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Everything posted by DarkEternity

  1. Can Spirit Reaper be destroyed by battle when it is face down in defense position. Example: Spirit Reaper is set in defense mode, spear dragon attacks spirit reaper. Spirit reaper would take 1700 but is it destroyed? I've heard that if you Change of Heart a Spirit Reaper it is not destroyed because it's effect is not activated while it is face down. So wouldn't it be the same when it is attacked? Thanks for the help.
  2. Well DarkenShadow, I would think that it does come back to your hand because on the card, for instance Yata Garasu says "This card returns to the owener's hand during the end phase of the turn that it is normal summoned, flipped summoned, or flipped face up" It does not say that it cannot be retrieved when it is sent to the graveyard. Well that's my opinion, hope this will help.
  3. hey guys... do any of you know if dark ruler ha des will be limited or think it will be limited??
  4. Sup, I'm new at playing YuGiOh so im not sure of the rules. I have a question. Say a summoned skull destorys a Dark Necrofear. At the end of the turn, i would take control of the summoned skull if that was the only other monster on my opponents field. Then he some how summons a Blue eyes, and destroys the summoned skull equiped with dark necrofear. Would i get to take control of another monster, concidering dark necrofear's effect is when this card is destroyed in battle or by an opponent's card effect. And the same if he uses space typhoon on it. Doesn't that still count as a card effect?
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