendary fishermen can you shift a attack to him while umi is in play. Thanks
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