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Dj Professor DM

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Everything posted by Dj Professor DM

  1. OOC:Remember my digimonhas a light and dark digivolution but he sometimes cannot control the dark digivolution when he is metal greymon and sees red that is when he dark digivolves with a little less power. Slade:"Greymon Alpha... You mimic them and digivolve as well..." Greymon Alpha digivolves into MetalGreymon Alpha. metalGreymon Alpha digivolves into WarGreymon Alpha Slade:"This should be fun now... We should beat HerculeseKabuterimon easily..."
  2. *Dragus hears the shot and pulls out his .40 caliber gold colt out and fires a bullet in the direction of the shot to intercept the shot.* Dragus:"Who shot a gun? This is not good... people are after us I thought trouble only followed vash I guess it hunts us Julie..." Julie:"You're sure..." Dragus:"No, Then who shot the bullet at us then?" Julie:"You got a point there..." Dragus:"We better move then."
  3. Name:Meteo Dragoon Age: 21 Apperance: tall w/ platinum hair and crimson eyes he wears Black pants and a black shirt. Bio: Meteo is a rouge Swordsman who was trained by cloud he made it to the coliseum and he has continued his training under Hercules. He saw Kairi and decided to help. Meteo carries a version of Clouds Ragnarok since Cloud gave him that sword. Side:Good weapon:sword:Ragnarok II
  4. OOC:I'm gonna have my digmon dark digivolve so he can atleast get to his dark mega version. *Metalgreymon Alpha's eyes glow Blood red. Slade's Digivice starts rumbling.* Slade:"Huh?" Galfmon:"Give it up you can't win?" Metalgreymon Alpha:"Never!!!" MetalGreymon alpha dark digivolve into: BlackWarGreymon Alpha!(Imagine a Wargreymon with onyx armour and Red eyes.) Galfmon:"hahaha!!!" BlackWarGreymon alpha:"Terra Destroyer!" *Black war Greymon throws a giant ball of dark energy at Galfmon which Knocks him down only because it surprised him but doing nothing.*
  5. OOC:I don't know if I have the warp Digivolve Program yet... And I understand what you mean... BIC: Slade:"This'll be long..." MetalGreymon Alpha: "Giga Destroyer!" *Twin missiles fire again and they hit Gast mon this time but when the smoke clears gastmon is standing unharmed.*
  6. Slade:"Agumon Alpha!" Agumon Alpha Digivolve into: Greymon Alpha Greymon Alpha Digivolve into: MetalGreymon Alpha Galfmon*Rolling eyes.*:"Is this the best they got??" MetalGreymon:"Giga Destroyer!!!" *MetalGreymon fires a pair of missiles but were knocked away with a flick of Galfmon's hand.* Slade:"Sheesh!!! This guy's tough..."
  7. *Agumon Alpha starts growling as well.* Slade:"So this Mephistomon he must be strong... But I think we can take him..." *Slade stands watching the horizon. A figure appears in the distance. Slade gets into a fighting stance getting closer and closer.* Slade:"Is that him? Is that Mephistomon?? If that is then we better get ready to fight..."
  8. Sounds fun Name:Meteo Dragoon Age:24 Bio:Born in Luca Meteo learned how to use swords there. Meteo left the year before the Evil Bahamut attacked Luca to continue his training. He returned two years later seeing the whole city in ruins. with the survivors rebuilding the buildings. Apperance:Meteo has green hair and crimson eyes. Meteo wears a red vest and black pants. Hometown:Luca Weapon:Broadsword named Excaliber summons: Kaiser Bahamut(Looks like regular bahamut but with orange skin and shoots blueish beams out of mouth doing somewhat more damage than regular but isn't as strong as Omnibahamut or Bahamut Zero) and Samael(He is the Aeon of thunder that looks like a human), and then eventually Odin(The True sword swinging swordsman of the FF series! I'll use the FF9 version of him) (sorry I wasn't paying much attention to the previous posts.)
  9. Dragus:"The Mique's are also known to gain info quite fast as well... They may like to hone their bodily skills but they train their minds so they can keep up with the change in times... The Mique often only allow those who are their allies... Since I am a Mique and you all are my allies we will be able go in." hak:"which is closer??" Dragus:"The Mique's planet is 60000 miles away which would be the second closest planet inhabited by a race."
  10. *Dragus turns and looks at the race ship.* Dragus:"Well my old friend looks like we got some allies... Some of our allies seem not to trust me although I know we can help out if need be." *Dragus starts to wander around the ship.*
  11. *The ship doors open and Dragus lands the ship in the Docking bay the doors start to close then the crew start coming into the room.* Dragus:"I'll be down in a second." *Dragus opens the cockpit of the race ship he had and jumps down. Dragus looks down to several of them.* Dragus:"I am Dragus Loader, My race is called a Mique as I think you know... I can help move the cargo if we need to..."
  12. *Dragus looks in Shonya's eyes.* Dragus:"Shonya... Look I'm Vash's big Brother, if you don't trust me or Julie but you can trust Cash why not trust us? I can tell just by looking in your eyes... The look of terror." *Dragus then follows julie and Nick then stops suddenly.* Dragus:"When you can answer it with your full honest opinion I will respect it... If you know what Vash looks like now can you tell me what he looks like now please?"
  13. *Slade and Agumon Alpha sees a portal and dashes through it and lands right behind the other digidestined back in the digital world.* Slade:"I've been looking to join up with you..." *Slade and Agumon alpha stand up.* Slade:"What is the plan?"
  14. *Dragus wakes up and gets dressed and runs to the Hangar he jumps into the ship he used for races a long time ago.* Dragus:"man I'm late...." *Dragus Launches and races he eventually reaches the Galelayo. He tries to open a channel to the galelayo.* Dragus:"This is Dragus Loader Permission to dock on your ship. Will you let me board??"
  15. Dragus:"Nic... Do you know anything about Vash and Knives?" Nicholas:"Well I know that Trouble always follows Vash the Stampede... He is also known as the Humanoid Typhoon. he's a real goofy fellow to..." Dragus:"Sounds Familiar.... Julie is known as Julie the Typhoon... I'm known as Dragus the Hurricane... People also say that me and Julie are real goofy people... But that's just rumors..."
  16. *Dragus sees a tavern clear out. Dragus walks toward it.* Dragus:"... I wonder what's going on there..." *Dragus walks into the tavern and sees a girl talking to a guy in the black suit.* Dragus:"Miss are you Julie the Typhoon?" Julie:"Yeah why?" *Dragus runs over to Julie and hugs her(Hey they are brother and sister that first met whataya expect).* Dragus:"I am your eldest brother Dragus the Hurricane... I have been looking for you along with Vash and Knives."
  17. Name: Dragus the Hurricane Age: over 230 years old Apperence: Same size as Vash and has slightly longer blonde hair than Vash that always spiked up Weapon(s):A .62 colt python and a .4 Shotgun Bio: Vash Julie and Knive's older brother that was never talked about. Dragus knows about Vash, knives and Hurricane. Dragus searches Gunsmoke Searching for them. Dragus is also one of the best gunslingers and marksmen on gunsmoke... Dragus has a reputation of killing everyone after his family... Dragus isn't known much other than that. Good or Bad:Good (I thought it would be interesting to have a big brother Character that wasn't known.)
  18. *Dragus heads to the Hotel he is currently staying at (Which is ten minutes away).* Dragus:"Maybe I can hitch a ride tommorrow I'll get there at 7:50 and see who will give me a ride." *Dragus enters the Hotel.* Hotelkeeper:"Hello sir..." Dragus:"I'll be staying here for one more night..." Hotelkeeper:"Yessir; here's your key." *the Hotel keeper gives him the key to the room he was in.* Dragus:"I'll pay you tommorrow morning at 7:30 sharp." *Dragus goes to his room and goes to sleep.*
  19. *Dragus gets his Steak and eats each peice of it with extreme happiness. Dragus finishes the meal and leaves ten yen Dragus then heads to the hangar and sees that theirs a group of people their and its closed.* Dagus:"What the hangars closed???"
  20. *Dragus sits in a bar watching the area.* Dragus:"Hmmm..." *Dragus starts to sniff around and amongst all the beer and other alchoholic drinks Dragus smells a thick juicy mouthwatering steak cooked well done. Dragus:"Mmmmmmmmmmm.... Gimme the thick steak cooked well done... Now!!!" *Dragus hits the bar as hard as he could.* Dragus:"Man thats smells to good to pass up..."
  21. Name: Dragus Loader Age: 25 Gender: Male Specie: Mique (Pronounced Meek. the Mique are similar to the ctarl ctarl but dogs and live a lot longer than dogs they don't go by dog years.) Desc.:6'9" which is average size for his race Dragus has sky blue eyes. Dragus Wears the traditional Uniform which is jeans and a tank top. Dragus has a light brown coat in his normal form but he transforms into a wolf with razor sharp fangs and claws. Weapon(s) (futuristic): otherthan in wolf worm he has a hyperblasterisc gun that he rarely uses since he likes using his fists alot of the time. in wolf form:claws and teeth Bio: Dragus travels the universe for the honour of the Mique. But he searches for the treasure to help his family out more. (best I can think of right now.)
  22. *Anubis looks at Rannos.* Anubis:"My former master is looking for the sword of void... If we can stop him we will save the world otherwise the world will have untold destruction... I have heard rumors from him when I worked for him... Now I oppose him with utmost athority."*starts looking at everyone.* I assume you all will agree that if we do not stop him the whole world will suffer..."
  23. *Anubis sits on the ground right outside of Griecan.* Anubis:"The Sword of Void... If it gets into the hands of my former master the world is doomed. I will stop him... Hopefully help will come to defeat there forces. I hope the message to Wolf got to him by now. I will stay here and watch out for them..." *Anubis stands up and then leans up against a building right inside Griecan.* Anubis:"Well all I can do right now is wait..."
  24. Name: Anubis Race: Half Demon half human Gender: Male Age: (looks 26) Actually 526 because of his demon blood. Appearance:Anubis has reddish Brown hair and blue eyes. Anubis stands at 5'9". Anubis wears full body armour that looks like a jeering ogre with colors. Anubis is a Personality: Loyal to the one he considers his master. he does what he is told without a second thought. Bio: Anubis was the right hand man of Lython for 20 years since his previous master died which was the one who awoken his demon blood which allows him to live for 600 years and can be killed by magic/weaponry. Anubis was freed from Lython's grasp by Wolf's father 10 years ago. Anubis has traveled looking for a true master. Weapon: Kasuri-Gama(Scythe and Weighted claw attached by chain.) Magic: One-Quake With Fear
  25. (Sorry I didn't see that they were in the Dark ocean's world.) *The beeping stops, Slade walks over to where the digivice said. Slade sees portal and he walks through it and walks forward eventually he saw a group of digimon and people are there.* Slade:"Hmmmm... Are you The other Digidestined and Digimon? If you are Glad to meet you names Slade..." *Puts his hand out to shake hands.*
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