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Can someone tell me why some of the most powerfull monsters in the game are almost frickin impossible to play. Take for instant GATE GUARDIAN , 11 stars 3750/3400. He can only be summon by Kazeji,Suijin,and Sanga as a tribute. Each of those cards are 7 stars. You have to be able to have all 3 on field, protect them and hopefully have G-G in hand. That would be impossible unless they were in grave and you revive one by one and with G-G in hand tribute. Or what about 5 Gods Dragon, 12 stars 5000/5000. He can only fusion summoned by fusion 5 dragon type monsters. His effect is the best of any monster. Can ONLY be delt damage by LIGHT type monsters. But imagine how hard that would be to summon. The hardest monster to play would no doubt be Master Dragon Knight with Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, 12 stars 5000/5000. He can only be fusion summoned by BEUD and Black Luster/Chaos Soldier. First you would need 3 Blue Eyes out, fuse them to BEUD then have BLS/CS in hand with the ritual card and have the reqired sacrifice monsters out and play those and finish with another polymerization all while protecting them throughout the duel. His attack his seriously good but effect is better, gains 500 atk points for every monster in controlers grave. He would be impossible to play. It would take both a genius and a master strategist not to mention an expert player to play those cards. So why are the best cards impossible to play.
Well the only duel simulator I know about is YVD ( Yu-gi-oh Virtual Desktop ) which is at [url]www.xerocreative.com[/url] and which I am a member of. Other than that I have no idea.
Anime Deck Submissions For theOtaku's Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck Garage
shadowfire replied to a topic in Otaku Central
I recently bought 2 PGD booster boxes and combined with other cards I already owned including more PGD cards and I created my NEW Gravekeepers/Necrovalley deck . ^^GRAVEKEEPERS OF THE VALLEY^^ Monsters {18} x3 Gravekeepers Spy x3 Gravekeepers Spear Soldier x3 Gravekeepers Guard x2 Gravekeepers Assailant x2 Gravekeepers Chief x2 Mystic Tomato x1 Cyber Jar x1 Yata Garasu X1 With of the Black Forest Magics{19} x3 Necrovalley x3 Mystical Space Typhoon x1 Terraforming x1 Raigeki x1 Dark Hole x1 Change Of Heart x1 Pot of Greed x1 Harpies Feather Duster x1 Nobleman of Crossout x1 Graceful Charity x1 Creature Swap x1 Monster Reborn x1 Sword of Revealing Light x1 Snatch Steal x1 Royal Tribute Traps{7} x3 Rite of Spirit x1 Mirror Force x1 Waboku x1 Ring of Destruction x1 Imperial Order x1 Negate Attack ( adding when The Sacred Cards game is out) Total Cards {44} Gravekeepers and Necrovalley are strategies within themselves. Spy's flip effect lets me put a Gravekeeper with ATK of 1500 or less from deck onto the field. Spear Soldier has a built in Fairy Meteor Crush card. Guards returns 1 opponents monster from field to hand no matter it's position so thats always good. Assailants lets me change the position of 1 face up monster when I attack when Necrovalley is on the field. Takes care of those high defense low attack face up monsters. Chief is the strongest Gravekeeper at level 5 and 1900 normal atk strength. His effect is somewhat cool when you think about it. When you tribute summon him you can special summon 1 Gravekeeper from your graveyard. Also from my understanding when he's out MY graveyard is not affected by Necrovalley. Yata- Garasu is not good for this deck but a good card none the less. Mystic tomato is for a High degree of search ability. When he goes to grave from battle I get 1 DARK monster with atk 1500 or less from my deck to the field. He can get any of my monsters out except Yata and Chief. Cyber Jar is well , we all no what Cyber Jar is for. Witch of the Black Forest is for searchability. She can bring to my hand Spear Soldier, Assailant, Chief, Cyber Jar, Mystic Tomato and Yata-Garasu. Necrovalley boost all Gravekeepers atk and def by 500 points and negates all magics,traps, and card effects that involve graveyards so no monster revival. Also NEITHER player can remove cards from game. Terraforming gets a Necro from my deck to my hand.. Monster Reborn, You might be saying that with Necro out you can't use that card so whats the use. Well Necro isn't always gonna be on the field plus can be used with Chief even when Necro is out. Royal Tribute is only for use when Necro is out and I have no monsters and I know my opponent does and with Necro he can't get them back. It's GREAT against those Exodia decks. Rite of Spirit is for reviving my Gravekeepers even when Necro is out. Imperial Order is basically just like Monster Reborn, as in thought Necro won't always be on the field and this keeps those MST,HFD,Raigeki's, etc. from bothering you. Negate Attack is that I'm adding this when TSC game comes out. Like I stated before Gravekeepers and Necrovalley with it's family of cards are strategies within them selves. So far this deck has givin me a WIN /LOSE ratio of 24 to 4. -
I've actually drawn a Goten/Trunks potora earing fusion. Since Gotenks hair has Vegeta's hairline and straight back hair with Vegeta's SSJ form, Trunkten would be more towards Gotens style in front with Trunks style in back and sides and black with a purple strip in the middle with various purple spikes here and there. Has Gotens frame and eyes but Trunks nose and mouth. I wish I had a scanner or else I'd show ya'll but I don't. Trust me, it looks cool.
From what I remember he used Spirit Board F and messages I, N, A, l Dark Sanctuary Dark Necrofear Headless Knight Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams The Portraits Secret Sangan Jowgen the Spiritualist Dark Door and either Earl of Demise or Earthbound Spirit. I think thats all of them.
I believe that since in Gotenks Trunks is the dominant person ( just like Vegetto , Vegata is dominant and Gogetta Goku is dominant), with the earrings Goten would be the dominant one. His name would probably be the name Chi Chi suggest before their first attempt at Fusion. I do believe he probably would be called Trunkten.
Well for an Insect deck definatly go with a DNA Surgery + Insect Barrier combo ( dna call for insect types and with barrier opponent monsters can't attack).Also Drill Bug and Parasite Paraside. Man Eater Bugs are a staple for insects. Swarm of Locust and Swarm of Scarabs are good . The Petit Moth/Cocoon of Evolution/Perfect Gret Moth are the ultimate Insect cards but its hard for a mewbie to do that combo and protect it. There are more and better Water types than there are Insects. Gora Turtle is a good card. Amphibian Beast is a good trib monster. Jowl of Demise is a really good card for its effect. A staple water in my opinion is Mother Grizzly. It has Sangans effect and you can have 3, but only good with water monsters. Penguin Soldier is descent. Sinister Serpent is really good. Suijin is the ultimate water monster. Legendary Fisherman is good with Umi combo. Yomi Ship is ok especially for stronger monsters. I'm not familiar with the water and insect types but hope that helps.
If a card's effect states that it's effect is activated when it's IN the grave or a magic card that lets you dig into your grave yard such as monster revival cards are negated by Necrovalley. Cards like sangan, wotbf, mystic tomato are not negated cause they're effect takes place when SENT so that effect is activated during the process so they are not negated. All monster revivals are negated . At least thats the conclusion i've been able to process.
Is that girl that now travels with Sesshomaru ( i think her name is Rin), is she now like his little kiddy girlfriend or something ?.
I recently went bought 2 PGD complete boxes and from those cards and with cards that I already have I built this GraveKeeper Deck. Currently its at 18 wins and 2 loses built I think it could be better. Tell me what you think. #Monsters# *TRIBUTES* Gravekeepers Chief x2 *1-4 LEVEL MONSTERS* Gravekeeper Spy x3 Gravekeeper Spear Soldier x3 Gravekeepers Guard x3 Gravekeepers Assailant x2 Mystic Tomato x2 Cyber Jar Yata Garasu With of the Black Forest #Magics# Nacrovalley x3 Mystical Space Typhoon x3 Terraforming Raigeki Dark Hole Change of Heart Pot of Greed Harpies Feather Duster Nobleman of Crossout Graceful Charity Creature Swap Monster Reborn Swords of Revealing Light Snatch Steal Royal Tribute #Traps# Rite of Spirit x3 Mirror Force Waboku Ring of Destruction Imperial Order Total cards--44
Not a real good combo but in a desperate time might be handy . Bad Reaction to Simochi+Upstart Goblin = You get 1 card and opponet gets 1000 lp direct damage. Bad Reaction to Simochi+The Eye of Truth= You get to see your opponents hand and he get 1000 direct lp damage each turn if he/she has a magic card in hand( which is almost always there). Snatch Steal +Bad Reaction to Simochi= You get his monster and as long as you have it he loses 1000 direct lp at each of his standby phases. Bad Reaction to Simochi+Upstart Goblin+Rain of Mercy=You get 1 free card and 1000 lp and opponent gets 2000 lp direct. I got some more but i'll put those up another day. These are basically magic/trap direct lp damage strategies.
Anime Cartoon Network Line-Ups...and anime on television announcements
shadowfire replied to Syk3's topic in Otaku Central
On ANN it has an article with an interview with the CN producer who's responsible for Toonami,Adult Swim and SNES and in the article he says Rurouni Kenshin should have been on Adult Swim from the beginning. Even the producer agrees with most everybody who's knows about Kenshin. He also said they'r looking in to Tenchi GXP. -
Can some one please explain the Necrovalley card for me. I know that when it's face up on the field all effects of magic,traps, and effect cards that involve graveyards are negated and neither player can remove cards from game, but what does it mean "involve graveyards".? Does that mean cards like monster reborn and call of haunted are negated, or the effacts of cards like sangan and WOBF are negated ?.
Anime Cartoon Network Line-Ups...and anime on television announcements
shadowfire replied to Syk3's topic in Otaku Central
Well I just read up on some good news. On animenewsnetwork.com it says that beginning October 5th AS Sunday will be a full 6 hours long. Well they'll show the usual run then re-air in an encore presentation. Also beginning October 20th FLCL will begin airing again wich is by far the best news. -
Well here's a couple of my own personal quote's and some that I just like..... "Test the Rules and Pushe the Limits"---made up by me "Pi$s me off any more and you will be spitting up blood"--made by me. "Right and Wrong are just words, what matters is what you do"--can't remeber who it's by but I still like it. "Without pride you are like the wind, you're there but you're not there" -- made by me.
For me it's the Gryphon all the way. The body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle, how cool is that. Another cool one i've always liked was the Gargoyle. I've never been too interested in mythology but I do know a little bit of it.
I really need MWB. I wish they would hurry up and release the set.
Anime Ki energy to you is it real or not??
shadowfire replied to DragonClaw2's topic in Otaku Central
Well there is a such thing as ki and energy but we just can't do it like DBZ, that ki and energy was took to whole new unrealistic level. Real ki lets you do such things like punch thrue a dozen stone tablets and take blows to your vital life area's on the body . That's the whole basis of most martial arts, to refine , harness and maximize your energy and senses. Meditation does go a long way in refineing them, but it takes a long time and much practice to get really strong ki. So yes there is a such thing as ki energy but in real life there is no such ki that lets you fire energy blast and fly. Go to these 2 links to learn more about the DBZ flight and ki energy.. [url]http://www.dbgt.com/index.php?dbgt=information/conjinfo/flightarticle[/url] [url]http://www.dbgt.com/index.php?dbgt=information/conjinfo/energyarticle[/url] -
Anime (US/CAN) General thoughts and ratings for .hack//SIGN 26, "Return"
shadowfire replied to Shy's topic in Otaku Central
10/10 In my opinion the best episode but I'm still a little confused about the whole Sora thing. When he is data drained we see him in real life fall into a coma like thing then we see Skeith. Did Sora turn into Skeith or was that Morganna ? If Skeith was Sora, when Helba obliderated the field did that kill him or what- I'm a little confused about that part, but the best part was we get to see Tsukasa and Subaru in RL ( Tsukasa's a cute girl). I was hopeing we would also get to see Mimiru , we didn't but it was still good. Another thing that confused me a bit was at the end with the tablet with it growing red and Morganna's voice, what's with that??? -
I want to build a good defensive or a good themed dark or fiend beatdown, only thing is I suck at deck building and deck strategies. Does anybody have any good Ideas to build a really good deck.
Well i'm proud to say there's not many things i'm scared of but I do have like 2 things that I have phobia's about.... 1) Spiders. I hate those things. I'm what you would really call scared of them I just really,really hate'em. 2) Snakes. Not only am I scared of them I also hate'em with a passion. If it was up to me I'd get rid of them all. I once beat the hell out of my cousin for putting a grass snake in my face at a family reunion. So there ya go.. that's my phobia's.
Anime Somebody's suing Cartoon Network (FLCL related)
shadowfire replied to Senor Ding Dong's topic in Otaku Central
Hey, better be glad she's only b*tching about FLCL , imagine how things about this would be if she admitted she saw Blue Gender,Inuyasha and Lupin 3. She'd be foaming at the mouth if she ever saw something like EVA . I think she just needs to get a life . P.S. What is the fathers view of all this. She says she done all that but does he think of it the same way she does, and what about their kids did they ever see it? -
Anime Cartoon Network Line-Ups...and anime on television announcements
shadowfire replied to Syk3's topic in Otaku Central
Yeah one is Super Deformed Gundam and the other is Saint Seya or Knights of the Zodiac. I've somewhat thought of SDG of being a Pokemon or Digimon form of Gundam and KOTZ is basically Sailormoon for boys but much cooler. -
Ok, would this be a good combo to use or not..... Jinzo + Axe Of Despair + 7 Completed + Limiter Removal and would I might want to change the order they're played or substitute a card or 2 ?
Anime Somebody's suing Cartoon Network (FLCL related)
shadowfire replied to Senor Ding Dong's topic in Otaku Central
A bunch of damned pacifistic goodie goodie activist is all these extremist parents are. Don't they have better things to ***** about ?