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Everything posted by LastSheikah

  1. "Melody," Faith said. "Once the Swords wear off there will be too many enemies to defeat." "Well, we have to try..." "She's gone mad..." "Be quiet Seiyaryu! If we can get them to look away for just a second..." Melody looked at Kuriboh who was making way more noise than it should have been. "Kuriboh? What are you doing?" Kuriboh was playing around the boomerang Melody had found. "Melody, I think I have an idea," Faith said. "What?" Melody looked at the Kuriboh who had just thrown the boomerang with amazing accurancy for a little furball. Melody caught the boomerang "I think I know what you're thinking." A little while later as the Swords were slowly fading away, Kuriboh, with the boomerang in paw, flew up right above the monsters and threw the boomerang right in front of them. The Thousand-Eyes Restricts and the rest of the enemies turned around curiously as the boomerang flew back to Kuriboh. Kuriboh quickly multipied, since all Kuribohs can multiply, of course, and the boomerang hit Kuriboh causing it to explode. Since Kuriboh was so close to the thousand-eyes monster, the explosion made it mad and it swiftly paralyzed all of the Kuriboh. "Here it comes," Melody told Seiyaryu who had no idea about what Faith and Melody's plan was. All of the fiends watched the Kuribohs bewilderedly. As the monster started to suck the Kuribohs back Seiyaryu realized what they were planning. As soon as the Thousand-Eyes absorbed all of the fuzzballs they would all explode causing many of the Dark monsters to be injured and the Thousand-Eyes would be blinded. "Three, two, one..." Explosions that made the entire ground shake uncontollably happened. The blinded Thousand-Eyes Restrict attacked everything it couldn't see as Seiyaryu, Faith, and Melody watched the paniking monster absorb a Summoned Skull and attack all of the creatures on its own side. When the mad Thousand-Eyes Restrict had wiped out a good number of monsters, Faith , Melody, and Seiyaryu decided they had let it go long enough and attacked. Kuriboh, covered in ash from the explosion, reappeared unharmed. "Okay then, round three!" Seiyaryu said enthusiastically. ---------------- Kuriboh to the rescue! :D
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Animefreakgirl [/i] [B]yea i remember that i have an picture of him yelling at the puzzle! TE HE if you want it i can give it to you! ^_~ i also have a pic where Yami doesnt look so happy its the funniest thing! [/B][/QUOTE] Sure! I want it! :laugh:
  3. How about the episode where Yugi sets Yami and T`ea up on a date? Yami: YUGI!!!! You can't! This isn't a duel! *sees T`ea* Oh, hello...:D
  4. What do you think is the strongest trap card or trap card combo? I think the Destiny Board cards are the strongest. Even if the other four parts to it are magic cards. Sure, it makes the duel a little bit boring being able to win by drawing the five cards like Exodia, but it sure can get you out of a sticky situation fast. Blind Destruction comes in very close second. Geez, why are all the really good cards so destructive...:shifty:
  5. This has been driving me crazy for a long time...Can anyone remember the name of the fast-food resturant T`ea worked at? I can't seem to remember...again...
  6. Name: Alexi Collins Age: 11, to be 12 in October (Whoops...I got the age messed up the first time, that's a little better) Female Eyes: Misty Gray normally, but often changes color for reasons unknown. Hair: Long brown hair with red highlights. Wand: 12.5 inches, unicorn hair, rosewood, rather whippy...(hehe, I sound like Mr. Ollivander...) House: I don't know, yet... Year: First year Personality: Like her eye color, always changing. One minute she could be way down in the dumps, and the next having an enormous giggle-fit. The one thing you'll never see her doing is chickening out. Also, she can read like crazy, but rarely remembers what she reads unless it's really interesting. Bio: From living in the far west side of America, Alex had never even heard of Hogwarts until that letter came. All of her relatives were muggles, so of course the letter was a very big surprise. Alex is looking forward to Herbology, mostly because she has her own little garden at home and is very good at raising plants, and is very good at divination, tranfiguration, charms and basically everything, but History of Magic and Potions due to her poor memory. Also, she is an excellent quidditch player, has a really obnoxious scar on the back of her right hand from a baby dragon she found in the wild. She thought it was a lizard. Pet: A medium sized brown owl named Kree Broom: Nimbus 2000. She got a broom because...well she wasn't exactly observant of what was on the letter...
  7. What you didn't see on in this picture...: What the frog guy looked like when he's making weird faces...
  8. LastSheikah


    Sam hooked the two greatballs holding her two new Pokemon onto her belt, held out two other Pokeballs and called back Cinder and Shine. If she was going to fly back to Mt. Chimney she would have to take all of her Pokemon, but Blaze the Charizard, in their Pokeballs. "Okay Blaze, let's go." Sam climbed on the Charizard's back. Blaze flew off and in about 10 minutes landed at the foot of the cave through Mt. Chimney. "Don't worry Blaze, I won't catch a Torcoal, so you can relax." Sam walked into the cave, Fiery Path, when at the far end of the tunnel, she saw a person. "Hi!" Sam started walking towards him. Sam asked, "What's your name?" "I'm Morty." the boy answered. "You're Morty?" Sam said recognising him immediatly. "From the Etrutek (Err...that one place in Johto I can never spell...) Gym in Johto?!" "Yes..." "Does that mean if I beat you in a battle I can't get a Gym Badge?" Sam asked. "That depends on how good you are, but I don't think a Johto Badge will count for much in Hoenn." "Oh well. Oh I almost forgot, I'm Sam."
  9. Okay, I have a question now. Which side has to summon Exodia? I've gone a little brain-dead on how that's supposed to work.
  10. LastSheikah

    Finding Nemo

    The beginnig was SSSSOOOO sad! After that part I kind of didn't want to see the rest of the movie, but it was absolutely hilarious. I didn't get some of the jokes at first, (Debb and Flo= Ebb and Flow, Mt. Wannahunkaluggy...ETC.)but once I figured it out I was laughing the rest of the way home. Now I'm probably going to get the nickname Dory for my bad memory...Hey! I remembered something! :D
  11. Sorry I haven't posted here for a long time...I haven't been able to think of anything recently...(What does Hand Mirror do????????? I don't know...) ----------------- Melody watched the Harpies and their Pet Dragons rise into the air. She noticed one had a huge scar on its side. Melody couldn't help but giggle a little when she saw the Dragon with the scar. The same Harpies' Pet Dragon that nearly crushed her and her friends was now on their side. (Well, it always was on their side...It just wasn't trying to flatten them this time...) Melody placed the healing orb Faith had given her inside the satchel that had the stuff from her treehouse. She had totally forgotten about it with all of the craziness. The Magician Girl pulled out a boomerang. "Hey, Seiyaryu. Do you think we could use this?" "Who knows...But we had better keep it anyway. It is almost time," Seiyaryu replied nervously. "I just thought of something," Melody said climbing on Seiyaryu's back with Kuriboh holding on tightly to her hat. "If those Harpies had never chased us, we would still be in the forest thinking nothing's wrong, but I'm glad they did chase us." "We had better move out. As Seiyaryu said, it is almost time," Valkyrion said grimly. "Now or never," Faith said climbing on Seiyaryu's back behind Melody. "Now sounds good," Melody replied forcing a smile.
  12. LastSheikah


    Yoah! Back up! The Plusle and the Electrike were in a Gym battle when Mauville was destroyed and their trainer was killed by a falling part of the ceiling, okay? Also, my character's name is NOT Egypt, it's Sam, Egypt is a place. Now that I've got that all cleared up, someone please explain what is up with Hiro and the Celebi!
  13. LastSheikah


    Also FYI to G/S/B Master...there is no Mauville Pokemon Center anymore thanks to Xra... ----------------- "Go! Cinder and Blaze!" Sam called two of her Pokemon to battle against the Plusle and Electrike. The Ponyta and Charizard came up in front. "Double Fire Spin!" Flames shot out of the to fire-types' mouths and surrounded the two electric types. "Plusle!!!!!" The Plusle started bawling from fright and ran behind Electrike. "(sigh) That little guy's more chicken than that Combusken... Blaze! Slam! And Cinder, use Stomp!" Blaze flew up and Cinder ran into the inferno knocking Electrike out. Blaze flew straight down at Plusle, but before he was even close Plusle fainted. "Okay... :bluesweat " Sam threw two Greatballs at the two Pokemon.They wiggled slightly...then stopped. "YES! Two new Pokemon!!" Sam heard some talking and turned to the ruined Pokemon Center. She walked over to the group of people. "Um...Hi...What are you doing here?" Sam asked quietly.
  14. -You purposely get lost in the mountains during the winter to find an Articuno. -You see a broken down house and blame Absol. -You try and teach a chameleon (Kecleon) to stand up on its hind legs and attack with its tounge.
  15. It's the attack of the giant Donphan!!!!!! Yugi: Who let the Pokemon on the show again! --------- Based on the KidsWB Crazy Takes....People who like YGO and Pokemon both would get that one...Yes, it's a lame excuse for having no clue what I was thinking.
  16. "Maybe we could summon Exodia without all of the pieces...Exodia could easily defeat the Dark..." Mared said. "It might work," Melody replied thoughtfully. "It's just crazy enough to work!" "It has to work!" exclaimed Faith. "Just how?" Chaos asked. Everone moaned at that question. ------------- Okay, I'm stuck again.
  17. LastSheikah


    Yes, I realize Mauville is destroyed...I using that to my advantage. ----------------------- Sam and her Pokemon walked into the ruins of Mauville. Blaze flew above looking for any people among the wreak. It was a depressing sight, even Shine, usually bouncing like mad, stayed still on Cinder's back. "What could have done this?!" Sam exclaimed so suddenly that Shine fell off the Ponyta's back. Blaze flew back down and shook his head. [I] Nothing. Nothing but destruction...[/I] Sam sighed and took out her Pokenav looking for the area where the Pokemart used to stand. She started walking to the pile of junk. On the grond were a few Greatballs, slightly scorched, but otherwise in good condition. "PLUS!!!!!!! PLUSLE!!!!!!!!!!! ELECTRIKE!!!!!!!!!!" "What was that?!" Sam and the group ran for the source of the noise. The pile of debris the sound was coming from turned out to be the former Mauville Gym. "Blaze! Dig through this pile!" Blaze flew up into the air and dove into the pile clawing at it sending logs and steel flying into the air in all directions. After Blaze had cleared out a hole in the mess Sam dove in and pulled out two small electric Pokemon, a Plusle and an Electrike. The Plusle was crying and the Electrike was trying to cheer it up. [I] What's wrong? [/I] Cinder asked the crying Plusle. It wouldn't answer so Electrike answered instead. [I] We were battling a Trainer who wanted to challenge Wattson when someone yelled that Absol was near. (Everyone gasped) Everyone hurried out of the Gym but Jasmine stayed trying to get all of the Pokemon out. We stayed behind too, but a wooden beam from the ceiling fell and...and...[/I] Plusle bawled even more. :bawl: Sam had a special talent for being able to translate what Pokemon were saying, so she heard every word. she guessed that Jasmine was the name of the two Pokemons' trainer. "Do you want to come with us?" [I] Only if you can beat us. [/I] Electrike said
  18. :D Yet again an awesome new chapter! I really liked the "If looks could kill, he'd be about six months gone." part. hehehe
  19. I'm starting to think I would like the Millennium Rod...except I would use it for a really good reason by controlling only one person. MY LITTLE SISTER!!!! Now clean my room...:devil:
  20. LastSheikah


    "Okay...so which Pokemon do we want on our team now?" Sam said searching through her Pokedex. "We need a Pokemon that is either a fire or electric type, preferably fire near this volcano, and it has to be strong...How about we find a Torcoal?" Blaze growled. He had a major dislike for Torcoal. "Aren't you the picky one. Oh no..." Sam set down her Pokedex and searched through her backpack. "Oh great! I just remembered I don't have any cash or any Pokeballs! Okay, we have two choices. Lavaridge or fly to Mauville." " [I] Let's go to Mauville! That's where I was swimming to when I got lost and wound up finding you! [/I] " Shine exclaimed. "Mauville!!! It's a little more exciting there. Blaze! Let's go!" Sam recalled all of her Pokemon except for Blaze and flew off on the Charizard's back. ------------------------- A little while later... Blaze started flying down above to Mauville.
  21. "Mared, before anything else happens... I think I owe you an apology. Sorry about getting so...annoying back there," Melody said. "It's okay, just don't do it again." "OKAY! My consience is clear, I am SO ready to send those idiots back to the Shadow Realm!" She exclaimed. "Hold it tiger. We can just go rushing into things...again." Seiyaryu advised. "Are you still going on about that Harpie Lady thing! I thought you had forgotten that!" "Aren't we supposed to be trying to remember how we beat the Dark the first time?" "Easy! Exo....dia....Oh yeah...We have a slight problem...," Melody said disappointedly. "We can't summon Exodia, the Angel of Silence is still here, danger is everywhere, and the Dark is rising. All is lost...," Faith murmured. "Faith! Shame on you! You can't give up now! In fact, we will defeat them, Exodia or not!" "...That's it!" "What?!" Everyone exclaimed surprised.
  22. LastSheikah


    After a hour or so of flying on Blaze, the Charizard, Sam and her Pokemon reached Mt. Chimney. "Yikes! It's HOT! Caliente!!!!! I've already got a sunburn!" exclaimed Sam(I do too, in real life... :bawl: Ouch!) [I] What do you expect? Snow? [/I] Shine said. Sam tried to ignore her bright red, sunburnt arms and took out her Pokedex. "Okay...So we want to have another good fire type on our team..." She paused... And a man in a really dark outfit walked up to her. "It has been a long time," "Four years," Sam answered calmly. " [I]Four long years since you...I have been waiting for this day since then...For revenge. [/I] "she thought. "Raichu, Go..." The Man threw a Pokeball and a large Raichu popped out. "I'm sure you'll remember each other well..." "Rai..." The Raichu sneered. "It's a challenge. We both have to Fire types and one Electric, so it is an even match." "Fine. Go Cinder!" The Ponyta ran in front of Sam ready to battle. "Raichu! Quick Attack!" "Your Raichu may be quick, but not fast enough! Cinder! Dodge!" The Raichu speed towards Cinder as fast as it could go when at the very last second Cinder jumped out of the way. Soon enough to not get hurt, but slow enough to let Raichu get whipped in the face by Cinder's burnibg tail. Raichu started holding his face in agony. "Finish it with Overheat!!!!!!" Cinder stood still and started glowing yellow, then orange, then a dark red, and then caught fire completely! Cinderstood up on her hind legs and and charged at Raichu. Cinder stopped and the fire flew off and hit Raichu sending him flying. "This is not over yet! Raichu, return! Go Magmar!" "Fine then. Shine, it's your turn." The Chinchou hopped up and traded places with Cinder. " I go first this time. Shine! Water Gun!" "Magmar! Mirror Coat!" The Water Gun blasted towards then Magmar, bounced off and hit Shine with twice the power. Shine stopped bouncing, and fainted. "WHAT!?!?!?!?! I didn't know Magmar could use Mirror Coat! :grumble: Blaze! Go!" "CCCHHHAAARRR!!!!!!!!!!!!" "Go Combusken! Use Seismic Toss!' "I don't think so. Blaze! Use Seismic Toss too!" Blaze and Combusken started Seismic Tossing each other. "Okay....this is turning into a circus..." said a bystander. Blaze grabbed Combusken and flew up high above the volcano. He started coming down right over the pit of lava, braving his fear of the volcano, and stopped... (Up in the air) " [I] Please! Don't drop me! I never wanted to do anything bad against your trainer! My master made me help set her house on fire! [/I] " The Combusken screamed. Blaze sighed and flew over the ground and gently set Combusken down. The chicken dashed behind the Man. Sam started making little chicken noises. "You may have won this time, but that win shall be your last against me." The Man slowly walked down the mountain to Fallarbor Town. ----------------- I got a little anxious to get the guy who set the fire that destroyed Sam's house into the story....:D
  23. LastSheikah


    Sam sat on the floor of Meteor Falls carefully whittling a wooden flute. Blaze was flying around eagerly hoping to find a larger area to fly on his new wings. Shine was bouncing around on Cinder's back being very careful not to upset Cinder and get burned. "CCHHAARR!!!" Blaze roared. "I know Blaze. It was a whole lot easier when you were a Charmeleon, you didn't need so much room. 'Course, then you couldn't fly." Blaze landed and stood up proudly. [I] I'm just lucky [/I] "We might as well get out of this old cave. Where could we go?" Sam pulled out her Pokenav and checked the Hoenn Map. "I have an idea! We could go to Mauville and stop at Mount Chimney on the way. There are some awesome fire Pokemon near Mt. Chimney and some good electric types near Mauville!" :D [I] You can't replace us though! [/I] Shine said. (translated) :D [I] No one could. [/I] [I] I am NOT going near that volcanoes vent! If Sam didn't find me...brrrr...I'd be a roasted Pokemon. [/I] Blaze replied. [I] But your tail is always on fire. And how could you get roasted? [/I] [I] I must have got burned by my own tail hundreds of times when I was a little Charmander! [/I] [I] That just goes to show how clumsy you are...[/I] [I] HEY!!!!!!!! [/I] "What are you three talking about?" Sam asked. ---------------------- The secret is finally revealed! What Pokemon talk about!!! hehehehehehehehehe! :D :laugh:
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