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Everything posted by Wintermute

  1. Hmm. The file I got credits Weird Al. Ah well. It's a well put together thing anyway. I d/led it over WinMX, so I don't have a link, I'm afraid. I recommend doing similar, it's great for a sing-a-long.
  2. All those in favour of ignoring darkrequiemX99 say aye oh and I would like to point out that I meant horseshoe craB. I apologise.
  3. Oh I'm not expecting answers, it just sounds like a well written thing
  4. 'Yes, I am drunk, but you're ugly, and in the morning I'll be sober!' -Winston Churchill 'I don't want to achieve immortality through my works, I want to achieve it by mnot dying!' - Oscar Wilde
  5. Changing away from Token decks, the deck I'm currently using has some VERY potent combos in it. I am currently school champion and can't remember the last time I was beaten (not meant in a gloaty way) I call it 'Stingray' You know stingers? Creatures, usually small ones, which can tap to do one damage to target Creature or Player? It's based on them. There are some cards which are LETHAL when combined with them. Charisma (Mercadian Masques, Rare) - Whenever enchated creature deals damage to a creature, gain control of that creature. Sigil Of Sleep - Whenever enchanted creature deals damage to a player, return target creature that player controls to it's controllers hand Ensnaring Bridges (creatures with a power greater than the no. of cards in your hand cannot attack) and Propagandas (must pay 2 mana for each creature that would attack you) are pivotal in the defence And the ultimate killer combo - Hermetic Study (enchanted creature becomes a stinger) and Horseshoe Crap (1/3, pay 1 blue mana to untap) This combo basically does X+1 damage divided however you want, each 1 damage counting as seperate from the others, so it baffles things like Circles of Protection. Good stingers include The Prodigal Sorceror (or Tim, as we like to call him, Monty Python reference) Thornwind Fairies and Stinging Barriers
  6. The video is a collage of Trigun clips, featuring much much drinking. The lyrics don't actually reference to Trigun, but I can still try to post the lyrics if you like.
  7. I hope that last wasn't a fully serious one, although I know your very upset about that. GinnyLyn, have you got an URL for that webcomic?
  8. Have any of you ever seen the Trigun Beer Song by Weird Al Yankovic? If not, I STRONGLY recommend d/ling it. It's fantastic. And catchy. I should probably be ashamed of the fact I can sing it by heart. "Oh...... What is the malten licquor, What gets us drunken quicker, What comes in bottles or in cans? BEER! Can't get enough of it BEER! How we really love i! BEER! Makes me think I'm a MAN!" and so on.
  9. I had a hamster. I can't say I was as upset when it died as I was when Benson (My old dog died) but I think that's because Buddy was with us for a year, Benson for 13, and my entire life. Nevertheless I was upset.
  10. Hikaru? Well, she's alright. She is pretty cute, but she's got nothing on Fuu. Umi now, she's just annoying. As is her Mashin. I do like Hikaru, but Fuu is miles ahead.
  11. I don't mean as a substitute, or replacement, at least not in the literal sense, but certainly if you were to move to a new country, and couldn't see your best friends any more, you'd try to make new ones, wouldn't you?
  12. It really doesn't matter? It certainly does. The baby has been killed, whether or not anyone can be tried for it.
  13. I know what you mean, I had a dog that I grew up with, it had always been there. When I was 11, and he was 13, he had to be put down. He had arthritis and cancer, and he had developed a resistance to the painkillers, so he was in constant pain. I was inconsolable. All I can suggest is getting another one. Or possibly something longer lived. I know that sounds a little callous, but it's from a detached viewpoint. Detachment often sounds similar to callousness.
  14. For me one of the most fascinating things about the way humans work is that so many people strive to find love, and almost always are badly hurt by it. I'm no exception. It's like moths to a flame. In a way, I envy the people who can just put it aside, break themselves out of the cycle, and in a way I pity them. By saving themselves from the scorching flame, they condemn themselves to the cold. Hey, I should write that down. Somewhere less transient, I mean.
  15. It always used to be my dream, so good luck to you. I hope you enjoy it.
  16. I'll admit I didn't read through the entire post, it's huge, I'm in a rush, and my connection is being even slower than normal (impressively slow, let me tell you) But so far no-one has mentioned Fuu Hououji! I'm shocked! Well done Shadowfire, but - Ruri? really? She's cute, but Nadesico has cuter. Fuu Hououji. (Magic Knights Rayearth) Unfortunately my plan to kill Ferio and steal her away for myself have been foiled by the twin facts that he is proving remarkable difficult to locate, and also she can read minds, and would know I'd done it, and would never forgive me. Fuu Hououji.
  17. The more anime is mainstream, the more people will get into it. If they stick watching Pokemon and DBZ, that's their choice. If they refuse to try other/better series, that's their loss. If, on the other hand, they go on to Slayers, Nadesico, or other high quality anime, good for them! Why does it affect me at all? I don't think it does. I watch what I like, and rarely care what's happening in the mainstream. This also applies to music.
  18. Although people seem ashamed to be into Pokemon, I really think that the series was quite good, it was the merchandising that I hated. I got into anime through Robotech. A friend of mine had some videos of it. I'm not sure how he got into it, possibly through Tom, (a friend of his, and now of mine too) but that's how I did. My favourite anime at the moment are Evangelion, the fantastic Martian Successor Nadesico, and Magic Knights Rayearth if only for the incredible Fuu Hououji
  19. Killing yourself because you daren't tell your parents you're pregnant is worse than suicide, it's homicide too.
  20. I really really hope there isn't one love for everyone, because if there is I think I may be very lonely. Circumstances are horrible things. As is geography, long distance does not work. Here's hoping!
  21. I had a messy time recently with an on/off thing. I would definately advise not doing it. Whatever broke you up the first time will likely resurface in some form or another, and it won't be pretty.
  22. I certainly do not think suicide is the cowardly way out, anyone who is able to do that to themself is very brave in my opinion. However, I don't personally think it's ever justified. If life is SO bad, that the only option is to opt out, then surely life can only get better? I was once on the verge myself, but I stopped and thought. I thought about why I was so depressed, and whoes fault it was. I thought about what could be done. Instead of coming out of that situation untroubled, but dead, I came out determined to change things. And I have. At the moment I am a MUCH happier person than I was a few years ago. Life isn't perfect, (what is?) but its a big improvement. Now I'm sure you will have tried to change the circumstances, probably many times, so I'll just say this : Never give up. When things can't get any worse, they can only get better.
  23. As has been mentioned, outlawing bullets wouldn't help at all, because criminals don't obey the law. They are noted for it. Gun crime is, unfortunately, on the increase here in the UK. On the increase, but not yet that high. I've never been threatened with a gun, nor has anyone I know, although I do know someone who was threatened with a knife. Where do you draw the line? After guns, do we go after knives? What size knife? Because knives have common purpose. Especially if you a butcher. I don't know how many uses I've found for my trusty pen-knife. I know this is a little bit of a digression, but I think youcan see my point. It's hard to know where to draw the line. Don't get me wrong, I think that guns should not be allowed, but until people feel safe enough not to need a gun, they'll keep carrying them. As long as they're carrying them, they'll not feel safe. Catch-22.
  24. I know a 14 year old boy who's seeing a 20 year old girl(/lady) I'm not going to say they don't get odd looks together. I personally don't think that's acceptable, but they do, and I suppose it's their opinions that matter. They certainly seem happy enough. But the thing is, they haven't ever hopped on the good foot and done the bad thing. They probably wont. On the other hand, i know a 17 year old, who has, with a 14 year old. The age difference is much less severe, but it is FAR more controversial. She was, and is consenting, and I'm not even sure it was her first time, but even so, she's 2 years below legal.
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