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Everything posted by shadowfire

  1. Can someone explain to me why all the spoilers ( to me at least ) are blackened out, you can't see them. *I wanna know why Misty left*
  2. My favorite G-Gundam gundam is Gundam Spiegel( shadow gundam ). My other favs are.. Master Gundam, Nobel Gundam, Dragon Gundam, and Gundam Heaven's Sword.
  3. I know this don't really belong here but, we all know there is a hint of something between Yugi and Tea, but is there also a little hint of something between Joey and Mai. There's moments that hint at it a little like what she did when they were in the virtual reality game in the last part of the 3rd ep. So I was wondering, I mean cummon, they'd be perfect for each other.
  4. I swear if they banned Oreo cookies I'd hunt down every person involved and make them cease to no longer exsist. :p That is an American pastime food. You bann that and you might as well be banning Coca-Cola or something like that. What a bunch of dumb idjits.
  5. Looks real good, looks like you got some art talent, and thats coming from someone who already has natural art abilities. Although the SSJ2's eyes look weird but other than that it's an 8 out of 10 from me. I just wish I had a scanner so I could show off some of my art pics.
  6. Well if there is something between those 2 then why is it in PKMN Advanced ( next years series) Misty nor Brock isn't in it.
  7. No, but I did see the live action movies.... Avoid them at all cost. They sucked worse than what the Street Fighter movie did. If the anime is anything like the movie.. I think i'll avoid that series.
  8. If you made up your own DB/DBZ/DBGT character, who would he/she be. Mines a Saiyan. The first original Legendary Super Saiyan. Here's his short Bio and Attacks. CHRONA-- Bio. Believed to be the very first original humanistic Super Saiyan. He had his Saiyan tail painfully ripped out by a gang of bullies as a child. Goku is a descendant of him. He had an ability to power up to immense power when made angry, Gohan inherrited this great and rare ability. He died at the age of 35. Believed to haved died be sacrificing himself to destroy a new unknown evil on anoyher planet in another galaxy in the universe. The unknown new evil prescence is now believed to be the first reign of the evil magician Bibidi and his creation- Majin Buu. Chrona--Attacks. "Prominence"- Solar Flair like shine out of hand. Energy blast fired from each finger tips, swirling much like a Special Beam Cannon. "Genocide Comet"-Power up like Final Flash. Shoots multiple energy blast from one original energy ball. "Aurora Disk"-Power up like Big Bang Attack. Fires multiple Destructo Disk in a machine gun fashion. "Shadow Wave"-An energy wave that when shot temporarily dissapears then suddenly hits opponent off-guard. "Aurora Lightning Clap"-An attack that can only be used in SSJ2 mode. An attack that when hands held up,cupped, it collects all electrical strikes in ones aura. Formed into a ball, then hands brung in front of ones self, this attack shoots multiple lightning bolt blast. < Thought to have used this technique only twice>.
  9. Can anybody tell me the name of the that has the phrase in the twighlight or something about twighlight in the part of it.
  10. I would want 6 superpowers.. Ultimate Speed.. To be faster than the speed of Mach 5. Invisibility.. To go invisible at command. Phasement.. To phase thru any solid object. Telekinesis.. To move anything with just my mind and to control other people's minds. Morphment.. To take the form of anything my mind could conceive. Spirit-Summon.. To call for any good or evil spirit at command.
  11. How do you put a banner on your post and profile. I've been trying to figure this out but just can't do it.
  12. Does anyone here besides me like hentai?
  13. Spike in Cowboy Bebop..when he finally accomplished what he had wanted to do..he died. Fuma in X:The Movie.. sad because Fuma and Kamui were best childhood friends and Fuma kept insisting he was Kamui and that Fuma was dead,but Kamui knew he was still Fuma and since Fuma wanted to kill everyone on Earth, Kamui knew the only was to win the war with Dragon's of Heaven and Earth and to save the Earth was to kill Fuma, even though they were best friends and he didn't want to do it- he did it for the safety of mankind. Also the ending song "Forever Love" really set a sad tone.
  14. Well here's what I have to say.... Physical: Well I'm short and I'm a slimmer guy. I look like Akito from Nadesico- slim and very triangular even got wild brown hair too. Alot of people underestimate me but anyone who knows me or has ever brawled with me knows-- I am seriously strong for my height and size. Not only that but my best attribute to that is my speed an agility- seriously fast and extra light on my feet, I'm like a cat. I'd guess my best physical attribute is my overall physical element of suprise. And also my eyes, I got sharp, thin, quick eyes. Personality: Well lets just say combine the attitudes/peronallities of Vegeta,Hiei,Yusuke Yurameshi,Picillo,Priss,Inuyasha,Tenchi Masaki,Nene, and Akito and you would have a peronality like mine. I'm not gonna go into details about it but trust me- you wouldn't like me if you met me.
  15. Jupiter Jazz pt 2,Real Folk Blues pt 2, Bohemian Rhapsody ,Hard Luck Woman,Mushroom Samba( I liked the talking frog), and I can't remember it's title but the first ep. where Faye enters the show.
  16. I know some company is planning a live-action Dragoball Z movie, but I heard somwhere there has already been a Dragonball live-action released in Japan. Is this true.
  17. Yeah dude, thats what I do. Action Channel has some pretty descent anime on it, thats's why i got it. Can't wait for The Anime Network. But yeah 3x3 Eyes, it's good but the second half is better. Better animation quality, much brighter,sharper,crisper style. Plot and even the voices are better. It's not the greatest title out there but it's a descent on.
  18. I'll try to name just a few of my favs. Ryoko::Tenchi Muyo(my fav character in all of anime) Sailor Mars/Raye::SailorMoon Sango::Inuyasha Nene,Sylia,Priss,and Galatea::Bubblegum Crissis 2040 Boton::Yu-Yu-Hakusho Yuri::DirtyPair Flash Aisha Clan-Clan,Melfina::Outlaw Star Mai Shurunagi::Fatal Fury The Motion Picture ALL THE FEMALE'S from:: Nadesico, especially Ruri Rain,Allenby::G-Gundam Serenity,Mai,and Tea::Yu-Gi-Oh ALL THE FEMALE'S from::Megami Paradise Misato and Asuka::Evangelion ALL THE FEMALE'S from::Burn Up W/Excess ALL THE FEMALE'S from::Sorcerer Hunters ALL THE FEMALE'S from the hentai::Shusaku/Shusaku Replay ALL THE FEMSLE'S from the hentai::Bible Black.
  19. Whats the cards you absolutly need, or want. For me it's Black Witch, Black Luster Soldier, Celtic Guardian,The Fiend Megacyber,Black Magician Girl,Relinquished(I got thousand eyes restrict),Sanga Of The Thunder,and Chaos Magician.
  20. I have an attitude much like a combo of Vegita's of DBZ, Heiei of Yu-Yu-Hakusho, and Kai's of Beyblade. So a lot sorta pisses me off. I don't like incompitant people. I get annoyed and irritated very easily. I hate to be patiant, kept waiting.I hate to be rushed, u rush me i'm just gonna take my sweet little time out of pure spite. I'm very much a loner(by choice) and i don't like to talk that much, i perfer to be quiet, but when i got something to say or someone ask me a question i'm gonna say what i'm gonna say and if you don't like it then oh-well. I'm a no-nonsence type of person.I have way to much pride, a serious sense of honor, and an appropriate sense of dignity. I don't like people who try to get me to do something i don't wanna do, i play by my own rules...But i think what pisses me off the most is my mom. we are almost excactly the same, we look the same but since i'm a male i have the more male-ish look but we still look the same. We're about the same height, attitudes are different but somewhat the same. And because we are similar and yet so different we clash -alot. But even though i don't show my(if any) emotions, I still love her, even though i don't show it or say it.
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