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Dj Professor DM

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Everything posted by Dj Professor DM

  1. Scott:"Why don't you both have a drink with me? I always have a drink when I have a successful mission... Three ravens should have somewhat of a good time."
  2. A powerful group of mercenaries called Ravens built a long time ago got a fresh batch of warriors yet three major corporations duke it out. Crest, Mirage, and Union. A mysterious force known as the controller is watching this and is planning to spread destruction throughout the layered colony its up to the new batch of Ravens to stop the havoc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now it begins... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Scott sits in a bar drinking his favorite drink the shark killer* Scott:"Man they don't make drinks like the shark killer often... Haha." *He notices people looking at him.*
  3. O.k. We will start. Check as soon as you get the chance...
  4. (I don't think Demons can be good.) Name: Dragus Loader Age: 23 Side: Good History: Reincarnation of a Shinto houshold owner who knows a very potent curse. The Curse deals with five ropes, and five points of the body concerning the wrists the ankles and the neck. Dragus has never tried the curse. Descrption: Tall and somewhat muscular. Dragus wheres a black leather jacket, black pants, a black shirt, black shoes, and black sunglasses. Dragus also has jet black hair and slightly tan skin.
  5. *Fox sits up. A nurse comes in.* Fox:"I'm going now... I got somewhere to go..." Nurse:"You must stay in bed Fox." Fox:"You don't understand I have a place to go a cemetary... I got to pay respects to the one who saved my life. If not... I would of been dead now. Lily... I have to pay my respects for her sacrifice..." Nurse:"You cannot go..." Fox:"I must it is almost the anniversery of the day me and her started dating which so happens to be the day she died. If you don't I'll go anyways... I have an obligation to her..."(Thinking)[i]Lily if I only had the security system working you wouldn't of died to protect me.[/i] Nurse:"Fine." *Fox gets out of the hospital and goes to the shop where the Zaber fang Zero is and hops in it.* Fox:"O.k. Zaber... You know where we're going... To Lily's grave to pay our respects." *Fox and Zaber start to head to where the Cemetary where Lily's grave is.*
  6. Name: Meteo Dragoon Age: 15 Grade: 8th Appearance: Tall and muscular he wears a dark red outfit other than pants which are black. has Blonde hair and green eyes. Short Bio: A good friend of Lans who is a year older and a year wiser than Lan as well. Meteo knows Lan since he was 7. Name: Swordman Appearance: Black helmet and suit, pale face, red eyes, and a blue saber attached to his back. Special attak: Sword smash
  7. Name: Meteo Dragoon Age: 160(looks 25) Race: Dragoon (Thats a human with dragon like wings and dragon like armour) Anime: Dragon Ball Z Appearance: His armour and wings are black. His pants are black as well. Has black hair and crimson eyes. Meteo is 6'9". He also wears a pendant that says Meteo Bio:A mysterious yet dangerous warrior. He is a prince of his home planet but when he came to earth he lost his memory. The Pendant he Wears says Meteo Dragoon. Meteo uses that name he has never learned about his past to date. Extra:Meteo carries two katana's (One on each side). Meteo knows the abilities of the DBZ gang and has created two moves to aid him in combat.
  8. Machinedramon:"My partner said to help you... so I did." *Meteo runs up.* Meteo:"Hi I'm Meteo. What happened? All I saw is you both falling. I could catch both of you warugreymon would of killed me by landing on me.. I wanted to save you both so Machinedramon did it for me..."
  9. *Fox's dream. A woman is standing by a window. Fox is right behind her.* Woman:"Fox... You must escape I'll Distract them." Fox:"Lily I won't leave you." Lily:"Look Fox... If you don't leave then no one will be able to pilot the Zaber fang zero... That will be your way of remembering me..." Fox:"O.k. I got a way of escape..." *fox knocks on a wall and it rotates he hears gun shots he then runs to the Zaber Fang Zero and runs away.* Fox:"Lily..." *Starts crying.* */foxes dream.*
  10. Name:Terry Bogard Anime From: Fatal fury anime movies Special Powers:He has great martial arts abilities, strong Appearance: [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/joe_higashi_1/terry/terry10.jpg[/IMG] Small Bio: Terry Bogard is a martial artist that is like a traveling monk. He has lost two women that he loved very deeply for whos names are: Sulia and Lily. So he feels that if he cares about any woman to much that it is a death sentance...
  11. *machinedramon and Meteo exit and then see the Warugreymon and Hope falling.* Meteo:"Machinedarmon!" Machinedramon:"O.k." *Machinedramon dashes and jumps catching both the warugreymon and Hope.*
  12. Name: Lance Armada Age: 14 appearence: Black hair, Blue eyes, Blue jeans and red shirt, red running shoes, and a green trenchcoat kinda like the one neo wears in the matrix except Green.He is 5'8.5. Bio: Lance likes pets and all but he has made a promise to be the best net battler ever. Personality: Honourable and trusting Lance stands by his friends like glue if a friend is needing to rest in a battle he will take over for them... Much like Zero from the megaman series. But if Lance sets his mind to something nothing will stop him... Battle chips: Z-sabre, recover, Triple spear, Z-buster, and Z-helmet shot. Spec. Tech: Z-Weapon Blast The net: Name: Zero Alpha Appearence: Looks like Zero from Megaman Zero [url=http://www.vgws.com/fonts/megaman/Mega-Man-and-Mega-Man-X/20/16][/url] Bio: Loyal to his friends but he is a fierce fighter... His Z-weapon blast desimates his opponents with powerful Strikes from the Z-sabre. Z-buster, and Z-Helmet shot at once.
  13. *Machinedramon and Meteo eventually reach the village.* MetalGarurumon:"What does he want in the Steel Village?" Machinedramon:"He is my partner..." MetalGarurumon:"Oh then you two can pass." *Machinedramon and Meteo eventually walk into the chieftan's office.* Chieftan:"Machinedramon, I assume this is your partner... He is a bit braver than you..." Machinedramon:"I know MetalGreymon..." MetalGreymon:"Machinedramon, You and your partner will aid the other digimon that are chosen to represent their elements and their partners. Understand?" Machinedramon and Meteo:"Yessir."
  14. *Meteo and machinedramon move towards the village* Meteo:"So how far is your village?" Machinedramon:"It is a ways... But don't worry."
  15. *Machinedramon looks around* Machinedramon:"I am your partner." Meteo:"O.k... We'll have to fix you being so shy... that's the one thing we must do..." Machinedramon:"... We should go to my village... I'll cary you..." Meteo:"O.k." *Meteo climbs onto Machinedramon's back.*
  16. *Meteo lands. A Giant metal dragon it tries hide and messes up. Meteo walks over to it.* Meteo:"Come out big fellow... My names Meteo... Who are you?" Machinedramon:"M...Machinedramon..." Meteo:"hey Machinedramon... I think we met before somehow... I'm looking for my partner I think I have the soul of steel." Machinedramon:"Yeah somewhere, somehow..." Meteo:"We should join forces..." Machinedramon:"... I guess." Meteo:"Hey don't be shy I'm really nice... we should work together."
  17. *Meteo does a double reppuken on an alien that knocks him back.* Alien:"This foolish mortal is different than them... I will enjoy this." Meteo:"Oh yeah?" *Meteo does the deadly rave on that alien. Once done with the deadly rave the alien flies back in purble flames.* Alien:"How can a mortal be that strong?" Meteo:"You can either call me Meteo, or Geese... Guys if you use your best attacks you can beat them..."
  18. ...Thre Aliens that are somewhat muscular. Meteo looks over to them.* Meteo:"What do you three want?" Alien1(Leader of the group):"To take you to our boss..." Tate:"Over our dead body!" Meteo:"you can say that again..." Alien2:"I would of figured that..." Alien3:"I did..." Sakura, Lorelei, and John:"I Agree with Tate." Meteo:"We should work as a team... If we fight them as a team we can defeat them..." *Meteo Cracks his knuckles.*
  19. Hey we finally got a person to have Plabt :).
  20. *Meteo then sees the group and starts running with them.* Meteo:"You think you can go with out me..." Lor:"Come then..."
  21. *Meteo exits the class he is subbing and walks to a tree noone is at or near.* Meteo:"I can't take this..." *Meteo hits the tree with his right hand.*
  22. (So do I) Name: Meteo Dragoon Age: 25 Weapons: Katals and a katana Appearance: He looks similar to Sanosuke only that he is a little taller sanosuke and wheres a completely black martial arts gi. Personality: He is calm, cool and collected. If someone challenges him to a fight he will accept otherwise he will try to stay away from them unless one person is out numbered. He will not kill for any price. Once in battle nothing will stop him unless it's time to eat, knocked out, or dead.
  23. yeah... this will be starting up once I get a couple more (aYokano, andsomeone else)... Also after this starts PM me to see if it's too late and I'll tell you if it is... No sooner no later...
  24. *Meteo wakes up.* Meteo:"Man I'm gonna be late for work..." *Meteo looks in the mirror and sees how he's changed into geese howard.* Meteo:"Man... wierd... I'm Geese Howard..." *Meteo runs downstairs while driving to the school. On his way to his classroom he sees Maria, Tate, and Yoko.* Meteo:"Tate, Maria, and Yoko. I see you all were playing games last night... I know... Sakura Kasugano is Yoko, Jin Kazima is Maria, Tate.... Why did you have to pick Sonic... hahaha... At least you have your speed... I have strength and martial arts... So does Maria and Yoko in reference to martial arts... But I look like Geese Howard...." Yoko:"Yes Mr. Dragoon." Tate:"Yes Mr. Dragoon." Maria:"Yes Mr. Dragoon." Meteo:"Well I'll be going now..."
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