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If Anno has a large say in what happens in the film, then I'm happy. If not, then I'm concerned. Regardless of how good (or bad) it will be, it will never be the same as the original Evangelion series. One problem I can already see from making the movie is that the religious aspects will most likely be cut out. That would take a huge chunk from the movie, but leaving it in would cause so much controversy. I hope they do leave in the religious aspects, but it seems unlikely. I agree with everyone who complained on whether or not the actors are able to portray the pilots well. The problem lies in that you must find an excellent actor who looks the age of 14, not some 20+ year old acting as a teenager...I dislike those types of films. I don't see many good 14 year old actors around...using adults would destroy a good chunk of the storyline. I'm not that concerned with the CG graphics, so long as they remember the 4 barons of hell theme, as well as the shoulder plates, which bind the Evangelion to lilums. The angels shouldn't be too much of a problem, unless they use cheesy graphics or screw up their names or their special properties. NOTE: SPOLIERS (I don't know how to make tags :() I also hope that the film will capture most of the aspects of Evangelion. The themes of the "familiar ceiling." The "I'm home. Welcome Home" that was used with Shinji in the beginning and Rei with Lilith. The way Shinji tiptoed when he first went to Rei's apartment, then the second time where he just walked in with Toji tiptoeing (I found that cute). The running away aspect, with how each character runs away in their own method (Gendo with closing off himself, Asuka with Eva and anger, Shinji with literally running away, Misato with beer and sex and destroying the angels, Kaji with beer and hitting on women and sex and finding the truth, and so on). The morality of Rei and the dummy plugs (how she was replacable, how she is the clone of Yui and how that affects her relationships with others). The relationships of all the characters with others, especially their parents (Shinji's father and mother, Asuka's mother and to a lesser extent her father, Misato's father, Ristuko's mother, and so on). The purpose of being alive, and what defines being alive (which extends to one's relationships). The meaning of the AT field. Incorporating the train scene and the water as the plane of Shinji's in the movie would be nice as well. What would really get on my nerves most of all, is if the end of the movie (or sequels) avoided Third Impact. Many fans did not like it, but one must admit how it fits everything together. It isn't the sappy ending, where everyone lives happily ever after. It's reality, and the lilum will to survive. Well, thats my input. Regardless, I like many Evangelion fans will see the movie, and hope for the best. Perhaps even if the movie turns out to be a pile of trash, that people will still research Evangelion on the internet and find the anime version. :) God's in his heaven. All's right with the world.
My mother assumed it was childish from the days where I was infatuated with Pokemon (I'm over that now :)). Then she saw the Evangelion episode where Misato and Kaji were kissing in the elevator, no nudity, just kissing with some sounds. She instantly assumes all anime has to do with pornography (she doesn't know the term hentai so >__< Letting him listen to some of the music helps too, as the music in anime usually are of high quality. That raised his opinion of anime more. :) Besides, he IS the one who bought the Evangelion series for me, so thats a plus. :) As for watching anime, I just watch it at the computer (where I am right now) downstairs in the study room. No one really comes down here (unless my mom or dad uses the comp), so I can watch as long as the volume is down. :)
Anime Evangelion: Mind and Soul (spoilers included)
Demondrake replied to Demondrake's topic in Otaku Central
I've searched for Thanatos, but I can't find the cello version that I really like. The ones I've downloaded are ok, but just aren't sad enough without the cello. :( I'm going to keep searching until I find the version that is used multiple times during the series. As for simulators, how can Israfel infect simulations? That kind of confuses me, as I thought you can only infect something that is real, not a simulation. As for Unit 04, having an s2 engine isn't a power or anything that makes it special. Unit 01 has a s2 engine, though it was taken in through eating. The Eva series also had them, so that doesn't set Unit 04 apart from the others. Thanks for the other answers though Alex. They helped. :) -
Damnit. I got an error. It appears to be invalid. If only I had cable or dsl I wouldn't mind about redownloading. >_< Downloading on 56k took me over 6 hours... Mala, I pmed you the site already. Damnit. I have to get cable or dsl.
Hmm. I'm downloading the game in English right now. :) Only problem is I have a 56k modem and the game is 85 megs...over 6 hours. *sighs* If it wasn't for my getright program, I'd never finish downloading. :P
Just a quick question. I was reading a lot of fanfiction for Evangelion, and stumbled frequently across the character Mana. I searched for her on google, and found that it was an Evanglion game created by gainax. Is there any good site (I found a pretty good summary, but nothing in depth) for finding more about this character? Thanks. :) Oh and another thing. Is the game only Japanese, or also for English? And for what system?
Anime Evangelion: Mind and Soul (spoilers included)
Demondrake replied to Demondrake's topic in Otaku Central
*sighs* This does not belong here, but cloud wishes that I not create a new topic, and thus has locked the thread with the following post. This post is a deviance from the original topic, but I need these questions answered. I apologize if this seems a bit out of the blue... -------------------------------------------------------------- Ahhh, just watched the series again. So damn good. Well, my most urgent question pertains to Evangelion music. Whereas most of the music has been found on this website, there is one particular one that it is missing. In it, there is a cello (I assume) playing a very sad tune. I can remember it being played vividly in the scene where Shinji and Misato first see the Rei clones in the chamber. The music is played in the background. Is there anywhere that I can download it from? What is the beaker filled with water in Rei's room for? I've read somewhere that assumes that it is a representation of Rei's soul. Is it called Central Dogma or Terminal Dogma? I can't get that straight. :P I do believe it was called both Central and Terminal before in the series and movie however. Why does Kaji tell Misato that the being in Termial/Central Dogma is Adam, when he knows for sure that it isn't? He did deliver Adam to Gendo personally in embryo form. There is a scene where all the pilots are testing naked. I'm confused to what the heck they were testing in. There seemed to be Evangelions that were without armor floating in the water, but they can't be the original Evangelions, since Nerv wouldn't want to risk taking off the restraints that bind the Evangelions to them. They also can't be pure simulations, as Israfel (I think that's the angel name) did start infecting the things. And if they were other Evangelions, then Nerv would probably put armor on them and use them. I doubt that they are dead Evangelions, cause then you can't synchronize with them. So what the heck are those? And now for a quick comment about the series after watching it again. It seems that the beginning is awkward, then it gets funny, then it goes serious and depressing. I only wish that the series would keep a more steady mood throughout. Thats all I can think of after finishing it again. There are probably tons more that I can think of later. :P Thanks. :) ------------------------------------------------ Oooohhhh. I thought of more questions. Why did Unit 1 come out of Leliel's shadow instead of the real angel itself? And I forgot where, but I remember seeing Ristuko with the mole on the right side of her face, and Misato once wearing...stockings. o.o *eyes completely bug out* Are those just mistakes? :P I wanna know what Unit 04's power, or special characteristic was! Unit 00 was a cyclops. Unit 01 had a pointy horn. Unit 02 had 4 eyes. Unit 03 could extend its arms. Units 5-13 could fly and do all the stuff the Eva Series could do. So what the heck does Unit 04 do? Just create a Sea of Dirac by some error with its s2 engine like Leliel? :( Do the Dead Sea Scrolls say anything about Unit 04? -
Ahhh, just watched the series again. So damn good. :) Well, my most urgent question pertains to Evangelion music. Whereas most of the music has been found on this website, there is one particular one that it is missing. In it, there is a cello (I assume) playing a very sad tune. I can remember it being played vividly in the scene where Shinji and Misato first see the Rei clones in the chamber. The music is played in the background. Is there anywhere that I can download it from? What is the beaker filled with water in Rei's room for? I've read somewhere that assumes that it is a representation of Rei's soul. Is it called Central Dogma or Terminal Dogma? I can't get that straight. :P Why does Kaji tell Misato that the being in Termial/Central Dogma is Adam, when he knows for sure that it isn't? He did deliver Adam to Gendo personally in embryo form. There is a scene where all the pilots are testing naked. I'm confused to what the heck they were testing in. There seemed to be Evangelions that were without armor floating in the water, but they can't be the original Evangelions, since Nerv wouldn't want to risk taking off the restraints that bind the Evangelions to them. They also can't be pure simulations, as Israfel (I think that's the angel name) did start infecting the things. And if they were other Evangelions, then Nerv would probably put armor on them and use them. I doubt that they are dead Evangelions, cause then you can't synchronize with them. So what the heck are those? And now for a quick comment about the series after watching it again. It seems that the beginning is awkward, then it gets funny, then it goes serious and depressing. I only wish that the series would keep a more steady mood throughout. Thats all I can think of after finishing it again. There are probably tons more that I can think of later. :P Thanks. :)
Anime Evangelion: Mind and Soul (spoilers included)
Demondrake replied to Demondrake's topic in Otaku Central
Solid. I agree with what you say about humans needing both to "live." However, there is always the arguments about artificial intelligence being considered more "human" than most humans in the world. Just a thought. As for people in vegetable state, it is rumored that those people can still hear and think in those states, so I personally feel that they can still be considered "human." I start disagreeing with you when you talk about Evangelions and Angels. Evangelions are clones of angels, and are similar to humans in some aspects, but not fully similar. From what you are saying, each group is "different." Well, all humans are different from each other. Some humans can be considered "inhuman." You can't say everyone isn't human because we can't be the same. I also disagree that Angels can't be human simply because they do not have a physical human body. I believe that what makes a human is mental. The same goes for Evangelions. However, I do not mean that all angels are human. I cannot put an solid opinion without learning more about what the angel is like, since they show does not delve into the personalities of the angels, other than Rei and Kaworu. For Rei, the first thing is, she has the soul of Lillith, the angel of the black moon, which is the mother of humanity and the second angel. Thus, she doesn't have a human soul. However, my question asks whether or not, though she isn't physically a human, is she still "human" because of who she is, not what she is. The same goes for Kaworu, who's physical body is not human, yet he has a soul and a mind and emotions and personalities. He has insight about the world, about music. I am a firm believer that Kaworu and Rei are both human because of who they are. ----------------------------------- Ryuujin. Evangelions have a human soul, and (I think) a human mind. For in the first episode, the evangelion shields Shinji from the blast, though pilotless. Also, when Unit 1 devoured the angel of might and went berserk, Ristuko stated that it was becoming "aware" without its armor restraints. Thus, evangelions do have a mind. For them being primitive? While they can't talk, they can create an external AT field (not to mention 40 feet tall), much more advanced than us weak lillum. :P Lillith is the mother of humanity. I think angels were created from Adam, but I could be wrong on that. No one truly knows where Lillith came from, but you can speculate where Lillith did come from. ---------------------------------- Ahh. The four barons of hell. WHY DID THEY LEAVE OUT UNIT 4? Unit 4 is the COOLEST with that silver armor and red eyes. :P And it can create a Sea of Dirac like the angel of the night. A monkey having fire arms? Hmm. Pen-Pen already has beer. :) -
Anime Evangelion: Mind and Soul (spoilers included)
Demondrake replied to Demondrake's topic in Otaku Central
Where'd you read that from Oradriel? I only read the 4 things from somewhere on the forum. Is it part of the dead sea scrolls or the Bible? -
Well, I like Rei, so I like Lillith. Without Lillith, there is no Rei. :P Rei = favorite character. :) I'd be most surprised if someone likes Adam. Adam seems to just be a big loser calling on his children to rescue him. :P Lillith at least seems to have that "motherly" feeling for humanity, as Lillith wants to end human suffering via third impact. Adam just wants to blow humanity up in its version of third impact.
Anime Evangelion: Mind and Soul (spoilers included)
Demondrake replied to Demondrake's topic in Otaku Central
Monkeys as human? I remember reading an article about making monkeys citizens so that they could be defended by the constitution. Hmm. Evangelions have human souls. That is a known fact, as humans were absorbed into the Evangelions. The human souls are trapped within the cores of the Evangelion. Monkeys aren't spawned from Lillith, like humans, and I doubt they are from Adam like the angels. I don't know what spawned them (Evangelion does not agree with evolution). However, one can argue that monkeys retain qualities that make them human. I won't say anything about it, as there weren't any monkeys in Evangelion that I remember. :P I just hope Pen-Pen survived third impact. :P (sees Pen-Pen with middle flipper sticking up at Lillith screaming "WARK!!!!!!!!!" because he lost all his beer :P) Three barons of hell? Hmm. I read somewhere on this forum about the four evangelions being the four devils. One with the horn, the cyclops, the four eyed, and the one who can stretch arms. I got lost on that. :( Was that in the Bible or the dead sea scrolls or something? For Unit 0 turning blue? I'm happy about it. :P It suits Rei better. :) It's farther away from red, and Rei hates red. -
Hmm. Lillith, since her soul is in Rei, and Rei rules. :P Besides Lillith though, I'm not sure. Perhaps Tabris, since he is the only angel that we really get to know (besides Rei and the 18th angel, which is humanity :P). Most hated angel for me goes to Armisael, since it forced the second Rei to self-destruct. :(
Anime Evangelion: Mind and Soul (spoilers included)
Demondrake replied to Demondrake's topic in Otaku Central
Manga? I'm really poor right now. :P I don't think I can afford it. :( If I can, I'll get it. :) Well, if you include unit 3, then you can include unit 4, which got no screentime if I recall correctly. However, I based the 7 eyes thing on the main 3 Evas, or it wouldn't work. :P 1+2+4+2+2=11. :( I don't recall 11 being a significant number anywhere. :P Primitive soul? So are babies not human since they are still primitive? And if Armisael's soul ever gets beyond "primitive," then will Armisael be considered human (answer will depend on your judgement of Kaworu/Tabros)? -
Anime Evangelion: Mind and Soul (spoilers included)
Demondrake replied to Demondrake's topic in Otaku Central
I'm not looking for an answer. I'm looking for opinions, as I have my own. It's nice to discuss what other people feel about such. After reading other opinions, I may change my own in time. :) Bah. Unit 3 was only used for what? One episode? :P So I didn't include it. :P As for Rei having an S2 organ, I must have read too much fanfiction and it got my brain mixed up. :P Most fanfictions that deal with Rei as an angel have her utilizing an S2 organ. :P -
Anime Evangelion: Mind and Soul (spoilers included)
Demondrake replied to Demondrake's topic in Otaku Central
Hmm. Evangelions as a median between both Angels and human? Interesting concept (I like :)). However, I see Evangelions as closer to Angels (excluding the 18th) than that of humans. Evangelions ARE clones of Adam (excluding Unit 01), not a human, and some have S2 organs (Unit 01, 04-13). As for Armisael having a soul, that is my question. :) Armisael has a mind and a soul, but is that considered human? What makes something human? We never learn much about Armisael though. :( The only angels we really learn about and get to know are Kaworu and Rei. :( As for Rei, Rei is physically a combination of angel and human (human body with S2 organ and Angel Soul). Once again, my question is raised on whether or not Rei is human. She has memories and she has a soul. As for Gendo, I personally feel that although he has a motive behind his actions, his actions are inhuman. Thus, I stated that he was inhuman. If Hitler had a very good reason for the Holocaust, would you consider him inhuman or human? But that's another topic. :P Bah, on a side note, I realized that 1+2+4=7. Unit 00 has 1 eye. Unit 01 has 2 eyes. Unit 02 has 4 eyes. Add them up and you have the number of eyes that Lillith has. :P -
Anime Evangelion: Mind and Soul (spoilers included)
Demondrake replied to Demondrake's topic in Otaku Central
I'm glad people agree with me about the third Rei having some memories. :) It would certainly explain why she chose Shinji to orchestrate the Third Impact, but it's only my theory. :P I see that Solo Tremaine and kiddy_phenil agree with me that Evangelions have mind and soul. That points back to my main question. Does that make Evangelions human? They have qualities, but they cannot express those qualities like humans do. Whether or not they have human bodies is another debate. :P Personally, I feel that mind is more important than soul, though both are required. For cannot something artificial with AI be considered "human"? That is also up for debate, as it stems from my original question. :) Thanks for replying. :) -
Anime Evangelion: Mind and Soul (spoilers included)
Demondrake replied to Demondrake's topic in Otaku Central
Hmm. I didn't think of it that way Syk3...however, Evangelions ARE made from Adam and humans from Lillith. Not to mention that humans are incapable of utilizing an external AT field for purposes other than holding a physical form and not dissolving into lcl (I may be wrong once again). Evangelions and Angels (as in 1-17...not 18th :P) are capable of more than that, as proof of the use of the AT field as a shield, and as a psychological weapon (Arael). I don't see how simply creating a bigger human would allow the being to be capable of using it's AT field for more than just a physical form. As for the thing about Rei, can you explain to me why Rei chose Shinji as the person to control the third impact? Rei had to have some prior knowledge of Shinji, since she wouldn't just randomly chose him...and from what I understand, the third Rei and Shinji did not converse that much. That's why I assumed (perhaps incorrectly) that the third Rei did retain SOME of her past memories (synching between the second Rei and the dummy system). Perhaps that idea is from reading way too much Evangelion fanfiction. :P Please enlighten me. :) Evangelion is a confusing series, so the more light, the less I am left in the dark. :) -
Anime Evangelion: Mind and Soul (spoilers included)
Demondrake replied to Demondrake's topic in Otaku Central
I agree with both being needed to create a human being. :) But, there are some points I disagree with. :( What makes a human is debatable. Kaworu (who is an angel that experienced emotions) is considered by many to be "human" whereas Gendo is considered inhuman (that cold heartless bastard). Evangelions did indeed have memories (at least from what I understood). That's why Yui, who is the soul of Evangelion Unit 01 and mother of Shinji, protects Shinji (shields him from blast in first episode with hand). She remembers, loves, and wishes to protect her child. So, are Evangelions human (Not lillum since they were spawned from Adam :P)? They do have memories AND a soul, but they (and Angels like Kaworu) don't possess a human body. As for Rei, I thought she did retain some memories, or why did she leave the decision of third impact to Shinji? Well, it was my understanding that it was because Rei cared for Shinji and believed him to be worthy, but I could be incorrect (I've read to many fanfictions...they influenced me too much :P). Personally, I believe that the third Rei is NOT the same Rei as in the beginning of the series. She is herself, a whole new person. She even denied Gendo control of the Third Impact, so even though she is different Rei, the third Rei is not a mindless doll like the second Rei in the beginning of the series. Just my input. :) Oh and thanks for replying. :) -
What makes someone human (or lillum :P)? Their soul or their mind? People need a soul to be something other than an empty shell (Rei clones). However, does is the soul the only requirement? For Rei, who has the soul of Lillith, is Rei, not Lillith (Note what she says to mirror in morning). This question was greatly influenced by Rei. :) I'm leaning toward the mind being what makes the person, but I just wanted to see your opinions. :) Btw: When I say mind, I also mean memories :)
I only recently aquired the film a few days back since a friend lent me it (me = newbie). Personally, I think Lady Eboshi's voice, Okoto's voice (doesn't sound stupid anymore like in the Japanese version), and Moro's voice (doesn't sound like a male as it was in the Japanese version) were great improvements over the Japanese versions. Ashitaka's and Jigo's voices were ok. The rest of the voices sounded a bit too similar. I liked the beginning scenes much more than the ending scenes. Anyways, I did come across a few questions that confused me. I was hoping someone could answer them for me. *NOTE: THE FOLLOWING CONTAINS SPOILERS* 1) This is the one that bothers me the most. How does Moro lose her head before she bites off Lady Eboshi's arm? I doubt it's the black essense of the Nightwalker since that sucks life, not decapitate things... 2) How did San get her mask back? After she entered Iron Town, her mask was shot to pieces by two iron bullets. Afterwards, she still wore a mask, this one only with the top half...and it coudln't have been the original since there was only the ears and the wolf coat left on the original. 3) Why isn't Okoto completely surrounded by Demon tentacles like Nago, and why coudln't he talk like Nago could in Demon form? Is it because he wasn't in his Demon form long enough, and thus he did not complete his transformation? 4) Why didn't San keep her Demon transformation? Tentacles did sprout on her hand and forehead, but when Moro pulled her out, they disappeared. Is it because of the appearance of the Forest Spirit? 5) When the Forest Spirit healed Ashitaka's bullet wound, Ashitaka had no visible scars in his side. However, when the Forest Spirit healed his arm, there were scars, and there was a scar on his cheek. Why did only the scar from the bullet wound go away? 6) Does Ashitaka's Demon marks make him invincible? In one scene, where a piece of wood got stuck in his arm (on the roof when he tried to stop San from jumping down to fight Lady Eboshi), he just ripped it out. And in another, San stabbed him with the crystal dagger, but he didn't even seem to notice. However, other Demons are shown to be very mortal, as Ashitaka killed Nago single-handedly. 7) What's the significance of the similar jewelry that the Wise Woman and San wore? They both had large earings and a knecklace, though the Wise Woman's were blue... I can't think of any more questions at the moment...I know I had at least one more...Oh well. Answer away. :)