Dj Professor DM
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Everything posted by Dj Professor DM
Meteo:"Stay here and rest... you will feel better by mourning... I must train... To aid everyone our crew..." *Meteo exits the infirmary and enters a quiet room where no one else is.* Meteo:"I guess this is better than nothing. I better liven things up by training." *Meteo then tries to form a void but it is no use thunder/lightning starts to engulf him it starts growing and growing.* Meteo:"HYBRID FORM!" *The thunder and lightning erupt and so did Meteo. Meteo is covered by thunder/lightning as if he was made of it, two Thunderbird wings appear on Meteo's back. Meteo screams in pain from that. then four sparkling blue tail feathers appear... He now looks like a warrior that was sent by thunderbirds...* Meteo(thinking):[i]New but I like it.[/i] *Meteo starts attacking around even though he doesn't know what he is actually doing.*
When I get three more people who want to join and aYokano puts his character up...
*Meteo gets out of the room and heads to the room where Nate, The senseis, and Mei. Meteo looks at the bloodshed.* Meteo:"What the **** is going on? Nate Can you please tell me?"
*Meteo walks to the wall closest to the castle.* Meteo:"So this is the place where Gannondorf entered but he had a good plan... have the one with the keys open the door but he still had his evil ambitions and that is what did him in at the end..."
sure 4 spaces are left cause aYokano has just reserved a spot... and thats till we start
*Meteo grabs his battle uniform (Which is his usual outfit now with a katana case and his katana in the case) and puts it on* Meteo:"I am ready for action..."
Name: Meteo Age: 26 Character: Geese Howard (Offa Capcom vs SNK 2 eo). Powers: Wind blasts, purple flames, super strength, Various types of Martial arts. Description: He's very tall and very muscular, Hair is blonde and in a ponytail, has a white gi(Top) and red gi (Bottom) Bio: He is the eldest of his families kids he has a resentment to those who mess with him or his family...
Meteo:"Think they will stop me either... I met one but he didn't fight me yet... I think I can help you all out I can beat them with you all... Together we can beat them." *Meteo Grins.* Meteo:"United we stand, divided we'll fall..."
Name:Meteo Dragoon Age:16 Gender:Male Desc: Tall and Lanky Meteo is tougher than he looks wheres ragged blue jeans and a ripped sleeved shirt Meteo wheres them everywhere. Bio:Meteo is a rebel he goes where he is needed he has his own code of honour not much else is known about him other than that. Digi-vice color: Black Digimon:Demidevimon Rookie Name: Demidevimon Rookie Desc: You know demidevimon Type:Virus Attacks:Demi dart Champion Name: Devimon Champion Desc: You know devimon Type: Virus Attacks: Touch of evil, Chaos berrier Ultimate Name: Myotismon Ultimate Desc: you know myotismon Type: Virus Attacks: Crimson Lightning, Grizzly Wing Mega Name: Venommyotismon Mega Desc: You know Venommyotismon Type: Virus Attacks: Venom Laser, Black lightning.
fox:"Soon Zaber we will get revenge, soon..." *Fox lays down and falls asleep waiting for to heal up completely. Dreaming of finding miraculous treasure with Zaber fang 0 and carrying it back to a shop for lots and lots of money.*
*Meteo has a dream of the other element X's in battle fighting a losing battle Maximil is on the side fighting the Element X's with a few other warriors. Meteo wakes up in a hurry with his heart pounding.* Meteo:"Whoah... I gotta warn everyone..." *Meteo gets into his main battle outfit and uses a void to make enough sound to wake everyone up if they were sleeping at the Elemental X's base and they run into Meteo's room.* Light:"What were you doing?" Meteo:"I had a dream... We were in battle against a group of foes who were picking us off we must prevent this from happening..."
*Fox gets up and a nurse comes in.* Nurse:"Fox you should rest." Fox:"I can't rest knowing that my comrade in treasure hunting zaber was injured..." Nurse:"Zaber?" Fox:"Zaber Fang 0 my zoid... He aided me in treasure hunting and battles." Nurse:"Well he could be at the zoid shop being repaired so don't worry." Fox:"I can't until I know for sure... Get me some pictures of Zaber and I might then rest..."
Person Player Name: Meteo Character Char. Name: Geese Howard Appearance: In Pic Bio: Geese was born in the year 1953 in Germany, the elder child of Rudolph Howard. Rudolph later married into the Krauser clan and became the 33rd clan master; consequently, he disowned his earlier family ties. His first wife (Geese's mother) died soon after the ordeal enraging the young Geese. He later made an assasination attempt on his father; however, he was beaten up by his half-brother Wolfgang and left to wallow in his defeat. He then swore a blood oath on the both of them...He then drifted around Europe. When he was about sixteen, he took up services under an influential mafia boss in Italy. There he came to know a certain Gianni Nordii who is a master of oriental martial arts and took up apprenticeship under him. I believe this is the basis of his martial arts skills. Gianni is actually an agent of Mr. Big, the boss of the one of the largest crime syndicates in the world, throughout, this syndicate is simply refered to as the "Organization". Geese, being the evil genius he is, later repays Gianni by killing him and takes his place in the Organization as one of the deputies. In about 1978 or so, Mr.Big tries to take over the city Southtown in southern USA. At that time the strongest fighter within the Organization is a "Mr. Karate" who is showing dissent and wants to leave. Big kidnaps Yuri Sakazaki (who he is convinced is Mr.Karate's daughter - Yuri) and forces Mr.Karate to go eliminate the opposition together with Geese. Geese tries to manipulate Mr.Karate into doing his bidding; when Yuri later escapes, Mr. Karate rebels against the organization and fights Geese. Geese knows that Mr. Karate is, in fact Takuma Sakazaki founder of the Kyokugenryu karate sect. Geese is no match for him and is forced to flee for the first time in his life; but to his credit, he manages to deflect Mr.Karate's previously invincible "Haoh Shoko Ken" move.As Mr.Big is later also defeated by Ryo Sakazaki and Robert Garcia, the Organization's plan to take over Southtown ends. Big disappears from the scene for a while, and with him gone, Geese becomes the head honcho of the Organiation. Basically, this is the background story of Art of Fighting. In less than a year, Geese craftily builds up the Organization to extend its economic and political influence over Southtown. His base is this building "Geese Tower" (which is the final and hidden stage in Art of Fighting 2); he also takes great effort to conceal his movements and is simply refered to as the "President". His skills as a fighter also seem to have grown tremendously; ever since his bout with Takuma, he has developed an innate interest of Oriental martial arts, especially ancient Japanese fighting styles. His newfound martial art prowess is displayed when Eiji Kisaraghi is defeated by him in a single stroke.Although his position as master of southtown is undisputed, Geese knows that the Kyokugenryu sect remains the only threat to him, so he organizes the first of his famous "King of Fighters" tournaments, which of course he invites the Kyokugenryu sect to participate. Many battles ensue, but naturally, the main man of Art of Fighting, Ryo Sakazaki, makes it through to the end. Geese has expected this and has an ulterior motive; he wants to learn Kyokugenryu Karate's deadliest move "Ryuko Ranbu"(which Ryo used to take out Mr.Big and his father Takuma in AoF) and only Ryo can execute it. Before this can take place though, Mr. Big launches a revolt against Geese. Only then do we see how much Geese's skills have improved; Mr.Big is completely powerless before the man and flees. Ryo then challenges Geese. As expected, Ryo is also badly defeated. However, Geese makes a rare mistake, and underestimates Ryo, who finally executes Ryuko Ranbu and sends Geese flying (Geese's own version of Ryuko Ranbu "Deadly Rave" proves to be no match for the real thing...) Geese flees to Japan where he swears to return. He figures that he's still not invincible and decides to spend more time in apprenticeship, where he'd fully explore the ancient martial art forms. He takes up tutelge under Tung FuRue, who is the master of the "HakkyoseiKen", and founder of a school of martial arts. Geese then learns that "Hakkyosei Ken" is actually a skill recorded within the Sacred Scrolls, ancient manuals of power. One of the scrolls is in the possession of Tung, another is with Krauser, and the last is unknown. Anyway, as Tung is getting old, the chief of the school is up for grabs; and Geese's chief competitior is Jeff Bogard, his senior and prehaps the only person as talented as he is. When Tung decides impart the secrets of Hakkyosei Ken to Jeff, Geese kills Jeff in front of the latter's adopted sons Terry and Andy. Later, Geese also confronts Tung and in true legendary fashion, defeats the old man and steals Tung's sacred scroll. Afterwards, Geese returns to Southtown where he rebuilds the Organization. This time, his rule is undisputed and the whole town comes under his influence and manipulation. He also adopts a child Billy Kane and the later becomes one of his chief cronies and confidants. Ten years later, Jeff's adopted sons, Terry Bogard and Andy Bogard (and their underwear wearing friend Joe) turn up to participate in Geese's King of Fighters tournament, now some sort of annual event which has become a method of eliminating opposition to his rule as well as cashing in on illegal bets. In soap opera style, Terry falls in love with Geese's adopted daughter Rily. Geese kills Rily upon discovering this, and of course Terry goes into a rage. Andy and Joe challenge Geese and gets walloped. Terry, however, gets last minute instruction from Tung, learning Hakkyosei Ken and fights Geese in a showdown. Although all of Terry's moves appear to be useless against Geese, his HakkyoseiKen turns the tide and defeats Geese... Geese is severly injured and is recuperating when his half-brother Wolfgang Krauser comes spoiling for a fight. Geese, crafty as usual, figures he can eliminate both his archenemies at once, so he tells Krauser that even he (Krauser) cannot beat Terry Bogard. Krauser then sets out to find Terry. As in the story of Fatal Fury 2, Krauser is later defeated by Terry, and his copy of the Sacred Scroll falls into the hands of Billy Kane who promptly delivers it back to his boss. Krauser's copy of the Sacred Scroll contains secret arts fo rejuvenation; upon mastering it, Geese is fully healed and his powers boosted to higher degrees. Later, a man named Ryuji Yamazaki from HongKong comes looking for Geese. Yamazaki has the last copy of the Sacred Scroll and is looking for the other 2 copies which will complete the manual and reveal the secret of some unspeakable power. Geese fights Yamazaki and this time, even the man himself is hard pressed, for Yamazki has already mastered some of the arts contained within the Sacred Scroll. However, Yamazaki proves to be no match once again, and is finally defeated and all the scrolls come to the possession of Geese. Geese then believes that he is ready to rid his enemies once and for all. He organizes his last tournament (which is Realbout FF) where anybody with a score to settle with him all participate. Naturally, Terry Bogard defeats all his opponents for the right to showdown with Geese once more. Sadly, according to SNK, Geese is defeated once again and falls from the top story of Geese Tower, but at least he is dignified and refuses to let Terry save him (ending scene of RBFF). Player Bio: Updated Geese's stats to make him a little bit faster at the expense of a little bit of strength.... Info: Art of Fighting, King of Fighters, Realbout FF, Capcom vs SNK, Capcom vs SNK 2, and Capcom vs SNK 2 eo.
Name: Meteo Dragoon Age: 16 Gender: Male Digimon: Machinedramon (This is not the same one as the dark masters version it looks like it but different personality) Digimon Attacks: Giga cannon & Metal fire breath. Biomerge name: Machinebladedramon Biomerge Attack: Giga Blade beam and Kilo shocker Appearance: Meteo Dragoon-Blue jeans, grey shirt, grey running shoes, Grey sunglasses, green eyes and dirty blonde hair. Machinebladedramon looks like machinedramon but instead of guns he has swords Soul: Steel Bio: Meteo was a very nice and determined kid. He got an Email when he checked it he accepted and got the soul of steel. Meteo did not know why he got it but he didn't care he knew he got it for some reason. Upon meeting his digimon Machinedramon who was very shy at first They both realised that they could be a great team if they worked together... Meteo plans on getting Machinedramon not as shy as like when they first met...
Am I in this game as well? If not so be it if so I think I will enjoy this game...
(I hope I am not to late.) Character name:Geese Howard Reason for choosing character: This is a bad ***** mother fugga no doubt. His strength makes up for his speed. My Knowledge of this character: I know his moves, Clothing hair style skin colour. He has wind slash double wind slash projectiles along with gale slash raising storm, deadly rave and many other powerful attacks. Side:Not Terry Bogard's [IMG]http://underworld.fortunecity.com/bulletproof/105/geese.html[/IMG]
*Meteo has a meeting with the Gerudos.* Meteo:"Gerudos! An evil threatens our way of life the child of Gannondorf returns... If She has her way Hyrule will be destroyed I need you all to protect the Fortress and the gate to the desert fiercer than ever. She maybe a Gerudo but that does not mean she is allowed here she must be defeated. I am going to help the daughter of the man that saved my mother who was your previous boss after Gannondorf betrayed us. When Manatsu the child of Gannondorf has been defeated I will return to say we can return to our ways. but until then nobody enters or exits the fortress once I leave." *The Gerudos nod.* Gerudos:"Gannondorf's child must suffer! We must our way of life." Meteo:"I know but the way we ssave our way of life is that we Increase our security... Only Me and Gerudos with supplies may enter." Gerudos:"Long Live Meteo king of the Gerudos! We will follow your orders and Increase Security of the base!" Meteo:"This meeting is ajurned. Do your part till two Gerudos will go get supplies once a week got that so ration the food like always... We must protect our way of life even the littlest things will help... Go to not the castle town but to either the lake our to the town known for the Sheikahs if you go for supplies."
Meteo:"Your father is the one who turned on the Gerudos for his own selfish ambitions. And Time repeats itself with you. I will not let you handle me with those Demons." *Meteo uses his Gerudo Daggers on a demon making sure that if it had anything of use it was removed and held by him.*
**Couldn't forget him... But I'm not a Goron your character is da Goron K.K.C. .** Meteo:"We should Split up into several areas... Reei ssecured the waterways and make sure that the Zoras and the waterways are safe Also get the Zoras to help. I'll take care of the Gerudo Fortress and Deserts since I am a Gerudo. We'll need their help as well the Gerudos want to get their retribution against the one who turned his back on Nabooru somehow. Daggar Secure The Death Mountain area The Gorons will be a big help get them to help us stop Gannondorf and his kid. Sakura, Samantha Get the Kokiri's and Secure the forests. Have Whoever is able and not securing anything as well to secure the Hylian Field that goes for everyone. We'll meet at the Castle town."
*Meteo looks at the others around him.* Meteo:"We must work together... If we must save the child of Zelda... The evil Gerudo or his kid is planning something..." *Reei looks at him.* Reei:"How can you tell?" Meteo:"Gerudo's intuition. That and that I know the stories of the Evil Gerudo named Gannondorf, the previous Gerudo King... If he or his kid are in the land of Hyrule we must fight them to prevent evil ruling all of Hyrule."
Guard:"And who might you be??" Meteo:"I am son of the Spirit Sage Nabooru. I am also a Gerudo and Kokiri's do not scare me as much as the Gerudo guards..."
*Meteo enters the Kokiri forest.* Guard:"You cannot enter..." Meteo:"I am looking for either Link the hero of time/ hero of the wind and Saria the forest sage or their kids."
*Meteo returns to the school.* Meteo:"Man I wonder what happened while I was gone??" *Meteo entered and goes to his room and falls fast asleep. He is sleeping like a little baby.*
*Meteo heads to the Kokiri forest looking for either Link or a relative of his. Meteo has his Gerudo Daggers ready if he needs them.* Meteo:"Of all the days. I hope I don't run into the evil one. Or his kid..."