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Everything posted by Eve

  1. ::sorry if this has been made:: Mine is that I get to make so much more nice friends =D It really helps me a lot when I get sad in real life, and I love learning new things on the internet, what about you?
  2. i've got it, but to me it's a little weird. but i got but i do it when i'm stand'n. i'll be Their mind'n my own stuff and then my leg shifts(Twitching)and i'll end up on the floor or i'll hit something*o*
  3. Ok I did some undercover work I asked my mom for some say but I told her that just wanted to give some good advice so I wrote somethings down (here we go):: quote:: mom say Most kids between the ages of 13+17 struggle with ?depression? one time or another. It could be brought on by the loss of a friend, a family move, a divorce or just hormonal changes that our bodies go through at that age. Taking medications, like Zoloft, can help some people in certain cases, but you should always try to find out what is making you sad and talk to someone about it> I hope it helps^-^
  4. That is what it is a blank square. Your have to add eveything.^-^
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by (<AA>) [/i] [B]My cousin told me that it seems like I'm just tried of the routine of daily life, I think she's right. [/B][/QUOTE] That could be it but not for all of us that would seem highly rare.So is there something wrong with us?No.Something we can't let go of?could it?and had to give/leave it?Agh!!To much it is...I'm not metal are any thing but in away diff. lost in a pit of darkness yes that is where I am. lost and alone....
  6. I've been and still like that. I really don't know what it is but it's painful. I would find myself cry'n over the silly things in life(I rarely cry).All dure'n the school year I wouldn't tune into RL but stay in my on world. I tried to join things(sing,musical,dance) I always did before whatever happened but I didn't enjoy them all like always. Would it just be a phase? a really long one? But ever since school let out I've been a little more happy but not as happy as I once was, and I know it wasn't school that put me down but.... Something did...right? One..two people know about this whatever it is [B]ONE[/B]:she just like me we both don't know what it is [B]TWO[/B]she isn't like me on this,but tries to help but no matter what I fill lost in a pit of darkness and the only one that can help you is..is...yourself,but how?
  7. What I hate the most is that there well leave us out to dry and make go get the DVD's (I'v looked into it that's a lot of money) [B]79[/B] dead so far*gose to steal all the tapes made of inu yasha in the studio*
  8. Yes it is....different, but very good and an...um well I don't what to say it but "outcast"but!!but!!that's what makes it good ::no bad say::*bows*
  9. Tell me about it and at least if there ganna take it off tell us the rest of the story or something not hang us out to dry!:mad: [B]45[/B] dead so far
  10. i didn't like it at all!it made me sooooo!mad:mad: couldn't they make that the last show or something? stupid cliff hanger [B]3.2/10[/B] that is all i have to say.
  11. Still...we like it and don't what to see it get kicked off...really when they put us at a cliff hanger. [B]35[/B] dead so far
  12. They just do this to make us mad with-out know'n there put'n there lives at stake!! [B]3[/B] dead so far
  13. Nooooo!! You?re right there evil Get your pitch-forks and knives! HUNT!! Dead or alive it dosen't matter!
  14. me?well... [B]Best[/B] .Hack//SIGN Yu Yu Hakusho Neon Genesis Evangelion Inuyasha [B]Worst[/B] Outlaw Star I don't have any particular reason it's just what I like and don't like.
  15. the 1st one looks good but it's much better with a border^-^
  16. I like it it's really...:bloody:*HeeHee* i give it a [B]10/10[/B]^-^
  17. What do you think about them are they really important or no big?,and what's the worst first impressions you ever got?
  18. well in the 1st .hack//DVD video game there is harry's(i think that's his name)and i just think he is or try'n to do something in side the game.to try to get the....well um it's in my head but it's lost,but if you have seen the DVD with the game....ok just for get eveything i've said but ya it's like it was his last request before he lost his mind or something oh...now i'm so unsure of myself :(
  19. it was Tsukasa on the floor. it was a flashback there are a lot in the hole TV seires.
  20. summer..summer...i know at some time my friend from GA. is come'n over and i live by a lot of them-parks so i kind of got a lot to do i just need to save a couple of $100.i also live by all family so i have a lot people to take me to the mall;)
  21. well i think he'll live(coma sort-of)but won't die in "the world"cause they have'nt seen Morgana(or how ever you spell it)or Aura with her eyes open(at 1st she looks like a monkey),but if you remember in the 1st episode when he think's "i've open this box befor but after i opened it...."and it shows a flash back of what happend kind of looks like what his guardian dose to people.that's a good thing to think about hmmmm,but i think it's really good that he is try'n to save his friend from real live a coma*awwww*
  22. 1)What was with Maha and the Guardian 2)What's with the creepy guy in the chair 3)Does that guy have something to do with Tsukasa 4)Why was Maha all creepy i only know 2/3 that is Aura's dad and if you saw the 1st games DVD it shows aura's dad in the real world.i think aura died in the real world but still lives in "the world" but he thinks he fail so he wants Tsukasa to take care of her or something
  23. Favorite food a.....well I like anything with bread.Maybe that's why my mom feeds me sandwhichs day and night unless I beg differ. My lest favorite food would have to be...potatoes/patato which ever way you turn it the same.Maybe that's also why my mom makes it all the time to hmmmm....
  24. [COLOR=ORANGE]I think it's just some "cool" thing they got going around but i could be wrong that is just my opinion[/COLOR]
  25. [B]10/10[/B] yah i loved that show i just hate the fact that i have to wait tillnext week to see the rest of it and its very weird now cause i can't see who is good,other then Mimiru and Tsukasa,and who is bad...
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