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Everything posted by shadowfire

  1. What's the deal with the 2 Kikaiders and like 4 or 5 diff. colored Hikaiders. I only was able to see like the last 5 minutes of todays.
  2. Hey, what's the name of that maroon haired, green lipped chick that's almost always by Shishio's side ?
  3. I've got a question. Does the manga eventually turn out like the anime, story and focus mainly on the cards and not the story of ancient times,millinium items and yami the pharaoh.?
  4. You want 2 corney dubbed lines... Buu Saga, Vegeta, .... " Son of a Nameck" and "Great Galaxies". Just ridiculous.
  5. I can understand taking off Cowboy Bebop but Trigun( I love Trigun). They hadn't even shown it twice yet and off it goes, and what is it replaced with.. that ****** 13 ep Reign. Kikaider is somewhat cool, the effects are cool but whats turning me off is the characters, they look way too old-school anime, and Inuyasha, they better show some new eps and all I got to say is that they better not take it off before they do. Lupin, I got no problem with, I just wish they would show all the episodes , they skiped like 3 I think. AS is planning on bringing Big-O and Blue Gender soon, don't know when but soon. They better not butcher Blue Gender. But with RK, they did butcher it, but at least since new eps. they've started showing just a little more blood.
  6. Is it true that Cyborg 009: Cyborg Killer will start being aired on CN sometime in June ?
  7. Those bastards, I like Trigun. It would be stupid and not fair to only show Trigun 1 1/2 times but showed that stupid Reign 5 or 6 times.
  8. Ya know CN will piss you off. Starting either May 31st or June 7th, I believe Toonami will take off YYH and show DB again , but they will move YYH to saturdays in DB's time slot and they will show it from the begining. They just started it from the beginning about 2 weeks ago. Wish they'd quit moving things around. Also when Kikaider shows on Adult Swim, what show will be bumped off. They better not take off none, they need to just extend Adult Swim 30 more minutes, or add another hour to it and make it 4 hours. Unless they're gonna have a certain show on like the new Sunday/Monday version and only show it once a week :flaming::mad: ,CN has some programming issues if you ask me.
  9. I dunno but I know of a guy that would be perfect as vegeta. The guy that plays in the Transporter, also in Jet Li's The One, and even in the new Italian Job. Can't think of his name but he'd be perfect, he's shorter, knows martial arts, has a high odd shaped hair line, has an attitude and wears a grizzled face and even has a weird voice. I think that dude would be perfect to play Vegeta.
  10. To me it's not gay or girly. If you do that then fine , I don't do it but if you like to then go ahead. I mean cummon, guys weren't really meant to shave facial hair but most do, I have to at least once a week. Guys weren't meant to have ears pierced but I got 2 in my left ear, so if a guy likes doing things like that then who are we to question them.
  11. I have read a little info on Fox's live-action DBZ. Fox is planing on making 4 movies, each from the Saiyan Saga, Frieza Saga, Android/Cell Saga, and the Majin Buu Saga. They are trying to get them as a PG-13 rating, and to each be 3 to 4 hours long. George Lucas's CGI company ILM is doing the special effects. Unfortantly, filming has been delayed intil summer 2004 cause of casting and schedule problems. After filming and post-production special effects are done, the first movie won't be out until well into 2005. The title has not been decided yet, but FOX is thinking of titles such as "DragonBall Z: Unlimited" or "DragonBall Z: Fight For Mankind".
  12. I'm a definate mixture of The Demon,The Athlete,The Rebel,The Brains,The Artist,and The Silent one. I'm the one you have to be careful around, I'm the most physical fit and sports enthusiast one, I'm the who who does things my own way and don't do anything I don't wanna do, I'm definatly the smartest of the family but I'm not help someone with work cause these need to learn how to do it their selfs, I can draw really good and I do got a good imagination, and I am the silent one, I perfer peace and quiet, I don't talk much I perfer to stay to my self, I've constantly got my guard up. I know that the way I am contradicts the way I am but thats me, I am seriously unique.
  13. Does any body but Bulma have a last name. Well when she gets married to Vegate I assume she takes his sir name but what is it. Goku,Krillin,Satan,Videl,Yamcha.. no one has a last name.
  14. Personally I really think if it's good, it's good, if it's bad, it's bad. But I don't think it would be a 1 time movie. To get into the EVA story and such it's defitnetly going to have to be a trilogy.
  15. I'm not saying I won't see the live-action version of anime series/movies , I'm not saying it won't be good. How technology is today and in the coming years for CGI in films I think they could pull a lot off. To me it's like taking a classic movie and re-making it and it turns out to suck(i.e. Planet of Apes, Star Wars ?), it doesn't do it justice. Thats the way this is, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I'm not saying I won't see it, I won't say I won't like it, I'm not saying it's going to suck, to be honest I actually want them to make the DBZ movie, but why scrwew up a good thing.
  16. First DBZ, then Akira,and Ninja Scroll now EVA. What the hell are these people smoking. The people who thought of this idea needs to be draged into the woods and mauled be a bear. Stupid Bastards.
  17. Well I'm a combo of Yusuke Yurameshi, Hiei,Vegeta,gohan, and Ken Hidaka. With Yusuke= I've got a very rebelious attitude.I'm also a smart-***. Hiei= I'm a loner and I've got the don't screw with me or you will be missing a head attitude. Gohan= My mother is exactly like ChiChi, pushy,over protective,demanding,tries to pull a guilt trip on you when you don't do things her way. Vegeta= I've got a lot of pride and I am shorter than average and I am quiet . I do get annoyed, irittated , and pi$$ed off easily. I do have the same attitude. Also I've got the same habitt, walking around always with me arms folded. I've done that for years. I also don't like to smile, but I do do the smirky grin. Ken= well i look like ken.
  18. I haven't seen the series but I do own the X/1999 movie. From what I understand the series "elaborates" the story and characters. Goes more in-depth with it.
  19. I can't count have many injuries I've had, nothing series but mostly some big bruises and a large amount of cuts that have left scars. Out of all the diciplines I know and try, flatland is definatly the safest.
  20. Any body know how old Kenshin, Kaoru, Sanosuke, Yahiko, and Ms. Mizumi are ?.
  21. No but I am an active Freestyle BMX'er. I ride street and dirt occasianally but I mostly ride flatland and even sometimes racing.
  22. I've been interested in Yu-gi-Oh for a while now. I've mainly just watched the anime but lately I've wanted to learn to play the game. What rules do I need to learn and how would I go about choosing a deck and getting a good deck started. ? I've already got a couple good cards (e. Blue Eyes White Dragon, Fiend Megacyber, Wall Shadow, Thousand Eyes Restrict). What could I do with these that I've already got.
  23. Does Yugi have parents. You see hid grandfather but never a mom or dad. Also is he an only child.?
  24. I am a definate mix between FIRE, WATER, and ETHER. For FIRE I am...unpredictable, quick tempered, and a leader. No one controls me but me. I will take out anybody, even my loved ones if there is a need to. For WAATER I am... fluid, cohesive. I am tough, but very hard to break. I can adjust to any situation. Give me a challenge, I'll accomplish it or go down trying. When I am needed, you never know- I may be, I may not. It's up to me. For ETHER I am...mysterious, aloof, and deadly. I hold my self away but I strike when you least expect and in a way you least expect. I do hold poison and I will inject you at a moments notice. I know you better than what you know yourself. I know what you are going to do even before you do. I am unpredictable but can predict you.
  25. I HIGHLY DISAPROVE OF SUICIDE! I have a sister who is schizophranic /w manic depression ans she has tried to kill herself over a dozen times. She has been in more mental hospitals than I can count, sees therapist on regular basis and has been on practically every mental medication there is. I have never been one to show emotions but damnit if you even have thoughts of suicide you need help--bigtime. And wiccansamurai, you are WRONG. If you get depressed or suicidal then you are obviously weak-minded. I am a seriously strong minded person. I have more pride, honor, and dignity than humanly possible, and I am also strong-willed. Suicide is a stupid decision to make. If you don't know what else to do then you are weak-minded. A strong minded person would know not to give up, tomorrow might be a better day. Just because you you have a rough or depressing life does not give YOU the right to take away such precious life that was given to you. That is NOT your decision to make. So what if you get depressed, everybody at some time in their life does. It's a human emotion. Deal with it and get over it. If any one has ever contimplated suicide you need to see a shrink. ( and that is coming from someone that hates shrinks or psyciatrist ) God only helps you if you help yourself . If you think and believe things will get better and strive to make them better, they will get better. And besides, I don't know if this is true but most people I know believe that if you commit suicide your soul will not go to heaven, but sent to hell as punishment . Now I am a bit of a somber person, and I know I am preaching and lecturing when I despise people who preach and lecture, but damnit this subject touched a somewhat sensitive nerve with me. Because I am a somewhat somber person with a pissed of attitude and a quiet demeaner, I am always getting asked if I am depressed or suicide. Obviously people that say they know me don't truly know me. If they did they would know that I highly despise and dissaprove of suicide. I once beat the hell out of a neighbor cause he was contemplating it. I may not be the most religious of justified person out there, but suicide is only thought up of by people who have mental illnesses or by people who need counseling due to lifes problems. If you have ever thought of suicide then I feel sorry for you, I pitty you. But just remember this and take this to heart,-- Suicide is never the answer, NO MATTER WHAT.!
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