Dj Professor DM
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Everything posted by Dj Professor DM
Name: Meteo Dragoon / Shuma Age:31 Race: Demon Bio: Meteo has been an aloof demon who did what he wanted to. He helps those in need and dissapears with the swords of storms and luminescense. Meteo slashes through both humans and Demons that have done wrong to others as he sees them. Meteo has followed the Dragon Spirit warriors in the while he is in the shadows. When Meteo becomes angered he becomes a powerful. evil, coniving demon known as shuma.Shuma reincarnates in one child once every hundred years. Meteo was the unlucky child since he looks like him just lighter toned, different colored eyes and with darker hair. They (Meteo and Shuma) both want the war to end so they decided to join forces with the dragon spirits. Whenever Shuma and Meteo take over the body the skin, hair, and eye color change. Powers:although he isn't blessed by the Dragon spirits with there powers meteo has the expierience with dual Sword wielding like a master of every martial arts known to man. Also if he chooses to use Lumina's spells he can do light fireballs, control water to put out weak fires, Removes poisonous clouds around him, knock down boulders near him (about 4 yards away max), and hover for a limited amount of time if not hit. Shuma on the other hand has the strength of an S class Demon (Which is one of the strongest known demon groups). Shuma favorite technique is called "End all be all" which sens out a wave of flames that decimates all that he wants. Personality: Although Meteo is aloof he is kind hearted and Shuma is just the opposite they respect each other. Meteo prefers fighting with his swords and sword techniques while shuma uses his brains and his abilities and strength. Weapons: Mainly he uses two swords the meteor Sword known to some as the sword of storms and Lumina a.k.a the sword of Luminescence What they look like: Meteo has shoulder length brown hair that cover his pointed ears. Meteo keeps lumina strapped to his back unless he decides to fight. Meteo keeps the Meteor sword on his side. Meteo wears a Black jacket and a black Tank top. Meteo's eyes are normally a green color but change into a dark red when angered. Meteo has black pants and black shoes Meteo skin is a light tan. Shuma is a darker tan than meteo. Shuma's hair is white and eyes are red. Shuma's clothes are the same as Meteo's at all times.
Meteo enters his english class and sits in the back corner furthest away from all of the classmates. "Great I got this first..." Meteo mutters and then looks at everyone as the classmates pass out the Rubric for this class. Meteo looks at the rubric and then shoves it into his Book Bag. Meteo then sets his pen into his bags front pouch and reads the book assigned to him by the teacher. [i]I got nothing else to do.[/i] Meteo thinks as he continues the test.
OOC:Spyda I left a message in the Registration thread for you. BIC: 1.Ares Fireball 2.18 Jigen flames 3.Dragon of the Fiery Flames Meteo wakes up and looks at the clock. [i]Great, first day of school and I am late. Oh how I hate this.[/i] Meteo thinks. Meteo then gets dressed, grabs his bag, and runs to the school. Meteo sees a red pen with flame marks on it. [i]nice pen dunno who dropped it but it's mine now...[/i] Meteo thinks as he stops and picks it up. Meteo then continues his run to school with the pen still in his hand. Meteo sees Serenity, Aoi, and Makento in front of the school. Meteo tries to go inside of the school but is stopped by serenity when she see his pen as it starts to blink. "Get out of my way." Meteo says as he pushes Serenity out of his way not paying attention to the pens. Meteo then sees the pen blinking. "Why is this pen blinking???"
Spyda it pays to read... sunofexiles wantspeople to have the elements that she assigned. Also if you read the inside of the Perenthasis in my post you would see that I put my character's last name then his first name. I'm not yelling at you just giving you some constructive critizism.
Name: Akechi Meteo (Last name then first.) Age: 17 Gender: Male Element:Fiery Flames Appearance: [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=15&pos=14]Pic of Meteo[/URL] just without the sword. Meteo has Crimson eyes and Black Hair. Personality: Meteo loves a good brawl but tries to not fight. Meteo is Friendly to those who earn his trust and fights to protect his them. Most times he seems aloof to others but if people earn his trust there is almost nothing he won't do for them. He keeps his feelings locked inside. Bio: Meteo is a skilled swordsman for his age. Meteo trains in Kendo along with other martial arts. Meteo is was an orphan til he was 13 when he was adopted. Therefore he has been aloof unless people earned his trust. When people earn his trust he may be a bit sarcastic but he is able to protect his friends. A Loner by his lifestyle but is a kind person if anyone gets to know him. People either laughed at him or kept their distance because they didn't know what Meteo would do to them. Meteo just ignored them and stayed at the furthest part away from people but still in class. He just didn't care. (I'll just put the move list here then if you want me to change one of them lemme know.) Move list (In order of learned): Ares Fireball-a simple fireball flies at the intended target basically burning the person who is the target. 18 Jigen flames-Meteo makes 18 fireballs and each of them converge on one target. Usually hits in its full power if all 18 hits but not garanteed. Dragon of the Fiery Flames-Meteo throws a Fireball that takes the shape of a small dragon and it burns what ever it hits stops whenever it hits something engulfing it in flames.
(You forgot Blademaster and Heavy Axeman) Name:Meteo Dragoon (Meteo for short) Age:18 Gender:Male Description: [URL=http://www.cyberconnect2.jp/hack/image/sanjuro.jpg] Meteo looks like this but with red paint on instead of green.[/URL] Type: Heavy Blade Personality:Friendly but aloof Meteo has heard about the PVP in towns and is against it.
OOC: No Prob I thought it would be helpful if I helped you out by having you find your crest... ~~~ BIC: Kyukimon and Meteo smirk. "KYUKIMON FINISH IT!!!" Meteo tells Kyukimon. Kyukimon does a blade twister disintigrating the other Flarerizamon. "Good.... we finished it..." Meteo says. The two ultimates digivolve back into rookie form. Meteo grabs his head because of a headache. "You alright Meteo???" Kotemon asks... "Just a headache... Nothing else...." Meteo says massaging his head releaving his headache. Phayt, Kotemon, and Pyromon laugh. "I know I know it's funny to see me give myself a head massage." Meteo says. DarkTyrannomon shows up behind them. OOC:Brain cramp I can't think of anymore right now I'll edit this later....
Meteo looks at the Flarerizamon. "I don't like the looks of this and I do not want to fight you both...." Meteo says. "It is pointless for us to battle... There are still Tyrranomon here...." Meteo tries to negotiate trying to buy some time. "like over there." Meteo points trying to trick the flarerizamon. "We've made up our mind's we will battle your digimon..." One of the Flarerizamon demands. "Such a demanding thing... Dinohumon I guess we'll need Kyukimon to show up... So please digivolve and fight one and take him out honourably and Quickly." Meteo whispers to Dinohumon. Dinohumon then Digivolves into Kyukimon and grins. "You said the Digimon would do you never said what level... I'll teach you...." Kyukimon says. "BLADE TWISTER!!!" Kyukimon says nailing on of the Flarerizamon down as Phayt's tag starts to glow. "Guess your tags near pal..." Meteo says. "We'll keep them busy you go..." Meteo continues and Phayt and Meramon nod there heads. Meteo then runs up to a Flarerizamon and ducks grabbing a handful of sand throws it into its eyes temporarily blinding it. "I said we'd cover you FIND IT!!!" Meteo says as he and Kyukimon continue there assault on the Flarerizamons.
Meteo looks at the rest of the group. "So where is the base of the target..." Meteo asks as the group is walking past some Tyrranomon. "Dunno We should find it though. sooner or later." Kotemon and Phayt says shrugging. "We should give it our best though just to make sure that they don't beat us." Kotemon continues. The four of them nod. "Most Digimon are either good, Neutral, or evil.... But most will join the fight to save their land if need be..." Pyromon says. "So don't worry unless they attack you." Phayt, Meteo, Kotemon and Pyromon walk on and a couple of Tyrranomon get in the way. "None shall pass..." the one on the left. "If you want pass you'll have to beat us." the other one says with a smirk. As they say Meteo walks to them and looks up to them. "Kotemon digivolve." Meteo says. Kotemon then Digivolves into Dinohumon. "Pyromon help Dinohumon." Phayt says and pyromon digivolves into Meramon. Dinohumon and Meramon Target a tyrranomon. Dinohumon nails one tyrranomon with the Lizard Dance. Meramon Hits the other tyrranomon with the Magma Blast. The two Tyrranomon land onto the Ground fainted out of energy.
Name: Dragus Loader Age: 31 Gender: Male Appearance: Lean about 5'11 wears a red Beret along with a dark red shirt and black pants. Dragus has jet Black hair and glimmering Blue eyes. Dragus has somewhat tan. Dragus has a Kevlar vest on right under the Leather Jacket. Bio: Dragus is a sharpshooter who worked with Jason in the mission that Jason left. Dragus also dissapeared because of the mission failure but to work on his sharpshooting better. Eventually he went underground and reappeared several years after the establishment of Identity Zero. He joined Identity Zero and climbed the ranks in short time. Now head of two European clean spots. Organization: Green Beret Weapons: Colt .45 Revolver and a Sniper Rifle Equipment: Infrared gogles, Jingle keys, and GPS Transporter Specialties: a. Combat - Sharpshooting via heavy training 3 b. Non-Combat - Driving 2 c. Miscellaneous - Computer Hacking 1
Meteo looks at Phayt and then at Kotemon. [i] we can't lose yet... Ellie isn't one to die either we have to do.[/i] Meteo thinks. Meteo then grins as he stares off. Kotemon looks at Meteo. "What are you thinking Meteo?" "I was thinking we got to win for Phayt's sake." Meteo says. "I just don't want him to lose a close friend. So if we lose this mission we will have a big loss. But I won't allow that." Meteo then chuckles and then continues his walk and his then looks around at the allies and grins as he follows keeping an eye out for enemies.
Meteo looks at phayt. "I'm going only if Kotemon is comming with me. He is a partner and I don't like leaving partners behind bring your digimon with you so you don't forget him. Just in Case Ellie comes after us... Besides, I am one of the only ones that can digivole a digimon into Ultimate. Besides you have to find your crest... I was lucky enough to find mine so quickly." Meteo says. Phayt nods. "Hey I wouldn't have it any other way than to have our two Digimon Partners fight with us...." Phayt says. Meteo grabs some unperishable food for travel for both groups. He gives Emma half of the food collected and keeps the rest for his group. "There we should have enough to last us a while...." Meteo says....
Meteo and Kotemon grin as they head back to there room. "Good night my friend... Hopefully we have no enemies again tonight." Meteo says laying down and then immediately falls asleep. Kotemon nods and then leans against the wall taping his sword against his shoulder. [i]"I can't believe we found the crest so quickly."[/i] Kotemon thinks as he leans against the wall staying alert while nodding his head about to fall asleep.
Meteo rushes his way to wherever Sabin, Namia, and Tanken were. "Sorry I'm late... The Wu wouldn't let me go without bringing the supplies I guess I missed the action. Well we have to make sure the emperor loses the sword and returns it to it's rightful place. That is the Wu's orders. Just a reminder... These are Food, Medicinal Supplies, Money, Smithing materials, along with various other goods." Meteo says with a salute. Meteo feels someone hitting his armour at the top of shoulder with a sword. Meteo draws his sword and stabs the guy in the gut then immediately pulls the sword out. Meteo spins around as the Mantean soldier falls to his knees and decapitates him blood splattering everywhere. Meteo turns back to them cleaning the blood off of his armour, his face and his his sword. "The enemy has no sense of honour if they think sneak attacks will work against us. Urgh." Meteo says as he starts to feel the pain in his shoulder. Meteo grabs his arm and as he does he feels a warm liquid running down his arm. "He did more than I thought. The bastard actually drew blood." Meteo says complimenting the soldier he just killed. Meteo holds his arm looking at the others waiting for the others to tell him what the plan is.
Sign Up Double Edge: The Hero's beginning [PG- V,L]
Dj Professor DM replied to Albel the Wicked's topic in Theater
Name: Meteo Dragoon Age: 31 Appearence: Meteo is tall and muscular. Meteo wears Metal Armour that is painted blue. Meteo's eyes are red. Meteo has the Chinese symbol for Tiger on the breast plate piece of his armour. Meteo has no helmet. Meteo never worn a helmet. Meteo wears a red bandana. Meteo is tan and has black hair. Weapons: Meteo has a double-bladed sword and a halberd. Bio: Meteo was once a guard of Ostania. Meteo is known as the Raging Tiger of Ostania. He earned the title because he fights like a Furious tiger. Meteo was considered one of the strongest of the Ostania guards. He has been in many battles before Ostania crumbled. Meteo has become a traveller and a master in legendary swordfighting style(But not the swordfighting the Mountain Hermit knows. He mastered the Forest Hermit's swordfighting). Meteo is on a journey to the Mountain Hermit but he took a stop in Bulgar Village and met Miroshi. -
(I think you mean Airdramon and it's a champion.) Kotemon hears the inhuman and indigimon voice and shakes Meteo to wake him up. "Hey Meteo I think we'll need to face something as a group..." Kotemon says. Meteo sits up and streches. "Sounds fun but I think you better digivolve..." Meteo suggests. "We don't know what we in for." as he finishes Kotemon digivolves into Dinohumon. The two of them run out and look at the two being controlled by Dampiramon. "Are you Ready Meteo?" Dinohumon asks Meteo. "I'll take the human you take the Digimon... Deal... Don't try to kill them... We will need the help if they become allies..." Meteo says. Dinohumon nods his head and jumps at Airdramon. Meteo charges at James. Meteo hits James in the side of the head just past the temple. Dinohumon slashes at Airdramon/dampiramon but airdramon flies up to avoid the slash. "Darn and without the Crest I might not be able to hit him." Dinohumon says. As Dino humon says that the Ground that he lands on shows the crest of honour. "A crest? It's our crest Meteo!!!" Dinohumon shouts as the crest enters Meteo's tag and ground lowers a foot in that area James/Dampiramon gets up to see this happen. "So you got your tag and crest not like you'll beat me." James/Dampiramon says with Airdramon/Dampiramon in unison. "We'll see about that... Stick with the plan Dinohumon." Meteo says the crest starts to glow out of nowhere. Dinohumon Digivolves into Kyukimon. "Wow... Amazing... You digivolved again my friend. But what are you now???" "I am now kyukimon for now... Let's take them out..." Kyukimon says. Kyukimon and Meteo grin. "BLADE TWISTER!!!" Kyukimon says spinning making bladed winds hit Airdramon knocking him back into rookie form and Dampiramon out of betamon. Kyukimon reverts back into Kotemon. James/Dampiramon hits Meteo with a right hook to the Jaw and Meteo hits James/Dampiramon in the stomach with a stiff left hand to the gut. James tries to punch Meteo in the face but Meteo counters by grabbing the fist with both hands, rolling onto his back, kicking James in the stomach while rolling back, and Throwing james into the wall. This in which Knocks James out. After the intense battle both Meteo and Kotemon pass out from exsaution.
Name: Meteo Dragoon Age: 35 Race: Human Class: Samurai Knight Weapon of Choice: Twin Katanas Weapon Style: Bushido What side they're on: The Wu Empire and which is an ally to the Resistance Why they fight: To return the Paragon to it's rightful shrine and Guard it. A BRIEF(!) History of the character: Meteo has worked under the Wu Empire after he has learned Bushido and continues his training. The Wu Empire sent Meteo to take care of the Paragon and return it to it's rightful Resting place or at least training. Meteo doesn't take the enemy lightly because of his warrior training and his pride. Pic:[IMG]http://kattuggla.oru.se/dmd01/dm0103/test/fighters/dw_caocao.gif[/img] All in all: A honourable, proud, and powerful warrior that fights for justice.
Wolverine sniffs around the city and finds The Teen Titans again. "O.k. Bub I found you." Wolverine said he sniffs again and recognizes Spiderman's Scent. "Hey Web Head get down here... Prof. X sent me to take out Onslaught and I think these people know the info that I need... So help me out here." Wolverine extends his claws. Cyborg attempts to attack Wolverine from behind. Before Cyborg can react Wolverine does a backflip off of Cyborg's arm. Wolverine retracts his claws shakes his finger at Cyborg. Wolverine then grabs Cyborg's arms and puts them in dual (Both arms) chicken wing. "You got a lot of nerve Bub. I think you know the most about Onslaught since you attacked me." Wolverine locks tightens the hold on Cyborg. "Ow. You have a lot of nerve man." Cyborg complains. "You are like me bub in a sense. We both wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell against Magneto. But I want y'all to tell me all you know about Onslaught Now!!!" Wolverine states putting as much pressure as he can on Cyborg. "If you don't I might just use my adamantium claws to tear you to shreads. I am Wolverine the vigilante of the X-men." Robin runs toward Cyborg and Wolverine and jumps up attempting to do a flying roundhouse kick. Wolverine lets go of cyborg and ducks barely low enough to dodge the kick by Robin. As soon as Robin Lands Wolverine does a reverse heel drag kick tripping Robin and then extends the Claws out of his right hand again right to the edge of cutting Robin's Corrodid Artery. "I could of killed you... But I still need that info so tell me." Wolverine keeps demanding.
Name: Meteo Dragoon Age: 35 Race: Human Class: Samurai Knight Weapon of Choice: Twin Katanas Weapon Style: Bushido What side they're on: The Wu Empire and which is an ally to the Resistance Why they fight: To return the Paragon to it's rightful shrine and Guard it. A BRIEF(!) History of the character: Meteo has worked under the Wu Empire after he has learned Bushido and continues his training. The Wu Empire sent Meteo to take care of the Paragon and return it to it's rightful Resting place or at least training. Meteo doesn't take the enemy lightly because of his warrior training and his pride. All in all: A honourable, proud, and powerful warrior that fights for justice.
Meteo looks at Kotemon. "Kotemon will be my guard. If you don't mind Partner. Kotemon and I seem to have the same soul (Meaning similar souls). So I would be honoured if Kotemon will guard me..." Meteo says. "Sure thing partner. We can do that. I'll Guard you... This Bakouto will protect you... but here..." Koremon says throwing Meteo a tag. Meteo catches the tag. "The Crest I do not know where it is though.... I found it while I wastrying to find you Meteo I don't know where the other tags and crests are either..." Meteo nods to that then puts the tag around his neck and then the two of them (Meteo and Kotemon) Walk to the room they will be in and fall asleep.
Kotemon looks at Lucemon. "Digital Spore or Dark Spore one of the two... Slashangemon told me..." Kotemon says. "I may not be an Angel Digimon but I might when I digivolve like I might become one. But we don't know..." Meteo chuckles. "Yeah that would be good. But we gotta worry about the Present first. We need to know our opponent first. Then we'll handle it from there." Meteo says as he says it he gets a stern look on his face.
Meteo looks at the table. Meteo reaches over and picks the goblet up and drinks the blood in the goblet. "Ah nothing beats having a nice meal before a rest... besides I had to guard them last night..." Meteo says sipping on the goblet. "Ahhh. that hits the spot." Meteo continues as a huge grin appears on his face. Meteo then finishes his meal of blood and then falls asleep so for his wait for the mission.
Meteo stands in the hallway standing guard. [i]I'll wake Tala up when it is about an hour before Dawn. That way she can cook for them and I'll sleep in my room when it is Dawn.[/i] Meteo thinks as he paces through the hall way. Meteo walks to the entrance and keeps an eye on the sky. Meteo also keeps an eye out on the ground to keep an eye out for people that get to close. Meteo sees that it is getting lighter. Meteo sees that it is approximately two hours before dawn. Meteo starts to stroll through the caves taking his time and reaches the rest rooms on time. He then walks to Tala's room and knocks on the caves wall to wake her up. "It's an hour till Dawn I thought I should let you know... So you can get breakfast ready. I am going to sleep until the mission... and if you have get a meal ready for me I'll take a pint of blood. Put it in a glass. I will be in my room." Meteo says and heads into his room. Meteo lays down like he was in his coffin and falls asleep.
Meteo grins seeing the food. "Hey I say let's eat for now... We can discuss this during and after the meal." Meteo says Kotemon walks up to Meteo and nods his head. "We should clear up all problems within the group so we do not have an arguement and end up seperating and fighting against each other. Sure some people have their problems but That's just something we have to deal with." Kotemon says. Rae starts dishing up the soup. Kotemon and Meteo start handing out the soup.
Meteo stands there grinning bearing his fangs. "So this is the first of the transformations." Meteo says. "Just stay out of my way when I am hungry..." Meteo starts chuckling as he starts to head to the door. "I'll be waiiting in the mine shaft. I need to rest a little bit" Meteo says and goes through the door. Meteo leans against a wall and closes his eyes. Meteo dreams about his conflict with Count Dracula.[i] "O.K. Drac you're going down." Meteo says. Dracula grins. "Sorry but I am already dead." Dracula says and bites Meteo's throat and Meteo stabs Dracula through the heart with a wooden Stake. But Dracula's job has already been done. [/i] Meteo awakens and continues his wait in the Mine shaft.