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Dj Professor DM

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Everything posted by Dj Professor DM

  1. (Can I use Majin Buu? If not I'll change this.) Name:Majin buu Age:??? Sex:male Description:[IMG]http://www.danjco.com/buu11.jpg[/IMG] (The fat one.) Weapon Preference: Fists, Gut, energy, and antena Bio: Buu is a creation of the wizard Bobity who he was sealed by he eventually broke free then started a rampage. He was turned good by Hercule Satan. Fromthen on He has continued fighting but he keeps from getting mad. His Favorite move is to turn his opponent into candy (Won't work if opponent is to strong though like Gogeta.)
  2. Gundam Wing cause Heavyarms, Wing Zero, and ShenLong could shoot up the other Mecha's while Deathscythe and Sandrock could slash and gash the other Mecha's.
  3. Name:Dragus Loader Age: 30 Description:[IMG]http://www.snkplaymore.jp/official/kof2003/english/character/img/chara_terry01.jpg[/IMG] Personality:Dragus is on ASR side only because the leader of the earth is not is best friend in fact they are worst enemies. Other than around his enemies he is quite Friendly. Dragus likes training alone but he also tunes up DeathScythe whenever he has the chance. Bio: Dragus was born and raised on earth. he travels around trying to keep a low profile with his Jechtcom DeathScythe who he has had for a few weeks Side:AS-Revolution Location Earth JECHTcom Model Number:XXXG-01D Nickname: DeathScythe Apperence:[IMG]http://www.absoluteanime.com/gundam/deathscythe.gif[/IMG] Bio: DeathScythe is a custom designed Jechtcom that has enhanced speed and stregth greater than the normal Jechtcoms and several custom Jechtcom but still has a problem with the new ones. Weaponry: Vulcans x 2, Machine Cannon x 2, Beam Scythe x 1, Buster Shield x 1, & Hyper Jammer x 2 (Which act like stealth camo for a minute and must be charged to do it.) AI name:Razzia
  4. Name:Meteo Dragoon Age:24 Gender:Male Height:6'9 Weight:329 Description:Meteo has Black hair, tan skin, muscular build and red eyes. Meteo wears a red trenchcoat (Much like Auron's) and black pants. The sheeths to Meteo's weapons are on his side. Biography:Meteo travels the world chopping up fiends and monsters for a price and has gotten the nick name scissorman. He saw his parents killed by fiends so he travels looking for their(his parents) killers... He will kill the fiends in his way. Weapon:A pair of Blades that look like a giant pair of sheers together Over Drive (Limit 1): Snickity snack Makes a giant pair of sheers out of his weapons then runs to the target opponent and starts chopping the monester...
  5. *Meteo walks back too his sister Mary's side.* Meteo:"Sister... It looks like we've been attracting demons left and right." Mary:"Yeah brother but it seems they haven't asked us who our father is." Meteo:"I look like father... That's the truth. you know better than anyone." Mary:"Yes, I do know better than anyone about you." Fye:"Who is your father?" Meteo:"Inuyasha is our father me and Mary are the last living two children of Inuyasha the other two were killed..."*Tears come out of Meteo's eyes.*"...As well as our mother and father."
  6. (Darn it no wayward.) Name:Meteo Dragoon Hunter-Net Name: DoomsDay656 Age:34 Hair: Dirty blonde that is short and spiked Eyes:green Height:6'11" Weight:409 Creed:Avenger Weapons:He carries a basterd Sword and a .32 magnum. He also has a silver bladed Scimitar for some more efficiant kills as well. Edges:Smite-Puts a hand forward and snaps making the wave of energy to lightning-blast the enemies. Cleave-Slashes forward while charges up with lightning impact-points the magnum forward and fires an electrical bullet glare-Stares at target scaring it stupid Appearance:Meteo wears all Leather and has Alot of Muscle He basicly looks like Duece(from original Hunter) but wears more leather. Biography:Meteo was an executive of a arms shop Meteo loves using swords. Meteo trained himself in swordsmanship and marksmanship so he wouldn't loose a battle until the age of 29 when he left his old store and created a new arms store. Imbuing:When Meteo was 29 he was walking through the park on a full moon and a Werewolf Jumped out of a tree and attacked him. Meteo almost got scratched by the were wolf but the werwolf got destracted by the scimitar in his posetion. Meteo drew his Silver scimitar that he with him so he slashed it multiple times eventually killing it while dodging each attack. Meteo then sheathed the sword and continued down the path to his home.
  7. Well if you want to kouga's daughter you must also be JoyKaiba's sister so if you want to be Kouga's daughter please edit your post.
  8. Meteo:"Sister I think we let her stand on he own two feet." *Meteo lets go of her arms while mary let goes with the legs making a joke outta it.* Girl:"That wasn't very funny." Meteo:"Look girl me and my sister are on a mission to make sure that the sacred jewel shards. Now tell us why you where heading that way with a shard of the sacred jewel? or maybe you can tell us your name at least??
  9. You can create a child for Sango, Shippo, or miroku, or Created your own character.
  10. *Meteo lays the Girl down.*Meteo:"Hey Mary! come here we have someone down!"*Mary runs over to Meteo, the girl, and the slained demon.*Mary:"Which one?"Meteo:"The girl. The demon I think is dead."Mary:"O.k. But we can't do anythind here."Meteo:"Yeah... Grab the feet sis. I'll grab the arms."*Meteo grabs the arms being careful not to put his claws into the girls arms and Mary grabs the legs and they carry the person.*Mary:"Why did you want to do it this way Meteo She is breathing?"Meteo:"You know my claws... If I happen to touch a body part of hers she has poison in her as well..."
  11. Meteo:"All right Mary... I won't harm the new one. Even though it's against my best intrest." *Meteo starts sniffing the air. Meteo smells something out of the ordinary.* Meteo:"Mary tell me if there the shicon jewel or a shard of it nearby. That is our main mission they mean life and death we must find the Shicon Jewel." Mary:"I can feel something still but I don't know what it is."
  12. *Dragus gets out of the courner and walks to were Legato is.* Dragus:"You Legato? Then you will be able to take me to my brothers... you know them Knives and Vash... I know they my brothers but they don't know I'm there brother. "Legato:"So your a humanoid... I wasn't expecting two to keep alive in the world of destruction." Dragus:"Destruction!!! I won't allow you to destroy this world!!" *Dragus draws the Gold Magnum and aims it at Legato.*
  13. Inuyasha and Kagome had Quadrouplets two of them along with Inuyasha and Kagome perished by Naraku's hands. Naraku killed those who were in his way before. The Shicon(sp?) Jewel is missing. Meteo who is Inuyasha's and Kagome's son and his sister to get there revenge and reclaim the Shicon Jewel. *Meteo looks at his sister Mary.* Meteo:"Mary let's go search for our parents killer and get the Shicon Jewel. Maybe we can get some help..." Mary:"Yeah... That would be helpful..."
  14. The thread'll start either tomorrow or the day after... you are all in...
  15. Dragus walks into a courner and leans up against a wall. Dragus(Thinking to self):[i]I wonder how long untill people realize I'm a humanoid as well... They should know of Dragus the Hurricane. If that's the case then they'll see why soon enough.[/i](outloud)"This is weird but I could use some doughnuts to think this over... Vash, Julie, Knives never knew I existed as their brother... That is interesting..."*Dragus takes out his gold magnum and checks it's ammo.* Dragus"Good It's loaded Very usefull if I have to battle soon."
  16. you're both in... I'm gonna start this RP Sometime Next week with or without the amount of people I want. And I was hoping someone would take the sister spot sooner cause I was planning on her having the spiritual powers of kagome... Since My character is basically (Ability wise) Inuyasha's son.
  17. that works... Hopefully we can get more people to join...
  18. Inuyasha and Kagome had Quadrouplets two of them along with Inuyasha and Kagome perished by Naraku's hands. Naraku killed those who were in his way before. The Shicon(sp?) Jewel is missing. Meteo who is Inuyasha's and Kagome's son and his sister to get there revenge and reclaim the Shicon Jewel. (Note this is 25 years later in the Fuedal age.) --- Name: Age: Weapon(s): Bio: Special abilities: ----- Mine name:Meteo age:21 Weapons:Tetsaiaga and masamune Bio: Meteo is a rouge partial Demon who is searching throughout the world looking for Naraku. Meteo has not stopped until he has found the killer. (Note He looks like his dad.) Special abillities:Poison Claws like his uncle Seshomaru, enhanced hearing, partial demon strength, and Partial demon Speed.
  19. DSlade:"You will perish..." Slade:"I will stain my hands with your fake blood." *Slade charges at the Duplicate and starts slashing the duplicate but the duplicate slade tries defending but still gets attacked barely.* DSlade:"Man you're good.' Slade:"That's one thing football is good for, but your defense is good..." DSlade:"...and your offense is good." Slade:"If you were my twin I guess we'd be better friends... So I guess we are evenly matched... better than we thought... But I will not Loose" *Slade starts spinning slashing D.Slade more.*
  20. *Slade looks two his hands and he has Two Katals too represent speedy defense and power.* Slade:"This is good but I don't think he will lose without a fight... But nor will I." *Slade charges at Galfmon shooting beams at him and galfmon blocks them. Slade gets close enough and slashes Galfmon not doing a thing.* Galfmon:"heh this is your best shot?" Slade:"No this is" *Slade then slices and dices making cuts on galfmon but gets knocked back onto his butt Slade gets back up.* Slade:"I've had worse you oversized jack@$$."
  21. Slade:"Football or I'm not playing." *two guys and a girl appear in the direction of the voices.* Guy1:"Slade come on lets play..." Slade:"Play with yourselves if it's not Football..." Girl:"You stubborn jerk!!!" *She slaps him. Slade turns his head towards her and then throws a right hook knocking her down.* Slade:"I'm sorry but it was self Defense... and I will play foorball." Guy2:"WHy you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" *Guy2 then runs at Slade in a blind rage. Slade gets lower than him and was taught in football blocks him with proper technique. Guy 2 falls down then slde falls ontop of him delivering a knock out shot. Slade gets up then looks at guy1 who runs away.* Slade:"When I say football I mean football... Not soccer or futbol mexicano. It's Futbol americano." *Agumon alpha runs up and looks at him.* Slade:"guess I'm done..." *Slade starts to walk back over to the others and stumbles over his own two feet.*
  22. Dragus(Thinking):[i]At least my stuff is on the Racer my old friend.[/i] Dragus:"I'm going to the Docking Bay!!!" *Dragus Starts running to the docking bay. Hak runs up beside him.* Hak:"Why are you going there?" Dragus:"My stuff is on the old Racer I came aboard on.. The Racer Is what I'm going to." Hak:"Then hurry!!" Dragus:"I have an Idea once I get into the racer I want you to open the hatch and let me distract them." Hak:"You Sure?" Dragus:"Yes..." *Dragus continues running he eventually runs into the Docking bay. Dragus jumps into the racer. and starts it up. Hak Opens the hatch and Dragus flies out the Hatch.* Dragus:"O.k. baby don't let me down." *The Racer flies toward were the missiles were fired.*
  23. Slade:" Well I guess I'll take that one..." *Slade points to the one on the right.* Slade:" I'll see y'all later.... Agumon alpha wait here for me... I'll be back as soon as I can..." *Slade starts walking into the passage and then when he reaches a certain point he hears screaming of people boys an girls screaming in fear. Slade falls onto his knees and covers his ears.* Slade:"This is familiar... Deep into the darknesss peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, doubting.... The darkness is not what is bothering me... It's the screaming..." *The Screaming subsides and Slade removes his hands.* Voice1:"Slade Why do you not play soccer with the others?" Slade:"I like football.... I want to play football!" Voice2:"Slade Comeon don't be a sourpuss." Slade:"I am perfect for football not soccer..." Voice1:"You can be goalie..." Voice2:"You can be on my team too." Slade:"Sheesh You don't get it... things have done changed and soccer is not my cup of team anyways"
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