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Everything posted by shadowfire

  1. Ok. ORDEAL OF A TRAVELER. If your opponent has a clear feild with only OOAT out and no cards in hand, can you still attack there lp directly , or same thing but with monsters out. I played some guy who was like that and when I attacked he said I couldn't cause he had no cards in hand to judge of, therefore no attack can be called. I eventually won the right way, but would that be considered a true statemant or cheating?.
  2. Ok we know how Tienshinhan get his scar but what about Yamcha. We see him go off to train without the scar but when it's Tenkaichi Budokai time he has those scars. Any one know how he gets those scars. Also has anyone noticed that when Vegeta is training before the androids shows up he has scars, but in later sagas he doesn't. When he first arrives back on earth and takes a shower you see them all over, even on his arms. Same thing when training in the gravity room. But when the Buu saga comes around he dosn't have them. Did they just mysteriously dissapear.?
  3. Well technically Giltia was his first monster, but because he's a fusion and with the new BC rules he was destroyed. His first official monster was Sworsman of Landstar. His last monster official was Time Wizard , but his last monster technnically on the field was Thousand Dragon. SOO... lumberjack, I believe the floor is yours since you got it mostly right.
  4. Ok- What was the 1st and last monsters Joey/Jonouchi played in his duel with Espa Roba.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Verykawaiineko [/i] [B]i know someone who made a pair of vash glasses and wore them [/B][/QUOTE] I actually have a pair of sunglasses like Vash's. Instead of a W shape in the frame legs they have a V shape and instead of being orange the lenses are red. Ok the things I'd like to have... [B]Realistically[/B] --Alucards red suit. A bit out dated but cool non the less, especially his pimp style hat. --Priss's motorcycle. She had that thing tricked out. --Sanosuke Sugara's white suit the symbol for "bad" on the back. Now that's just bad @$s. -- Inuyasha's red suit. I just love the M.C. Hamer pants :laugh: [B]Un=Realistically[/B] -- Alucard's 454 Jackal. Now thats a bad @$s gun. Beats Vash's anyday. -- A freakin Gundam. The Deathscythe would cool. If I had it I'd take over the world, no army could stop me:devil: :flaming: :demon: -- Ryoko , the all powerfull demon/space pirate. A dude can wish can't he. --Spike's Swordfish 2. I would change the color though, i don't like pink. Black or Blue is more my colors.
  6. I belive it was either Uraby or Gilasaurus. When they were first transported they were attacked by a dinosaur monster. It was the first monster shown I believe.
  7. WTF does this cards effect mean.. Gravekeepers Vassal Group: Spellcaster /Effect Type: Dark Level: 3 Atk: 700 Def: 500 The Battle Damage this cards inflicts to your opponents Lif Points is treated as the Effect Damage of this card. Does that mean thrue the "effect damage" that this cards attacks lp directly and that is the battle damage cause it's being caused by it's effect ?. I dunno, thats what someone told but this card confuses the hell outa me cause I got 2 of them.
  8. Well then I'll ask my own then. Following in the HOW MANY spirit... ?)How Many Times Has Kaiba Played Obelisk(?
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ragnarok Loki [/i] [B]2 Episodes 3 times [/B][/QUOTE] I do believe thats wrong. So far it has been shown in episode, visions and flashbacks 7 times. In all 3 episodes of "Face Off" Once in "Obelisk the Tormenter" when Kaiba uses Obelisk the 1st time. In a "Supreme Polymerization of Hereos" when in the virtual world. In "Playing with a Parasite" when joey remebers about it . And in " A Virtual Nightmare" when Big 5 explains about the deck master duel setup.
  10. Ya know I saw the re-show of the beginning of the Naoh saga today ( I missed it when they first shown it) and theres 1 line I noticed that I couldn't believe they let it stay in. Kaiba says something like .. " I'm not gonna let a pre-pubecent kid boss me around " or something to that nature. The thing is he said pre- pubecent. I thought everything related to things like that would be cut or dubbed different. Either they're easing up or no one around there knows what pre-pubecent means.
  11. Fatal Fury is my second favorite martial arts anime, Shadow Skill being my first. I liked FF2:The New Battle but my favorite Fatal Fury story will always be Fatal Fury: Motion Picture. TNB does have the best FF villian in my opinion. Lacked some stuff but made up for it in visuals and character designs with a whole lot of good fighting scenes. I love all of Masami Obari's stuff. He's one of my favorite anime character designers. Which is probably why some of his stuff is some of my favorite series/movies.
  12. Ok - Up until the beginning episode of the Noah Saga/ Enter the Shadow Realm, how many episodes has Shadi appeared in. Yes that does include flaskbacks.
  13. Merick has the Millenium Rod and Ring Yugi has the Millenium Puzzle and Necklace Bakura still has the Millenium Eye Shadi has the Millenium Ankh/Key and Scale. I think.
  14. I dunno. It's modern day Egypt but it looks more like ancient Egypt. I dunno- didn't really pay attention to the surroundings.
  15. Well my new Gravekeepers deck has given me Win/Lose/Draw ratio of 45/9/0. That deck is my main deck and my most sucessfull one . My old Beatdown had a record of 19/10/0. I recently retired that one and just put all the cards up or moved some to a different deck.
  16. Dude what was up with that episode. I had to miss the premiere of "enter the shadow realm" so I couldn't see how they did that episode but the Malik/Bakura battle? What did they do to that episode. One Turn Kill into Instant Attack. Also if I remember right they shortened the Ra attack on Bakura. They change Dark Ruler Ha Des to just Dark Ruler. Point-to-Point transfer. I don't know the true name of that ability but I'm sure it's not P2P transfer. Also the usual stuff that's already been seen, necrofear's broken doll, millinium rod's dagger, odion to shadow realm instead of killing him. I don't think I want to hear the rest of Ra's special abilities as I'm sure they're gonna mess them up as well. (P.S.) If you want to look and see how they're gonna re-name and edit stuff in other episodes go to this link...[url]http://www.tvtome.com/YuGiOh/season1.html[/url]
  17. hey if any one wants a little heads up on SOME of the PGD rulings, go to this site. It's got a couple of early out rulings on some cards..[url]http://pub209.ezboard.com/fpojosezboardfrm89.showMessage?topicID=10028.topic[/url] It's from the official konami demo teams rulings. ( I especially like the info on Necrovalley )
  18. shadowfire


    The movie is good, but the series is better. They tried to fit the entire manga into an hours worth of animation, thats why every one dies so quick and there's no character developement. The animation is excellent . Almost everything by Clamp is excellent. It was nice and dark wich fit the tone of the movie ( and series) perfectly. The music is also very good, especially the ending song "Forever Love". It fits the depressing and somber mood at the end just right. If you liked or didn't like the movie, definatley try to see the series. It's 100 times better.
  19. Ya know by not showing the first dozen or so episodes of DBGT they're really gonna screw it up ( as if it isn't screwed up enough ). Some of the most important plots to the story is in those episodes .
  20. Nope, don't have a MPZ. I like Dark Ruler Has Des only problem is he can go with my deck but he can't. I could combine him with DNA Surgery and use my Gravekeepers and they're effects. Only thing is he can't be summoned from the grave. If he's Raigeki'd then thats thats. You could say the main card of my deck is Necrovalley seeing as how most of my monsters/effects/traps/magics work with and around it. Most all my monsters can be searched with with MT and WoBF. Has Des can't. It can be good and bad with it. I'll have to play test it first , see if it works out good before I add it for sure.
  21. I run a Gravekeepers graveyard control deck. It always did good, up untill MFC came out. With a lot of lvl 4 1900 monsters my deck has suffered a bit. The strongest gravekeper is Chief with 1900 atk. Got a good effect, but he's lvl 5. He has to be tribed with that atk while other cards with that atk can be played normally. It's a Dark deck too. I've bee thinking of adding a stronger monster, maybe a Mystical Knight of Jackal or Dark Ruler Has Des. Only thing is they don't really fit my theme. If you want look in Deck Submissions to check out my deck . Can any one suggest a decent stronger monster to maybe add to my deck ?.
  22. I'm wanting to say it was De-Fusion. But I sorta know thats wrong but I'm going with that. Most LoN cards wasn't shown until Battle City.
  23. That Picollo guy would be good . Goldberg might be cool as nappa seeing as they're big and bald. Like Trastic said it looks like too many big names for an unknown movie series. They are better of getting good little known actors and bringing them in . Besides most of those guys didn't even seem to fit your idea of the specific character. The supposed plot seems real good. Remember people who aren't to familiar with it aren't really gonna know much about it and the story of DB, so creating and going at it a little different and creating they're own little way of introducing the story is good, just as long as they don't stray away too much. I mean look how Spiderman and X-men were done. Strayed a little, but keep the roots.
  24. I was looking around at some DBZ sites and I found this one. An ok site but it has a section on DBZ Live Action Movie. It has some possible actor and story line rumors. Keep in mind its possible rumors and are not confirmed. Check it out . [url]http://www.dbzsc.com/index.php?dbzsc=live_action[/url] P.S. Check out the possible Picollo.:therock:
  25. This is my brothers deck . I'm helping him build it and I want to see how good you think it is . I combined, well I let him use my cards with his to get this deck . This is his Gravity Bind/Mask of Restrict/Demotion deck. ##MONSTERS## **Tribute Monster** x1 Magical Marionette **Lv. 4 & Lower ** x3 Gemini Elf x3 Breaker the Magical Warrior x3 Dark Blade x2 Luster (Saphire) Dragon x2 Skilled Dark Magician x1 Cyber Jar x1 Witch of Black Forest ##MAGICS/SPELLS## x3 MST x2 Axe of Despair x3 Demotion x2 Fairy Meteor Crush x1 Raigeki x1 Change of Heart x1 Pot of Greed x1 Harpies Feather D. x1 Gracefull Charity x1 Monster Reborn x1 Swords Revealing Light x1 Scapegoat x1 Premarure Burial ##TRAPS## x2 Mask of Restrict x2 Gravity Bind x1 Magical Cylinder x1 Mirror Force x1 Ring of Destruction x1 Imperial Order x1 Call of Haunted ##TOTAL CARDS- 44 ##
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