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Everything posted by shadowfire

  1. If a monster is sent to the graveyard by attack, could that be considered a tribute on you summon stronger monsters. I don't think so but I heard that somewhere and wanted to know if that is possible?.
  2. My favorite moment is when Gohan turns ssj2 for the first time with the doves and with the exspression on his face and also with the view angle's but the best part is the music that's playing along with it. For some reason that's a better scene in the original sub than in the dub, I guess cause if I remember they have different music and that's the best part about it. It gives it that certain emotion.
  3. NNNNNooooo, I missed this one and by the way everyone's describing it must've been seriously good. Only 2 more left. I swear if I miss another one I'm destroying this crappy little planet !
  4. I don't even think I need to ask this cause I think I already know the answer, but if DBZ comes on SVES would it still be on Toonami.
  5. I saw a promo on Toonami for a new anime called IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix. I've never heard of it, is it any good ???
  6. Well I've already seen it but I'm watching it on AS just to see how they screw it up. I like it for the most part, but it does feel a little to much like Starship Troopers. I think what I like most about it is it's human like quality , I mean it's a war with the blue and when your at war people die, there's no sugar coating it. Also the way Yuji acts when he first awakes he acts and reacts like any other human being would but after a few days he sorta comes to terms that everyone he knew and loved and everything around him was gone and for the most part destroted ( as far as he knew) really sucked cause it that happened to the normal human it would take way longer for that to happen. Another thing is the characters, they actually ( except for hair and eyes ) have humanistic proportions. Yuji and others males have a musclular builds that proportion to human, Marleene has human proprtions, I mean she doesn't have legs to long or breast to big or to round and doesn't have the usual extreme curves, also they're not to tall . The mech's even move and look like an actual mech probably would. I like it, it's not the best anime but still it's good. That's my 2 cent's.
  7. Since CN and AS are getting new shows and such, does any body know what will replace FLCL, Blue Gender and Trigun when they are re-runed to death. I know Cowboy Bebop and Inuyasha will be returning but will any thing new be shown on AS or will another already run to death recycled show be aired to death again?.
  8. I'm building this deck for Yu-gi-oh Virtual Dueling , it's a 4-Star Deck and I read it in an article and it sounds right up my alley and I want to try it there before I actually build a real one, but tell me if there can be anything I might would want to change about it.... MONSTER CARDS Gemini Elf x3 7-Colored Fish x3 Zombyra the Dark x3 Goblin Attack Force x3 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer x3 Bazoo the Soul-Eater x3 Mask of Darkness x3 The Unfriendly Amazon x3 MAGIC CARDS Black Pendant x3 Axe of Despair x3 Nobleman of Crossout United We Stand Mage Power Ekibyo Drakmord Raigeki TRAP CARDS Light of Intervention Trap Hole x3 Ultimate Offering Shadow of Eyes Magic Cylinder Mask of Restrict x3 Mirror Force
  9. The only reason these saiyans go super the way they do is because they've all had their tails removed. If they didn't have them removed when they go super or whatever they would probably turn into golden oozaru, or maybe they would have to go oozaru first, control themselves then power up to super. Either way it's not really Brolli seing as how the DBZ movies have no corilation with the main time line, they are just fillers. They couldn't fight Brolli seing as how they were too busy with Cell . The true legendary ssj in my opinion would be a golden oozaru from thousands of years ago, or a tail-less ssj from thousands of years ago.
  10. Glad to here that. I was gonna be outta town this weekend and was afraid I'd miss something important so that lets me rest easy now.
  11. [B]Rating 10/10[/B] Tsukasu snaps out of his trance finally but what's with him yelling out at Crim "Don't hit me, Don't hit me", what's the deal with that but Crim plays it cool like " I'm not gonna hit you". So Subaru in the real world is handicaped, didn't see that coming. I thought it would be Tsukasu who had something wrong with him in the real world. The cool poses at the end were cool, the only one I liked was Mimiru's, but Crim's was cool too. Also I think Bear did write the book Crim, B.T. and Silver Knight were talking about cause after all if I'm not mistaken isn't bear an author?. Only 3 more episodes, the suspence is really chewing at my brain, but damn I'm gonna miss next week's episode # 24 and I'm mad cause I know something really crucial and critical is gonna happen. :mad: :flaming:
  12. It will be curious to see how they do Blue Gender and as for the ending credits remember they showed a little nudity in Lupin 3 so you never know. They might even create a whole new ending credits by taking opening credits and airing them at the end. But I don't care since I already own it but still I'm curious to see how they'll do it. I want to see FLCL bad, I can't wait for the panty shots :)
  13. Well I'm relatively new to the card game game and started building a deck. Since I live in a crap-*** town , it's hard to find the cards so I have to do best with what I've got, so I've got a Joey starter deck but with some changes I've made to it. FUSION CARDS Thousand Dragon Flame Swordsman NORMAL/TRIBUTE CARDS Red Eyes Black Dragon Baby Dragon Time Wizard Masaki, Legendary Swordsman Flame Manipilater Magician Of Faith Sangan Big Eye Milus Radiant Island Turtle 7-Colored Fish Armored Lizard Gearfied, Iron Knight Harpies Brother Penguin Soldier Maha Vailo White Magical Hat Darkfire Soldier Princess of Tsurugi Swordsman of Landstar Spirit of the Harp Karate Man MAGIC CARDS Remove Trap Dragon Treasure Giant Trunade Fissure Reliable Guardian De-Spell Dian Keto the Curemastar Eternal Rest Malevolent Nuzzler Dark Hole Block Attack Polymerization TRAP CARDS Fake Trap Trap Hole x2 Waboku Just Desserts Reinforcements Reverse Trap Seven Tools Of the Bandit Ultimate Offering Castle Wall Dragons Rage I'm thinking about taking out Milus Radiant,Island Turtle, and 7-Colored Fish and adding Gray Wing, The Hunter with 7 weapons, and Lizard Soldier. I'm also thinking about adding the magic card The warrior Returning Alive and the Trap Card Disappear. I know it sucks and ain't much but what can I do to make it better, cause hey it's the only one I've got so I've gotta deal with what I've got.
  14. Personally I think all are wrong. This is a question of who is THE LEGENDARY Super Saiyan . The legendary super saiyan doesn't have to be Brolly or Goku. If it was Brolly, it couldn't be because he wouldn't even been born during the age of The Legendary Super Saiyan. It certainly can't be Goku since Vegeta is older than him,and Vegeta was talking about the legendary super saiyan before Goku even knew what it meant. So I think that THE LENGENDARY SUPER SAIYAN must be someone back before DBZ's time, who trained enough to to become the legendary warrior. I mean think, if Goku and Vegeta and practically anyone of saiyan bloodline can go super saiyan, what is to stop any ol' saiyan from the past from fighting and traing enough to get the ability or some one born with extremely high power level doing and going thrue the requirements to abtain the super level, and just because one came up every 1000/3000 years, that doesn't mean that that is a definate rule. I mean there are 7 super saiyans walking and talking all in the same timeline.. so I concure The True Original Legendary Super Saiyan was born in ancient saiyan times long before the DBZ time frame. Just because Brolly is a powerfull full fledge Ultimate Super Saiyan level, that doesn't mean he's The Legendary super saiyan . Just look at the Meaning of the word LEGEND. They state Brolly was "THE LEGENDARY" S.S.J, for that to be true he would have to Immortal cause for him to be THE LEGEND he would have to be the original, first to transform saiyan and he is not. They should've stated he was "A LEGENDARY" but you could say that for Goku,Vegeta, and every other SSJ. But wouldn't also the legendary one be the strongest one and wouldn't he be in original ssj form, but look at all the other SSJ forms there are. So like I said, the legendary SSJ was born before the DBZ time line. Man Akira Toriyama screwed up big time with the whole super saiyan/ legendary super saiyan thing.
  15. I can't wait for Big O 2 and FLCL. B.O.2 looks better than Big O 1, and I know how a lot of people say FLCL is weird, but personally I thinks it's really cool. I don't care about Blue Gender cause I've already seen that but yeah they will be butchering it. Also any one know when CN will start airing Saint Seiya.?
  16. shadowfire


    BMX is like my fav sport . I've riden for like 6 years now but I do street,dirt,raceing, and flatland. I'm best at flatland. I perfer a more technical aspect rather than a huge air/big trick aspect. My best air trick is a superman, where as my best flatland trick would really be considered a flatland/tech street trick and it is a 360 bunnyhop tailspin or a 360 whopper.
  17. Man I have to work out everyday. If I don't I feel really slow and tired, basically no energy. I do a little martials arts so I practice that about 3 times a week plus I run a couple miles at least 3 times a week so that gets in good cardio, but I do situps, crunches, pushups, pullups everyday and I use to do weights until I bought a Jackie Chan Cableflex and to me it's better than free weights. But whatever I do, I do it hard, as hard as I can. I work out until I can't move, till every muscle in my body hurts and is numb and limbs feel like they weight a ton ( doing that really gets that definition). Right now I think I'm working hardest on my chest cause I was practically born with very little pectorals and thats a real hard place for me to get results. I don't try to get all bulky ( I couldn't even if I wanted to) I am a naturally a lean guy , a leaner built dude, considering I'm only 5'1 . But yeah I have to workout/exercise cause I also like it and also I feel drained and I don't like that.
  18. Can some one please simplifie the effect and description of the trap card Bark Of Dark Ruler. I just don't get how and when to play it.
  19. If my sources are correcte DBZ is starting back to somewhere in the frieza saga and July 17th, Rurouni Kenshin returns to Toonami. It's about time they return RK, but why is DBZ started with frieza. Before they finished Buu Saga they re-aired it all but stopped at the Garlic Jr eps but then re-aired those on Fridays and stopped them at about when Trunks shows up. Why don't they restart it from there ??.
  20. The only things that I can tell are different from Toonami and AS versions are .. alittle blood..minor swearing ocassionaly...the refrain's to God or God's..and in Big O's cockpit when he gets in it it now says " In The Name of God" where before it was " In The Name of Truth and Justice", so not much uncut but hopefully Big O 2 will have a lot more than that.
  21. I was just wondering how this Anime Network Video on Demand thing works. OK I have basic digital cable but AN ain't in my area yet. If I wanted An when it comes into my area would I be able to get it with just basic digi. cable. Would I have to call to subscribe or would it just be added as an extra channel or something. Also on AN website it says that Comcast subscribers it is added at no extra charge or something like that , in my area I get Charter Communications but would it be on about the same way .
  22. Could some one tell me what happened in this episode cause I sorta missed it ?.
  23. I didn't know they picked up Saint Seiya, but what is SVES ? Is it the Saturday thing or is everyday like Toonami or AS. Also DBZ at 12:30, they better show it uncensored/uncut if it's gonna be on that late. I don't know if it's just me but does anyone else think CN needs to get their programming straight or what. I can understand bringing in a heap of new anime shows but they need to get the airing times srtaight instead of putting them all over the place.
  24. Why would they take off RK. They may hack it to bits but it's the "new hit show" for CN and Toonami. But that's the way they work, when they get good ratings on a show they seem to end it or move it.
  25. Well I have had a first hand experience with ghost . My family was house hunted about 6 years back, well we found the perfect house. We settled into but almost the day we started unpacking weird stuff started happening. This stuff went on for a while, my family blew it off as nothing , just were having trouble settling in but I sorta knew different. They changed there mind when the really freaky things started happening and then one day/night the scariest stuff went down. I'm not gonna say what but trust me, I'm not easily scared-even as a child and that scared the hell out of me. Well come to find out the realtors didn't tell us the house was haunted but in the end we found out several people comitted suicide in that house. Even though I saw what I saw, I'm still kinda sceptical about it, even though I can sorta sense when I'm not alone, when some one who ain't supposed to be there is in the room.
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