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Dj Professor DM

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Everything posted by Dj Professor DM

  1. (sorry I haven't been posting here I didn't know I was Accepted into the RPG.) *Slade sits at his computer looking at the program.* Slade:"This Program... I wonder what it does..." *Slade finishes activating the program and gets pulled into computer and gets put onto the Digital world. Agumon alpha(I will put Agumon for short.) is there and The Digivice for Agumon appears on Slade's jean shorts.* Agumon alpha:"Hey there..." Slade:"Whoah..." Agumon:"We should go find the others..." Slade:"Others?" Agumon:"Yeah other Digimon and there Digimasters... We should group up with them." Slade:"O.k." *Slade and Agumon start wandering around looking for any source of life but thensits down with his stomach growling.* Slade:"Man I'm hungry..." Agumon:"We have no time to eat..." *The digivice starts to beep showing to dots.*
  2. Name: Shane Kaiba Age: 15 Sex: Male Apperance: tall and lean Shane wears Red and Black. Shane has blue eyes and jet black hair Bio: Shane is a cousin of the Kaiba brothers (Seto and Mokuba) and Shane was borne in america and moved to Japan to talk with Seto and Mokuba about a job in Kaiba Corp. Deck: Beast Warrior type Deck (P.S. you forgot Yugi's Biggest Rival Seto Kaiba.)
  3. Name:Max Age:??? Race: cyborg Class: Bouncer Appearance: 6'3 Max has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. Max's feet are robotic along with his knees and his elbows. Taned white skin. Max wears blue jean shorts, and a grey shirt. he is slightly muscular as well. Personality:Max is a fun loving guy but he hates those who talk big but don't back it up. Bio:Max was human but was revived as a cyborg. Max has been figuring out how to battle with his cyrbernetic enhancements. So far he has thrown 15 people out.
  4. Meteo:"So what is the plans of what we're doing now boss? I would I would like to know if we have a little time off or if we have to wait for the next job... The Demons there were not what I am looking for. So once I get them I will destroy them like they destroyed the club I used to work for."*Meteo hops into the back of the truck and waits for the boss to drive the way back to the Devil May Cry office.* Meteo:?This mission I consider a success anyways. Hopefully we will have a victory party. I have my own plans as well. So either way we?ll have a good time. A party in a club would be a good time I have connections.?*Meteo streches and then yawns.* Meteo:"Man that was exhausting. I must be getting old. But I haven't been working out that often. That must be the reason. So We should take a break."
  5. Name: Slade Age: 17 Description: 6 feet tall with dirty blonde hair and and green eyes. Lineman (heavy as in fat) build. Almost always wears knee-length jean shorts and a t-shirt. Bio: Slade parents both lead very busy lives. As a result, they don?t have much time for him. His mother knows of his problems so she helps try to help him deal with it. Slade is autistic and has dyspraxia, which makes him a constant target at school. Everyone made fun of him. When he says something and someone makes a rude remark about him Slade hits him. Which has made him a "bad *****" Slade?s two true intrests are computers and football. He?s read every book on computers he possibly can and has done almost everything one can do with a top-of-the-line home PC. He can hack in computers with one hand if need be, he can program most computers other than outdated computers, he can repair all computers, and he can do just about anything else with computers. He watches football everyday He plays it at times but he hasn't been put in the game yet. The intrest in computers he has along with his curiosity has led him to discover a strange program on his hard drive. He couldn?t figure out how it got there, so he loaded it and almost instantly found himself in another world. That happened a year ago. Since then, he?s studied the new world(the digital world), and has learned a lot about it and the Digimon that live there. He met his partner when he first arrived, and the two have become indivisible. Other: As mentioned, Slade is autistic and dyspraxic. This means that he can?t read emothions or postures and he has bad gross motor skills. Slade has been known to zone from time to time. Slade has coped with dyspraxia and his autism so he can be a better person. Digimon: Rookie: agumon alpha Appearance(Needed for Rookie form only): Pretty much identical to agumon. it?s not until he reaches his champion form that his appearance is noticeably different. Champion: greymon alpha Ultimate: metalgreymon alpha Mega: Wargreymon alpha mode-change: BlackWargreymon alpha (I'm doing a dyspraxic and autisc character in one because I have both autism and dyspraxia so I can insert my own exp in this and it will help put some complexity in this...)
  6. *Dragus grabs Rouko and runs to the Madd Dogg.*"Sorry but this bounty's mine better luck next time... and tell the red dragons if you see them that Julia's child will have revenge!" Dragus yells at the other bounty hunter.*Dragus throws Rouko into the back of the Madd Dogg and flies towards the ISSP office.*"So you are the child of a woman named Julia... I know the leader of the Red Dragons if you need it..." Rouko says trying to save his own *****."No thanks I know the red dragons, I worked for them for a few years. I left there so I could get my revenge easier."
  7. *Dragus stands by Rouko Jabaar.* Dragus:"Rouko... If the Syndicate doesn't show you die... I promise it. But after you go to the police in my hand." Rouko:"I understand but the red eye will be traded so they will come." Dragus:"I'll turn you in in 12 hours... but that's if the syndicate shows up or not..." Rouko:"Ah man.... I am in deep ****." Meteo:"You can place a bet on it..."
  8. If you want net-ops go right ahead... But the net-ops must have a weapon to help protect themselves from danger.
  9. The False Megaman X who survived the explosion he himself created has been secretely been gaining power while zero was destroying the henchman and now brought Alpha and the Net Navi's into the world. THe Real Megaman X has returned to aid Zero. The Netnavis are now trying to hold Alpha back but are getting pushed back by The False X's forces. The False X and Alpha has made an alliance to defeat the Forces of the Reploids and the Navi's. The Navi's in retaliation joined the Reploid's. They worked together to bring back Sigma but as a reploid and without memories of him being a maverick. For peace to return and for the Navi's to return Alpha and the False X must be destroyed. Reploids X- Zero-(Me) Sigma- Ceil- Any I missed. and you can create your own Reploid. Navis w/ net op megaman Lan- kingman tora- Gutsman Dex- Roll Mayl- Protoman Chaud- Any I missed Created navis ~~Style sheet~~ Name- Race(either net navi or reploid)- Weapon(s)- Appearance- Bio- (if navi) Net-op's name: age- weapon- Name-Zero Race-Reploid Weapons- Z-sabre, Z-buster, Triple Rod, and Shield Boomerang. Appearance-[IMG]http://www.kingdom-hearts2.com/zerov/z02.jpg[/IMG] think this but with black armour Bio: Zero is the Legendary Maverick hunter and the real X's best friend. In the past Zero died to aid X and was rebuilt by X. They worked as an unbeatable team of Mavericmk Hunters. When Zero was Asleep X was fighting and needed some sleep Ciel made the false X and then eventually found Zero and revived him. Zero has been fighting for a long time to help X out. Now Zero is out to finish the job on the False X with his partner and the anti Alpha/False X forces.
  10. Meteo holding his bastrd sword in one hand he gets a throwing knife and throws it at a demon. the blade of the throwing knife hits the demon right between the eyes. The demons Blood starts to ooze out of the head. The demon falls down playing dead. Meteo:"And I fogot my drinking cup... That's life... But I don't think it's dead until yet." Meteo reaches into his pocket, draws three shurikens and throws them into the neck killing the demon. Meteo then walks over to the demon and removes the shurikens from the neck along with the knife in the head. Meteo then bites the demons neck and tastes the blood that was dripping out of it. Meteo removes his mouth from the demon's neck. Meteo:"That was a different one... It's blood was different from the ones that I have drunk from... but I don't think this one of the ones that I am looking for." Meteo then turns around and sees the others staring at him. Meteo:"Hey... I'm looking for a group of demons and I joined DMC to do that... Got a problem?"
  11. For Centuries Demons and humans have been waging war. Thanks to the aid of warriors like Sparda and Dante The humans had the upper hand. Since they died the Demons have been starting to kill off the Humans. Vampires that have been watching this with great hope that humans would win joined the fight against the Demons. The Demons are being started to be pushed back but they are not finished yet they killed the old Vampire leader Slayer, now his son Vampiro(Me) will avenge his father's death fight the demons. O.k. Follow the way I do this: Name: Vampiro Age: ??? looks 21 Weapons: Fangs, fists, feet, and Vampire magic Race(choose from vampire, human, half-demon, or demon):Vampire Demon Trigger(If Demon or half demon): Appearance:(Will get too soon) Bio:Vampiro is the child of Slayer and is trained in Nosferatu's style of fighting. Slayer was killed by demons who tried to stop the vampire's onslaught. but when that happend Vampiro took the riegns of his father and leads the Vampires against the demons. Alliance: (humans/vampires or demons)humans/vampires
  12. Meteo sits in the corner of Devil May Cry with a cup of Demons blood in a cup. Meteo takes a sip from the cup then starts sharpening his bastrd sword. Meteo:"It's been a while since that day..." *Flashback to a few years back.* Meteo(On the phone to his boss):"I'll be back to work tomorrow I'm taking the day off." Boss(On the phone to Meteo):"Sure thing Meteo just take it easy today nothing will happen. Cya." Meteo:"cya pal... I'll take it easy today like you said." *Click. a few minutes later.* T.V.:"This just in the Malibu club was just destroyed no one knows why or how but some people say it was the work of 'demons' the bouncers there and the boss never made it out." Meteo:"Demons attacked the Malibu? B.S.!!! If that is I only know one place to go to help me out..." */flashback* Meteo:?I will find the ones that destroyed my club? In my boss?s honor he will be avenged? I will drink find them and kill them? I developed this nasty habit of drinking the Demons blood of those I kill to help me understand them? But I still cannot think the way they do? and they have not squealed on my old boss?s murderer yet. I will find them, or I will die trying. I will kill them all if need be? My weaponry will be aiding me? This sword, these throwing knives, and shrunken will help me. The Demons better run cause I am on their heals. Ha Ha Ha!!!? Meteo then puts the Bastrd sword up and drinks more of the demon?s blood. Meteo then grins with the company he has.
  13. Name:Meteo Dragoon Age: 32 Race: Human Business: Devil May Cry Weapons: Bastrd Sword, throwing knives and Shurikans Devil Trigger: None Description: 6'3, Meteo has Black hair and red eyes. Meteo wears jeanshorts that reach the bottom of his knees. also wears a Black shirt w/ an image of a terrier. Meteo has various Piercings on his ears. Meteo is very muscular as well. He makes up for his speed with stength. And Meteo has Tattooes all over his body. Bio: Meteo is an ex-bouncer for a club that was destroyed by demons on his day off. Meteo Joined DMC after that to avenge the crew of his club. Meteo hates demons that attack mankind. Rumor is that he practices Vampiristic Blood drinking which is true... Meteo Does drink Blood but not all the time. Meteo Drinks the blood of demons that he kills to understand how their blood tastes. meteo has not found his club's destroyers yet...
  14. Name: Dragus Loader Age: 45 weight: 200 hieght: 6'2 Hair: Dirty Blonde Eyes: Blue Job: Bounty Hunter Weapon(s): usually 2 Custom handguns but he can use any handgun. Ship (While not on the main ship[which I will not name since my char will not own the main ship]): Madd Dogg Biography: Dragus is an ex-Red Dragon Much Like Spike but Dragus has a score to settle with the Red Dragons and will end what Spike Started. Dragus is Julia's son but changed his name so they would not know he was since she died when he was 5. Dragus is ready to die to avenge his mother's death.
  15. Meteo flaps his wings to get into the airborne. He looks around and sees a bunch of Wyverns around something black about 1 mile away. "huh... Is that what I think it is?" "Rwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!" It screached in agony. "Yes It's my dragon.... I reckognize that screach anywhere!!!!" Meteo flies to where the wyverns and his Dragon is The wyverns then look at Meteo and start to attack Meteo along with the dragon. Meteo then draws his swords and uses his dark wave attack killing 20 of them.
  16. *A wyvern flies toward Meteo.* Meteo:"That's it... ShungokuSatsu!" *Meteo catches the wyvern(So to speak) and beats it senseless. Meteo stands on it.* Meteo:"Man where is he? My Dragon was supposed to be scouting for me..."
  17. Meteo:"I don't know why I was summoned but I had a feeling something wasn't Right..." *Meteo stretches while drawing his sword Meteo spots a demon running towards them. Meteo flies over to the demon and decapitates it. Meteo then cleans the blade off and walks back to them.* Meteo:"I may not like being the reckless one but hell I will be if need be..."
  18. *Meteo hovers in mid air looking around.* Meteo:"Something's not right... Something is out of balance..." *Meteo lands then looks around some more.* Meteo:"I would know if my dragon would come..." *Meteo then sees a group of people around he then walks over to them. Putting his wings strait behind him.* Meteo:"Hello. My name is Meteo may I inquire your names?"
  19. Name:Meteo Dragoon Age:25 Gender:Male Race: Dragoon Weapon: 2 Broadswords Appearance: Think Dart in Dragoon form just with rose's armour syle Skills: Flight, control over a dragon, and strength Attacks: Dark Wave- A wave of dark energy engulfs enemies. Onyx Dragon Beam-The Onyx Dragon of Meteo comes and attacks the opponent.(Rarely done) Shungokusatsu-Pummels opponent that's closest senseless.
  20. Vincent is actually much older... He looks the same as he did when Sephiroth was a baby. so his age would be like 57-61. Name: Rugal Bernstien Age:31 Appearence: Very tall w/ long blonde hair. Rugal wears a red tuxedo, black shoes, and a black bow tie. Occupation: martial artist Bio: Rugal has trained himself several types of martial arts so he can become stronger... Rugal does not like to let people insult him. Not many people live long enough to. Weapon:Black gloves Attack: punch Mag.Attack: Bolt 3, Alexander, Last judgement(He garbs a randomly chosen opponent and beats them senseless rarely done since this a limit break.)
  21. name:Meteo Dragoon age:15 Apearance:Tall (6'3) somewhat muscular and seems to always carry his katana on the side of his baggy pants. bio:Meteo is a wanderer that broke the main rule of his Dojo which was to not master the ultimate technique until the Master allows it... Meteo was tired of waiting so he learned it and left. weapon:Katana and any other weapon that he picks up along the way... attacks:slash, slice and dice, skewer, and aerial slash(Uses energy to slash more times than seen). (O.k. I just try to keep Meteo in his early 20's so he wouldn't be considered a kid.)
  22. Name: Magnus Blade Callsign: Magnum Age: 23 Appearance: silver hair that is shoulder length kept in a ponytail. he looks very simimlar to Zero in his black armour other than he has red eyes and his outfit is a black trench coat, black pants, a black hat, and black tennis shoes. Personality: Magnus is a prideful man who will help his allies in battle. Magnus likes to sit in his room when not eating/doing missions. Biography:Magnus lost his friends to the sygnosis 40 virus. Magnus will get his revenge for his friends. He joined Sygnosis X to do this. Affiliation: Sygnosis X Primary Weapon: Flame beam sabre Secondary Weapon: Magnum blaster Defensive Capability: a collapsable shield
  23. Name: Dragus "Madman" Loader Age: 35 Sex: Male Height: 6'0 Weight: 200 lbs Gang Allegiance: Mafia Weapons: 2 Uzi's and a .45 magnum Mode of Transport: Night Black Infurnus History: Dragus has a bloody history of death and destruction Dragus has killed over 100 people without remorse over his 15 years with the Mafia. Dragus has made a name as madman since he kills anyone in his way. Personality: A ruthless killer during a mission otherwise he acts like a normal guy with his gang. Description: He wears a blood red trenchcoat and black gloves. Dragus has Black hair and blue eyes. He has a short black beard as well.
  24. Well I'll be your friend and rival Benimaru Nikaido. We are part of the Hero Team of the King of Fighters series.
  25. Name: Robert "Sledgehammer" Morris Age: 32 Sign: The Hammer Short Bio: Robert Morris is a construction worker who always has a sledgehammer with him some call him Sledghammer because of this. Since he wears a black hood over his face that only his eyes and mouth are showing he gives off a ominous pressance. He sometimes uses his sledgehammer to smash nails but he is strong enough to kill a person in one swing of his sledgehammer. Robert Morris was also considered slightly parranoid at times but he would kill at a seconds notice after being possessed. Robert Morris uses his strength and sledgehammer to fight anyone or anything in his way. He will always get his revenge on those who double cross him.
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