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About Legato

  • Birthday 05/11/1986

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  1. The only anime I ever watched on Techtv was Lain. The other series I could just not stand. Techtv has really gone downhill lately. Xplay, 1 hour long Screensavers. :-(
  2. Close race between Tank! on Bebop or the Trigun theme. Both very, very cool.
  3. The first anime I saw was Devilman at a friend's house. I liked it just because it was so weird. If you've seen Devilman you know what I'm talking about. After that, I got more seriously into good anime such as Bebop, and movies like Akira and GITS.
  4. Urban legend. Although they are occasionally eaten, dogs are very popular pets in China. I'm sure the restaurant staff would have the intelligence to realize that the dog is a pet. This just reeks of urban legend.
  5. In my area, they've banned fireworks. :-( So I'll probably just go to a friends house.
  6. Hmm. Legato is probably the most interesting character in Trigun. I don't know whether or not Legato has been brainwashed by Knives. I don't think so. Legato isn't cruel or insane. One of the key points of his philosophy is that human life is all suffering. Humans are worthless and much better off dead. In destroying humanity with Knives, Legato probably believes that he is doing the right thing. He is ridding humanity of its suffering and preparing the way for the superior plant race. As far as his fanatical devotion to Knives, I could very well see how that could make sense in Legato's mind. The two of them have the same goals in mind. Knives is an immensely powerful being both physically and mentally. It would make perfect sense for Legato to follow Knives.
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