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Dragon Goddess

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    Give me Blackland Fire Dragons and I will spare your life.

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  1. Fugitive Level: *** Def: 2050 Atk: 0 Type: Warrior/Effect Wind Description: Sly as a fox, this escaped convict is extremely elusive. Effect: When in Defence Mode, all monsters with Attack Power at or over 2000 are instantly paralyzed. Djinn Sword Magic Card [equip] A Wind-type moster equipped with this card increases their attack points by fifty percent. Gangster Force Trap Card [cont] Your mosters and life points are protected from any harm by monster, Magic, or Trap cards for 5 turns.
  2. My theory? Bakura just doesn't have a deathwish. My sister's theory? Yami Bakura took over and Ryu Bakura no longer exists. Yami is posing as Ryu.
  3. Sorry. That sounded a bit crappy. ___________________________________________ muahahaha im a :demon: and not a :butthead:
  4. Why can't we just talk about various issues in the show and manga instead of tackling dueling issues in the real world? :wigout: ___________________________________________ muahahaha im a :demon: and not a :butthead:
  5. muahahahaha the Millennium Ring! Who knows how well I'd do in the "punk" area of my life with an ancient tomb robber as an alter ego! An ancient EGYPTIAN tomb robber, bonus! or maybe the Millennium Machete hehehe very good for whacking off chains and creating portals to the shadow realm... you realize that when they talk about "I'll send you to the Shadow Realm" they mean "I'll kill you" [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]Don't double-post, please. Use the 'Edit' button found at the bottom of your post. -Solo[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. I just casually started watching the show and then realized that I looked exactly like Ryu Bakura... then it became my religion.
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