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Dj Professor DM

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Everything posted by Dj Professor DM

  1. Meteo gets up sensing somewhat that it is about sunset. "Man I'm thirsty. It's about sunset. I guess I'm off to feed for now... So if you mind I gotta go find someone that will not be one of us..." Meteo says as he exits the room and starts to walk as he gets closer to the exit of the cave he starts to run. He reaches the exit and jumps out and starts looking for a bystandard to drink the blood of. He sees a man climbing the mountain. (He is not one of y'all he is just some random mountain climber.) "Ahhh someone to be my meal for now." Meteo says. Meteo walks behind him and pulls the man's head back and while the man is scared in fear A smirk apears on Meteo's Face. "Fear is the best spice in Blood." Meteo says and Bites into the man's throat and sucks the blood from him quenching Meteo's thirst for the night. Meteo then threw the Man into a tree branch where the Heart is so he wouldn't become a vampire. Meteo then breaks the limb off and then buries the guy so no one knows he was killed by him except for Meteo and whoever was watching.
  2. Meteo looks around the room. Meteo stands in the darkest corner of the room. "Sorry I'm not in the light, but, Hey you Know I would if I could..." Meteo says. "We need some Fresh blood Errmmmm Allies... Sorry It's just my thirst for Blood is somewhat controlling right now." Meteo Continues. Meteo then walks out of the corner watching the others making sure they do not try to attack him. "Look each of us have a strength or strength that will aid us in different Areas and we will need to utilize our strengths like I am a vampire so My strength comes from being basically immortal with Strength and speed Like other vampires (Remember Vampires can be killed with a wooden steak through the heart Garic, A cross, Sunlight and Holy Water). But I Try to improvise to keep alive. So we should do the same as a group to stay alive. I even have Experience of centuries. So I can be a guiding hand." Meteo sits down and pulls puts his hand on his chin and ponders the current predicament about the Multichangers and the changers. "We are facing your sister, right? Well I hope she doesn't know How to take Vampires out too... I would like to be a guardian for the races of this planet for a millenia or two... So I want to help as much as I can." Meteo says looking at the one who brought the team here. Meteo grins with his fangs bearing.
  3. Rules: 1) No Useless and unorthodox Slang like [i] F.uck you, You F.ucking Bitchy Bastar.d!!![/i] Do it like "What the Hell do you want?" and "You want a fight I'll give you a f.ucking fight!" 2)Post as often as you can... ~~~ Malebolgia has gotten tired of Spawns Defiance and he has decided to join forces with Mundos. Dante and Spawn Both hear about this from the Mysterious Mammoth (Or Mammon I forgot what his name.) Spawn Doesn't like it but he and Dante along with a few other people must fight together against the forces of Malebolgia and Mundos. When Dante heard of the grouping Dante thinks[i]Damn the two of them working together I can handle Mundos but who the hell is Malebolgia???[/i] When Spawn and Dante First meet they Cross weapons but they then see that they have common Goals to defeat Mundos and Malebolgia. Spawn and Dante have found a few new allies as well. ~~~ Name: Age: Weapons Race (Human, Demon(Have to state the Demon Race), Reaver Angel and Half Demon(Must State what demon blood is in you unless you do not know): Abilities (Half Demon demon and Angels only. State them with a description): Alliance (Spawn and Dante's or Mundos and Malebolgia's): Personality: Bio: Appearnce: ~~~ Name: Spawn Age:32 Weapons: Axe called Agony, his Chains, and a wide assortment of guns Race:HellSpawn Abilities:Necroplasm Ball: This shoots a green ball of necroplasm energy that explodes on contact. Necroplasm Beam: This shoots a beam of necroplasm energy that can hit through multiple enemies much like a rail gun. Necroshield: This forms a small barrier of necroplasm energy that reduces the damage you take. Hell Speed: This skill makes Spawn move at incredibly high speed allowing him to inflict massive amounts of damage in a short time. Demonic Fury: This summons worm like entities of necroplasm energy that swarm your targeted enemy causing large amounts of damage to your target. Gliding and Superhuman Strength as well Alliance:Spawn and Dante's Personality: Usually angry and loves to work alone but will work with others if absolutely need be. Bio:Al was born to loving middle class parents who lived in a quiet neighborhood outside of Pittsburgh. he grew up like any other kid, going to school, and playing a few sports. However, his competitive nature set him apart. He was always driven to win and accepted no less than total victory in everything he did, whether it was on the ball field, or just having a conversation. He would never start a debate unless he could get his point across. To Al, there was no pint in starting anything if there was no way he could win. Al went from High School straight to College where he was first noticed and then recruited to the CIA. As part of his new job, he joined the military, rapidly going up through the ranks, and gaining a place on a special elite unit set to guard the president. While on duty with this unit, he saved the President from an assassin's bullet for which he was rewarded a huge promotion to Lieutenant Colonial. His combat skills and aptitude for quick learning brought him to the attention of Jason Wynn who became his personal mentor, drawing him publicly into the intelligence community. Jason Wynn was a master of manipulation, and led Al Simmons into believing, at least at first, that everything they did had a purpose and was for the good of American Security. The missions became more bloody with fewer rational explanations, some even causing civil wars. What was once a strong friendship, or so it appeared to naive Al, rapidly deteriorated as Simmons began to question his commander Wynn and his motives. This continuous butting of heads would not be tolerated by the likes of Jason Wynn, nor would it go unpunished. It was a mission just like the eight previous, where Al was going to kill in the name of his government when he was turned on by two of his fellow agents, Chapel and Priest, ironic names at best. The two agents opened fire on Al with laser weapons, burning him beyond recognition. Al had been set up by Jason Wynn because he'd become a thorn in the man's side. Al Simmons was buried with great media fanfare because he'd been their darling ever since his televised rescue of the president many months before. He was a hero, his coffin draped in an American flag which was given to his widow Wanda Blake while the country watched. Stories ran for days of the lad buried in Arlington National Cemetery who'd risked and lost his life, all in the name of his country. But existence didn't end for Al when he was burned by his treacherous comrades. At the moment of his death, he made a pact that he'd later barely recall. Al had always had an Achilles' heel, ill-afforded to a killer in his position. Al loved his wife beyond bearing and the deal hinged upon this. Though he was an atheist at the time of his death, Al would do anything to see his wife again and the Malebolgia took him at his word. In a split-second, or so it seemed, he was returned to earth. Al Simmons had now become an officer in training, one of Malebolgia's hand-picked Hellspawn for this century, bound to a symbiotic uniform and infused with hell-born energy. Al was able to follow orders, had killer instinct, and was willing to make the bargain; all of the Malebolgia's requirements. At first, Al was disoriented which was part of the Malebolgia's training plan. What had seemed only a second, was actually five years. Soon, was beginning to learn however, taught both by a demon chaperone, and with some knowledge from the Malebolgia himself. Al was faced with the choice of doing nothing with his new powers or using them, for good or for ill. If he did nothing, he would be allowing evil to continue and that would help serve hell. But he also know that if he became a force for good and killed those that were evil with his hell-born energy, as his instincts told him to, he would just increase the population on the armies in Hell readying for battle with Heaven. And even if he became evil, and used the power, accepting what he had become, he became that much more valuable to hell. Worst of all for Al, Hell is not content to wait for him to make his decision. His Guardian demon, the Clown, is there to dog his steps and push and prod him. This demon, who transforms into the hideously disfigured Violator, a creature born in the pits of hell, has chosen to target the loved ones from Al's life, and to put Al at odds with law enforcement and humanity in general. Spawn is hounded by them now, as the mob, the government and the cops all seek to stop this "cloaked enemy of society". It is this harassment that Hell hopes will drop the Hellspawn back to his instincts, those of a government-trained assassin, who would kill without questioning and act without thinking. But it turns out that Al's Achilles' heel is Hell's as well. he loved his wife and came back to see her. He has discovered that she is remarried, to his best friend, Terry Fitzgerald who was able to give her the child he never could. Although frustrated, he realizes that she is happy and so he's moved on to search for a new identity and a way to come to terms with his new condition. His love for her was so deep that it actually helped salve some of his wounds and he's begun to heal spiritually. He now has to find a way to go on, because this game too, must have a way to win. The easiest and most immediate purpose he sees is to exact revenge on Jason Wynn, whom he discovered, ordered his death. he's taken to living with the homeless people in the alley's Bowery, where he was first returned to earth, and has become their defender of sorts. He knows he should do something more for them and himself , but he now knows that the final curse laid upon him is that his power on Earth is finite. Once he is emptied of his Hell-born energy, he will be returned to the Malebolgia and become a favored slave leading an army of the damned with no hope of redemption. His task now is to use his powers wisely to figure out a way, if any, to break this contract, one that has never before been broken. But Spawn had Different plans and double Crossed Malebolgia multiple times driving Malebolgia to join forces with Mundos. Appearnce:[URL=http://www.angelfire.com/ca5/SFGang/soulcalibur2/spawn.jpg]Here[/URL] (It link)
  4. Name- Dragus Loader Age- 32 Gender-Male Appearance-click [URL=http://www.square-central.com/ff7/vincent.shtml]here[/URL] with six guns strapped on him (Two uzis on legs two on the side and two hidden on in his cape. Personality-Dragus is a quiet guy who seems angsty at times Occupation- Bodyguard Bio- Dragus works as a bodyguard of various powerful (Rich) people and Dragus is being paid to protect the Priest Andrew Kiernan during his mission. Dragus keeps three handguns, two uzis and a tranquilizer gun on him. Dragus uses whichever gun is necessary but he prefers to use the tranquilizer but is known two use his other guns as well. Dragus is an excellent marksman since he practices everyday and tries to keep enough ammo to keep him in a gunfight for a bit.
  5. There's also Omega Red. who is another Potential Villain.
  6. I started playing Snake Eater today and I noticed a poster of Puffy AmiYumi's Yumi. Which they did not know of them at that time.
  7. Well I put that in since you didn't state that in the first post. If you did I probably overlooked it... Well my character has ways of protecting himself from his weakness from sunlight. He uses his cape.
  8. Name: Meteo Dragoon Age: 300 Gender: Male Form: Vampire Appearance:[img]http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arcade/8311/magus/magusart.gif[/img] but with a katana instead of a scythe Form Appearance: Same as appearance. Why You Were Chosen: Meteo has wisdom, strength and speed to aid those he fights with.
  9. Meteo looks at the digivice and decides to head to were blinking lights are. The two of them start walking to them. "Come on Kotemon we might find comrades." Meteo says. The two of them walk to a hill and when he sees a pair a digimon and a human. "Hello I see you have a partner. I got a partner as well. Maybe we can work as teamates." Meteo says pointing at Kotemon. He looks at Pyromon and then at kotemon. "Pyromon so you met your partner Phayt I believe his name is.. we got something in common." Kotemon says. "Phayt... Name sounds familiar..." Meteo says.
  10. As the Bell Rang Meteo looks around seeing a grassy plain and a small creature in a blue fencing uniform and a bakuto (Wooden sword). "What just happened?" Meteo asks as a Digivice appears on his side. Meteo knows he should be in Gym now but it doesn't look like gym right then. When he stares at the blue fencing uniformed creature with the glowing eyes. "It's not nice to stare you know..." It says. "I'm sorry I just never saw anything like you. Who are you???" Meteo replies. "My name is Kotemon I am looking for someone named Meteo... Are you him???" Kotemon says. "Yeah Meteo's the name... But I don't think I am the one you are looking for.." Meteo says. Kotemon looks at the digivice. "Yes you are." Kotemon say pointing at the Digivice. "That is a digivice... you are a Digidestined and I am your partner." Meteo looks confused. "Well I guess you got me there...." Meteo says just noticing the Digivice.
  11. oOC Well even though lunch is about fifth period at the 8 period schools I'll just say that he went through those classes. IC: Meteo walks through the cafeteria and Sits down in a corner and watches everyone pass. Meteo then laughs as he pulls out a bag and starts eating a balogna sandwich and drinking a gatorade bottle. Meteo watches everyone and then checks his cell phone. Meteo then thinks[i] Phayt should be at lunch...[/i] Meteo has a smirk on his face. Meteo continues to eat his lunch and smirks.
  12. OOC: My character is at a school with an 8 period day so I am going to have him start there. IC:Meteo walks to his third period in school which is his computer class. Which was one of his more skilled classes but not like his sports classes. As he enters the class and gets to the computer a smirk comes across his face he then Meteo then sits at a computer and starts to type in HTML coding on Easywriter. As he does he looks at the HTML book and reads what he has to do. "O.k." Meteo says as he saves his classwork as he goes along.
  13. Demons are a nice addition but they are not necessary.... Hey look at several of the great anime's without them Such as Cowboy Bebop and Ranma 1/2 they are great and need not the help of using the demons.
  14. Those are great. I love them... They are much better than what I can do... (Why else do you think I made this thread.)
  15. That the main female character has a major attitude like Akane Tendo (Ranma 1/2) or Kagome (Inuyasha) when provoked. The main guy seems to be a total jack *** throughout the season.
  16. As it says I would like a sig and Avy of Spawn Siggy Something dark and gloomy and says With a pic of Spawn on the left side and one of Spawn on the right side too with the quote Wanda, is there still hope? Avatar a pic of spawn in the middle with the saying Said your Prayers? I would be very grateful if these were done by New Years eve...
  17. Can a Mod Put this into the Adventure Inn???
  18. Name: Dragus Loader Age: 23 Race: Komoto Dragon Description: Dragus is very tall (Bout 6'11") and well built. Dragus wears crimson wristbands, a crimson tank (Tanktop) and a black pants. Dragus has a holster on chest for a SOCOM Pistol. He wears Steel-toed boots so they'll really hurt if he kicks you. Biography: Dragus is a rough neck Pilot always seeming to get in fight when he gets pulled into them. He has gotten both sides of the fueding factors SF and SW to join them because of his marksman ship and flying but Dragus refuses to join them. Faction: Independent Origin:Macbeth Alliegence: Good Craft type: Wolfen type II custom. Like a Wolfen Type I but a heavier weight slower to match the Arwing type II in stats and has quad Plasma rifles instead of the usual twin. and instead of a mini turret it has an auto cannon Hand weapons: A socom Pistol and beam sabre
  19. Name: Meteo Dragoon Age: 13 Gender: Male Hometown: Pallet Town Appearance: [IMG]http://www.beepworld.de/memberdateien/members17/poketrainer-melody/masterzanzughochzeitmithotaru.gif[/IMG] but with black jeanshorts no bow, and a black Tank Personality: Nice and straight forward. Meteo is very optimistic. Meteo has will stand for what he thinks is right and is to proud to admit defeat to those he thinks are wrong. Background: Meteo is has been a pokemon for three years he and his pokemon have trained for years to keep in tip top shape to be as strong as they can be. Meteo gives breaks for water every fifteen minutes to give them time to recooperate. Pokèmon: [URL=http://www.ktf-split.hr/~eni/goran/pokemon/slike/006.gif]Charizard named Slash[/URL](Male has a cressent shaped scar on it's face at it's eye) and a [URL=http://home.no.net/lmonstre/pokemon/mywork/bilder/treecko2.gif]Treecko[/URL] he just caught
  20. Name: James Howlett, now goes by Logan Super Hero Name: Wolverine, Once called: Weapon X and Patch Age: 31 Super Powers: Wolverine is a mutant with a number of enhancements to his physiology. Wolverine possesses heightened senses, making him capable of seeing things at a maximum distance greater than that of a normal human. His hearing is enhanced in a similar manner, and he is able to recognize people and objects by scent, even if that person or object is hidden. Logan can use these enhanced senses to track anyone, with an impressive degree of success. He possesses retractable bone claws that are housed in his forearms, they are part of his skeleton system. At will Wolverine can release these claws through his skin between the knuckles on each hand. The skin between the knuckles tears and bleeds, but bleeding is quickly halted by his healing factor. The claws are naturally sharp and tougher than that of normal human bone structure. This allows Wolverine to be able to cut through most types of flesh and natural materials. (Note: While Wolverine possessed his adamantium skeleton, his claws were able to cut through almost any material without any fear of damage to the claws.) Lastly, Wolverine possesses an accelerated healing factor based on his physiology. While most normal humans heal injuries over a long period of time, Wolverine's healing factor speeds up that natural process. Wolverine's natural healing has been advanced to the point where he can heal extensive injuries (such as broken limbs) in a matter of hours to days. This factor gives him a higher resistance to poisons and toxins, and he can recover from almost any injury. The more extensive the injury, the longer the healing time will be. Wolverine is not immortal, however. If the injuries are extensive enough, especially if they result in the loss of vital organs, large amounts of blood, and/or loss of physical form (such as having flesh burned away by fire or acid), Logan can die. Wolverine, again due to his healing factor, has an enhanced resistance to disease, as well as an extended life span. Despite Wolverine's chronological age, he is still as healthy and physically fit as a man in his prime. Abilities: Due to his extensive training as a CIA operative, a Samurai, and as a member of the Weapon X program, Wolverine is a master of multiple forms of martial arts, weapons, and vehicles. He is also a trained expert in computers, explosives, and assassination techniques. Biography: It's gonna be long.... In the late 1880's a child by the name of James Howlett was born. As a child James was a frail and sick boy. His allergies didn't allow him to go out and play much. His father had requested that a twelve year old girl be brought to their estate. That girl was named Rose and she was to be a friend and play mate to James. She read to him and looked after him. Along with the grounds keeper's son, Dog, James and Rose were the only children on the hill where the estate was. They had become close friends and played together as much as possible but Dog slowly grew away from them. Dog's father, the grounds keeper was named Thomas Logan, he was an alcoholic and abuse his son. Over the next few years Dog started to follow in his father footsteps, becoming cruel and heartless. James was given more responsibilities by his father and grandfather. After a big fight, Dog killed James's K-9 companion which resulted in the Logans getting kicked off the Howlett estate. In a fit of rage and anger Thomas Logan and his son entered the estate armed. They then took Rose hostage and demanded that she take them to the masters' bedroom. There the elder Logan tried to persuade James's mother, Elizabeth, to leave with them. Before they could leave John entered the room and discovered them together. In a rage of hate and dislike Thomas shot John as James walked into the room. Seeing his father shot and killed shocked him so much that it triggered his latent mutant abilities. His claws extended and continued through Thomas. After his mother shunned him for his unusual abilities he fled the house. Rose followed to see what she could do. She found James outside the house on the ground and cold. She brought him to the barn in order to try and warm him up. Not knowing what to do Rose brought James to his grandfather house. He ended up giving them cash and told them never to come back again. Rose took James and went to British Columbia looking for a place that they could live in peace. Rose remembered her father talking of quarries in the Northern frontiers and she figured that would be a good place for them to start looking. Making it to a quarry, they met a man named Smitty who was the foreman. That is when Rose gave James the name Logan to hide his true identity. By the second summer there Logan was providing for both Rose and himself. He had trained himself to be a fine hunter and he also worked hard at the quarry. Smitty even gave him a new job in demolitions. Shortly after that Smitty asked Rose to marry him. The proposal upset Logan but he finally realized that Smitty did indeed love Rose. Logan then helped Smitty get money for tickets away from the quarry. Before Smitty and Rose could leave Dog showed up. At the request of Logans grandfather he was to kill Logan and Rose for what he believed they did. In the fight that followed Rose tried to break it up but was struck by Logans claws and died. After that, not being able to live among people for what he did he left the camp and went off into the wilderness to live alone. It wasn't until his first recorded encounter with the Hulk, as an agent of Canada's Department H, that anyone had heard of him or knew that he was interacting with people again. Logan possesses memories of being a Samurai in Japan, a mercenary operative for the Central Intelligence Agency, and a "wild man" in the Canadian wilderness. Due to the extensive memory implants given to Logan through the Weapon X program, any and all of these memories are suspect. Logan has at least one memory of meeting Captain America in World War II which was verified as true. It is possible that Logan's healing factor grants him an extended life span and has granted him the physical condition of a man in his prime, despite his age. Sometime after World War II, Logan was taken by a group of scientists led by Dr. Cornelius as part of the Weapon X program. Cornelius was hired to perfect and use a technique that would bond the indestructible element adamantium to human bone cells. Logan's skeleton was bonded to the adamantium, and he was indoctrinated into the Weapon X assassin program. After his encounter with the Hulk, Wolverine was conscripted by Department H to join and lead Alpha Flight, Canada's government-run super team. During his leadership of Alpha Flight, Wolverine was approached by Professor Charles Xavier, who was looking for mutants to help his students, the X-Men, escape from the island-being known as Krakoa, which had captured them. Wolverine left Alpha Flight to accompany Xavier and rescue the captured X-Men. After Krakoa was defeated, Wolverine decided to stay with the X-Men, for reasons which included that he had fallen for the X-Man known as Marvel Girl. Logan remained with the X-Men for quite some time, at one time being their field commander, and encountering adversaries such as Proteus, Magneto, the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, the Brood, the Reavers, demons from the dimension of Limbo, the Marauders, the Morlocks, and even Dracula on one occasion. After his encounter with the mutant assassin Omega Red, Logan began to question the memories he possessed, but his searches to find his true identity and memories proved fruitless. During an encounter with the mutant Magneto on his space station called Avalon, Wolverine attempted to defeat Magneto using the claws presumably given to him by the Weapon X project. Magneto retaliated, using his powers of the magnetic field to tear the adamantium out of Wolverine's skeleton, causing extensive injuries. These injuries shorted out Wolverine's healing factor for a time, and Logan also discovered that the claws that he believed a result of the Weapon X project were in fact a natural mutation. The claws he now possesses are bone, and a natural part of his skeletal structure. As a result of his injuries, Logan left the X-Men for a time, returning after he was asked by Xavier, who also asked the mutant Cable, to rescue the X-Men in Tibet, where they were captured during the Phalanx invasion. Recently, Logan was kidnapped by Tyler Dayspring, calling himself Genesis, who wanted to make Wolverine one of his new Horsemen. Genesis had acquired adamantium by destroying the body of the mercenary known as Cyber, and had planned to recreate the bonding process used on Logan years ago. This time, however, Logan's body rejected the adamantium, and he regressed for a time to a feral-like state. Logan regained his lucidity, rejoined the X-Men, and is now supervising the team while Cyclops and Jean Grey are on leave. Still without his Adamantium, Logan was kidnapped by the would-be conqueror Apocalypse, perhaps the world's first mutant, and forced to fight the savage assassin Sabretooth for the mantle of the Horseman Death. Viewing himself as a more merciful candidate than his fellow mutant, Logan fought hard to win the battle. As a result, his skeleton again was laced with Adamantium. Under the control of Apocalypse, Wolverine fought the X-Men ferociously in his Death persona. But with the help of his teammates, he eventually broke free from Apocalypse's control Description: [IMG]http://www.marveldirectory.com/pics/picsw/wolverine2.gif[/IMG] Gender: Male
  21. Name: Dragus Loader Callsign: Sniper Age: 30 years old.since being created Appearance: [IMG]http://www.weeks-g.dircon.co.uk/gunman.JPG[/IMG] with black hair a blackstyle sneaking suit one sniper rifle and a Famas Rifle with a silencer on it standing 6'4" Personality: Dragus being called sniper means he doesn't like to be close to the action and he prefers fighting from a distance. He is calm and collected but Dragus prefers to work alone as well. He is somewhat of a loner. Biography: Dragus was originally created to be an assassination and spy robot but has joined the X-hunters to kill all infected with the X-virus. Dragus has been known never to miss an intended target Affiliation: X-Hunters Primary Weapon: Sniper Rifle Secondary Weapon: A silenced FAMAS Rifle that he Defensive Capability: A weak force field
  22. (This'll be a good Return RP for me...) Name: Meteo Age:16 Crest:Honour Partner:Kotemon Tree: Kotemon-->Dinohumon-->Kyukimon-->SlashAngemon Bio: Meteo has fought countless brawls and won most by skill of the reverse blade katana. He seems to be the only one that has Honour out of his group of friends but he lets his pride get the best of him and his honour fades a bit... Which is his downfall in the battle's he has lost and he has put up is reverse blade katana up until he can correct his pride....
  23. *Puts back to the false Sky firing the vulcans.* Dragus:"Razzia Charge the Hyper Jammers..." Razzia:"Yes partner. Hyper Jammers Charging." *The Hyper Jammers start charging. Dragus locks in on to a few earth JECHTcoms and fires at them more and blows them up one by one.* Dragus:"This will be good. I will strike them while they can't see me... I know it is dishonorable but I have no choice... I must stop the Earth forces..."
  24. The only Gundam I liked was Gundam Wing because of two Gundams Heavyarms and Deathscyth... SD Gundam Humiliated all the Red gundams by making Bakunetsumaru Red gundams are best as Heavyarms...
  25. Dragus loader sat inside his Jechtcom Deathscythe towards the ASR's base seeing the batle. Dragus:"Looks like the ASR is in trouble with the earth's forces... O.k. Deathscythe, Razzia let's go in and help them." Razzia:"Dragus I highly doubt that would be wise..." Dragus:"We can handle them you know that..." Dragus gets ready for battle with the Beamscythe in hand and firing at the earth forces with the 2 vulcans eventually knocking three out of action. Two of earth's Troops charge at Deathscythe. Right when the earth troops get in range they get slashed by the beamscythe three times eventually blowing the troops up at a fairly good speed. Dragus:"Razzia open a comms screen to each ASR troop here..." Razzia:"Roger that Dragus." Comm screens open up to all of the troops of the ASR. Dragus:"Attention ASR troops this is Dragus Loader I am here to assist you... I am From earth but I refuse to aid the earths forces. We will be able to defeat them with our combined strength."
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