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Everything posted by LastSheikah
"Ugh! That probably set the record for the most Lunatone taken down in one week. *yawn* I'm getting bored, how about you?" Sam said to Blaze and Cinder, her Charmeleon and Ponyta. They both answered with a very long, (and smoky) yawn. " :laugh: I thought so." "CHOU!!!!!!" Blaze and Cinder jumped up and looked towards the way the sound came from. Sam looked that way too. Behind the Falls a light was shining. The trio ran behind the waterfall trying not to get too wet. Behind the water was a small Chinchou being chased around by a huge Crobat. Sam whipped out her Pokedex and pointed it towards the two Pokemon. "Crobat, a Bat Pokemon. Crobat is the fully evolved form of Zubat and Golbat" "Chinchou, an underwater lantern Pokemon. This Pokemon uses its glowing antennae to swim to great depths. This Pokemon is a water/electric type." "Perfect! Even more of a reason to save that little guy! Blaze! Use Fireblast!" Sam commanded. Blaze carefully watched the Crobat and.... "CHARRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!" He threw a mouthful of flames at the bat. The Bat stopped and looked over and in a fit of surprise tried to fly away a little to late. Sam walked over to the Crobat lying on the floor covered in burns and twitching. "That'll show you for chasing someone half your size. Are you alright?" (to Chinchou) "Chou......." "It's okay. That meanie's gone. He won't bother you anymore. "Chinchou!" The Chinchou nudged Sam's backpack and a Pokeball fell out. Chinchou started bouncing around it. "What? Do you want to come with us?" "Chin! Chin! Chin! Chinchou!!!!" It bounced around even more happily. "Okay." Sam picked up the Pokeball and threw it to Chinchou. "Pokeball! Go!" Chinchou went into the Pokeball and it started wiggling around. After a couple of seconds the Pokeball stopped and the Chinchou was caught. Sam calmly picked up the Pokeball and called out, "Chinchou! Go!" "Chou?" Chinchou said after being sent out of its Pokeball. "[I]Why did she let me out so early?[/I]" "Sorry. I guess that was a little surprising. I usually don't carry Pokemon around in Pokeballs all day. I was just thinking we should give you a nickname. How about Shine?" "Chou!!!!" :D [I] I like it!!!!![/I] "Good. Then Shine it is." Blaze was over looking at how well he toasted the Crobat. He stood up proudly and let out a roar. Suddenly he was surrounded in white light and grew larger. "Blaze....evolved!" Sam exclaimed. Blaze flaped his new wings around a little bit. "CCCCCHHHHHAAAAARRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name: Sam (short for Samantha, so yes, she's a girl.) Age: 16 Hometown: She used to live in Rustboro, but now Sam lives in Meteor Falls generally. Appearance: Long jeans and a normal T-shirt. She normally wears a long, dark jacket that gives the appearance of a cape. Sam has long, brown hair and kind of looks a bit evil.... Bio: She used to live a wonderful life in Rustboro City. Her father worked at Devon and her mom worked at the Pokemon Center as an assistant. then when she was 12 lightning struck the house and her parents were killed in the fire. She ran away to Meteor Falls. even with the memory of the fire still haunting her she is determined to be the world's best fire/electricity type trainer. Sam refuses to become friends with any humans because of a dark secret she later learned about the fire, and swears revenge... Pokemon: Charmeleon and Ponyta (very soon a Chinchou) Charmeleon, Sam found when he was a Charmander near Mt. Chimney. Charmander was having a "little trouble" there. He quickly evolved after a battle with a wild Scarmory. Charmeleon is nicknamed Blaze. Ponyta has always been with Sam, even before the fire. Cinder is actually the one who saved Sam from the fire.
Here's a perfect name for Entei, Caliente!!!!!!! For those who don't know caliente means hot. heheheh :laugh: :D
Too Much...: -When you can make a sounds like all of the Pokemon, in order. -When you constantly say the tree outside your window is a Soodoowoodo. (Spelling?) -When you aretrying to make a Pokemon guidebook at the moment. -When you have a hat like Ash's. -When your room is messy and your excuse is, "My Grimer and Muk need a place to stay!" (guilty) -When you try and dig a swimming pool for your water Pokemon -When you find a red colored rock and give it to a Vupix doll to get a Ninetails -When you're posting something like this. (GUILTY!!!!!!) -When every time you see a seagull you call out, "OH! A Wingull! I choose you, Poochyena!" -When you die your hair black and try to make it stick out at the side, grab your hat that looks like Ash's,take your painted red iguana, try to fit it in a painted red and white halfed tennis ball, and hope to get into the Pokemon league. -When you have all of them Pokemon games and have seen every known Pokemon episode, twice. -When you walk into a hospital hoping to see a Chansey. -When you throw halfed,painted, tennis balls at bats. -When you nickname the family dog Poochyena, Mightyena, Growlithe, Arcanine, Entei, Suicune, or Raikou. -When you nickname the cat Meowth, Persian, or Skitty -When you nickname the fish...I think you get the picture -When you search the channels hoping to find your dad, a gym leader, in a battle on TV. (Ruby and Sapphire version) -When you could have sworn that shadow in the water is Lugia -You look in trees and cliff sides to see if you can make a base up there. (R/S again) -When you find yourself constantly babbling about Pokemon. (Um....Guilty....) -You say your dad snores like a Snorlax. I think I'm done now.....
Like all of the other chapters, I loved it. I especially loved the part where Mokuba turned red. I could just imagine what it looked like and it was hilarious!!!!!
More please! It's really, really, good. Yet again, More please!
0_o? Darn, someone as obsessed as I am... Welcome to the OtakuBoards.
"Okay Kuriboh! I have NO idea what to do!!!!!" Melody exclaimed. (Frankly, I have no clue what to do either. I lost my mind a little bit........:bluesweat) "We could go outside and see what's happening...," Seiyaryu suggested. "That's better then what I was thinking of." "I don't even want to know.":rolleyes: "Ah, be quiet!":flaming: Melody and her two companions ran outside. "Hey Faith! Did ya' miss us?" Melody said spotting Faith.:D "Yes! What were you doing?!" "Just wandering....around...:sleep: :sleeping:" Melody answered yawning. Night was starting to fall. ------------------ I have no clue what to write... :bluesweat
I'm having a problem too...Where did Melody go?????
*constantly bangs head on keyboard* Why did I start this conversation again. I must have lost sanity again...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G.D. Ryoko [/i] [B]I don`t think that Yugioh is evil. However the cards kind of scare my parents. They don`t take it for evil but they say the cards look demonic. I asked my mom why people think yugioh and pokemon are evil and she said`` probably because they are extreme christians like her friend is.`` My mother`s friend doesn`t let her poor daughter watch anime or cartoons that are 7 and older and the poor girl is going to be 9 in June. [/B][/QUOTE] My parents think anything that involves monters is bad. Of course, My mom does like Teletubbies and Barney and was scared to death of Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter #2...And my dad is scared of chat rooms...O_o ? But compared to my little sister :flaming: :devil: :mad: YGO...well is rather...You get the picture...:bluesweat :grumble: Oy, I have a pathetic family...I don't get it... I just vow to NEVER show my parents any fiend type cards...heheheh.
Thank you, I'm still really an ametuer. (Spelling?) There is more coming. Some of it is stuff from the flashbacks in some episodes. I just took it all and linked it all together.:D ------------ Later that night: "This piece should go to this piece...Yes!" Yugi excliamed. He was sitting at his desk in his room with a pile of puzzle pieces in front of him. Yugi had spent almost 4 long, hard, hours on that puzzle and had quite a few pieces already together. He found it was WAY harder than most puzzles because he didn't know where any of the parts went or what the finished puzzle would look like. "Yugi, it's time for bed. It's almost 11:00." "Sorry Grandpa. I guess I just got to caught up in this puzzle. I'll finish it tomorrow." Next Day: "Yugi! Hurry up! I don't want to be late for school again!" T`ea shouted. "I'm coming! I'm coming! See you, Grandpa!" He shouted running out the door. "Have a good day at school!" Yugi and T`ea started fast-walking to school. "What took you so long?" she asked. "I wanted to make sure I had all of the pieces to a puzzle my grandpa gave me." "A new puzzle?" "I can't really say it's new. It's an Ancient Egyptian artifact. A real one. How I found it was kind of a weird coincidence..." He told T`ea how he got the puzzle. "Weird. But shouldn't it go to a museum or something?" T`ea questioned. "Grandpa was an archeologist once. And he said that no one has ever been able to solve the puzzle, howwould anyone ever know what it is or what it's for?" Yugi explained. "Good point." When T`ea said this they reached the school "How long have you been working on that puzzle anyway?" T`ea asked. "About 5 hours, I think...Oh no." Yugi looked up at the door right as Joey Wheeler and Tristen Taylor were entering the class. Back then Yugi's only real friend was T`ea. He was better known as the guy who got beaten daily by the duo. Tristen spotted Yugi and casually walked towards his seat. He looked at the puzzle and then at Yugi. Yugi picked up the puzzle pieces and put them back in the case. He wasn't going to take any chances on them stealing his puzzle. ------------------- Sorry, this is where I'll end today. I'm just writing it page by page since it isn't separated into chapters. And thanks again to everyone that has helped me edit this story. :D
FYI: This is a weird story, I think. It takes place before Duelist Kingdom and part of it even before Yugi gets the Millennium Puzzle...so...Here ya' go! About all of us know the story of Yugi Motou, his Millennium Puzzle, the crazy adventures, and helping an Egyptian Pharaoh save the world, right? Well, how much do we people know about the day Yugi got the Millennium Puzzle and solved it? Not very much...until now. [U]The Puzzle[/U] "Grandpa! I'm home!" Yugi said entering the door. His grandpa was standing on a stool stacking video games on a shelf. "Oh good," Solomon Motou, his grandpa, said relieved. "Finally someone can help me restock these shelves." "It's a good thing I don't have homework today then, huh?" The boy replied picking up some boxes. "I going to go take a break," his grandpa yawned. "Lifting boxes all day sure gets tiring after a while. Come get me if you need anything." "Okay," Yugi picked up a misplaced box on the top shelf and turned around on the stool to see where it went. He found the spot on the opposite wall, moved over to it, and set the box in its proper place and turned back around. He was about to go grab more boxes, but something stopped him. Yugi turned around and looked behind the box to see what was bugging him. When he turned around he accidentally knocked over a box. Behing the box he knocked over was yet another box, except it was gold and smaller. It had weird designs on it like the symbol of an eye on the front. Yugi stared at the it for a while, (Staring Contest! Guess who wins:rolleyes: ) then picked it up. Yugi put the game boxes back where they belonged and climbed down the stool with the gold one in hand. It was oddly warm, the box, for such a cold day. Yugi walked to the house part of the gameshop to ask his grandpa what the box was. His grandpa was in the hallway getting some extra blankets out of a closet. "Hey, Grandpa. What's this weird box?" Yugi asked. "Well, what do you know," Mr. Motou said chuckling. "I was wondering how long it would take one of us to find that thing. It's an Ancient Egyptian puzzle. ("Yes! A puzzle!" Yugi thought.) I found it on an archeological dig." "Has anyone ever solved the puzzle?" Yugi questioned. "Not yet," he replied. "But maybe you can solve it. You must have solved some 500 jigsaw puzzles so far. And who knows, maybe that puzzle will turn out to be more than it seems." "Maybe." ------------------- Thank you for helping me fix this story. I usually get really shy while writing a story and forget what to write...:blush: thanks!
Keep the story comin'. Please...
I remembered other favorites... Hoshinigen Witch's Apprentice Summoned Skull and still many more...Okay fine, my whole deck.:rolleyes:
I just realized that the first episode most people see is Weevil vs. Yugi on Duelist Kingdom. Weird....
"I can't believe this! I'm sent here on a false mission to guard an Exodia piece right when the Guardian shows up followed by an army of the Dark forces and the others haven't showed up yet!!!!" Mared shouted. "And you're blabbing all this to me because...?" Melody said irritatedly. "Why are you listening then!!!" "Duh! It's kinda hard NOT to hear you!" "Fine! All of the Dark forces are probably at the door by now." "No," Faith replied. "It could be a while until that happens." Over by the window a weird humming sound was heard. "Kuriboh!?" Melody stood up and looked towards the window. Kuriboh flew in. "Where were you!!!" ---------------------- I had to get my Kuriboh back in there some how! :D I edited it because I temporarily lost my mind when I wrote this, sorry. Is that better? :o
Oh, okay. That's not my Kuriboh. Good. I was getting a little confused. ------------------- "Melody!!!" Seiyaryu called recognizing the Magical Hats. He blasted at the Summoned Skulls destroing 3 of them. "Seiyaryu?" Melody said peeking under the hat. She ran out and aimed her staff at the Skulls and took out a few of them when Seiyaryu flew down and let Melody get on. "Wait! We need to get Faith too!" Faith heard Melody yell and ran out from under the hat too. When they were both safely on Seiyaryu's back Seiyaryu lifted off followed by Milleniuth. "Melody! We need to go to the Light Realm! The Exodia piece I was supposed to be guarding is in danger!" "You left out that little detail!! Seiyaryu! You heard her! Let's go!"
Writing Yu-Gi-Oh! Shadow Realm Adventure
LastSheikah replied to LastSheikah's topic in Creative Works
Sorry about the double-post. --------------------- Chapter 5: Starting Duel Yugi and Talli launched the hologram projectors and shuffled their decks. As the duel began Yugi's Millennium Puzzle started to glow and Yami appeared. "I warn you Talli. This duel won't be easy," said Yami. "It certainly won't, but for which Duelist?" Talli said mockingly in the exact same voice Yugi had heard the day before warning him about the new threat. "It's you!" You're the one from yesterday! From the labyrinth, aren't you!" Yami exclaimed. "Indeed I am," answered Talli. "I'll tell more after this duel. I'll go first. My first card is Giza Plateau, a field card. (note: Many of the cards in this Fanfic are not real, but their effects and etc. will be explained.) Next I play Tomb Robber (1600/1500) with his special effect. If Tomb Robber is on the field at the same time as Giza Plateau, Tomb Robber's Attack and Defense doubles. (3200/3000) And to end my turn I play a card face-down." When Talli finished playing sand covered the playing field, and Tomb Robber and the face-down card appeared. Yami stood surprised at Talli's first move. Tomb Robber and Giza Plateau were both VERY rare card. Yami drew a card and looked thoughtfully at it. Then he looked at the cards in his hand: Dark Magician, Kuriboh, Curse of Dragon, Lightforce Sword and Polymerization were in his hand and he had just drawn Multiply. "Perfect," Yami thought. "I can use Kuriboh and Multiply. Then, if I can draw something to stop that Tomb Robber I can turn this duel around. I might be able to draw Swords of Revealing Light to stall that Tomb Robber. Heart of the Cards, don't fail me now." "First I play Kuriboh," Yami said. In the background Kuriboh was "jumping" for joy seeing himself be played. "Next I play Multiply! One Kuriboh becomes many," he finished. *** "This is a really intense duel so far," Bakura said. "On just the first turn the duel looks like it has gone on for ages." "Tell me about it!" exclaimed Joey. "I just want to know how Talli got a card combo like that on her first draw." "I just want to know if Melody would go on a date," Tristen replied. Everyone stared at him in silence. *pause* "I've got a bad feeling about this," T`ea thought. "Somehtingbad is going to happen. And this Talli? Is she good, bad, or what?" "Good play," Talli answered to Yami's turn. "But you obviously forgot about my trap. Uncontrolled Whip! Uncontrolled Whip destroys four cards and it doesn't matter what or where they are. It's also incredibly risky. Uncontrolled Whip can be controlled, dispite its name, but unless the card-holder can aim really well with the whip, this card is completely random." "Uncontrolled Whip!? That's one of the rarest trap cards of all time!" Yami exclaimed. "And it's my favorite trap," Talli said as the whip appeared. Talli launched the whip right and missed the Tomb Robber by an inch. The whip hit the Multiply card and whirled around and hit the last Kuriboh. The real Kuriboh went crazy and started constantly exploding. "To finish my turn I attack your lifepoints directly!" Talli commanded to Tomb Robber. *** "Everyhing is ready master. The tournament is going well and no one suspects anything is going on." "Good. The time has come then. Send the four into the Shadow Realm!" "The four?" "Yes! I need to have a little talk with my traitor daughter." ------------------------ What happens next!! Next Chapter: Chapter 6: Entry to the Shadow Realm!!!!! -
Okay, Now I'm scared.
"Oh, fine," Melody said. "You told us who you were, so...I'm Melody." "Melody...Oh yes! Weren't you the one who ran away?" Milleniuth asked. "Does everyone on this planet know who I am or something!!!!" "Probably," Faith replied. "And what is your name again?" Milleniuth asked looking at Faith. "I'm Faith, Guardian of the Exodia piece in the Light Realm." "So, Milleniuth, have you seen a Kuriboh and Seiyaryu anywhere?" "No, I haven't." "Darn. We might as well go back. Maybe Seiyaryu and Kuriboh went back to the temple looking for us," Melody said hopefully. Just then over the horizon a sea of Summoned Skulls was heading straight towards them. "We have company!!!!!" ----------------------- If this needs any editing, just tell me. And, I'm wondering if that blue Kuriboh happens to be the one I introduced into the story with Melody. I never really gave Kuriboh a specific color. :D
Anime If you could have/make any Millenium Item, what would it be?
LastSheikah replied to MaceDavis's topic in Otaku Central
I pity you. That is just pathetic. Sorry, but it is! -
"Faith! I can't find Seiyaryu or Kuriboh! They're both missing! Faith?" Faith was trembling from the encounter with the Angel of Silence. Melody could sense something was definately wrong. She had felt the cold feeling of danger since the Harpies had chased after her. "Melody! It was the Angel of Silence! The Dark Realm, the Angel said her people were ready to go to war!" Faith said worriedly. "It's all right! If they want to try and defeat us, they're going to have a hard time of it." Melody replied reassuringly. But, even though she managed to sound brave, she had her own doubts too. "Why don't we go and find Seiyaryu and Kuriboh?"
Your just forced me into this one didn't you? --------------- "Yes, we have come a fair distance. At least, it seemed a long ways." Melody said wondering how to explain everything. "I heard in the forest from the Green Phantom King, Taren, that there was trouble, and maybe we could help. Then I met Faith who was looking for the Angel of Silence." Everyone looked shocked at Faith looking for such a bad omen. "She was looking for it to find out what was wrong. Don't go all weird like that. "Exactly." Faith replied.
That was just perfect!!! ---------------------------- "Save the world?" Faith asked. "Yep. That's where we're going." Melody explained. She stood up and looked towards the mountain a few miles ahead. "So...Are you coming?" "Yes," Faith answered. "Just one second though. Why are you here anyway? Out here in the forest?" "I thought someone would ask me that eventually." Melody said. She sighed. "A long time ago my mother and father left the village where I used to live. I could hardly remember anything that happened there, except for one thing. Those who were "babysitting" me until my parents came back were talking one night. I was playing a little ways away, but I could still hear them. One of them said 'How can we tell Melody? It will break her heart.' 'I know Etare. We have to tell her as softly as possible.' I was wondering what they were talking about, then...'Her parents are...gone.' After that I just, left." "What happened?" "I never found out," Melody said sadly. "Depressing story," Seiyaryu replied. Faith turned around and looked at the dragon. She had almost forgot Seiyaryu and Kuriboh were there. "I almost forgot you were there. You're usually not this quiet. So, Faith, do you need a ride?"