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Everything posted by shadowfire

  1. Ok correct me if I'm wrong but how can they start showing Journey to the Shadow Realm or whatever they're calling it before they finish the end of the Battle City Finals held at Alcatraz Island. If I'm not mistaken first comes the ending of the BCF at Alcatraz then they go into the virtual reality and battle the BIG 5 again then it's the Noah Arc, correct me if I'm wrong. I may be mistaken so please like I said correct me if I am wrong. Also although some say they don't even wanna see how they do the 1 TURN KILL to be honest I'm anxious to see how they mess and screw it up. The thing I don't see how they're gonna be able to edit is out is BMG's panties when he summons her during the Malik/Yugi battle. But knowing 4Kids! they'll find some way around it.
  2. Personally I see 2 types of decks in 1. A BEWD/BEUD deck and a possible Dark Paladin deck. I think you need to choose 1 of the 2. First off cause you have too many trib monsters. 6 trib monsters in my opinion are too much . If you are trying to do a DP deck you will need 1 of them along with DM,BB, and I would say 1 more Skilled White/Dark Magician. Also add in a DNA Surgery for the BB and DP. If your going with a BEWD/BEUD deck I'd say keep all the dragons, even the ritual one but add in some fusion substitution monsters if your useing BEUD. You definatly need more staple M/T's. You have mostly monsters and power ups. Need more M/T removals. It doesn't seem to have a direct theme, it's all over the place. I would choose 1 of the other and build around that , but it's up to you.
  3. Personally I perfer the Magician of Black Chaos out of all the Black/Dark Magician family. The only bad things about him is that he's a ritual monster and I don't really like rituals and his 2800atk is 200 lower than what I'd like. I mean Chaos/Black Luster Soldier has 3000 and they're both rituals. If you offer 2 level 4 monsters thats 3 cards that are sent to the grave. I really don't like 3 cards for 2800 atk , but even at that he can still take down the original Dark Magician and most tribute monsters. So he has his ups and downs but out of them all he's my fav and he has the coolest picture of them all. P.S. Would the Black Magician Knight be considered part of the Black/Dark Magician family.
  4. So if the PDF is correct ( thxs Kakashi) if you have a set MST and your opponent flips a I.O you can then in a chain flip your set mst and destroy it. I already know that if I.O is already down no magics will work even if you flip MST later in the duel. The question was if we both had them set, when he flipped his could i flip mine to destroy his.
  5. Imperial Order vs. Mst I still don't know the MST/IO chain rules. Ok Mst is a quick play and you can activate a quick play like a trap. If your opponent activates IO can you in return flip a MST to destroy it.
  6. Your all wrong with RD's voice. the same voice for RD is the same voice from Harry of Zoids New Century Zero. The voice of Van in Chaotic Century/Guardian Force is the same as Yusuke's voice in Yu-Yu-Hakusho. The guy that had the Lightning Saixs , Jack I do believe he's the voice of RD's enemy, Blake I think his name is.
  7. With MFC out, a lot of people will now be trying to build spellcaster or D.Magician, D Paladin decks. So I thought of a deck that might be good if you wanted to do so. This is only on paper though. ##FUSION MONSTERS## x3 Dark Paladin ##TRIBUTE MONSTERS## Dark Magician Buster Blader ##LV 1 to 4 MONSTERS## x3 Skilled Dark Magician x3 Skilled White Magician x3 Vergaso the Destroyer x3 Gemini Elf x2 Octiclops x1 Cyber Jar x1 Sangan x1 Witch of Black Forest ##MAGIC/SPELL CARDS## x3 MST x3 Polymerization x2 Soul Exchange x1 Harpies Feather Duster x1 Pot of Geed x1 Graceful Charity x1 Raigeki x1 Change of Heart x1 Monster Reborn x1 Swords Revealing Light x1 Premature Burial x1 Emblem Of Dragon Destroyer ##TRAP CARDS## x2 DNA Surgery x1 Call of the Haunted x1 Magic Cylinder x1 Miracle Restoring x1 Mirror Force x1 Pitch Black Power Stone x1 Waboku ##TOTAL CARDS--44## I don't know of any limitations and restrictions yet for MFC but this looks like it would go with the rules , if you could get all those cards. I personally like the DNA Surgery/Buster Blader/Dark Paladin combo.
  8. I don't really know if this will work ot tourney legal for I've never tried it ... The Immortalof Thunder +Creature swap +Bad Reaction to Simochi +Book of Taiyou + Any Monster Removal/Attacking Monster. First Set or have a Pre-Set face down Immortal of Thunder. Flip a Set Bad Reaction to Simochi. PLay Creature Swap and give the set IOT to opponent. Then play Book of Taiyou. IOT's flip effect is to gain 3000 lp. With BRtS it inflicts 3000 lp damage. Then either attack it with a stronger monster or remove it with a monster removal card. IOT's second effect to when sent to grave inflict 5000lp damage to it's owner. Since opponent now has control of him he takes the 5000 lp. That's 8000 lp damage TOTAL in 1 or 2 turns. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dice Jar + Barell Behind the Door. If your lucky enough to get the lowest number or opponent rolls a 6 just flip BBtD. You can do up to 2500 lp damage or flip the 6000 lp damage to your opponent . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ring of Destruction + Barell Behind the Door. RoD a high powerd monster and flip BBtD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Goblin Attack Force+Axe of Despair +Ring of Destruction +Barrel Behind the Door Work best with opponents empty field. Summon GAF , equip with AoD, attack opponents lp . Flip RoD and BBtD. Doing so without it being negated some way means instant win cause it does 9900 direct lp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mirror Wall +Solomon's Lawbook. Say if you opponent gets a high powered monster say BEWD, when he attackes activate both cards.Have his attacks points will be gone and with SL you don't have to pay the 2000 lp cause you skip your standby phase. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Appropriate+ Bistro Butcher. Would work good with exodia decks. Everytime you inflictdirect damage to you opponent he draws 2 cards. With Appropriate out you get 2 extra cards a turn. Plus with Jar of Greed, Graceful Charity, Pot of Greed you get extra cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barrell Behind the Door + Dark Snake Syndrome. Play DSS and after about maybe 4th,5th turn flip BBtD and do double damage to him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. I know with Creature Swap I can't change the battle position like atk to defense and vice versa, but does that also mean I can't flip or flip summon it, not even through a magic cards?
  10. Yeah right now Toonami does suck but DBGT will start showing November 7th so that'll liven it up a bit but not to much though. Saturday movies would be a really excellent thing to do. Inuyasha movies would be the perfect idea along with the Tenchi Muyo and possible Lupin movies. It did suck though for AS to wait all that time to only show less than 20 episodes of Inuyasha , but when you think about in japan the series is up to somewhere early hundreds and here we are somewhere around 50,60 episodes. Seeing how long it takes to get a hold and dub and edit them , it should be about right. Also, I MISS LUPIN 3. AS just deosn't see like AS with out Lupin. It's like it's missing some crucial part of it. They need to get more eps and bring it back.
  11. Oh yeah . Sorry, I keep on forgeting BOM's effect is to make it face down defense instead of just defense. I have that problem with a couple cards effect . I apologize so yes BOM and NOC combo definatly would work.
  12. Whats the deal with this Magicians Force Spell Cards?. Is that like the new name for magic cards or what ?. Another thing is is spell counters?. How do they work ?.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crimson [/i] [B]Here's some more combos that have helped me ALOT. Book Of Moon + Nobleman Of Crossout Say your opponent has a strong monster out, just book of moon it and use nobleman of crossout to take it OUT of the field so they can't use it.. [/B][/QUOTE] I really don't see how that would word seeing as how BOM flips a face up attack (seeing as you would only use it on attack) monster into defense. It doesn't say into face down defense. NOC destroys a face down monster and removes it from game. Now if you would want a good defense destruction then try this. Book of Moon + Any High Level Monster + Fairy Meteor Crush.
  14. In the english version in the episode "Aftermath", what were the cards Bakura flipped during Pegasus's Duel Monsters tarot card reading to check out his past ?.
  15. I sure this doesn't go here but I'm doing it anyways. I've read that in the english version there was an episode cut out called" Winning throught Intimidation" that shoud've been aired between numbers 13 and 14 but wre chopped up and combined to make episode #13 "Panik Attack". I've also read that in this episode Panik raped Mai . Is that true or just some stupid stuff made up. Who ever has seen the japanese versions might know the truth of this
  16. I do believe her first NON-Harpie related monster that is shown is Dark Witch but if it's in an actual duel I belive it was Amazoness Swordswoman.
  17. If I run a Gravekeepers deck and they are Dark types and all but 1 of my monsters are Dark types and I run 2 Mystic Tomatoes should I consider replacing my Wind type Yata-Garasu with a Dark type Don Zaloog?. I've thought about it with DZ being Dark type 1400/1500 and YG being Wind type 200/100, YG can't be special summoned while DZ can. DZ doesn't got to go back to hand at end phase and with higher attack has a better chance of getting his effect used, and I can search for it with my Tomato. I've been considering it and thinks it would be a good decision, but what do you think?.
  18. Personally I liked it but my favorite DBZ movies are #9,#12 and the special movie History of Trunks. So movie #8 ranks in at number 4 of my favs. The only quarell I have is Brolly's voice. It just didn't sound right to me. Another thing that bugs me is that his SSJ hair looks to similiar to Trunks. I thought that if Brolly was going to be portaiyed as The Legendary Super Saiyan he should've had a more unique SSJ hairstyle or at least thats my opinion.
  19. Ok in the episode Duel Identity Part 2, what were the 2 monsters Yugi sacrificed the help summon Chaos Soldier/Black Luster Soldier?
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Angel [/i] [B]A: Mammoth Graveyard[/B][/QUOTE] I do believe that answer is wrong. The first card that is played is played by Weevil . It was Killer Needle. Weevil went first , played KN, Yugi went second with Mammoth Graveyard and they destroyed each other.
  21. The Red Dark Magician is actually a japanese promo Dark Magician . It's validation number is P4-02. Here's a pic of it.[url]http://store4.yimg.com/I/dragonballzcentral_1757_17176752[/url]
  22. Yeah I own it. It's ok , not as good as say Demon City Shinjuku or Wicked City or other demon styled movies but it's alright. To all you people that think that Bio Hunter is freaky and gross and gory, you obviously haven't been introduced to more diverse anime cause that is not what I'd call freaky and gory. Also if you think the sex scene in the beginning is explicit you don't wanna see Wicked City. That movie is borderline hentai.
  23. Here's one I just thought of ... Cyber +Shadow of Eyes+ Needle Ceiling. Flip Cyber Jar and use his effect, SET all your monsters in face down defense, flip Shadow of Eyes making all his f/d denfenses f/u attack, and finish with Needle Ceiling destroying all his f/u monsters and clearing his field.
  24. Jinzo is Level 6 2400/1500 Dark Type Machine. He negates all face up traps and no traps can be activated. Jinzo #7 must be the one your talking about. He's Level 2 500/400 Dark Type Machine. He attacks your opponents life points directly.
  25. Why would they put Trunks full name in a mixed name? It just doesn't sound right? DUDE think about it, Gotens full name is in GOTENks and thats just fine. I realy don't see no problem with the name Trunkten.
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