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Dj Professor DM

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Everything posted by Dj Professor DM

  1. *Dragus senses two ancient forces back at the the theater district he was at.* Dragus:"Man... Don't tell me I have to go back..." *Dragus runs to the front of the train.* Dragus:"I want you to back this train up to the industrial district." Conductor:"Yessir..." *The train heads back to the industrial district. It reaches andbut a train is in the way of it fully getting there. Dragus jumps out and signals the conductor to head back to the theater district.Runs to the between the train and platform and jumps onto the platform.* Dragus:" I am Dragus. I sense there are a couple of ancient forces here... Tritoch is one of them..."
  2. *Sabin follows Cyclopse around to the core's outer seal.* Cyclopse:"The door was made to be immune to my eye beams so brother..." Sabin:"No problem..." *Sabin punches the door at full stregth 7 times and the door opens.* Cyclopse:"Whoah..." Sabin:"Man I didn't know I could do that..."
  3. *Meteo esits his mothers fortress.* Meteo:"Troops keep watch do not let anyone stay out of the holding cell unless they are with me!" *Meteo smiles as he leaves. Knowing that the Gerudo's will not let him down.*
  4. Name: Meteo Age:13 Description:As tall as Link when he was a kid but he looks like his mother with skin and hair color. Weapon(s): Gerudo Dagger, Gerudo Staff Race:Gerudo Parent:Nabooru Extra Item: Gerudo Pass
  5. All right... I guess you win some you lose some... Have a good time RPin...
  6. *Dragus sits down at the train station.* Dragus:"This would be a long day if it wasn't for the awakenings of the Ancient forces..." *a train roles in.* Dragus:"The train to the Theatrical district... Better get on..." *Dragus gets on the train and starts riding it to the theatrical district.*
  7. *Meteo looks at Maximill* Meteo:"I must go now..." Maximill:"When we meet again we will be enemies..." Meteo:"So be it Maximill I'll be ready." *Meteo heads back to the camp and starts to rest....*
  8. Name: Lance Armada Age: 14 appearence: Black hair, Blue eyes, Blue jeans and red shirt, red running shoes, and a green trenchcoat kinda like the one neo wears in the matrix except Green.He is 5'8.5. Bio: He called the number because he wnated a new and improved net navi because his was an old one and couldnt do much. Personality: Honourable and trusting Lance stands by his friends like glue if a friend is needing to rest in a battle he will take over for them... Much like Zero. Battle chips: Z-sabre, Zero weapon blast, recover, Triple spear, and Z-buster. The net: Name: Zero Alpha Appearence: Looks like Zero from Megaman Zero [url=www.nintendo.com.mx][/url] Style(optional): Zero Cutter Signature attack: Zero weapon blast
  9. *A guy walks up to Meteo.* Meteo:"Who are you???" Guy:"Names Maximillian. Maximill for short. I heard you where the new thunder guy... I also control thunder." Meteo:"Yeah I'm the new thunder guy..." Maximill:"I'll have to fight you someday... Just my style..." Meteo:"I'll look forward to that..."
  10. *Dragus stops in the industrial district by the trains around the city.* Dragus:"I think it would be safe to wait here for the Ancient forces."
  11. Meteo:"I wonder what happens if everyone masters their element... It just seems like it wouldn't be the easiest thing to do..."
  12. *Kotemon gets to them after IcemistDramon disintigrates and sees they have digivovled.* Kotemon:"Mind if I join you all?" *A musyamon starts to sneak up on the ones who defeated Icemistdramon.* Kotemon:"Watch out! Kotemon Digivolve to..." *Kotemon digivolves to Dinohumon.* Kotemon:"...Dinohumon! Lizard Dance!" *Dinohumon nails the Musyamon with Lizard dance.* Musyamon:"How did you see me comming?" Dinohumon:"Your armour gave you away..."
  13. Fox:"I was Careless... I was making too many errors..."
  14. Dragus walks out of the training area and starts walking towards. Dragus:"For Some strange reason I must go that way."(Thinking as Chupon)"The ancient force two of them are this way... I must meet them..."
  15. *Kotemon walks around in the plains.* Kotemon:"Where am I?" *Kotemon sees a group of digimon talking by a forest. Kotemon walks over to them.*
  16. O.k. I'll join: Rookie: Kotemon (Attack: hot head) Champion: Dinohumon (Attack: Lizrd Dance) Ultimate: Kyukimon (Attack: Blade twister) Mega: Gaurdiangemon (Attack: Golden Ripper) Appearance: (Play Digimon world three to know...) male/female:male
  17. *Meteo then looks around and sees ropes appearing on the other trolls arms, legs, then the neck. The trolls die because of the ropes appeared.* Meteo:"Can you see that?" Amber:"What?" Meteo:"The ropes..." Amber:"What ropes?" Meteo:"The ropes on the arms, legs, and necks of the trolls that just died." Amber:"I don't follow you..." Meteo:"I don't get this..." Amber:"Nor do I."
  18. *Dragus sits the training arena with a few friends.* Dragus:"I say we should take a little bit of a break." Knight1:"Good idea Dragus... But why..." Knight2:"I know why he wants to see the illusionist that is in town..." Dragus:"Maybe..."
  19. Ryu:"Sounds like fun... I'll have some fun with it will y'all?"
  20. Fox:"I'll Scout ahead... If I'm not back in thirty minutes come looking..."
  21. Ancient Force: Chupon The sneezing wind King (He is a summon in VII but his name was changed.) Power: Wind Attack: Heavy Sneeze Incarnation: Dragus Trosul Age: 31 Trade: knight Weapon: Katals Appearance: Think kiros but white and somewhat more muscular... He wears purple armour and Yellow glasses. His teeth are also very sharp...
  22. *Meteo slices the creature with repeatilly in any order. Meteo is getting frustrated with the creature.* Meteo:"Die... I want you to die creature...!"
  23. (It's the danger room.) Sabin:"Hmmm..." *Scott Summers (you know Cyclopse) walks up behind Sabin...* Scott:"You're a summers right?" Sabin:"How'd you know???" Scott:"You look like one..." *Scott gives Sabin slap on the back.* Sabin:"Are you Scott Summers???" Scott:"Yeah..." Sabin:"Brother!" *Sabin hugs Scott and starts squeezing Scott. Before Scott screams in pain sets him down.* Scott:"I hope nothing's broken..." Sabin:"I didn't feel anything break." Scott:"Cool... Let me show you to the danger room." *Scott takes Sabin to the danger room.*
  24. Doesn't matter the more the merrier....
  25. *A thunderbird flies past a wing feather drops and transforms into the Katana with a blueish handle and a white blade in front of Meteo.* Meteo:"I like..."
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